The lieutenant looked at Jiuxi and thought that Jiuxi was also an old soldier who had been in the army for many years, and it was impossible to speak and do things without knowing the consequences.

In addition, he has recently heard some news from his superiors about the abnormality in country M, so they have stepped up their training.

If what Jiu Xi said is true, then the matter is a bit serious.

After all, their border defense here has never been approached, because there are still troops of country M stationed more than ten kilometers away.

But the lieutenant would rather believe that there are outlaws disguised as refugees who want to smuggle across the border, rather than believe what Jiu Xi said about the elimination plan.

It's so rip-off.

The lieutenant waved his hand to signal the two to go out, and he would report it to his superiors.

Wang Daqiang came to the training ground with a scolding grin, glared at Jiu Xi and bluffed: "You boy, you don't find a decent one if you lie, I see that you are a miscellaneous thing to see too much, and monster virus, hehe!" Give me a hundred laps around the training ground! I time and run again if it's slow. Jiu

Xi glanced at the thousand-meter-sized training ground, shaking his shoulders, it was time to show the real technique!



Almost at the same time, as soon as Wang Daqiang's words fell, Jiu Xi turned into a cannonball and rushed out.

Jiu Xi ran fast and steady, and his face was not red or breathless after a hundred laps.

Wang Daqiang stared at the time on his watch dumbfounded.

It's only ten minutes before you shout yourself!

The rest of the training ground was also frightened by Jiu Xi.

Is this still human?

Ten laps a minute?!

Everyone surrounded Jiuxi, you punched Jiuxi and I punched Jiuxi, asking her what was going on, why did she suddenly become so awesome?

Jiu Xi looked up at the sky and said with a serious face: "It's about to change, I hear something roaring, I feel that my body is full of power, I feel like I'm going to become a superman to save the world, I,"

"Hey, stop, stop!" What's going on with you kid today? Jing said something headless and brainless, okay, today's training ends here," Wang Daqiang interrupted Jiuxi's words and said to Jiuxi: "You come with me." Back

at the training camp, the rest of the team was preparing for the evening border patrol.

This patrol Jiu Xi had an impression, but at that time the original owner did not participate because of heat stroke, so the patrol disappeared two people at night, and later the army checked, but it was not found out that the end of the world came.

Now it seems that eighty percent have encountered infected people who have been brutally killed.

Jiu Xi also packed up his things and prepared, there is a good show tonight.

"Nobita, you kid bring me over." Wang Daqiang frowned and shouted Jiuxi, a trace of worry flashed in his eyes.

"Captain, what's wrong?"

"Nobita, are you taking any stimulants? Smuggled from the side of country M? You tell me the truth, you, once discovered by the top, you ruined yourself! "

“...... Not really, I just started to see that monster, captain, you see,"

Jiu Xi picked up a stone on the ground, and with a light squeeze of the stone, it shattered into powder.

"Captain, I really feel that something big has happened in country M, don't you think that the army of country M on the opposite side is very wrong?"

"This," Wang Daqiang was silent, agreeing with Jiuxi's words, but still said: "As long as I don't eat that thing, I will be relieved, and also, tomorrow I will apply for a half-day leave to go to the military doctor to check it, don't make a big problem."

"You don't have to go on patrol tonight, tell your brother to go to your place."

Jiu Xi quickly packed up his things, changed into bulletproof armor, and said: "No, I know how awesome I am, I can patrol tonight." "

Wang Daqiang: ... When did this kid become so narcissistic and stubborn?

Before patrolling at night, Jiu Xi found the brother of the original owner and gave him a needle in the neck.

An Chutian, who was suddenly pricked, was stunned.

The sharp pain and sourness coming from his neck made An Chutian want to curse, but it was his own brother who pierced him, and he could only dare to be angry and not dare to speak.

An Chutian, who was confused, was kicked by Jiu Xi and then smashed on the ground and fainted.

Jiu Xi found Wang Daqiang and said, my brother fainted inexplicably, trouble the captain, you help take care of it, I went to patrol.

Then Wang Daqiang endured the action of rolling his eyes, looking at the shoe prints on An Chutian's face and the blood flowing from his nose, suppressing the urge to beat people violently, and helplessly dragged An Chutian into the dormitory.

As night fell, on the northwestern border, a squad of seven was walking along the Gobi.

Jiu Xi looked at the surrounding environment as he walked, and his mental power was probing out, and not far from their patrol, Country M was shooting and killing a group of people.


Not people, to be exact.

It should be zombies.

Jiu Xi's eyes were deep.

I didn't expect the zombie virus to spread so quickly, even this remote border.

It seems that she must find a way to catch a zombie so that she can attract the attention of the army.

It happened that at this time, the group was tired and had to stop and rest for a few minutes.

Jiu Xi excused himself to get rid of the sight of several people and quickly ran towards Country M.

"Toot toot!"

“Damn it, shoot him!fire!!! go go go!! "

In the barracks of Country M, a group of people were full of fire, and machine guns kept strafing more than a dozen zombies running out of the night.

The opponent's firepower is too fierce, and it is difficult for Jiu Xi to catch a zombie without knowing it.

Looking at the zombies running out intermittently, Jiu Xi seemed to have thought of something.

A small flag was taken out from the space, and as soon as the small flag came out, the wind suddenly gusted.

Jiu Xi waved the small flag in his hand at the zombie, well, shit is useless.

Threw away the small flag and took out a string of copper bells, as a result, it was useless for bullshit.

I tried several magic weapons scavenged from the Ghost Yin Sect in a row, but it had no effect at all.

The zombies still kept running towards the gunshots.

Jiu Xi was furious.

"What a shit thing! Isn't it all The Walking Dead? Why didn't it have the slightest effect?!

"Huh! High-rise buildings rise from the ground, the glory or rely on themselves!! After

Jiu Xi directly dragged a zombie with spiritual power, he immediately hid in the darkness and ran towards the squad.

When the people of country M saw that the zombies ran away, they still rushed to the H country next to them, and suddenly no one stopped shooting the zombies that ran away.

"Scary! Scary! Scary! The

zombie entangled in spiritual power could not break free, and scarlet eyes hissed towards Jiu Xi in front.

In this way, a person runs quickly in front, followed by something strange in walking posture.

Seeing that the patrol team was about to arrive, Jiu Xi immediately shouted: "Brothers, run!" There are man-eating monsters! Run back!! "


Several people not far away heard Jiuxi's roar and the sound of guns going off, and they all took out their guns and pointed them in Jiuxi's direction.

"Run!" Jiu Xi looked terrified, and shot another shot at the zombie.

However, the zombie did not fall, and still frantically grabbed Jiuxi.


Everyone was also shocked by what they saw beyond their understanding, what kind of monster is this? Can you live if you are shot?

"Stop! If you go any further, we're going to shoot!" Several people pointed their guns at the approaching zombie threat, but to no avail.

"Run! Useless! I couldn't kill with a few shots! Probably with a cannon! Jiu

Xi quickly came to the side of a few people, deliberately controlling the speed of the zombies so that several people could see the appearance of the zombies.

"Groove! What is that thing? Corpse? Walking corpse? Shoot, shoot in the head! "

Bang bang!"

There was a burst of gunfire, and the zombie was shot in the head, completely unable to move.

Several people cautiously stepped forward to check, but were stopped by Jiu Xi.

"Don't get too close, danger! I just heard gunshots in the military camp of country M, and curiously went over to peek and found that the people of country M were shooting these zombies! Yes, they call this thing a zombie!

"I see, we still have to send a message to the camp and ask people to come and check what's going on!" This zombie likes to eat flesh and blood, and bites when he sees people, which is also what they say! Several

people were stunned by Jiu Xi, plus the scene just now was really weird, so they listened to Jiu Xi's suggestion and contacted the camp.

Soon there were people from the barracks.

More than a dozen soldiers and two military doctors surrounded the zombies on the ground, looking shocked.

The lieutenant had an ugly face, staring at the rotting zombies and listening to the description of Jiuxi and his group.

When he heard that the military camp of Country M strangled a large number of zombies, his face became completely gloomy.

Soon, two military doctors came to the lieutenant's side and said heavily: "Lieutenant, this, the carrion on the ground is highly decomposed, and it should have been dead for several days, and it shouldn't be able to move around and attack people!" "

Ugh!" Another military doctor suddenly shouted, "This is also the case with a friend of mine who has just returned from abroad!" At the time, I thought that he was infected during the operation, so he would bite people wildly! At that time, he was also highly rotten in the face!

"What?! Why didn't that get attention? Are there any similarly infected people in the hospital? The more the lieutenant said, the more gloomy his face became.

"First carry this corpse back to the camp for research, let's immediately return to the camp to make all the soldiers highly vigilant!"

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