
Gong Yutai was short of breath.

But thinking of living, I can only swallow this evil breath.

With a cross heart, he knelt on the ground with his eyes closed.


The knife wound on his right leg was squeezed by force during the kneeling process, and the blood was running fast, and the painful Gong Yutai gasped.

"My Gong Yutai is scum, I'm sorry Zhao Jintang!"


Gong Yutai kowtowed several times in a row, and after using his strength to shout out the words that I am scum, he was beaten in the face by Jiu Xi You's iron whip.

"Aaaaah! What do you mean?! Gong

Yutai trembled all over, and the hatred in his heart tormented him all the time, wanting to kill Jiuxi, but the feeling of being powerless simply killed him.

Faced with Gong Yutai's questioning, Jiu Xi smiled, and Hanger Langdang pointed at Gong Yutai's nose with an iron whip, and said slowly: "How many meanings do you call with your eyes closed?" You have to keep your eyes open and shout from the bottom of your heart that you're wrong.

"Oh no, it should be said like this: Gong Yutai is scum, scum is sorry for Zhao Jintang, scum Gong Yutai is not a person, kneeling and begging the ancestor Zhao Jintang's forgiveness." Well, that's pretty much it, don't count it just now, start over.

"You! You! Good, ok, very, my name! Gong

Yutai's eyes were bloodshot, he gritted his teeth, knelt on the ground very unwillingly, kowtowed and opened his mouth to say the insulting words.

Every time he kowtows to admit his mistake, the anger and hatred in Gong Yutai's heart are like erupting volcanoes, tormenting him to jump repeatedly on the edge of collapse.

Wait, he will definitely make Jiu Xi repay these insults and tortures a thousand times!

Gong Yutai was about to explode, and the pain was unbearable, and what was more fatal was that the knife wound in his right leg would intensify the cutting of the dagger in the flesh with each kowtow.

It is better to die than to die.

After he finished kowtowing a hundred heads, Gong Yutai collapsed to the ground, and no longer had the strength to squirm for half a minute.

His throat was dry and sore, and at this moment he was like a dried up fish, embarrassed.

Just when he thought that everything would end, Gong Yutai was wrapped in his legs by the iron whip in Jiuxi's hand, and then the scene in front of him changed rapidly, and the wind hit his face, blowing and he couldn't open his eyes.


Gong Yutai roared in horror and struggled indiscriminately, but he couldn't get rid of Jiu Xi's shackles.

"What you said would let me go!! How can you not believe what you say? Aren't you a policeman? How can you do this?! Ahem!

"Let go of me! Hmm! "

What's the blind bibi?"

Jiu Xi unhappily the feces of the animals on the ground and stuffed them in Gong Yutai's mouth, running quickly without turning his head, and Gong Yutai was like a drag oil bottle constantly rubbing on the ground.

Soon, the fine defensive clothes were grazed, and the ground full of thorns and sand blurred the white and tender flesh of Gong Yutai.

Severe pain all over his body, foul smell in his mouth.

Gong Yutai felt that he had never been so embarrassed and miserable in his life.

"You and I are originally people all the way, you are not a gentleman, and I am not a gentleman, so why do you naively believe that I will release you?"

"When you torture and kill innocent people, don't you repeatedly give hope to the other party and strangle hope? I'm just doing what you've done now, don't you double standard, okay? Jiu

Xi mocked Gong Yutai in a tone that you don't want to be vexatious, and rolled his eyes at Gong Yutai, who couldn't speak.


" "I'm so happy now~ just like when you abuse and kill people~ Oops, it's almost the second game location, I'm really looking forward to your performance

~" "Wow~ It's here!"

Jiu Xi mocked and mocked, rudely smashed the Gong Yu Tai on the whip to the ground, and kicked it into the barbecue roller.

"How can there be four fish who have slipped through the net and not come to the game? You guys loved the game!

As soon as Jiuxi's words fell, several screaming cries for help sounded in the jungle.

"Aaaaa Help! Are the people at the headquarters dead? Yamamoto, you little miscellaneous, come and save grandpa! "


Si Si Suo's movement came, and I saw a dozen skeletons running from deep in the jungle.

The skeleton holds four players in his hands.

The players were covered in blood, and some were missing arms and legs, which was the result of being attacked by skeleton carrion.

The skeletons held the player to Jiuxi, who looked at the skeletons with satisfaction and said with a smile: "Throw them in." "


"Game starts, limited to ten seconds."

A cluster of flames suddenly appeared in Jiuxi's hand.

As soon as the flames appeared, the surrounding temperature immediately rose by tens of degrees.

And the five people in the roller looked horrified.

The four players, who realized that something was wrong, knelt down and begged for mercy from Jiu Xi.

"Big guy, please let us go, as long as the big guy is willing, I'd rather give you more than half of my worth, please let me go, big guy, please let me go."

"As long as the big guy lets me live, I am willing to do whatever you want me to do!"

Jiu Xi also did not speak.

After saying all the good words, he pointed to a man and said, "Then you go and pull out the knife on Gong Yutai's leg, cut off one of your ears, and a few of you, choose a place on your body, and I will let you go." "

Hehe~ What she said is true, you guys come and get the knife."

Gong Yutai broke the jar and broke, lying in the roller without any image, signaling several people to pull out the knife.

Anyway, I can't escape myself, it's better to pull a few cushions.

Everyone should also go through their own torture.

In this regard, Jiu Xi did not stop it, and watched the four people make a choice with a smile.


The man pointed by Jiu Xi walked to Gong Yutai's side and pulled out the dagger fiercely, and the painful Gong Yutai's face turned pale, his anger was like gossamer, and sweat was like rain.

"Hahaha~hahaha~ It's all a bunch of idiots!"

Gong Yutai laughed maniacally, with a strange light flashing in his eyes.

The man gritted his teeth, his hand rose and fell, and a bloody ear fell on the roller.


The man covered his ears and wailed and rolled.

The other three were trembling with this battle in fright, and their faces were bloodless.

The woman with the missing arm kept shaking her head and retreating, but unexpectedly stepped on the air and fell into the cliff.

The woman with a broken leg curled up in the corner of the roller, crying bitterly.

"Woooo Young sister, I have just become an adult, I really regret it, please let me go, I regret it, I know that I am wrong, I am willing to repent, as long as you let me go, woo-woo,"

Jiu Xi looked at the woman with broken legs coldly, and with just one sentence, he made the short-legged woman dumb.

"You like to abuse young children, the more cute and beautiful the young children, the more you like to watch them die in despair, what is wrong with these young children? You scum, it's better to die. After

Jiu Xi finished speaking, with a snap of his fingers, the flames quickly wrapped around the drum.

Instantly, the drum reddens and becomes hot at a speed visible to the naked eye.

And the people in the drum screamed and screamed.

Like the prey in the roller.

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