At that time, Grandma Sun was only more than 60 pounds tortured by illness.

The old man shrunk into a ball of skinny.

A lot of blood flowed from the corners of his wrinkled mouth.

The old man seemed to have seen the son of the void.

She trembled and wanted to touch it, but her strength was gone.

She gently and tried to squeeze out a smile, and she said, "The girl is still waiting for me, I can't leave now." "

She hasn't seen her granddaughter start a family yet, she can't bear to leave, and she doesn't worry about a girl."

If she left, how lonely her granddaughter would be.

But in the end, the old man left this world with regret.

As for Lan Xinhui, after hitting the dead person, in addition to a brief panic, he was thinking about how to find a scapegoat.

Afterwards, with the help of Jiang Yazhi, she still lived happily as a rich lady.

Jiu Xi's eyes became darker.

Grandma Sun, the most important person in the original owner's life, Jiu Xi will not let this kind old man step into the miserable end of his previous life.

Jiu Xi helped Grandma Sun into the house, and Grandma Sun sat on the chair and quietly looked at Jiu Xi and smiled.

Jiu Xi took out the medicine that Grandma Sun wanted to take from the space under the guise of baggage, as well as the lychees that Grandma Sun loved to eat.

Grandma Sun took the medicine with a smile, and a trace of distress flashed in her eyes when she saw Lychee.

It's not that Grandma Sun is distressed to spend the money.

Grandma Sun was distressed that Jiuxi Province ate frugally to buy good food for herself, but she was reluctant to eat and wear.

Grandma Sun felt sorry for Jiuxi, she was so sensible at a young age.

"Xixi, don't buy these in the future, I'm old, it costs money to eat these."

Jiu Xi added the diluted water of the Health Bone Pill to Grandma Sun, and explained with a smile: "Milk, this money is used to spend, your granddaughter has a plan in her heart, you don't have to worry about ha~

" "You take the medicine first, and then eat lychees."

Grandma Sun took the water with a smile and said nothing more.

This is the filial piety of the child, she will not babble on the heart of her granddaughter.

After drinking the medicine, Jiu Xi peeled the lychee that had been moistened by Reiki for Grandma Sun.

Grandma Sun stopped eating after eating a few, and asked Jiuxi to talk about how she was doing in the Lan family during this time.

Jiu Xi picked up the nice one and said: "Everyone likes me very much, every time I miss home and want to leave, everyone begs me not to leave."

"When I went home this time, everyone sent me with tears in their eyes, and stuffed me with a lot of things before leaving, but I didn't take them, I firmly remembered the teachings of milk, and I didn't take other people's things casually."

"Also, this time I will come back for a short time, I will go back to school, and I will go back to Yejiazhai after dealing with the business."

After Jiu Xi finished speaking, she looked up to look at Grandma Sun, but found that the old man had fallen asleep.

It seems that during the time that Jiu Xi went to the Lan family, the old man could not let go of his heart.

Now that Jiuxi is back, her spirit is relaxed and she can fall asleep when she speaks.

Jiu Xi gently held the old man on the bed, his eyes touched the old man's weakened body, and he frowned.

After thinking about it, he still took out a few defensive talismans from the space and punched them into Grandma Sun's body, and then he was relieved.

Dogs will bite when they are anxious, so they have to be prevented.

Jiu Xi lived in Yejiazhai for a few days, exchanged with the construction team the detailed operation of the road construction, and discussed with the village chief to buy a few retired police dogs to patrol Yejiazhai.

People who usually patrol with police dogs let the singles in the village do it, and receive grain, rice and oil regularly every month.

As for the arrangement of police dogs, Jiu Xi directly asked people to build kennels for police dogs.

The inside is dry and comfortable, the house is sturdy, and there are sirens and cameras installed, and there is absolutely no fear of dog scumbags to hunt dogs.

The road was built quickly, but Jiuxi felt that the progress was still slow, so he recruited many workers to participate in the road construction to speed up the process.

For the development of Yejiazhai, Jiuxi felt after visiting every corner of Yejiazhai that Yejiazhai could take the road of tourism and prosperity.

The blueprint has already been obtained, and I have discussed it with Village Chief Ye, and the next step is to see the opinions of the villagers.

Jiuxi waited for a few days, and the old and young people of Yejiazhai specially held a meeting about whether to engage in tourism development as Jiuxi said.

Village Chief Ye roughly told everyone about Jiu Xi's plan, leaving everyone to discuss.

"Village chief, what kind of development law is Xixi talking about developing tourism?"

A young man who returned from a migrant job asked: "We don't have anything to see in Yejiazhai, will anyone come to develop tourism?" The

others were silent, but it was clear that the young man's words had reached their hearts.

Village Chief Ye glanced at Jiu Xi and motioned for Jiu Xi to explain to everyone.


Jiu Xi cleared his throat and asked the man: "Brother Xiaoshan, what are the characteristics of our Yejiazhai?"

Ye Xiaoshan frowned and thought carefully and shook his head.

Jiu Xi smiled, looked at everyone, and said in a loud voice: "Yejiazhai is a cottage, and the biggest feature is the decreasing terrain and the scattered distribution of our houses. Our house is a wooden wall and green tile, which is very old-fashioned. The

crowd listened carefully.

"Also, we have a lot of greenery here, bamboo forests hidden near the houses, and peach, pear and plum trees planted on the gently decreasing slopes, which are all beautiful scenery and wealth. The water we drink is a mountain spring that flows from the mountain, and it is sweet and characteristic of it. This is something that city dwellers pay for. "

When spring arrives, our Yejiazhai is surrounded by pink and white flowers, plus a green bamboo forest, don't you think this is beautiful?"

Everyone nodded thoughtfully.

Indeed, the scenery of Yejiazhai is indeed beautiful.

But they saw too much and ignored the beautiful scenery around them.

Jiu Xi continued with a smile: "Now that Yejiazhai is going to be connected to the highway, and the equipment foundation is ready, then it is very convenient for tourists from outside to come to Yejiazhai."

"I also plan to buy a batch of flower seeds from various seasons, and when the time comes, my uncles and aunts will take the flower seeds and plant them around their yards, and I will plan a place to plant the remaining flower seeds."

"In a few days, someone will send shrubs to climb the vine moon season, and I will make a huge monthly rose gate at the head of the village, as well as all kinds of hydrangeas, planted on both sides of the path, and collect tickets when the flowers bloom, and everyone has a share of the money earned."

Everyone who listened to Jiuxi's words was boiling with enthusiasm, as if they had seen the brand new Ye Family Village.

"Finally, doesn't our village have paddy fields? You can put osmanthus fish in the rice field, let tourists catch their own fish during the rice ripening season, these incomes are your own, if you want to do any business, the money earned is your own.

"So, you uncles can go home and think about what you want to do after Yejiazhai comes to visit."

Everyone discussed excitedly for a while, and finally decided to agree to Jiu Xi's plan.

Seeing that his goal had been achieved, Jiu Xi took out a bunch of contracts and sent them to everyone.

"This is a contract about the matters to be discussed today, we have three chapters of the law, which things are according to what I say, which cannot be done, once someone is greedy and makes trouble, it will be embarrassing, and the rat that makes trouble must compensate others three times the compensation."

Some literate young people read the contract and said there was no problem.

In this way, the development trend of Yejiazhai was set.

After Jiu Xi initially solved these things, he left Yejiazhai and returned to school.

And the Lan family's side is simply miserable.

First, the Wang family, who had been smiling with the Lan family, came to the door to break the marriage contract between Wang Zhaoan and Lan Xinhui.

Moreover, the Lan family's business was suppressed, and several good shops of Lan Father's were constantly troubled, and the business was almost impossible to open.

Father Lan was not well injured and left the hospital to deal with business.

He begged for people everywhere, and after several twists and turns, he finally found out who was suppressing the Lan family.

Father Lan went to the Ou family with a large gift to apologize, but he was all stopped outside.

When the unlucky house leaked rain and Father Lan was in a state of anxiety, Lance's illness broke out and entered the hospital.

The hospital issued a critical illness notice, urging the need for a bone marrow transplant as soon as possible.

Jiang Yazhi looked at Lance who quickly thinned into skin and bones in disbelief, and dialed the phone again.

"Hello? You immediately tied Ye Jiuxi's dead girl to me!" I'll give you five million, and I'll see people tomorrow!

"Regardless of disability, I want it immediately!!"

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