[Highlight warning: This chapter is an extraneous view of Zhu Huaiyu in the empress's world, there will be a hint of Zhu Huaiyu's unrequited love, which is more subtle, but the babies who are completely unacceptable to the lily element just skip this chapter, love you (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))]

"Zhan Xin'an.

When he opened the window in the morning, it was actually white outside, I don't know when the snow fell, it had accumulated a thick layer on the ground, and when he looked up, the whole person seemed to be wrapped in snow.

There are always some problems with several joints of the minister, and I wanted to go out to sweep the snow for you as soon as possible, but those few places were very stiff and couldn't move, so I had to go out on the fire.

Over the years, the minister's memory is getting worse and worse, and he can't always remember things, and someone came to the palace yesterday to ask what the minister lacks, and the minister has clearly prepared a list in his heart, but he can't remember a word. When you were reading with the prince, you said that the minister has a good memory, and he can memorize an ancient text in a few turns, and he must be an old lady who knows everything clearly when he is old. Now it seems that the minister is about to disappoint you.

The minister is always afraid of forgetting your face, after all, forgetting is too powerful, and he will not consult the minister's opinion, and if he forgets, he has to forget. Fortunately, I can't remember anything else, but your face has become clearer and clearer in the past two years, with amber eyes and a smile, ask the minister if he wants to drink red bean soup or mung bean soup. I thought at that time, how can there be such a prince who reads and eats with his companion all day long. Now that I think about it, it's really boring to talk about how good it is to eat, and to talk about big things every day like others.

You always think that this world is too boring, and today's ministers can no longer agree with this. This world is bustling, noisy and noisy, and it is really boring to cling to those illusory things that are not taken away from death. You're so decisive, it's time to get tired of watching.

The Cangjia kid Xun Jingcheng picked has good ability and is sympathetic to the people's feelings, so you don't have to worry too much about it here.

Xun Jingcheng is really ridiculous, he did everything possible to overthrow the Cang family, but in the end he returned the country to the Cang family.

When the minister first came to the imperial mausoleum, he always dreamed, dreaming that you were hunting on a white horse, and the minister followed behind you and kept watching, you turned around and smiled and urged the minister, saying why is the minister so slow. The minister is too awake in this life, and he can't have a moment of relaxation in his dreams, and he realizes that he is in a dream, so he has to look at you a few more times, for fear that he will forget when he wakes up.

Now that I am old, I don't dream, and I don't know where I can see you.

Your Majesty, the minister is already old, you are still the same age as you were back then, a fluttering red dress is bouncing, like a touch of rouge falling on the snow, whoever calls you, you smile at that person without any guilt. At that time, the minister didn't understand that there could be such a beautiful scene in this world, and he should sacrifice his life to keep it, but later he understood, but it was too late.

Your Majesty, the minister picked up a rabbit in a corner of the imperial tomb yesterday, and it was so frozen that he couldn't leave, so he thawed it, and now it is a lively one. The plum trees outside your house should bloom again, and you have always liked the aroma of the plum, so I planted two more. The palace sent me a small object, a jade pot that can dissolve mist when you pour water into it, and the minister also gave you one, and I didn't have time to ask you if you like it or not.

You see, you are old, and you don't know how to be polite, and everything is babbling to you, and you should feel annoyed when you see it.

There are many separations in the world, and the minister has lived for so many years, but he still can't see through it. Caught in the red dust, there is no way to get out.

The minister can always see your shadow faintly in some places these days, am I finally approaching the limit, and finally allow me to see you?

In this life, there are still a few happy days, and I can rely on these remaining joys to spend this life, and the minister also feels that it is worth it.

It was already dark, and the minister put down his pen.

——Twelve years of peace, next to the imperial mausoleum.


This world is quite serious, so the final ending may also be a little sloppy, bow to the family ( ́;ω;')

as soon as Kaven listens to the ancient style song hahahahaha, I didn't listen to the ancient style song before, and now the song list is all there, do you have any recommendations to touch?

The next one is the modern world! At the beginning, she is still the cool sister who is always rational and does not easily move emotions, and I hope everyone can continue to support ♪ ( ́ ε' ).

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