"Ghost, ghost!!"

The heart-rending scream woke Wei Biying from his sleep.

She opened her eyes sleepily, and was about to impatiently reprimand the palace maid for losing her body.

Suddenly, she noticed something squirming on her face.

She subconsciously touched it with her hand.

Immediately frightened by what was in my hand.


Wei Biyi frantically threw off the worm in his hand, and the whole person kept retreating, and finally smashed heavily on the ground.


"Aaaaah!" Wei Biyi was cut through her palms and buttocks by broken porcelain pieces all over the ground.

Blood poured out as if it had life, and there were faintly blood-colored insects squirming in the blood water.

Wei Biyi screamed and screamed, shaking off the blood on his body like crazy.

The blood fell to the ground, and the blood-colored worms began to wander around.

Then he crawled towards Wei Biyi, who was sitting on a broken porcelain chip.

Wei Biyi was already frightened by the scene in front of him.

The calmness of the past has long gone, and he only yells and shouts.

The palace maid has long run away.

But in a moment, a large number of people broke into the palace where Wei Biyin was located and surrounded Wei Biyin.

Everyone gasped when they saw Wei Biyi at first glance.

Where is this charming beauty?

It is clearly a female ghost with a rotten face.

There is also a trace of rotten and stinky smell in the temple.

The guard who took the lead hesitated.

This is His Majesty's very happy concubine.

Now I don't know what happened, causing his face to rot and bleed.

They also only came to check when they heard the screams of the palace maid.

As for how to deal with it, the guards were embarrassed.

You must know that Your Majesty cannot be without a woman for a day.

Although he is now addicted to cultivation, he has not been contaminated with women for a long time.

But every three to five is always to spoil a concubine.

And the concubines of this partial hall, although their position is low, they were only favored by His Majesty a few days ago, and they really did not dare to make a rash move.

There is no way, you can only inform the master above and make plans.

Wei Biyi was imprisoned.

When the news reached Mozisi's ears, Mozisi frowned and waved his hand impatiently, "The queen is the lord of the first palace, let the queen deal with it." "

Wei Biyi is trapped in the palace like a trapped beast.

She scratched her body in pain, constantly yelling for people to call the imperial doctor.

But no one paid attention to her.

Until the door is opened again.

The palace attendant knelt on the ground.

A graceful and noble figure appeared in Wei Biying's field of vision.

"Queen Mother-in-law! Empress Concubine, please save

the concubine, concubine," Wei Biyi seemed to have seen a savior, and was full of hope to pounce in the direction of the queen.

But before she could take two steps, she was kicked by the guard who suddenly appeared.


Her whole body slammed to the ground, and a mouthful of old blood spurted out.

"Escort! Watch her! "


The sound of weapons coming out of their sheaths, armor rubbing, and steps intertwined.

Wei Biyin, who fell to the ground, struggled with his back slumped.

She wanted to speak, but blood surged in her throat, and blood kept gushing out.

Wei Biyi was in severe pain.

My mind was full of the smell of blood and the sharp pain that came from my body.

Jiu Xi smiled at Wei Biyi, who was like a dead dog on the ground, and raised his hand to signal everyone to retreat.

"Niangniang, this woman is dangerous, you,"

"Mole, get out of the way, this palace wants to talk to her alone, so she is also a person who went out in this palace, and she still pities her to some extent."

The mole struggled inside, and finally had no choice but to take someone to retreat.

Mole and the others watched Jiuxi's every move from afar.

Jiu Xi slowly approached Wei Biyi, who was struggling on the ground.

"Da, da, da,"

Wei Biyi's ears moved.

Looking up with difficulty, a pair of palace shoes embroidered with phoenix totems appeared in his sight.

"Cough cough~

" "Emperor, empress, concubine

, concubine, concubine," Wei Biyi would affect her heart and lungs as soon as she spoke, and the severe pain made her unable to even say the complete words at once.

In the blood on the ground, countless blood worms scrambled to drill into Wei Biyi's body.

Wei Biyi looked at this scene in horror and disgust, but could not stop it.

Jiu Xi looked condescendingly at Wei Biyi under his feet.

Speak in a voice that only two people hear.

The sound is like a warm and warm spring breeze in March.

But in Wei Biyin's ears, it was like falling into an ice cave.

"Gee, poor ah, Lian promised, Wei Ji, why are you here? Why did it end up like this? Why does His Highness dislike you?

Wei Biyi suddenly raised her head.

This action exhausted all her strength.

Her eyes were bulging and bloodshot in the white eyes, making her very strange and terrifying.

Wei Biyin heard someone call her Wei Ji again after a long absence.

Not only did she not feel joy, but she was cold all over.

Her gaze fell on the graceful and luxurious face of Jiuxi, and her heart was cold when her gaze touched Jiuxi's smiling eyes.

It turned out that the queen had long known her true identity.

So, when did the queen know that she was Wei Ji?

What does what has happened to him now have to do with the queen?

Wei Biyi's bloody face showed no expression.

Her body began to tremble irrepressibly.

If the queen has long known her true face, then the queen's scheming is too deep!

Wei Biyi swallowed her spit, and the huge shock and fear forced her to forget the pain for a while.

Her heart was beating hard.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Jiu Xi raised a faint smile on her face.

"Wei Ji, do you know the whereabouts of your brother Wei An?"

Wei Biyi's heart tightened.

But still not spoken.

She can't easily admit that she is Wei Ji.

Even if the queen knows who she is, but...

Wei Biyi was so distraught that she forgot how to react for a while.

If you don't admit it, the queen will easily let herself go?

Obviously, this possibility is very small.

But what can she say?

Wei Biyi chose silence.

Jiu Xi raised her eyebrows, and didn't care if Wei Biyi was listening.

Talking about Wei'an's experience.

"Your brother Wei An was expelled from the Princess Mansion and fled everywhere on charges of murdering a horse."

Wei Biyi's pupils shrank and he still did not speak.

"Your parents, sisters, were degraded to pariahs on charges of harboring and murdering people in the royal family."

Wei Biying's hand covered in his sleeve began to tremble.

"Wei An later changed his surname to Zheng, in my mother's fief, followed my brother to the army to drive away the barbarians, Zheng Anwei said, vowing to work for the Zheng family all his life, and achieve the palace to sit high in the back position."

"Nope! No way! A

fire of jealousy suddenly rose in Wei Biyi's heart.

He is so miserable, but his brother is working for others.

How is she willing?

Originally, she planned to enter the palace by herself, and when she favored the emperor, she would recommend her younger brother to the emperor.

With his younger brother's skills, it was only a matter of time before he established military merit and was awarded the title of high-ranking official.

At that time, she will give birth to a dragon son, her mother will be noble, and her brother will be promoted, so it will not be difficult for the Wei family to rise to become a family.

But now, Empress Zheng cruelly told herself that her brother had not only become a criminal, but also changed his surname to become a lackey of his rival.

How does this make her willing?

Originally, according to her plan, she should be a noble person on a high level.

Instead of now, like a dead dog, he prayed for the enemy to spare his life.

Wei Biyi was jealous, and monstrous resentment continued to eat away at her sanity.

At this moment, Jiuxi's smile was infinitely enlarged, constantly stimulating Wei Biyin's nerves.

Wei Biyi wanted to pounce on the triumphant Jiuxi regardless of it.

But reason told her that doing so was tantamount to hitting a stone with a pebble.

I'm afraid that before she gets close to Jiu Xi, she will be pierced by the ten thousand arrows of the guards who are watching the tiger.

Wei Biying gritted her teeth.

I tried to pretend to be calm, as if I couldn't understand Jiu Xi's words.

The corner of Jiuxi's mouth hooked a smile, and his red lips lightly opened: "Wei Ji, you once used His Majesty's grace to provoke the relationship between the main palace and His Majesty, and the main palace was thinking at that time, how to destroy you, the whipping on the lake boat is delicious enough?" And what about the days of the cold palace? "

Slut!! I'll kill you! "

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