The emperor then frowned.

How could it be Hao Lanwei?

Since Haolan was assigned by himself, the emperor rarely remembered Haolan Lotus in the good times.

Now when I see Haolan Lotus again, it is like a long time away.

And Hao Lanwei also returned to his senses in the emperor's shout.

The corners of her mouth turned up slightly in places invisible to the emperor and the others.

A clear calculation flashed under his eyes.

She said, beauty meter, eternal routine.

No one is immune to the scourge of red faces.

Hao Lanwei sighed happily, if he hadn't accidentally saved a mysterious man, the man helped him heal his disfigured face in order to repay his life-saving grace, and now he would not have the capital to tempt the emperor.

Hao Lanwei's face floated with just the right amount of surprise, her red lips opened slightly, and she looked at the emperor in the flowers blankly.

She panicked and picked up the palace maid's clothes on the ground and draped them over her body, her white and pink toes hidden in the emerald grass.

The sunlight shone through the green willows on the little flustered Hao Lanwei, and there was an indescribable beauty.

The impatience in the emperor's heart deepened after touching Hao Lanwei's jade feet.

"Lan, ah no, the slave has seen the emperor, the emperor Jin'an."

Hao Lanwei quickly recovered from the panic, and gradually his temperament changed dramatically.

Her whole person was no longer flustered and trembling, calm and calm, and she saluted respectfully.

This gesture fell in the eyes of the emperor, which was a symbol of imminence and cleverness.

How many women can be calm in front of the Son of Heaven?

Or are you dressed in disheveled clothes and come to the Royal Garden and Bishui Lake without authorization to play barefoot?

The emperor looked at Hao Lanwei fixedly, remembering the beauty of the two of them being together.

Memories poured up, and the emperor's eyes became darker.

Time seems to stand still.

No one spoke except for the birdsong and the scent of flowers from the breeze.

Hao Lanwei has always maintained a posture of bowing and saluting.

Just when she was about to hold on, the emperor moved.

Hao Lanwei felt the movement of the emperor walking towards him.

A few seconds later, Hao Lanwei's chin was lifted by the emperor.

"Look at Xuan."

The domineering beak, the slightly cool touch, and the ambergris fragrance emanating from the emperor's body.

Hao Lanwei obediently looked at the young Son of Heaven, and looked at the young and handsome man in front of him again, shaking his head slightly.

But when his gaze touched the emotionless eyes of the Son of Heaven, his heart was cold.

And the next words of the Son of Heaven made her heart cold completely.

"Who arranged for you to be here?" Song Si? Being

stared at by the emperor's eagle-like eyes, Hao Lanwei almost fell down with a weak leg.

"Back, back to the emperor, the slave doesn't understand what you're talking about, the slave is not familiar with General Song, the slave, the slave just passed by here by chance, was fascinated by the beauty here, touched the scenery and lingered for a while, it is,"

"Yes, forgot to leave, and no one arranged the slave ah the emperor!"

Hao Lanwei knelt neatly on the ground, calmly and rationally defending himself.

"Emperor, the slave is just an inconspicuous little palace maid, your courtiers are all loyal, the emperor you are wise and martial, you have the resources of a benevolent king, under your rule, the Great Zhou Kingdom is peaceful and peaceful, and the courtiers are kind, how can anyone arrange for me to have bad intentions?" The slave is also loyal to the emperor, and the bright moon can be seen!

"Ask the emperor to see it! If the emperor does not believe what the slave said, the slave is willing to die to apologize! The

sonorous and powerful words fell, and Hao Lanwei's firm eyes looked directly into the emperor's eyes, not dodging or evading, extremely sincere.

The emperor looked at the woman in front of him who would rather die unyielding, and his memory recalled the woman who quoted scriptures and added fragrance to his red sleeves again.

The emperor's eyes were dark, making it difficult to see what he was thinking.

At this time, Hao Lanwei, who was kneeling on the ground, was also very nervous in his heart.

For a long time, the emperor spoke.

"Get up."

After that, the emperor turned around and left the imperial garden.

In vain, Hao Lanwei stood alone in place.

Hao Lanwei returned to the Shang Service Bureau in confusion.

Just as he was about to change his clothes, he was stunned by the people sent by the queen, and he was thrown to the Shen Penal Department.

The palace female eunuch who entered the Shen Penal Department was miserable if she did not die.

Very few have left the Criminal Punishment Department intact.



Hao Lanwei was awakened by the cold and piercing water, and the whole person was like falling into an ice cave, and she gasped straight when she was cold.


When Hao Lanwei opened his eyes, he entered the dim basement, and the walls were full of various torture tools.

One of her hearts couldn't help sinking.

The tip of his nose smelled the faint smell of blood and decay in the air.

Hao Lanwei knew that he must be in some punishment room.


The sound of breaking the air came from behind, and a murderous aura was cold and fierce, straight towards Hao Lanwei.

Hao Lanwei wanted to avoid it, but found that he was tightly tied from beginning to end.

As soon as he moved, there was a sharp pain in his body.


An iron whip with a small barb slashed through Hao Lanwei's abdomen, and blood instantly gushed out.

"Who are you? Soon let me go, I didn't do anything, why arrest me? Did you get the wrong person?! Hao

Lanwei endured the severe pain in her abdomen, and every word she said would affect the injury in her abdomen, and she broke out in a cold sweat in pain.


A feminine voice sounded from behind Hao Lanwei.

"Our family is on the orders of the queen mother-in-law to arrest you, the slut who poisoned the mother-in-law! Human evidence and material evidence gather, is it possible that the queen mother will also wronged you a lowly palace maid with no name?

"Come on! On the punishment, our family has to satisfy the mother-in-law, these seventy-two torture instruments, you have to finish!

"Nope!! I didn't! How could I harm the queen? You, aaa!!a Hao

Lanwei couldn't see the person behind it, and he didn't know what the other party was doing.

But before she could finish her words, she was burned by a deadly burning heat.


White smoke rises.

A hot red iron vessel was burned into the flesh skin, and the flesh skin was instantly burned by the intense high temperature, and the sound of blood and water booming sounded.

Hao Lanwei screamed miserably, until her throat burst and she could no longer shout the slightest sound, and her back could not see the slightest bit of good meat.

Hao Lanwei's heart was very broken.

I don't know which link went wrong.

Why is everything no longer going the way I expected?

She didn't even understand why the emperor didn't have a Chinese and American plan.

Why did Empress Jiang suddenly deal with herself?

Could it be that the matter between himself and the emperor let the other party know?

Only this is explained!

Hao Lanwei looked at the pool of blood gathering on the ground, and for the first time wondered if the move he had taken was right.

If he honestly accepts the arrangement, he will be promised to other sects.

Or make a small promise, with your own superior means, to keep the emperor pregnant with the dragon son, isn't the mother and son more comfortable than now?

However, she wants to climb to a high position with her own efforts, what is wrong with this?!

She was not convinced!!

When Hao Lanwei was pulled out of his fingernails and fainted, he faintly heard the voice of the personal attendant beside the emperor.

"Whew~~! , finally saved! Hao

Lanwei closed her eyes and slept at ease.

It is unknown who killed the deer.

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