Isn't this man the grandson of President Ou of XXX Noble Hospital?

How could it be so embarrassing that someone tied up into a twist and threw it on the ground?

And what is the suspect of the Lan family's eldest daughter?

Isn't this melon too big?

Jiu Xi walked around, and the 500 sheets of color high-definition printing paper in his hand were almost one for everyone outside the rich areas in the eastern suburbs of Kyoto.

The rest was plugged in by Jiu Xi with a branch, and the wind blew and rattled.

It's hard not to be noticeable.

When the people in the entire rich area in the eastern suburbs spread the news that the youngest son of the Ou family had forced the daughter of the Lan family outside, the Ou family was the last to know.

At this time, Ou Chuwei was locked in the police station for investigation.

I have to say that the fat system is quite reliable.

The evidence of criminal sexual assault simulated by intelligent big data has not the slightest flaw.

In addition, the two did not have time to take any measures after sleeping, so the evidence sampled by the police showed that Ou Chuwei was indeed the culprit of the sexual assault of Lanxinhui.

And Ou Chuwei is also suspected of abusing Lan Xinhui.

And Lan Xinhui has been unconscious.

Even if Ou Chuwei explained that the two were in love with each other, he also said that he loved Lan Xinhui, so he would never abuse Lan Xinhui.

To say that all this is just a framing of Ye Jiuxi's madman.

But how can the police believe the words of a suspected criminal.

Everything will have to wait until Lan Xinhui wakes up.

The Ou family, who arrived later, took the lawyer to politely tell the police, wanting to see Ou Chuwei.

Ou Chuwei is now the identity of the suspect, and according to the procedure, he would have called his family to visit.

The person who came to the Ou family this time is Ou Chuwei's brother Ou Chuxiong.

Ou Chuxiong looked at the languishing, dark Ou Chuwei with disgust, and a trace of impatience flashed in his eyes.

His younger brother is pretentious and his eyes are above the top.

With low vision and no brains, he refused several blind dates arranged for him by his family for the sake of a blue core club.

If the matter is not properly handled this time, the fiancée set for Ou Chuwei will definitely be ruined.

Here it goes.

After walking a lot at night, I finally met a ghost.

There is something unusual about this.

But so what?

The evidence is in the hands of the police.

It happened again in the Lan family.

Those people from the Lan family also said that Ou Chuwei had entered Lan Xinhui's room and had not come out for a long time.

Even if this matter is finally settled, or there is another hidden secret in it, Ou Chuwei did what he did.

The Lan family will not give up.

Their Oujia was not satisfied with Lan Xinhui.

If this incident does not satisfy the Lan family, their Ou family will not be able to fall for any good.

Ou Chuxiong looked at Ou Chuwei condescendingly, and his tone was cold.

"Say, what the hell is going on?"

Ou Chuwei was a little afraid of his eldest brother.

The arrogant momentum on his body had long disappeared the moment he saw Ou Chuxiong.

"Big brother, I, I really didn't do that kind of thing to Xuanhui, we are what you want to happen, I was framed by Ye Jiuxi's crazy woman!"

"So," Ou Chuxiong said lightly, "you did have a relationship with that woman in Lan Xinhui?" Scold! Ou

Chuwei shrunk his neck, not daring to look at his eldest brother.


Ou Chuxiong stood up from his seat.

The black suit was worn on Ou Chuxiong, and his face was full of indifference.

The cold temperament made Ou Chuxiong look particularly angry and do not enter.

"Can't support the mud on the wall, let the lawyer hand over to you, you are not worth my trouble."

After speaking, he stopped looking at Ou Chuwei and left the police station directly.

Ou Chuwei watched his eldest brother leave, and he didn't dare to put one.

Ou Chuxiong left the police station and immediately drove to the Xia family who married Ou Chuwei.

As for the blue core club, it was coldly awakened.

Everything worked fine in the room.

But the bed she was lying on was covered with transparent crushed ice.

The whole person was buried in the ice, and the skin near the ice was frozen blue.

Blue Core's frozen teeth trembled up and down, and he wanted to shout, but found that his throat was sore and he couldn't make a sound.

What's going on?

Lan Xinhui was shocked.

She wanted to move, but she couldn't use the slightest force.

Lan Xinhui was a little anxious, although she was wrapped in ice at the moment like falling into an ice cellar, she was still in a cold sweat.

She couldn't move and her whole body stiffened.

Suddenly, Lan Xinhui heard the sudden braking of the car.

and the pungent rubber smell caused by the tires rubbing against the road surface and intense friction.


A car entered through the wall and pressed straight towards the blue core on the bed.

“————!" No! No! I don't want to die! Save me!

Lan Xinhui's frightened heart was violent, and he struggled desperately.

However, all struggles are useless.

She still couldn't make the slightest roar in her throat.

Despair, fear, like boundless sea water rushing towards you.

Can't breathe, can't scream, can't run away.

The car was covered in blood, and the cold wind rolled up by the high-speed car seemed to carry a disgusting bloody atmosphere.

The blood wind blew away Lan Xinhui's hair.

Also took away her sanity.

Close, close.

Lan Xinhui's eyes burst out, and blood covered the entire eyeball.

She shook her head frantically, her mouth widened, as if begging someone to save her.


The sharp pain of bone erosion starts from the place where it was hit, like water ripples that spread quickly through every nerve in the body.

Lan Xinhui trembled, and a scream of extreme pain came out from deep in his throat.

It hurts so much.

The car itself crushed over, the pain was so painful that the flesh and bones that could not breathe separated, every second, is like a year.

At the moment, Blue Core just wants to die.

Whether it is the wealth of the world, or the love of the heart, it is not as good as the relief that hurts deep in the soul.

Yes, Bluecore just wants relief.

Lan Xinhui clearly felt the "click" sound of the car crushing the bones on the body, and could also experience the pain of blood and flesh being squeezed by huge pressure.

But the worst thing is that she is not dead.

Nor can the pain be relieved by calling for help.

The car ran back and forth repeatedly, and each time the severe pain was doubled.

Blue Xinhui no longer had the energy to think about anything else.

At this moment, she is better off alive than dead, like purgatory being punished.

Suddenly, an icy voice that seemed to penetrate time sounded.

The voice asked, "Do you know what's wrong?" "

Wrong? What's wrong?

"This is the price you killed someone, and it is also the price of you killing Ye Jiuxi."

The sound faded away, and a new round of car punishment began.

I don't know how long has passed.

Lan Xinhui opened his eyes sharply.

It's white all around.

Where is this?

"Good doctor, please take care of my sister more, she has been mentally abnormal since she was sexually assaulted, with your care, I believe that my sister will recover soon."

The sound is familiar.

Blue Xinhui beat his head and remembered! It's Ye Jiuxi, that slut!

What does she mean? Who is mentally disturbed?

Lan Xinhui's heart trembled violently.

I suddenly realized that the environment I was in seemed to be a hospital!

She immediately looked down at herself, and sure enough, a blue and white hospital gown.

An idea gradually came to mind.

Lan Xinhui did not dare to admit his thoughts.

She slammed desperately against the translucent medical door.

Shouting: "Let me out!" Who are you? Why arrest me?! Did Ye Jiuxi's slut buy you? I tell you, you'd better let me go, or I'll let my lawyer bankrupt you!" Lan

Xinhui turned white with a white face and danced his claws, and his hoarse appearance pleased Jiu Xi.

Jiu Xi had a smile in her eyes and a pitying tone.

"Doctor, you see, my sister is indeed not lightly ill."

"It's a very serious illness, I'm afraid I can't come out, and I have to be hospitalized for professional treatment."

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