After gaining the trust and affection of the original owner, Song Feng successfully married the original owner back home.

With the promotion of his father-in-law, Song Feng quickly gained a foothold in the dynasty.

The military attaché was released, and here he was, it was useless.

The Great Zhou soldiers were strong and strong, and no other country had invaded for a long time.

There is no war on the frontier.

This also means that Song Yong, who has no military merits, if he is not promoted by the imperial lieutenant, he will always be a general far from the center of power.

And the civil official, that is, the ladder he climbed up.

Once in contact with the center of power, Song Feng learned more about the secrets of the imperial court and the rules of the royal family.

Song was not stupid, and he quickly sensed the emperor's jealousy of Jiang Taiwei, who held great power.

Because Imperial Lieutenant Jiang was the elder of the Three Dynasties.

When the emperor was alive, he attached great importance to Imperial Lieutenant Jiang.

The young Son of Heaven wanted to promote his own power, so he wanted to suppress the high-ranking Jiang family.

After all, when the emperor was alive, he gave Jiang Xinrong, the concubine of Imperial Lieutenant Jiang, to the emperor, who was still the crown prince.

The Jiang family is his queen's mother, and the queen's mother family is still the Jiang family that he is very jealous of.

Song Feng knows that a generation of heavenly sons and ministers.

As long as he gains the emperor's trust, he can make a steady move.

It happened that at this time, the show girl who was selected once every three years entered the palace.

Haolan is among them.

Hao Lanwei begged Song Feng to say that he did not want to be assigned to other sects, and asked Song Feng to find a way to keep himself and stay in the palace.

Hao Lanwei knew that the daughter of her own seven-rank official was difficult to be chosen by the emperor.

Even the lowest place is very small.

Because there are too many official ladies from a better background than her.

What I have is a very beautiful skin bag.

Even though he was regarded by the emperor as a permanent seal, with such a low position, it was very difficult to get the favor of the emperor.

In this case, instead of being assigned to other royal clansmen as concubines, he did not fight and stayed in the palace.

With your own ingenuity, it is also possible to mix a generation of female officials.

Then, Hao Lanwei was accidentally assigned to Empress Jiang Xinrong Palace as a small female official.

And this was the beginning of the collapse of the Jiang family.

Because Hao Lanwei's ambition is obviously not only to be a female official, close to Empress Jiang, but also to get the moon first near the water building, using Empress Jiang's trust to raise her status, and she did it in the end.

Empress Jiang was extremely satisfied with this female official who advised herself everywhere and "kept her duty".

The most important thing is that Hao Lanwei faced several temptations from Empress Jiang, and showed no signs of climbing the dragon bed.

The emperor also respected his wife, and did not show any other meaning to Hao Lanwei, a female official with a beautiful appearance.

Empress Jiang did not expect until her death that the female official beside her had long had a secret affair with the emperor, and as soon as the empress died, Hao Lanwei was canonized as a nobleman by the emperor.

But where will Haolan Moss only satisfy these?

She thinks of a position under one person and above ten thousand.

Hao Lanwei's goal has always been the emperor.

It is implied that Song Feng poisoned the original owner, and it was also Haolan who gave the sterilization medicine.

Let Song Feng take the child born to Hao Wan'er back to the Song family for the original owner to raise, falsely claiming to be the stepchild of the Song family's clan.

And Hao Wan'er was also Hao Lanwei hinting that Song Feng let the old lady of the Song family carry it in.

Song Feng only needs to pretend to be cold to Hao Wan'er to deceive the original owner.

All this Hao Lanwei has done is just paving the way for his own ambitions.

She needs an arm.

Song Si, who is loyal to his admiration, is undoubtedly the best choice.

Pull Song Si into his camp and let his sister's children inherit everything from the Song family, and the Song family can completely become Hao Lanwei's pawn.

And tripping the Jiang family is just a matter of killing three birds with one stone.

First, it is consistent with Song Si's interests, and the enemy of the enemy is his friend.

The second is to follow the emperor's mind.

The third is to eradicate Empress Jiang and prepare for her ascension.

And Haolan did succeed in the end.

The emperor was obsessed with her, and despite the opposition of the courtiers, he tried to put his beloved woman Hao Lan as the queen.

After that, Hao Lanwei used her ingenuity to make the entire Great Zhou Kingdom sincerely love her as an empress.

The child born to Hao Lanwei also became the crown prince, and the crown prince born by Empress Jiang died violently in Zongrenfu.

And the extermination of the Jiang family is just to fulfill the ambition of the three people.

These truths were only learned by the original owner after following Hao Wan'er for a long time.

The original owner who learned the truth went crazy.

She laughed maniacally.

I hated myself for having no eyes and fell in love with a wolf in human skin.

Hating Haolan's shamelessness and ruthlessness, for his own selfish intentions, he joined forces with Song Feng to frame the Jiang family as traitors.

Hate the dog emperor rabbit dead dog cooking, destroy her all over the door.

The original owner's wish is two.

The first is to save the Jiang family and save the lives of Sister Yan and the little prince.

The second is to kill all the murderers who overturned the Jiang family.

At this time, the time point coincided with the day when Song Hui contracted the wind cold, and the original owner was bedridden due to a miscarriage injury, and was punished by Song Yang's mother, Old Lady Song, to kneel in the ancestral hall.

Because the original owner loves Song Feng deeply, Song Feng is used to making scenes, and every time the original owner is embarrassed by Old Lady Song, Song Feng will come forward to say good things for the original owner.

This directly led to Old Lady Song's growing dislike of the original owner's high-ranking daughter-in-law.

And this time Song Hui was sick, but the original owner, the mother, did not look at it, and slept lazily until dawn.

This matter is intolerable in Mrs. Song's opinion.

Old Mrs. Song has always thought that the original owner cannot survive and occupy her excellent son, and seduces her son to say good things for her, a noble lady of a high family, but this time her precious grandson is sick and the original owner is not present, isn't this pampered and proud?!

Old Lady Song seized the opportunity and ordered the original owner to go to the ancestral hall and kneel and copy the scriptures a hundred times.

It was the time of spring cold.

The ancestral hall is also a cold place.

The original owner had just given birth, where did he suffer this punishment.

It was the original owner who fainted after copying the scriptures dozens of times.

When others found out, the original owner had already left the root of the disease.

Old Mrs. Song was afraid of being held accountable by the Jiang family, and immediately shushed the original owner, saying that she was just punishing you for kneeling in the ancestral hall for a moment of anger, and you don't pay attention to it.

In the face of the mother-in-law's softness, where else can the original owner say.

Coupled with Song Yong's various gentle words to the original owner afterwards, all kinds of tenderness and small intentions on behalf of Old Lady Song, the original owner is no longer angry, in the face of his loved ones, he can only suppress his dissatisfaction.


Jiu Xi sneered.

Although this Song Feng was born as a military general, his conspiracy methods were no less than those of civilian officials.

The original owner was punished by Old Lady Song, and as the owner of the General's Mansion, Song Feng could not have known anything about it.

But he only appeared to sing red face after the original owner fainted and was injured, in order to play a good husband character in front of the original owner.

Buying people's hearts and killing the original owner, a purdah woman.

The world was also deceived by Song Yong's hypocritical appearance and performance.

Now, huh!

She Jiuxi will tear off all his masks and tear off his face and stick it on the wall!

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