"If I want to say, Comrade Ma Er should be rewarded for saving people, but my sister is not sensible, comrade, don't be too careful."

Jiu Xi looked like he was thinking about Sang Xingxing and said helplessly: "As for Xiao Xing's clothes are not decent, in my opinion, just let this matter pass, and Xiao Xing will take something to compensate, village chief, what do you say?" Village

Chief Ma was overjoyed in his heart, Jiu Xi could say this is something that cannot be sought, and he has no reason to disagree.

Village Chief Suima immediately nodded, "What Comrade Xiaoxi said is reasonable, I think this is very good!" Is it Ma Er? Village

Chief Ma kicked Ma Erliu's calf and motioned for Ma Er to express his position.

Although Ma Erliu failed to achieve his original goal, he felt a little uncomfortable.

But fortunately, Sang Xiaoxing suffered a loss, and there are benefits, this transaction is not a loss.

The three people on this side discussed without anyone completely ignoring Sang Xingxing on the ground.

Sang Xingxing wanted to speak several times, but the words were suppressed by a force.

Blocked by a breathless breath, Sang Xingxing rolled her eyes.

Sang Xiaoxing was angry and anxious in her heart.

She wants to point at Jiuxi's nose and scold you, what qualifications do you have to decide for yourself? Where does the face arrange your life?

If she were to change to herself, she would definitely not let go of the rogue Ma Erliu easily!

This rude second-rate country man saw his body.

Such people should demonstrate! It's time to be sent to Niulan Mountain to receive transformation!

In his two lifetimes combined, how could he have been taken advantage of by these ignorant stinky hooligans?

Thinking that he was seen naked by a country mud leg, Sang Xiaoxing felt sick to his stomach and nausea!

If Ma Erliu is not punished, she will be uneasy!

She was never bullied.

Of course, it was put by Jiu Xi and did not count.

Sang Xingxing on the ground was imprisoned by the grass, and the dizziness and nausea from her head continued to torment her.

His body was weak and weak, and he could only look at Ma Erliu and Jiu Xi with hatred.

At this time, the barefoot doctor also finished checking Sang Xingxing's injuries, turned to the village chief Ma and said: "It's not a big problem, it's just that there is a bump on the head, just go back and get some artemisia grass to mash and paste on the wound, it's not a big problem." Village

Chief Ma glanced at Sang Xiaoxing, who had a swollen pig's head face, and the white and bleeding old scab on his forehead and frowned.

Uneasily asked: "Old horse? Are you sure it's okay?

Lao Ma was dissatisfied: "What? If the old brother doesn't believe me, I'll send people to the health center!

"Hey, don't be angry, old horse! I'll just ask. The village chief explained to the barefoot doctor with a smile.

He also said to Sang Xingxing on the ground: "Comrade Xiaoxing, your work is not finished today, for the sake of you being a novice and not doing farm work, this time you will not deduct your work points, you go back to rest first, and then go to the pigsty in the afternoon to shovel pig." "


Sang Xiaoxing's eyes burst out and looked at Village Chief Ma in disbelief.

I am so miserable, I actually have to shovel pig myself?

Sang Xingxing broke away from the grass angrily, and said unwillingly with a shaky white face: "You! Halfway

through the words, he suddenly realized that his tone was wrong, and immediately slowed down his attitude, pitifully selling miserable.

"Village chief, I really can't do that job, I fell into vomiting~! Vomit~!

"Oh, what's wrong, this is?"

Village Chief Ma was startled by Sang Xingxing, who suddenly bent over and vomited wildly, thinking that Sang Xingxing had some kind of moth.

Sang Xiaoxing squatted on the ground and vomited wildly.

In the end, the bitter bile came out, distorting Sang Xiaoxing's own bitter face.

Xiaocao looked at Sang Xingxing worriedly, looked at the barefoot doctor and looked at Jiuxi, bit his lip and said, "Doctor, what's wrong with Xiaoxing?" The

barefoot doctor frowned, unable to figure out what was going on.

Jiu Xi looked at Sang Xingxing worriedly on the side, and couldn't bear to say: "Is Xiao Xing disgusted by pig?" It is said that Xiao Xing fell into the dung pit, it is estimated that there is a shadow, so let the village chief. "


Village Chief Ma looked at Jiu Xi, who looked worried.

Jiu Xi once again cast a sympathetic, concerned look at Sang Xiaoxing.

The little grass on the side was only moved and said to Sang Xiaoxing: "In fact, your eldest sister has always had your sister in her heart, I see that you are still more sensible, and I feel sorry for your eldest sister!"

But Sang Xiaoxing squatted on the ground and vomited, and the scene was a little difficult to see directly, which made Xiaocao take a few steps back and lost the desire to speak.

Jiu Xi withdrew his loving gaze and looked at the village chief with deep righteousness: "Village chief, Xiao Xing is my sister, I feel sad to see her so uncomfortable, she is obviously uncomfortable with the pigsty now, or let me replace her, village chief, you rearrange Xiao Xing's work."

Sang Xingxing looked at Jiu Xi in surprise.

What trick is this slut playing?

The village chief looked at Jiu Xi hesitantly, and said uncertainly: "Comrade Xiao Xi, are you really willing to help Comrade Xiao Xing shovel pig?" "

Many female intellectuals who have just gone to the countryside are unwilling to do this job, and Jiu Xi did not expect that he could take the initiative to ask for the living horse village chief who took up Sang Xingxing.

For a while, his satisfaction with Jiu Xi increased a few points.

Village Chief Ma nodded appreciatively and smiled.

"Medium! Since there is Comrade Xiaoxi to help you, then you should rest for half a day first, and then go to work tomorrow, Comrade Xiaoxing, your sister is good to you, you have to be sensible, don't cause trouble for everyone anymore, you know?

Sang Xiaoxing crushed a mouthful of silver teeth.

The heart is very stunned, but several pairs of eyes are looking at her, and she is not good at putting on a face, then doesn't it become a villain!

Sang Xiaoxing smiled reluctantly and thanked Jiu Xi for bending down.

Jiu Xi smiled and nodded with satisfaction.

This can make Sang Xiaoxing disgusting.

Fake slut! If you are really so kind, you will not harm me to the countryside!

Sang Xiaoxing hid the hatred in her eyes, and reluctantly lowered her head and stopped talking.

After solving the troublesome headache, the village chief smiled and praised Jiuxi's behavior.

It was a normal word, and it fell in Sang Xiaoxing's ears, that is, the village chief said in disguise that she was not good at being a person!

The corner of his eye glanced at Jiu Xi, who was smiling, and Sang Xiaoxing's teeth itched with hatred.

When he returned to Zhiqing, Jiu Xi said to the village chief again: "Village chief, you go back to rest, everyone is tired during the farm work season, you don't have to send Xiao Xing, I will carry her back." "

This made the village chief very happy.

In his heart, he was naturally a little satisfied with Jiu Xi.

For Jiu Xi to carry himself back to the Zhiqing Point, of course, Sang Xingxing would not refuse.

Although I don't know what medicine is sold in Jiuxi Gourd.

But Sang Xiaoxing was really weak and had little strength to walk back.

With Jiu Xi, who she couldn't get used to, carrying her, Sang Xingxing really couldn't think of any reason to let go of this opportunity.

In her opinion, Jiu Xi should have been good to herself.

No matter who is in Jiuxi's body now, since she occupies her eldest sister's body, she should be as good to her sister without complaint or regret like her eldest sister.

This is a tradition since ancient times.

The big let the small one, love the younger siblings is a natural thing.

Sang Xiaoxing looked at Jiu Xi under him with relief, and thought maliciously that he would trample Jiu Xi under his feet for the rest of his life.

Just like in the previous life, Jiu Xi should stay in the mud and look up to himself!

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