Jiu Xi left the hospital and drove directly to the law firm.

That afternoon, the Song family received a summons from the court downstairs.

Suing for divorce, accusing Father Song of maliciously harming her, bribing doctors and a series of other things, Jiu Xi was prepared when she went to Xiao Qiao's house.

The Song family.

Father Song looked at Jiu Xi standing in the room with a livid face, trembling with anger.

Mrs. Song is illiterate.

But she still knows a little about what a court summons means.

Knowing that her son might face jail time, Mrs. Song immediately couldn't sit still.

She moved her fat body to Jiuxi, pointed at Jiuxi and scolded: "You white-eyed wolf with no conscience, who eats my family and lives in my house, and now you actually hurt your stepfather upside down!" Is your conscience being eaten by dogs? Jiu

Xi looked coldly at Old Lady Song, who was about to poke her finger into her eyes.

He casually picked up a glass of flowers from the table and smashed it on Mrs. Song's hand.

"Aaaaa My hand! My hand! OMG my hand! Old

Lady Song held her rapidly red and swollen hand and howled like a pig.

Father Song saw that Jiu Xi dared to make a move on his territory.

Without getting angry, he rolled up his sleeves, picked up the bench on the ground and smashed it towards Jiuxi.

Jiu Xi rolled her eyes impatiently.

When Father Song rushed in front of him, he kicked the furious Father Song.


Father Song was smashed into the cupboard.

Even people with bowls smashed on the ground with a loud "boom" sound.

The broken porcelain piece cut through Father Song's hand.

He grinned in pain.

"Da, da, da,"

With the sound of high heels hitting the ground, Father Song lay on the ground, and a pair of shoes that were expensive at first glance appeared in front of him.

Without waiting for Father Song to react from his brief stunned expression.

His hair was grabbed by Jiu Xi.

"Shh You let go! You fucking let Lao Tzu go! Mean girls, believe it or not, Lao Tzu killed you and your cowardly mother? "

Father Song wants to force Jiu Xi back by saying ruthless words.

But Jiuxi just looked at him very calmly.

Those emotionless eyes seemed to contain strange emotions that Father Song couldn't understand.

This look was not fierce.

But it made Father Song feel cold all over.

"How do you want to kill me and my mother?"

Jiu Xi's voice was cool, not high or low.

Father Song was shocked by Jiuxi's momentum.

For a while, I actually forgot what to say.


Jiu Xi raised his hand expressionlessly and flicked it on Father Song's face.

The slap containing three layers of spiritual power directly beat Father Song's head dizzy, and even his teeth were loosened several times.

"Is that how it kills? Or is it like this?

Jiu Xi's voice just fell.

A dagger flashing with terrifying cold light stabbed into the base of Father Song's thigh.


Father Song's eyes burst out, and he raised his head to the sky and let out a terrifying scream.

The surrounding scene changes rapidly.

It is a place that exudes corruption, mold, gloom.

Father Song lay on a cold stone platform with trembling voices.

His limbs were cuffed by rusty chains.

No matter how hard he could eat, he couldn't break free of half a minute.

A dim yellowing lamp hung above Father Song's head.

Father Song scanned the surroundings in horror.

Frightened, he found himself in what seemed to be an underground black clinic.

"Help~! Help, come on! Father

Song didn't understand why he was still at home one second, but now he appeared in such a strange and terrifying place in an instant.

Father Song's brain was groggy for a while.

He couldn't figure out what was going on.

Is it all a dream?

And he is still dreaming?

Suddenly, there was a sharp pain at the base of the thigh.

The pain made him moan.


Suddenly, a lamp lit up in the dim and decaying room.

A red lamp.

This makes the already gloomy environment even more terrifying.

Father Song's heart rose with a bad premonition for no reason.

He began to be even more frantic to break free from the chains of his limbs and escape from this strange place.

But as he struggled more and more, the sharp pain at the base of his thigh became more and more obvious.

It was like someone taking a rusty blunt knife and slowly cutting his thigh, little by little.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a thousand cuts.


Father Song, who was tormented by this dull pain, turned pale, and his already greasy hair was wet with sweat on his face.

This made Father Song look even more obscene.

Father Song, who was tormented by severe pain, could no longer make any other sound except screaming.

I don't know how long it took.

The pain suddenly disappeared.

Father Song just breathed a sigh of relief.

I saw a blistered white and swollen face in the yellowed light bulb above my head.

That face was familiar.

But he couldn't remember who it was for a moment.

The voice that has been shouting for a long time has long been hoarse.

The throat was as if it had been scraped by a sharp weapon, hot and uncomfortable.

Father Song watched in despair and weakness as the face in the bulb grew bigger and bigger.

Until the face became the size of a person, a dim light bulb crawled out of Father Song's terrified eyes.


crawling out of the bulb was a deformed and weird old man.

The old man's eyes were hanging in his sockets.

The bloodshot eyeballs are large and look like they will fall off at any moment.

What scared Father Song the most was that the old man's body was dissected, revealing his internal organs.

And those red lights are slowly oozing blood.

The old man approached Father Song, who looked terrified and desperate, took out a rusty scalpel from the stone platform and came to the lower body of Father Song to fixate.

"Hee hee ~ dissection, dissection,"

Father Song screamed after seeing the knife in the old man's hand and the old man's next movement.

"Aaaaah! Help, help!! The

voice behind disappeared into the "poof" sound of the old man poking down suddenly.

"Ho ho ho!"

Father Song, whose vocal cords were completely injured, had his eyes burst out and his forehead was bruised.

He straightened up sharply, but was pulled back by the chain.

Father Song's ten fingers were forcefully clasped on the stone platform, and the force was so great that the nails of the ten fingers were blurred and turned over.

"Croak~" The

sound of a blunt knife slowly cutting flesh sounded in this small and strange space.

Father Song on the stone platform snorted in pain.

His eyes were red, and the sweat on his forehead kept flowing like a heavy rainfall.

Sweat mixed with blood from the lips that had long been bitten, flowed down the corner of the jaw into the earlobe, and finally disappeared into the back of the sweaty head.

Father Song has never been better off alive than dead at this moment.

He wanted someone to give him a pain.

Even if the fainting passes.

But no matter how slowly that ghost thing cut his genitals, Father Song just couldn't die on the spot or faint.

Father Song trembled like a sieve when the ghost cut off one of the balls.

"Tick Tick~" Thick

blood fell to the ground along the edge of the stone platform.

The smell of bloody blood continued to pour into the sane Father Song's nose.

This torture lasted for an hour.

When the two bloody balls were pinched by the ghost and handed to Father Song, Father Song's face was purple and dying.

Seeing what was taken out from under him, Father Song did not hold back his vomit.

But where did he still have the strength to vomit at this time?

Father Song, who was tormented by the pain of eroding bones and the dry gagging that went straight to his throat, closed his eyes. Fell into a coma.

A voice in the dark kept asking.

"How does it feel to be cut off something important without permission?"

"How? Isn't it painful? Then, this pain will continue until you die.



Father Song suddenly opened his eyes.

He looked around in horror.

Where is this?

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