Feeling the oncoming manly breath, the red clothes brushed his red face, and immediately ripped the distance between him and the comer.

Jiu Xi looked at the actions of the red clothes inexplicably, and invited again: "Come to our savior team, in a few days our team will take dozens of survivors and virus immunology experts to the north."

"When the time comes, the human refuge will be established, and you will definitely go, so why not join our team now."

Hong Yi looked at the handsome tall man in front of her and did not speak, but the expression on her face showed her inner wavering.

"I, Brother Hu saved me in the first place, I'm not good,"

but before Hong Yi's words were finished, there was a heart-rending scream from the supermarket.

"Aaaaah! Save me! Redcoat!

"Oops! Something happened to them! Hong Yi's face changed drastically, and he turned around and ran towards the supermarket.

Jiu Xi's eyes flashed, and then he also followed.

"Sting, sting, prick!"

The lights in the supermarket are dim, and sparks erupt from time to time from broken wires from the ceiling.


Something slid down the fire passage of the floor slab at a fast speed.

The sound that was still screaming just now disappeared instantly, the shelves blocked the view, and the silent dim silence made people panic.

The red coat carefully raised his pistol and walked towards the depths of the shelves, the light getting darker and darker, until he could not see the surrounding furnishings clearly.

"Tick! Tick! The

unknown liquid smashed in front of the red clothes along the ceiling, and she subconsciously raised her hand to wipe it off, only feeling the sticky, warm touch.

Hong Yi's heart tightened, and he was about to turn on the flashlight to call someone, but he was suddenly hugged from behind and covered his mouth.


Hearing a familiar voice, the tense body of the red clothes slowly relaxed.

Jiu Xi looked solemn, looked at the things on the ceiling, and slowly retreated holding the red clothes.

Just as he exited the darkness and was about to step into the light zone, a child's voice suddenly sounded.

"Wang, it's time for dinner!"

At the same time, a dazzling light pierces through the darkness to illuminate something on the ceiling.

Jiu Xi secretly said that it was not good, and he dragged the red clothes and ran out.

However, it was still too late.

The things on the ceiling opened their eyes, and countless alien zombies looked towards the two of them.

And when the red clothes saw what was hanging from the ceiling, they couldn't help but scream.

"Brother Tiger!!"

"Ho ho! Save me

, Red, Red," the ceiling was covered with humanoid zombies with wings on their backs, and the disappearing Flying Tiger Squad was tightly wrapped in yellow liquid sprayed by winged zombies.

In addition to Brother Hu, who was slightly stronger, who could still speak, several people in the other liquid had already fallen into a coma, and their flesh and blood were melting at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The winged zombie saw that Brother Tiger could still speak, and as soon as he bit off Brother Tiger's head, he began to chew it.

"Click! Click! "

Go!" Jiu Xi took out a laser gun and swept wildly at the winged aliens on the ceiling, but there were too many alien zombies, extremely fast, although there were many alien zombies who died under Jiu Xi's gun, there were still countless alien zombies towards Jiu Xi and the two.

Hong Yi looked horrified, unable to understand why this alien zombie suddenly appeared.

Jiu Xi protected the red clothes while running to find a cover-up body, and his spiritual power flowed down the depths of the supermarket, and his heart sank.

When he saw the dense alien zombies in the underground warehouse of the supermarket, Jiu Xi only felt an abnormal headache.

Zombies evolve too fast, while humans have not yet grown, this is the rhythm to be played.

"Roar! Roar! "

Countless alien zombies rushed out of the supermarket, hovering in the air in search of prey.

At the same time, some zombies in Y City, stimulated by alien zombies, also completely woke up from dormancy.

Countless zombies crawled out of the ground, jumped from vines full of fruit, or ran out of abandoned floors.

The originally quiet Y City is full of zombie roars, and the entire dead city reveals danger and weirdness.

As night fell, the danger increased a little.

"What the hell is going on here? Why are alien zombies hidden underground? I remember we didn't see these things at all when we searched for supplies. The red clothes looked out through the gap in the curtains, and it was dark outside the window, and except for the roar of the zombies, it was impossible to see what the situation was outside.

Jiu Xi glanced out the window and reminded Hong Yi: "You'd better stay away from the window, you can't see the zombies through the black screen, but the zombies can see you."

The red coat lifted the curtains for a moment, and she held her breath and slowly fell backwards.

A creepy feeling of being stared at by something hit my heart.

"Here it is again!" Jiu Xi got up helplessly, pulled up the red clothes and ran.


Accompanied by the sound of glass shattering, and the deafening zombie roar.

At the moment when the two opened the door, the red-eyed skeleton zombie jumped in with a machete in hand.

Immediately afterwards, there were alien zombies falling from the sky chasing after the two.


Countless zombies climbed up from the window, their limbs bouncing, and quickly followed the other zombies to chase and kill the two.

The two who ran out of the door were about to jump downstairs, but found that the building they were in was surrounded by dense zombies.

Under the night sky, danger is closing in step by step, and Red Yi can only barely see the building in front of him.

The zombie roar behind her was getting closer and closer, and just when she thought she was going to explain this, Jiu Xi jumped on the roof with her in his arms.

The roof is a Western-style church design, and the downward sloping spire simply cannot stand firmly.

The skeleton zombie wanted to climb the spire, but the edge was too slippery, and as soon as he climbed up, he was swept down by Jiu Xi.

Seeing that the alien was about to catch up with them, Jiu Xi took out a sixty-meter big knife and hacked a string of alien zombies, then used the big knife as a lever to support the ground, and jumped to the roof in the distance with the red clothes.

"Hold me tight!"

After Jiu Xi finished speaking, he continued to bounce, so many times, after throwing off the chasing zombies, he jumped off the roof with his red clothes and quickly ran towards the experimental base.

Jiu Xi was extremely fast, and the cold wind hit Hong Yi's face, but it made her feel cold at all.

Gradually, the zombies behind him roared farther and farther away, and occasionally there were zombies that did not have long eyes blocking Jiuxi's way, not waiting for the zombies to pounce and bite, Jiuxi smashed the zombies with a knife.

Just as he was getting closer and closer to the experimental base, Jiu Xi stopped.

"What's wrong?" Hong Yi looked up at Jiu Xi in puzzlement, and followed Jiu Xi's line of sight to look into the distance.


I don't know when, the moon in the clouds floated out, and under the faint moonlight, Hong Yi could only see the smiling expression on Jiuxi's face.

As soon as the words of the red clothes fell, a large area of lights lit up in the distance.

Soon, the light spread in front of Jiu Xi.

Countless green-eyed zombies held energy electricity and stood in a long line.

At the end of the long line is the experimental base.

"It's a zombie! Come on! The red-clothed pupils shrank, pulling Jiuxi and wanting to run.

No, Jiu Xi didn't move.

"How?" Redcoat confused.

Jiu Xi glanced behind him and said lightly: "What to run, that thing is trying hard to force me out, moreover, the zombie group five hundred meters behind us is no less than half a million."

"What?!" The red clothes were shocked, and looked back at the dark night in disbelief.

Suddenly, the buildings in the distance floated densely red or green glows.

"Oh my God!!"

Hong Yi gasped, and goosebumps crawled all over her body with fear after realizing it.

"Let's go, it's been waiting for that thing for a long time."

Jiu Xi looked at the energy electricity of the green-eyed zombie and felt that his momentum could not be lost.

So, Jiu Xi took out a ten-meter big knife and burned another lower grade spirit stone attached to the big knife.

In an instant, the bright white light of the big knife illuminated the area with a radius of ten miles.

When the green-eyed zombie saw the divine knife in Jiuxi's hand, his eyes showed envy.

In addition to the overbearing spirit on Jiuxi's body, the zombies all unconsciously stayed away from the two of them wherever Jiuxi and the two passed.

When everyone in the laboratory, who was surrounded by a large number of zombies, saw this scene, they only felt that Jiuxi's image was instantly tall and handsome, and the feeling that made people's blood boil made everyone eager to rush out of the base and fight side by side with Jiuxi.

However, the people who still had reason held back.

It's better not to cause trouble for the big guy.

Wang Daqiang and the two looked at the densely packed zombies outside, and they were anxious.

The two want to rush out to save Jiuxi, but they are worried that their rash actions will bring disaster to the people in the laboratory.

Gradually, Jiuxi got closer and closer to the "people" in the open space in the center of the laboratory base.

Hong Yi clenched his fists nervously, and his heart beat like thunder.

Jiu Xi pointed his knife directly at the "person", disdaining and mocking: "Dirty things, hidden quite deeply!"

The "man" was not angry when he was pointed at by Jiu Xi with a knife, and said with a smile: "Sergeant An, join us?" In this world, I will divide you half. "

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