Z City near the edge of the Sekimin Mountains.

A group of centaurs struggled to escape, and behind them, countless monsters chased after them.

The monsters are crawling, jumping or running, extremely fast, and their rotten faces are invisible, but their dead gray eyes are radiating hunger and excitement for food.

The monsters were crying out with excitement, and the sound was strange and terrifying.

"Shh Frightened~frightened~!

"Boom! Boom! Boom! After

a few shots, more monsters roared.

"Run! I'll cover you! Be sure to take the K3 energy core to turn on the time shuttle! Don't let my efforts go for nothing! Run!!! The

man roared angrily, threw away the gun that had long been empty, pulled out the ten-meter knife behind his back, and turned and ran towards the group of monsters.

"Aaaaah! Labor and management fought with you! Stinky ladies Li Qusi! Wait for the boss of labor and management to cut your head! The

tall man angrily slashed at his knife to buy time for the other teammates.

But soon, endless monsters surrounded the man, and the man's screams eventually disappeared into the group of monsters.

"Click! Click! "


The chewing sound behind makes the scalp numb, but more than that, it makes people angry!

"Wow! Leopard!!! Labor and management fight with you dog mongrels!

Among the remaining five, a bald man gritted his teeth with red eyes, picked up a huge machete, and was about to run back.

"Ironhead, you're crazy! Come on! Are you going back to the zombies now? You go just to send to death! Don't let leopards make fearless sacrifices! Hurry up and run! There is Xuemin Mountain in front, and it is safe to go to the mountain! The

bald man was pulled by the red-haired woman and ran desperately towards Xuemin Mountain not far away.

The zombies behind him were blocked for a while, and soon more zombies chased after several people.

Seeing that the monster was getting closer and closer, and the five people who were running hard were about to be caught up by the zombie group, the man who had been running at the front of the team stopped.

The man was tall and powerful, and suddenly turned around and ran towards the zombie group.

"Boss!! What are you doing! Come back soon! The

other four people who ran sharply were stunned by the man's movements, and reacted to go back to busy the man.

The man seemed to sense the intention of the four, and his sonorous voice floated in the wind.

"You guys go first, I have recovered my powers, there are too many zombies, I'll block it for a while!" Take the K3 nucleus and go! No matter who it is, you must go back in time to stop Dr. Chen Hua's death!! This is humanity's last hope!!

After the man finished speaking, he threw a blue crystal in his hand to everyone, and ran to the zombie group without looking back.

The blue crystal was caught, and the other three were red-eyed, not daring to look at the cruel scene behind them.

"If you don't want to die, go quickly! Living for so long and not learning to look down on sacrifice? Arriving safely at Xuemin Mountain is the right thing to pay for the brothers! The

man with the blue crystal ran in the front, and his icy voice mercilessly stimulated the other three.

As soon as the other three heard this, they immediately sobered up and ran towards the Xuemin Mountain in front of them.

"Grandma's! If labor and management do not die this time, labor and management must be sentenced to death to Li Qusi! I want to avenge my brothers! Labor and management are going to slaughter the mongrels born by the smelly ladies!! The

red-haired woman scolded as she ran, her face covered with tears.

Gradually, several people opened the distance between them and the zombie group, and when they saw that they were about to approach Xuemin Mountain, they suddenly changed abruptly.


A huge zombie tiger jumped up from behind everyone to block the way, and the zombie tiger fangs towards everyone, showing sharp teeth.

On the back of the zombie tiger sits a "man".

The "man" had a miserable white face, a crown made of white bones on his head, a red crystal with flashing energy embedded in the middle of the crown, blood-red eyes, and a scepter strung together by a human skull in his hand.

The scepter pointed at the man holding the blue crystal at the head, and hissed in a hoarse voice: "Hand over the K3 energy core, otherwise, you will become food for my people!"

"It's the Zombie King! You don't want to dream! Even if you destroy the K3 energy core, we will not give it to you! Bah! The

red-haired woman looked viciously at the zombie king on the back of the tiger and made a gesture of dying together.

"Vice team! The zombie group behind is almost here, me and the thin man in red dragged the zombie king, you find an opportunity to escape! The

bald man spoke to the man at the head, took out the modified machine gun and was about to start.

Jiu Xi clenched the K3 energy nucleus, his brain thundered, and his body instinctively reacted to the bald man.

"Shut up!" Jiu Xi looked at the zombie king on the back of the tiger, and secretly invoked all the ice powers of this body to attack the zombie king.

"You guys go first! I'll be there soon! Jiu

Xi suddenly jumped up, and his spiritual power attacked at the same time.

The last blow of the ice energy turned into two rapid formations, one turned into a huge ice wall and broke out to block the zombie group behind him, and the other turned into a sharp ice pick and stabbed towards the zombie king.

The Zombie King snorted coldly in disdain, raised the bone scepter and shot down the ice pick.

The power was instantly drained by Jiu Xi to endure the sense of fatigue that surged up, and the majestic and powerful spiritual power attacked the zombie king.


The zombie king and his mount screamed violently, and a shrill and ugly scream resounded throughout the world.

When the zombie group behind them heard this scream, the roar became more and more manic, and the speed of running accelerated several times in an instant!


Taking advantage of the gap between the zombie king's screams, Jiu Xi stuffed a pill into his mouth and took the lead in running towards Xuemin Mountain not far away.

Just when Jiu Xi stepped into the snowy mountain of Kai, the ice wall behind him could not withstand the impact of the zombie group, and was smashed by the endless stream of zombies.

At the same time, the zombie king, who was holding his head and screaming, also came to his senses, realized that he was attacked by a mysterious force, and suddenly became angry, riding the zombie tiger and quickly chasing towards everyone in Jiuxi.

The Zombie King's bone scepter was aimed at Jiu Xi who entered Xuemin Mountain, and Jiu Xi heard the voice behind him, and subconsciously rolled to the ground, avoiding the fatal blow.

Seeing that his attack was in vain, the zombie king was furious, and left the zombie tiger to catch the bald man and the red-haired woman before the three behind entered Xuemin Mountain.

And the thin man who ran hard did not escape the fate of a tragic death.

The zombie tiger opened its big mouth and popped out a long tentacle from the depths of its throat, and the tentacles opened its serrated mouth and bit into the thin man's head.

The thin man died on the spot.

The corpses were thrown on the ground, and they were quickly eaten up by the zombies that rushed in, and the bones were gone.

And the bald man and the red-haired woman were pinched by the zombie king and could not speak, and the zombie king looked at Jiuxi who was a hundred meters away from him, his face was grim, and he threatened Jiuxi.

"Hand over the K3 energy core, otherwise, both of your companions will have to become the blood food of my people!"

Jiu Xi stopped and looked back at the two who were struggling in pain, and a trace of determination flashed in his eyes.

"Red-clothed, Iron Army, you guys go all the way! Your sacrifice today will not be in vain! I will avenge you! After

Jiu Xi finished speaking, he endured a severe headache, and his mental power slammed into the minds of the bald man and the red-haired woman.

Only listening to the "click", the heads of the two people in the hands of the zombie king were split, blood slowly flowed out, the pupils of the two quickly spread, and the heads also fell softly, obviously they had already died.

"Roar!! Slut!! If I catch you, I will definitely make you live worse than die!! The

zombie king angrily threw down the two corpses in his hand and let them be eaten by the zombie group.

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