It was an angry male voice.

Accompanied by the sound of drawing the sword, it was the man's angry drink.

"Poison woman, you are so disappointing! XXX is so benevolent and has repeatedly concealed your evil deeds, how can you repeatedly teach and harm XXX many times! You deserve to die! Wei

Biyi's body was sinking.

Those voices are sometimes clear and sometimes blurred.

The conversation between men and women fell unusually clear in her ears.

But she couldn't hear the names and titles of those people.

Seeing the boats on the lake getting farther and farther away from him.

When Wei Biying also gave up struggling, she was suddenly pulled by a whirlpool towards the deepest part of the lake.


The puppet that resembles Jiu Xi vividly imitates Jiu Xi's every move.

A drop of blood mixed with runes dripped into the puppet's forehead and eyebrows.

The moment the blood merged into the puppet's face, the "person" who was originally slightly sluggish instantly became agile.

At the same time, a blind old man appeared in the fief of Princess Shurong.

The old man let people call it Xi Qiao.


A thousand dark clouds rolled up in the sky.

The pale red glow has not yet dispersed, and the dark clouds are thick, which is a sign of thunderstorms.

The half-human-tall tares were swayed from side to side like blue waves by the wind.

On a path, a white-haired old man holds a whiskered crutch with a string of small gourds hanging from it.

There are two copper coins on each gourd.

Every time the gray-robed old man took a step, the copper coin on the small gourd would emit a crisp metal crashing sound.

"Jingle bell ~ Jingle bell ~ "

Taking another step, a white goat appeared under the old man.


The thunder in the sky became more and more urgent.

It's like shattering this world.

The ground also seemed to be shaking with thunder.

At the end of the road, is a small town.

Outside the town, a long line was formed.

"Everyone moves quickly, it's going to rain, and you have to finish the food before the rain comes."

The man dressed as an official stood on the bench and shouted to the official who collected the grain.

Dozens of peasants dressed in tattered coarse cloth looked sadly at the dark clouds floating not far away.

Sigh: "I'm afraid it's too late again, how good is this!" The rain wet the grain, and the official is afraid that he will not harvest it! I can only take it back and re-borrow grain to pay taxes.

"But no, it was the same last time, the rice I carried with great effort was wet, and the official did not accept it, and told me to wait to take it back."

Pity my new grain, wet and hot and sprouted! My youngest son was so starving.

"Shh! Silence! Are you dead? If they hear, they won't arrest you and go to jail!"

A man wearing a broken cloak echoed in a low voice: "It is said that the person above is expanding the territory for our Daqing and driving the barbarians in the northwest back to the steppe, and the war has been tighter recently, and I don't know when this day will be the head."

"Hey, that person has been fighting for five or six years, and our people's life is sad day by day, and taxes are getting heavier and heavier."

"A few days ago, my old mother was sick, and I sold an acre of paddy fields in my family, so that I had money for medicine, but if I keep fighting, my family is afraid that I will not be able to eat."

The thin old man squeezed in and said, "I'm a lot older, my ancestors have been eating in the soil for generations, and I haven't eaten enough food," "

If I were to say, the size of the country has no effect on me, but the number of grain surrenders is increasing, and my family has no grain reserves."

Everyone frowned, looking bitterly at the dark clouds that were getting closer and closer to the sky.


The world is unfair.

Suffering is also the people, and mourning is also the people.

Their people are not as noble as the nobles of the family.

The days that have not come out for generations, night and day are scraped in the soil.

Everyone obviously thought of this, and for a moment no one spoke again.

The scene quieted down.

The dark clouds in the sky were less than five miles from where the grain was harvested.

And the official collected the grain and pressed the line, swallowed it slowly, and saw that it was impossible to finish it for a while.

This doomed at least dozens of households present to have their food wet by the rain.

There is no place to block the rain around.

Places that can keep out the rain are not for them to go.

Food is doomed to ruin.

"The rain is coming!"

The person who had been staring closely at the sky pointed to the rain and fog in front of him and shouted.

The official also saw this scene.

Immediately, someone was asked to collect the grain into the warehouse.

They each got into the canopy they had built to shelter from the rain.

"Thief God! My food! "

Someone crouched next to the basket and covered the grain with their bodies.

It's a little bit to be able to cover up.

Suddenly, there was a crisp sound of bells wafting in the wind.

"Jingle bells

~" "Meh~

Meh~" "Look at it! What is that?! The

middle-aged man at the end of the team looked at the man and sheep on the distant path in surprise.

The faces of the crowd were full of disbelief.

The storm is coming, and the sky is full of dust.

A gray-robed old man, a snow-white goat, and a turquoise crutch.

Everyone followed the man's scream.

When his gaze touched a strange combination from far and near, he exclaimed: "Strange! How can a sheep carry people?

"I can see the old man's face and the little gourd on his crutches! I don't usually see such a distance! The

crowd was amazed.

The official also saw the gray-robed old man.

The official who shouted at the beginning put his hand on the large knife at his waist, his brows furrowed, and he looked at the gray-robed old man with a scrutinizing gaze.

"Boss, look at that old man, it's very strange."

Wang Laohu's sleeves were gently pulled down.

He looked down to see that it was the little brother who was following him.

"How weird?"

"Boss, look, the old man came from the west, what is the place there? It's where the rain comes,"

"It stands to reason that he should be drenched, but lo and behold, not to mention the cleanliness and freshness on his body, let's say that the white sheep under him are not even wet with their hooves."

Wang Laohu followed the younger brother's words to look at the gray-robed old man's clothes, and sure enough, as the little brother said, it was very refreshing.

The goat, which is as white as snow, does not have the slightest bit of dirt on all four hooves.


Wang Laohu's expression turned into shock along with everyone.

"This, this can't be!"

"Ah! He, is he a man or a ghost? Why did the rain bypass him?!

"Nope! We weren't wet by the rain either! Rain bypassed us! Sky! Is this what we're all about? Could it be because of the old man?

Everyone watched in shock as the rain poured down and wet the ground.

The earth was smashed into a faint pit by the rain, and the rain smashed on the ground in the distance with the slag.

The gray-robed old man came from the wind and rain amid the noisy exclamations of everyone.

Rain bypassed the gray-robed old man and the white sheep.

Such a sharp rain bypassed everyone present.

It was a shock that went deep into the bone marrow.

The old man must have white hair.

The gray robe flew and flew, a fairy wind Dao bone.

The crowd heard the old man saying, "Meeting is fate, and the old way sends Er to wait for a creation." "

Blink again, where is the shadow of the old man?

Wang Laohu looked at the position where the old man had just stood, and a golden light flashed.

"What's that?"

Wang Laohu immediately ran out of the shelter to see the glowing objects on the ground.

He thought he would get wet from the heavy rain.

But what shocked him again was that in the wind and rain, thousands of rains actually bypassed him!

He is also like everyone in the rain, dripping rain!

Heavy rain is still falling.

But Yu was obviously very close to him.

But he wasn't wet by the rain!

Wang Laohu reached out to touch his body in disbelief, dry.


God-man too?

The crowd was still fiercely discussing whether the scene they had just seen was an illusion.

But the strange scene in front of him tells everyone that all this has really happened.

Wang Laohu was shocked in his heart.

He ran dumbly to the position where the old man was standing.

There is a white jade leaf lying there.

There is a faint golden light passing on the leaves.

If you look closely, you can form two words.


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