The frightened pig trampled indiscriminately, and the mulberry apricot on the ground could not get up.

What's more, a lump of pig fell from the sky and smashed on her, looking like he wanted to bury her in the pile of pig.

Mulberry apricot kept fluttering.

She screamed, and so did the pig.

This movement naturally attracted the people who guarded the pig shed.

"What's going on inside?"

The caretaker of the pig shed was a lame old man.

I'm a little older, and my ears aren't very bright.

The old man sat under the old plum tree not far from the pig shed, and the action of shaking the fan was sluggish.

Unsurely, he said to the grass chopping hogweed on the side: "Female doll, did you hear any sound?" The

action of chopping the hogweed paused slightly, and then returned to normal.

"I didn't hear it, uncle, you heard it wrong, I only heard the pig humming, presumably the pig is hungry, I will go to mix pig food."

After Xiaocao finished speaking, the action of chopping the hogweed in his hand was even harder, and the "aggressive" sound almost covered up the movement in the pigsty.

Jiu Xi saw all this in his eyes, and the banter in his eyes became more and more obvious.

Since there is such a powerful foreign aid, Jiu Xi can't disappoint, can't he?

Instructing the rune paper villain to pour all the pig in the pigsty on Sang Xiaoxing.

The pigsty has a look of more than fifty square meters, and the pig inside has not been cleaned for many days, and the pig is not an ordinary pile.

The pile of pig on Sang Xiaoxing soon piled up into a small hill.

Gradually, Sang Xiaoxing's voice was covered by the pile of, and if it was not closely listened to, ordinary people would not be able to hear this movement.

Sang Xingxing was buried in a pile of pig poop and could not breathe.

What's more, the hundreds of pounds of big pigs kept trampling on her back and forth.

Although the sharp pig's trotters did not poke into the meat, the feeling of piercing the body was no less than the sharp pain of piercing the meat.

Sang Xiaoxing did not dare to shout, and pig would be squeezed into the mouth with a mouth.

If someone wants to ask what pig poop tastes like, Sang Xiaoxing must be the one who can accurately say what pig tastes like.

The sense of oppression on his body became stronger and stronger, and in the end, Sang Xiaoxing could hardly breathe.

She lay in pain in the pile of pig and whimpered, constantly cursing Jiu Xi in her heart for not dying well.

Sang Xiaoxing's voice was not high, but Jiu Xi's words could be clearly transmitted into Sang Xiaoxing's ears.

She struggles in the pile of pig, but Jiuxi gloates outside.

"Wow ~ wow ~ pig little gongju was born Ya ~ hehe ~ my dear pig little gongju, this is the first gift my sister gave you to go to the countryside, don't thank me too much~"

"What? What do you say? Are you still going to cover it with pig? Okay then, sister completes you ha!

Jiuxi's cheerful voice echoed in Sang Xingxing's ears, which made Sang Xingxing itch his teeth with hatred for Jiuxi.

Sang Xiaoxing swore in her heart that when she went out, she would definitely let Jiu Xi live better than die!

She wanted Jiuxi to pay back a hundred times the pain inflicted on her.

Sang Xiaoxing was immersed in the imagination of cursing Jiu Xi for not dying, and she felt a strong force tearing her out of the pig pile.

After a whirlwind, with a "poof", Sang Xingxing fell into the dung pit next to the pigsty.

At this time, rural pigsties were built with stone slabs, and under the stone slabs were manure pits formed by pig feces and urine.

Occasionally, there is excrement from the guards of the pig barn.

So that taste, you can imagine.



Sang Xingxing struggled violently in the cesspool.

At this time, it is late spring and early summer, and the maggots in the cesspit are also active.

Every time Sang Xiaoxing floats in the cesspool, every time his head floats out of the cesspool, he will feel the squirming of live maggots on his face and neck.

In addition, she was thrown into the cesspool, and when she shouted for help, she poured a large mouthful of dung, and now her mouth is vomiting bitter bile and manure.

Sang Xiaoxing floated in the cesspool, and Jiu Xi was talking about the wind and cool on the side.

"Shock! The little daughter of the Sang family, who was once petted, fell to such a point! Is it the distortion of human nature or the decline of morality, in broad daylight, actually fell into the cesspool bath!

"Such a heavy taste! It's really a rare sight in 10,000 years! Gee!

Jiu Xi shook his head as he spoke, holding the wooden shovel with a shovel in his hand and tapping on Sang Xingxing's head.

"Bang bang!"

After struggling a few times, Sang Xing finally grabbed the stone wall and stood firm, and the manure just reached her neck.

She opened her eyes with difficulty and looked resentfully towards where Jiu Xi spoke.

But only to see a wooden shovel levitating on her head out of thin air.

Suddenly, the full anger was blown out by a cold breath, and fear surrounded her like a tide.

The wooden shovel was still hovering up and down and smashing on the door of her head.

But Sang Xiaoxing couldn't raise the slightest anger.

She only felt that the wind was gusting around her, and even the fear caused by the living maggots arching around her body was suppressed.

In its place was the fear of the ghost who touched her neck last night.

Sang Xiaoxing finally couldn't help but scream.

The heart-rending sound was extremely penetrating, and the uncle who was not bright in his ears sat on the ground in shock.

The expressions of the uncle and the little grass mixing hogweed changed.

Both realized it was not good and ran towards the pigsty.

And Jiu Xi also disappeared at the moment when Sang Xing screamed, and only the fallen wooden shovel remained on the ground.


"What's wrong, what's wrong?!"

In the end, the uncle is a person who has done farm work, and his physical agility is not inferior to Xiaocao.

The uncle first ran to the pigsty to check on a few big fat pigs, and saw that the fat pigs were just walking around uneasily, and the heart he was carrying also fell to the ground.

Xiaocao, who arrived later, scanned the pigsty with his eyes, and did not see Sang Xingxing, and his heart was stunned.

Immediately heard the movement in the cesspit next to him, and immediately ran towards the cesspit.

The uncle also noticed the movement in the cesspit at this time, and followed Xiaocao to see the cesspit.

At this look, both of them were stunned on the spot.

And who will tell them why there is a person standing in the cesspit?

Why is she standing in a cesspit ?!

Sang Xiaoxing stood in the dung pit with her eyes closed and snorted: "Don't come, don't come!" Please let me go! Woooo

Xiaocao recognized at a glance that the person in the cesspit was Sang Xingxing.

Originally, she had dissatisfaction and hatred for Sang Xiaoxing.

But in the end, Xiaocao is still a child, and he is still a child who is crooked in the arms of his parents.

When Xiaocao saw the miserable Sang Xiaoxing, the sympathy in his heart, pity began to flood again.

Xiaocao felt that Sang Xingxing at the moment was so pitiful, thinking about Sang Xingxing did not treat himself much, he did not need to be hostile to Sang Xingxing.

Such a small grass mentality changed in an instant.

She immediately picked up the wooden shovel on the ground and said to Sang Xiaoxing in the dung pit: "Little Xing, grab the shovel and come up!" Sang

Xiaoxing was standing in the dung pit shivering, when suddenly a familiar voice sounded in his ears, and his body trembled reflexively.

At this time, the old man also recognized Sang Xiaoxing.

Startled, he came to the cesspit and took out the mulberry apricots.


Sang Xiaoxing thought that she was being teased by that thing again, and she screamed miserably in fright.

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