
The sound of the plane vortexing is extremely loud, but the "bang" sound from the top can still be heard.

Worried that the zombies on the top of the plane were swept into the turbine and the plane crashed, Jiu Xi had to get out of the plane to kill the zombies.

"Little garbage, open the emergency pod, I'll go up and clear the obstacles."

"Host, don't go out, look at me! You guys hold tight! Jiu

Xi secretly said that it was not good, grabbed the seat to remind An Chutian, who had not yet realized that it was wrong: "Quickly fasten your seat belt!"

Before An Chutian could react, the plane suddenly flipped continuously, and then he was like a sandbag that kept bouncing repeatedly, smashing back and forth from the seat to the top of the cabin, and back to the seat from the top of the cabin.

"Hahaha! Wuhu ~ My technology is not awesome! The

system squeezed his eyebrows proudly, stood on the main driver with his tail cocked, and his two furry paws quickly pressed back and forth on various buttons.

The zombies on the top of the plane have long been thrown off, and the high-altitude plane snakes out of position in an extremely compulsive posture.

"Okay, don't show it, if it crashes, see if I don't beat you!"

After the plane flew smoothly, Jiu Xi looked at An Chutian, who had a blue nose and a swollen face.

"Want me to explain?"

Jiu Xi looked at An Chutian with determination, knowing in his heart that it was no longer interesting to continue to hide it after coming to this point.

The smile on An Chutian's face stiffened for a moment, and he lowered his head without speaking.

After a moment of silence, An Chutian raised his head and asked, "Are you still my brother?"

"Yes and no." Jiu Xi paused and continued to explain: "This body is the future An Chuxiong, I traveled through the time machine to prevent the demise of mankind, and that cat is also the product of advanced intelligence in the future.

"You don't have to worry, after I successfully stop the zombies from destroying humans, I will return to the future, and the past An Chuxiong will return to you." So, from beginning to end, I am your brother An Chuxiong. For

his own practice of confusing the public, Jiu Xi did not feel the slightest blush.

An Chutian seemed to understand and asked, "An Chuxiong in the future?" Time machine? It means that human beings will be destroyed by zombies in the future, and brother, you came back here from the future, the purpose is to prevent zombies from destroying humans? That's why you have a clear goal to find Dr. Chen from the beginning, because Dr. Chen is the key person? Jiu

Xi nodded appreciatively: "That's right, that's it.

"No wonder brother, you targeted that Li Qusi from the beginning." An Chutian suddenly realized, "Then, why didn't you directly kill Li Qusi in the first place?" Also Didn't that zombie king die in the lab base? Why are there two identical zombie kings in the airport just now?

"When I was in Z City, I threw Li Qusi in the building just to let her be eaten alive by zombies, but I didn't expect that a lot of things had changed because of the time shuttle."

"I don't know why, the zombie king, who should have been brought back to the experimental base by Dr. Chen, did not appear in the experimental base with those second generation zombies, but appeared in Z City, and the growth rate of the zombie king is several times faster than the second generation of zombies of the same batch, and Li Qusi should have met the zombie king who was still a child at that time."

"But when we met Li Qusi in Y City, wasn't she the head of the Flying Tigers' superpowers? At that time, there was no zombie king around her. "

Hah! I know this! The system pricked its ears and explained proudly while controlling the plane.

"Just after the host you left Li Qusi and left Z City, Li Qusi met the little zombie king because of his aura, the little zombie king is very dependent and close to Li Qusi, Li Qusi also helped the little zombie king find living people as rations, the two cooperated quite well, passing through many places along the way to find prey, until they met the Flying Tigers."

"You're too wordy, get straight to the point." Jiu Xi listened impatiently, "Straight to the key, the details do not need to be explained." "

Huh? Oh oh okay, well, after meeting the Flying Tigers, the zombie king wanted to swallow the superpower, but he was worried that his strength was not enough, so he let Li Qusi pretend to be saved by the Flying Tigers, and the zombie king himself sensed that there was a force in Y City summoning him, so he went to Y City first, and then, the Flying Tigers came to Y City to meet the host, and the following thing is what you all know, which is probably what it means.

"Seems to get it." An Chutian listened with a confused look, "Then why are there two zombie kings at the airport?"

"This is the mysterious power I said the zombie king sensed, the zombie king found the alien zombie that had not yet hatched, and after devouring hundreds of alien zombie chrysalis, the zombie king obtained the ability to split himself. And then there are the two zombie kings you saw at the airport.

"So it is." An Chutian looked at Jiu Xi: "Brother, so our most important task at present is to protect Dr. Chen and the others?"

Jiu Xi looked out the window at the cloudy sky and said nonchalantly, "Almost."

Suddenly, a bolt of lightning crossed the sky.


"Boom! Crash! Crash! The

rain became heavier and heavier, and Jiu Xi's spiritual power leaned down through the clouds, and his heart sank.


Jiu Xi clenched her fists and frowned.

She only thinks about the bigger the plane, the better, but ignores the danger of the plane flying at low altitude, and, where will the plane stop later?


The thunder rolled, the rain poured down, and it rained for several hours, and the city of Y had a faint sense of being submerged by the heavy rain.

A sense of uneasiness rose in Jiuxi's heart.

Looking at the watch, an hour had passed since leaving the experimental base.

"Little trash, how long can I park the plane over the experimental base later?"

"Host, there are too many buildings around the base to resist, I can only stay for ten minutes at a height of fifty meters from the base."

"Can't go any lower?"

"Yes, I can lower the plane another 20 meters, but the dwell time will be three minutes shorter and the fuel consumption will be three times that of a normal flight."

"So be it, Xiaotian, you go and prepare the soft ladder, if the length of the soft ladder is not enough, connect the two soft ladders together, and when I go down to transfer the personnel later, you will pick them up on the plane."

"Host, there is still one minute to arrive at the experimental base, you are ready."


As soon as the voice of the system fell, the plane began to slow down.

Jiu Xi took out the walkie-talkie to contact Wang Daqiang of the experimental base and informed him to prepare for the transfer of personnel.

Wang Daqiang hung up the call, let the survivors of the red-clothed organization line up, and went to the laboratory to help Dr. Chen and the others pack up and prepare to leave.

The old man who was tied up saw that Dr. Chen and the others were leaving, and hurriedly shouted loudly: "You are all leaving, let us go!"

"Dr. Chen, let me go, since you are all leaving, it will not affect you if you release me, for the sake of everyone working together, let me go."

The male doctor surnamed Ma looked at Dr. Chen and begged Dr. Chen to let him live.

"Hey," Dr. Chen looked at Wang Daqiang and discussed, "It's better to let them go, everyone is a survivor, we are all going to leave anyway."

Wang Daqiang glanced at the people who were tied up and readily agreed: "Yes, we will release them after you all retreat." "

Let's go, let's go and wait in front, Nobita, they're coming."

But in a moment, the roar of the plane reached everyone's ears.


Feeling the roar over the base, Dr. Chen and the others waited nervously.

The waiting of more than ten seconds seemed to have passed for a long time, and everyone's hearts lifted.

"Here, open the door."

As soon as Wang Daqiang saw Jiuxi, he quickly opened the door of the experimental base and signaled Dr. Chen to go first.

The rain outside was too much, and as soon as Dr. Chen and the others came out of the laboratory, they were shook by the deafening thunder and dense rain.

"Quick! You guys hurry up and climb up! I'll send Dr. Chen up first, and you guys will follow. Jiu Xi grabbed Dr. Chen and quickly climbed into the plane, and after sending Dr. Chen to the plane, he returned to the ground.

At this time, more than twenty survivors in the base had come to the bottom of the soft ladder and waited.

"Climb up in groups of five, move fast, don't look down!"

Seeing that several other experts had successfully climbed onto the plane, Jiu Xi urged the rest of the people to climb up quickly.


"Ho ho ho!!"

Suddenly, there was a zombie roar in the distance.

"It's not good, the plane is too loud, and the zombie group is coming!"

"Let's go!! Hurry up! Move so slowly, let me go first!

"Why let you go first!" I came first! "

The crowd fell into chaos, and the originally orderly line immediately became crowded.

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