After dealing with the hospital, Jiu Xi paid the medical bills to the Jiang family and came to the company.

A day later.

Other shareholders in Jia Zhenjing's company knew about his detention on suspicion of kidnapping and extortion.

Overnight, the company's stock shrank.

The shareholders with access held a shareholders' meeting early, unanimously decided to fire Jia Zhenjing as president, and quickly filed for bankruptcy of the company.

When the Jia family came out of the police station and learned the news, everything was exhausted.

Besides, the Jia family and his wife are both university professors, and they don't know much about the company, so they can't help at all.

In the end, the two could only watch as other shareholders took charge and dissolved the company.

In addition, because the debt is too large, the money from the company's bankruptcy is simply not enough to compensate the company's debts and employee wages.

The biggest source of the company's dissolution is Jia Zhenjing, who has the largest shares in the company, and the court forcibly recovered everything of value in the name of the Jia family villa and Jia Zhenjing to mortgage the debts owed.

The money that was finally returned was tens of thousands of yuan.

The Jia couple were dumbfounded.

The two took this little money, but they couldn't get angry, thinking that the source of all the disaster was Mei Lianxin's slut.

The two rushed to the former Mei family, wanting the Mei family to compensate for their losses.

But I didn't want to, the Mei family villa had already changed owners, and the Mei family couple disappeared.

Only at this moment did the two begin to panic.

What to do?

The son is still in prison and has not yet been cleared of suspicion, and their house and car have been taken away, and the old couple has only a few hundred thousand deposits for teaching.

But where is this money enough for two people who have long been accustomed to a life of wealth and luxury to squander enjoyment?

Not to mention, it is necessary to take money to hire a lawyer, find a way to bring his son out, and the son's eyes, which must also be cured, and the son still needs funds to make a comeback.

Too little money!

But before the two could think of other ways to turn over, news came from the police station, asking the two to see Jia Zhenjing for the last time.

When the Jia family heard this, they were shocked.

How did you convict so quickly?!

When the two hurried to the police station, Jia Zhenjing wore white gauze in his left eye and was silent.

Behind the glass wall, two policemen stood behind Jia Zhenjing.

The former personable noble prince looked gloomy at the moment.

He was wearing a blue prison uniform and his hands and feet were shackled. If you move a little, there will be a "boom" sound.

The eyes that looked at the Jia family couple did not have a trace of light except resentment.

"Son!! How could you?! Don't be afraid, we will hire the best lawyer who will definitely acquit you!


Jia Zhenjing mocked, sneering with a gloomy face.

"The company has gone bankrupt, where do you get the money to hire a lawyer? Scold!! Stop dreaming! Jia

Mu's face turned pale, as if she couldn't believe that such indifferent words would come out of her filial and courteous son's mouth.

Father Jia frowned, and was about to speak, but was interrupted by Jia Zhenjing's words.

"Parents, I'm sorry, I just got out of control emotionally, it's me who is not good, don't be angry."


Jia Zhenjing stepped forward to approach the Jia family, but was pulled by the police behind him and signaled to keep his distance.

Jia Zhenjing's eyes darkened, and said to the Jia family: "Parents, you hire a lawyer, I will come out early and turn over early!" If I can succeed once, I can succeed a second time!

"Okay, it's time."

The police interrupted the narration of several people, escorted Jia Zhenjing and left.

When the Jia family couple had their son's words, they immediately had motivation to find a lawyer and evidence, and wanted to bring Jia Zhenjing forward.

As for Mei Lianxin, no one came to see her at all, sat alone for a long time, and finally was put in a women's prison.

And the reason why the conviction was so fast, of course, was because, after investigating and collecting evidence, the police found that Jia Zhenjing and Mei Lianxin were indeed the planners and participants of the kidnapping.

The motive is to kill Jiuxi through kidnapping, and then let people replace Jiuxi, and then secretly control Xingxi Company.

In this way, not only can Jia Zhenjing's financial problems be solved, but also be enemies and embarrass the two in public.

As for Jiang's mother, Jia Zhenjing was in contact with an international rich man at that time.

Promised to provide a heart for the rich, and it just so happened that Jiang's mother's blood type match met the requirements of the rich.

The police speculated that Jia Zhenjing should have wanted to kill the Jiang family and his wife in the end.

At that time, with the cooperation of Mei Lianxin and the fake Jiuxi, it will be said that the Jiang family and his wife will go abroad to retire, and then find two people with similar looks to cooperate in acting, I believe, no one will doubt it at all.

But even if there is no conclusive evidence that Jia Zhenjing and the two want to kill people.

As far as the two articles of kidnapping for ransom and trafficking in human organs are enough, two people are convicted and imprisoned.

Therefore, the Jia family and his wife asked for a lawyer everywhere, but no lawyer was willing to accept it.

The relatives of the Jia family are all discordant in face and heart, seeing that the Jia family is unlucky, only happy, where will someone be willing to lend money to the Jia family couple.

The Jia family spent most of their efforts, and in the end, they ran out of money.

Five years later.

Miao Xiaoxiao stood in the airport, looking at Jiu Xi, and an indescribable emotion flashed in his eyes.

She clutched her sleeves tightly and plucked up her courage to say the words that had been buried in her heart for a long time to Jiu Xi.

Jiu Xi wore sunglasses, slender and white ten fingers held a letter, raised Miao Xiaoxiao's hand, stuffed the envelope to Miao Xiaoxiao, and said with a smile: "I wish you a bright future, Xiaoxiao, goodbye." "

There are people coming and going around, and everyone has a thousand emotions on their faces.

The sweet voice of a flight attendant sounded in the airport.

"Dear passengers, flight KG6327 is open for ticket check-in, please go to platform 105 immediately to wait for entry."

Miao Xiaoxiao looked at the envelope in his hand stunned, and was suddenly awakened by this voice.

When she looked up at Jiuxi, where was Jiuxi's shadow in front of her?

Miao Xiaoxiao pursed her lips, and her sleeves were pulled by someone.

She looked back in surprise, it was not Jiuxi.

"Little? What happened to you? Let's go, it's time for our flight. "

Okay, Mom."

Miao Xiaoxiao took Miao's mother's arm and walked towards the 105 ticket gate.

At the moment when she was about to enter the station, she couldn't help but look back at the airport lobby.

Jiu Xi is not there.

Miao Xiaoxiao's eyes drooped and resolutely left.

When the plane took off, Miao Xiaoxiao opened the envelope, which was a check for 50 million and a blank note.

The note reads, thank you.

Miao Xiaoxiao instantly broke his defense, his eyes were moist, and he looked out the window.

Obviously, it is my own who should say thank you!

Suddenly, her pupils shrank dramatically.

On the open-air platform on the third floor of the airport in the distance, stood Jiu Xi and Secretary Li.

Jiu Xi looked at Miao Xiaoxiao, nodded, and waved goodbye.

In recent years, Miao Xiaoxiao has done a lot for Jiuxi.

The first is to pull the Jia family couple off the altar, so that the two completely lost the iron rice bowl, which can be described as a lot of hardships.

Second, in the name of Jiuxi, an anti-myopia glasses was developed, and the patent was given to Jiuxi, which made Jiuxi's company career go to a higher level.

Jiuxi knew that Miao Xiaoxiao wanted to take Miao's mother to settle abroad, away from this place that made the mother and daughter sad in the first place.

So Jiu Xi fulfilled Miao Xiaoxiao.

Nine looked at the smaller and smaller plane in his sight, and turned away.

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