A body bag was transported to the police car.

More police cars rushed to the black slaughterhouse.

It was busy until the evening, when the cleanup of the black slaughterhouse was over.

On that day, the torture of the black slaughterhouse and the countless broken bones were widely known.

Unlike the unknown bar massacre that was quickly suppressed two years ago, this case is made more difficult because too many people have seen it, and the reporter's report is that the police want to suppress this case.

The video taken by Jiuxi was transmitted by the fat system to the Internet and some current affairs in country Y.

The number of views and likes exceeded 100 million that day.

At first, people thought it was just a prank, but when the matter of the black slaughterhouse was fermented by public opinion, everyone came back!

From the ancient folk master.

The puzzle of the police department that puzzled the Y Guohe City subdivision took a turn after this video appeared.

Some people with intentions immediately realized that the Boss G in the noseless man's mouth in the video, as well as those black transactions that circulated around the world, may be related to the leading giant merchant palace family of country Y.

After all, the noseless man in the video personally said that they can raise their vicious perverted murderers from the northern waterboarding felony prison, and are not detected by the government, and the whole country is the only one.

The palace family has been passed down for hundreds of generations, with the most merchants, and the palace family's property is rich and rival the country.

It is not that the high-level of country Y did not want to bite the uncontrolled capital giant of the palace family.

But the palace family has been passed down to this day, and the tree has deep roots.

The palace family has a wide range of forces.

Among them, there are many high-ranking officials, famous teachers, everyone.

Besides, the rulers of the palace family are very smart and cunning, and they donate a large amount of money to the army of country Y every year.

In addition, the palace family will also do charity every quarter.

Therefore, although the palace family secretly did many bad things, on the bright side, there were many good things.

It is because the high-level of country Y is not good to move the palace family.

Now that this video has come out, combined with the hundreds of corpses and bones in the black slaughterhouse, no one has noticed, and the slaughterhouse is extremely well set up and highly defensive, this is simply not something that a few perverted murderers can do.

But associating Boss G with the palace family is just some people's speculation.

No one will say it explicitly.

I won't stand up and identify that Boss G is the palace family.

Let's not mention that the speculation on the police station is that there are four perverted murderers, and there was infighting when the victim Ms. Jia and an unknown man were kidnapped, and only one of the few people who fought each other escaped.

Even if the police clearly pointed out that the Gong family is related to this case, no one will jump out and prove stupidly, the Gong family is suspicious!

After all, who knows if the harem family will get themselves in trouble?

Just when the police department also focused on this video, the Gong family struck.

When the ruler of the palace family, Gong Yuxiong, who is about to retire, held a press conference and announced that after the heir of the palace family, Gong Yutai, returned to China, the palace family would hold a ceremony to celebrate the official succession of the crown prince Gong Yutai to his position.

In addition, Gong Yuxiong spoke of Jia Shanshu, who was injured in the hospital, in a pitying and angry tone.

Told the media that their palace family will definitely assist the police in catching the murderer behind the scenes!

He actually dared to stretch out his hand to his palace family! It's so rampant!

As long as the police have a request, the palace family will definitely actively cooperate and try their best to find out this crazy behind-the-scenes boss G!

As soon as these words came out, everyone was in an uproar.

Oh, yes! The murderer behind this scene is too rampant!

Even the people of the palace family dare to touch it!

Aren't these ordinary people more dangerous?

The people were extremely satisfied with the palace family's move, and instantly dispelled their speculation about the palace family.

Of course, this is just the idea of watching the lively ordinary people.

Some people admire the actions of the palace family to the extreme.

A beach villa is tucked away among lush coconut trees.

The villa is not high, three-story trial stacked design, warm white minimalist color with exterior wall, the wall is full of pale pink roses.

A silver sports car quickly drove into the villa, and finally the whole car slowly rose and appeared on the third floor.

The sky was blue, and the light refracted from the light blue glazed tiles shimmered in the semi-open bath on the third floor.

Out of the luxury car came an old man with a high spirit and a serious face.

The man is about sixty, with a dragon head crutch, wearing a gray linen silk coat, which is embroidered with a dark pattern of dragon chopping beads.

As early as when the old man appeared, several hot beauties on the edge of the bath were covered by the bodyguards who appeared and retreated.

The beauty dispersed, revealing the young man on the recliner.

"Aze! It's all this time, why haven't you moved yet? This time the palace family side is an opportunity, you have to seize the opportunity! The

man on the recliner lifted the cloth on his face, revealing a face with the same seriousness as the old man.

The man is not ugly, his appearance is ordinary, but his body is not to be underestimated, and when he looks at him, he will have the feeling of being targeted by a beast.

"Alas~! Grandpa, I have always paid attention to the movements of the palace family, you can always rest assured to raise your days! But a small thing, you still drove me over. "

You don't have to worry about the palace family's affairs, I have plans."

The old man was on crutches and said with a wooden face: "Don't take it lightly!" If you are not sure, don't go against the palace family for the time being, the kid of the palace family is very weird!

"Got it, Grandpa."

Hecheng Branch District 3.

Jiu Xi just came out of his boss and walked towards his desk.

The surrounding colleagues pointed at Jiu Xi, mocked Jiu Xi softly and was scolded by his superiors.

Everyone whispered behind them, not caring about Jiu Xi at all.

Jiu Xi turned a deaf ear to these people's words.

It's just a few words of ridicule, which the original owner has endured for two years.

From the talents valued by the leaders of the Huajing Main Police Department to the little transparent who is now sneered at and repelled, everything is thanks to the palace family.

And Jia Shanxi, the best friend of the original owner, also knows very well what the situation of the original owner is.

But she never had half a point to the original owner.

Not to mention saying good things for the original owner in front of Gong Yutai.

After all, Jia Shanshu needs to focus on her lover, where can she have the energy to care about her former friends?

If it weren't for Jia Shanjun's glass heart and Gong Yutai's temper and need to complain, plus she learned that the original owner had been investigating the hotel massacre, how could Jia Shanshu think of the original owner with kindness?

Jiu Xi sneered, feeling that the punishment for Jia Shanxi in the black slaughterhouse was still too light.

The tongue should also be cut off.

Walking all the way, Jiu Xi pushed the most inconspicuous room in the game.

This is the original owner's office.

At this time, four other people in the office were also there.

When Jiu Xi walked in, he noticed that something was wrong.

When several colleagues saw Jiu Xi come in, they hurriedly let go to reveal Liu Xiao, who was crying.

When Liu Xiao saw Jiuxi, it was as if he had seen the backbone of the Lord's heart.

Threw himself in front of Jiuxi and hugged Jiuxi and cried.

"Ashi! Nian Tang is gone!! Woo hoo ~ I, it's all my fault, I shouldn't have believed my sister-in-law's words! Woo hoo ~ Ashi, what should I do Ah! "

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