After speaking, no matter what Jiang Yazhi thought, he poured the chicken soup from the thermos into Jiang Yazhi's mouth.

Jiang Yazhi felt like she was about to suffocate.

She wanted to struggle, wanted to completely tear her face and called Jiu Xi roll.

Then shake his hand and give Jiu Xi a few slaps, let Jiu Xi kneel down and ask for forgiveness, so as to vent the dissatisfaction of the past few days.

But Jiuxi didn't give her a chance to resist at all.

And also do not give her a chance to tear her face.

Because Jiu Xi has always been smiling, even if he is angry, it is a soft knife.

Jiang Yazhi has never been so desperate and angry.

How she wanted Jiu Xi to yell at herself, so that she could justifiably face Jiu Xi and suppress her as an elder.

Jiu Xi's movements kept stopping, and in less than a minute, a large pot of stinky chicken soup from a thermos was poured into Jiang Yazhi's stomach.

In order to ensure that Jiang Yazhi could fully absorb the nutrients in the chicken soup, Jiu Xi covered Jiang Yazhi's mouth for at least half an hour.

Half an hour later, Jiang Yazhi lay on the edge of the bed and vomited earth-shatteringly.

"Gag~! Vomit~! Jiang

Yazhi's bitter bile water came out, her stomach hurt, and the ground was full of unknown liquid.

Immediately, the entire ward was filled with an unpleasant and pungent smell.

Jiang Yazhi, who was washed by this stench, felt vomiting again.

Jiang Yazhi was lying on the bed, and her stomach had long been clean, but the feeling of retching was stronger than a while.

Jiang Yazhi, who was extremely uncomfortable, was tortured and wanted to die.

As for Jiu Xi, as early as the moment he let go of Jiang Yazhi, the whole person flexibly bounced outside the ward.

A backhand closure isolates Jiang Yazhi from the world.

Jiu Xi waited for Jiang Yazhi to vomit almost finished, and then slowly came to the next ward.

Father Lan was still lying on the hospital bed, and some parts of his body were still in plaster casts.

As soon as Lance saw the smile on Jiuxi's face, he snorted.

Jiu Xi smiled and hugged Lance, as if he didn't see Lance's discomfort, and his enthusiasm was like a fire.

But the more Jiu Xi was like this, the more unsteady Lance felt in his heart.

"Brother, you have worked hard to take care of your parents in the hospital these two days, oh, my mother just called you over, you come with me, my mother needs you."

"What are you going to do?"

Lan Sihu looked at Jiu Xi suspiciously, wanting to refuse, but he didn't have the courage.

After all, if you provoke Jiu Xi, I don't know how many moths Jiu Xi will make out.

His own little life is closely related to Jiu Xi.

Jiu Xi glanced at Lance lightly, and Lanston couldn't say anything.

"Let's go, I'm my sister, can it be that it will hurt you?"


Lan Si laughed dryly.

Jiu Xi pulled Lance impatiently and walked towards Jiang Yazhi's ward.

"Grinding, like a gentleman? Don't force me to do it? "

Lance: .

Coming to Jiang Yazhi's ward, Jiu Xi raised a bright smile at Lance, which confused Lance.

Without waiting for Lance to react to what Jiu Xi was going to do.

He was rudely kicked into Jiang Yazhi's hospital room by Jiu Xi.

As soon as he entered the ward, Lance was tumbling in his stomach by the oncoming gagging smell.


The foot slipped, as if stepping on something, and Lance's whole person "banged" and fell to the ground fiercely, making a loud noise.

Jiang Yazhi was still retching.

The sound was so loud that he didn't notice the little son coming in.

Lance, who fell to the ground, did not care about the pain, and raised his hand to touch something greasy.

At first glance, the earth-shattering vomiting was one more person.

When leaving, Jiu Xi wrapped a trace of spiritual power around the lock.

This made it take two or three hours for the nurse who later noticed that Jiang Yazhi's ward was strange.

At that time, the spirit of the tortured people of both mother and son disappeared by more than half.

Jiang Yazhi, who was rescued, finally realized that Jiuxi was not a fuel-saving lamp at all.

He and the Lan family may have been deceived by Jiuxi's appearance.

It may be stimulated by Jiuxi.

Jiang Yazhi was actually discharged from the hospital the night after Jiu Xi left.

Of course, the hospital did not recommend that Jiang Yazhi be discharged.

But Jiang Yazhi felt that she was fine.

If he didn't leave the hospital soon, the Lan family didn't know what would become in Jiuxi's hands.

She also couldn't tolerate that Lan Xinhui had been detained in a psychiatric hospital.

Moreover, Jiang Yazhi now suspects that Lan Xinhui's illness must be the ghost that Jiu Xi did from it.

She underestimated Jiu Xi before.

When Jiang Yazhi, who was anxious, rushed to the Lan house, she was stunned by the scene in front of her as soon as she entered the door.

This, this gloomy garden and off-site arrangement, is her Lan family?

Jiang Yazhi gasped angrily.

She gritted her teeth and looked at the Lan family, which had been changed beyond recognition, and when she passed the black, smelly pool full of large catfish, she could no longer hold back the anger in her heart, and strode towards the house.

Ye Jiuxi definitely did it on purpose!


Isn't he bad for Jiuxi?

The more Jiang Yazhi thought about it, the more angry she became, and she also felt unworthy for herself.

He didn't say that he was good at taking out his heart and lungs to Jiu Xi, but to say guilt, Jiang Yazhi didn't feel that he was sorry for Jiu Xi for half a point.

Thinking about the gifts she gave to the people of Ye Jiazhai, thinking about the huge amount of money she gave to Jiuxi, who can say that she is not good for Jiuxi?

Yes, although she left Yejiazhai for more than ten years and let Jiuxi become a left-behind child, that was not what she thought!

Everything is fate, the slightest bit is not up to people, fate tricks, is this what she wants?

Jiang Yazhi really became more aggrieved the more she thought about it.

She didn't understand why Jiu Xi was planning to harm the Lan family.


Jiang Yazhi, who walked to the living room of the villa, kicked open the door, her eyes breathed fire, and she scanned the house with great momentum.

Jiu Xi is not there.

"Jiuxi! Ye Jiuxi! You give me out!

Jiang Yazhi didn't want to pretend anymore.

In the past, she treated Jiu Xi well in terms of mother-daughter relationship.

Now, it was Jiu Xi who maliciously took revenge on Jiu Xi and her younger son, then, she, the mother, could no longer turn a blind eye to Jiu Xi's evil thoughts!

She is Jiuxi's biological mother, an elder relative who gave birth to her and raised her, and from now on, Jiuxi must listen to herself!

This is also what Jiu Xi forced her!

Jiang Yazhi's movement was too big, and the Lan family's nanny and aunt were shocked.

Almost everyone went to the living room to see Jiang Yazhi.

Except for Jiuxi.

Jiang Yazhi listened to the nanny's report with a livid face, and hated Jiu Xi in her heart.

Jiu Xi, this dead girl, was born to kill her!

As long as she is stained with the surname Ye, she will not have good luck!

"Isn't Ye Jiuxi at home?"

Jiang Yazhi's tone was very bad.

He no longer pretended to be affectionate in front of outsiders, calling him by his first name, and his eyes were full of disgust.

The babysitters glanced at each other, considered them carefully, and spoke.

"Madame, Miss Jiuxi, she just went out, said that she was going to decide for Miss Huihui, kill Young Master Ou, and threatened to let Young Master Ou sit in the bottom of the prison."


A delicate cup was smashed.

"She is here to make the Lan family completely offend the Ou family! What a poisonous mind!

Jiang Yazhi's intestines were blue at the moment.

How good it would be if Jiu Xi hadn't been brought back to the Lan family in the first place!

If he had been a little more ruthless and directly let people kidnap Jiuxi and force the bone marrow transplantation, there would be no such series of unfortunate things now!

A trace of determination flashed in Jiang Yazhi's eyes.

I got up and went to the bedroom.

She turned on her phone and called the person she thought she would never contact again for the rest of her life.

"Toot toot..." The

long wait was only a dozen seconds.

But Jiang Yazhi was inexplicably impatient and anxious.

Finally, the phone was connected.

"Hello? Who are you looking for? "

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