"Shut up, howl?"

The hunchbacked thin man was very irritated by Wei Biying's crying.

After throwing Wei Biyi a few slaps, he picked up the sharp knife that was peeled on the ground and put it on Wei Biyi's face and threatened: "If you shout again, cut off your tongue and feed the fish!" The

man's eyes were full of fierceness.

The words spoken are eerie.

Wei Biyi did not doubt the viciousness in the man's words.

She didn't dare to risk gambling.

She wants to live, waiting for the people who saved her to come.

Seeing that Wei Biyi was honest, the man snorted coldly: "If you don't know good things, you have to beat you up to give birth, you really are a natural inferior embryo!"

Wei Biyi's face turned red from the man's humiliation.

She hated it in her heart.

But the enemy is strong and she is weak, and this is obviously not the time to compete for momentary anger.

The man raised his eyebrows.

The people sent by Gongzi this time are more eye-catching than those women before.

Know not to suffer immediate losses.

But so what?

If you enter this lake boat black fang, you will die, and you will also die on the lake boat!


The man smashed the fish on the board, spit on Wei Biyin, turned his head and left with the two big men.

Wei Biyi was angry and hateful.

Glancing at the big man who was guarding not far away, Wei Biyi could only pick up the sharp knife on the ground to peel the fish.

The fish had spikes on its back.

Wei Biyi couldn't figure it out for the first time, grabbed it with one hand, and his palm was immediately pierced by the thorn on the back of the fish.

Blood immediately came out, and Wei Biyi's brows wrinkled together in pain.


Wei Biyi held the palm of her hand and sucked it, hoping to reduce the pain.

But not long after her side relaxed, she was discovered by the guards.

"Slut! Work fast! Otherwise, Grandpa will kill you to feed the fish! "

The guards were fierce and vicious, and did not give a good face because Wei Biyi was obedient and submissive.

Wei Biyi kept showing favor and saying good words, but the man's face was only impatient.

Wei Biyi also knew that this trick was only useful for powerful and elegant people.

For these people who sleep rough and lick blood on the knife's edge, this is how the incomprehensible style comes from.

Wei Biyi felt bitter in her heart.

At this time, the sun gradually rises.

Wei Biyi on the ship had not eaten a meal or drunk a sip of water since she disappeared.

She spent another morning of bitterly peeling the skin of fish on the boat, and the wind and sun were really miserable.

The mouth is cracked, the throat is dry and itchy, the stomach is hungry, and the body is weak.

Wei Biyi only felt that it was not so hard to practice her voice.

After all, there are people who practice their voices to serve sundries, and someone to serve meals.

Although he is a lowly singer, he lives better than all the poor people.

Where can Wei Biyin, who has never suffered so much since she was a child, endure this?

She pondered bitterly how to get out of this dark place.

She can't spend her life in this kind of place, she shouldn't end up like this.

Wei Biyi was peeling fish skin in his hands, but his eyes did not stop looking at the surrounding layout.

The lake boat is in the middle of a lake that cannot be seen at a glance.

There are no trees or shores around.

The boat where the fish woman was distributed was surrounded by several large ships, which were guarded by a group of soldiers with tigers on their backs and in armor.

In addition, every fish woman boat will be guarded by a big man in a short shirt.

Heavily guarded and heavily guarded.

It was impossible for her to escape on her own.

Because she doesn't know water.

Wei Biyi's heart sank to the bottom of the sea.

How can this be good?

If there is no one to help, it is simply difficult to escape the guards of these people with the power of one person.

And Wei Biyi did not have confidence that Princess Youyang would send someone to find her.

The forces behind this lake boat are extremely involved, and who will risk offending the powerful to save a little singer.

Although she didn't know who Zhao Rong was.

But that graceful dress must be the house of the powerful.

In short, she Wei Biyi couldn't afford to provoke and didn't dare to provoke.

The more Wei Biyi thought about it, the more desperate she became.

She began to complain about why she left the palace.

"Boom~" "

Another dead, obscurity."

The scolding voice came from behind Wei Biyi.

Shocked, she immediately woke up from her fantasy.

She couldn't help but snort, and cold sweat wet her collar.

With a force, the sharp knife cut a deep hole in the left hand.

Blood gushed out and fell on the half-skinned fish.


"Ah! Stop, don't fight,"

a murderous whip came from behind Wei Biyi.

Wei Biyi didn't notice it, and there was a whip in his back.

The pain caused her entire facial features to come together.

Before the screams could spread, Wei Biying was hit at the temple brow bone by the second whip.

At this time, Wei Biyi was completely panicked.

She subconsciously curled up on the ground.

I also don't care about the fish blood and scales all over the ground.


"Howl?! Don't shut up again, cut your tongue! The

big man with the whip roared viciously: "Stinky girls! Lao Tzu has put up with you for a long time! Ten fish you can break eight, you are looking for death! The

big man saw that Wei Biyi was still curled up on the ground, and walked impatiently to Wei Biyi's side.

He grabbed Wei Biyi's hair and said, "Slut, pretend to be deaf, right? I don't care who you are, as long as you get into this lake boat, don't think about going out! Work honestly, die early and live early!


The big man impatiently threw Wei Biyi in his hand to the ground, picked up the whip and continued to beat Wei Biyin.

Wei Biyi was thrown by the big han and did not know the southeast, northwest.

His forehead hit the deck, and his brain buzzed.

But before she could find her way from vertigo to speak, the whip rained down on her.


Wei Biyi's beating was really unbearable.

The left eye was hot and painful, and she couldn't open her eyes at all.

The people on the fishing boats around were not surprised by this.

The other fish women looked numb, they had long been accustomed to this scene.

Whenever a new person arrives, this whipping is staged.

After a long time, people become numb.

Wei Biyi couldn't stop rolling on the ground begging for mercy.

At this moment, she just wants to stop the sweat, where is there still a gentle and lovely look on her face?

However, this whipping lasted for a quarter of an hour.

The big man did not let her go easily because of Wei Biyi's pitiful plea for mercy.

In the words of the big man, when you were given the opportunity not to make trouble, now you want to get rid of punishment with just a few words of asking for mercy, how can there be such a good thing under the sky?

Besides, the people above have explained.

It doesn't matter if this woman is alive or dead.

Be alive and make fish clothes.

Feed the fish when you die.

Wei Biying was awakened in severe pain.

She painfully used all her strength to fight the bite of the wound.

It hurts, it hurts.

It hurt and she wanted to die immediately.

She struggled to get up from the ground and found herself still lying on the deck.


Wei Biyi moved and involved the wounds on his body.

The severe pain in the left eye became more pronounced.

She reached out to touch it, her left eye was already red and swollen, and the whip marks on it had curdled.

If you don't see a doctor soon, I'm afraid she won't be able to ask for this eye.

A blind woman is afraid that she will not have a chance with the palace concubine in this life.

So what's the point of everything you have paid?

Wei Biyi was bitter and resentful in her heart.

If she knew who was behind her, she would not let that person go!

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