However, this Excalibur Sword Spirit also seemed to have a small temper of its own. Seeing Fang Han's extended hand, he immediately turned around and turned to the other side, which made Fang Han very embarrassed.

However, Fang Han had a way to cure him, immediately took out a Medicine Pill from the storage space, and deliberately waved it in front of the sword spirit.

This is not an ordinary Medicine Pill, but the "Sword Intent Pill" refined by Fang Han combined with a powerful Sword Intent. It contains a powerful Sword Intent, which is a great supplement to Sword Spirit.

Sure enough, after seeing the "Sword intent pill" that Fang Han took out, the originally aloof Excalibur Sword Spirit changed instantly, and quickly rubbed against Fang Han's body like an obedient child, as if Fang Han Han is like his long-lost relative.

This made Fang Han a little didn't know whether to laugh or cry, calling out how quickly this divine sword and sword spirit changed.

But Excalibur and Sword Spirit didn't care at all, grabbed the "Sword intent pill" from Fang Han's hand and gave it to his mouth, just like a foodie!

Fang Han didn't stop it either, this was exactly what he wanted to see, to increase the intimacy with the sword spirit, so that he could summon 11 it at will during the battle.

With a thought, many gold-armored puppets turned into phantoms and each turned into a stream of light, rushing towards Fang Han's body and entering the storage space again.

And the Excalibur Sword Spirit also patted his bulging belly, and returned to the Excalibur sword body, adding a mysterious color to the originally dull Excalibur.

Fang Han landed on the ground and opened his eyes. There was a hint of dark blue in the originally black eyes, making them look more attractive and sparkling.

Fang Han's eyes first swept across the golden armored puppet in the space, and now the latter, as if covered with black spar, shone with a mysterious luster, a kind that even he could feel Some dangerous aura slowly spread out, making people dare not underestimate it in the slightest.

"It can really be called perfect......"

Fang Han couldn't help admiring, although not all of the golden armored puppets today have reached the strength of Saints, there are at least 20 of them, and most of the rest are between the divine realm and the holy realm, but this is enough for now , You must know that even some first-class Sects do not have such a lineup.

Fang Han lightly touched the body of the golden-armored puppet with his fingers. The touch of his fingertips made him understand that if there was a giant dragon hidden under his skin, then there were ten or even more dragons under the latter's skin. !!!

Such a puppet can only be described as perfect.

After sizing up the golden-armored puppet, Fang Han turned his gaze to Excalibur. The latter's body shape has not changed much, but the black lightning arc looming on the surface of its body makes people understand

It has also made a lot of profits in the past ten or so days.

The golden-armored puppet has reached its limit, and it is no longer possible to improve it by relying on the black thunder alone.

My body also began to be stimulated by the energy of the black thunder. If I continue to practice, the efficiency will drop a lot.

Fang Han's face showed a thoughtful look, and after a while, he finally had the intention of leaving in his heart. He has been here for so long, and people outside must be worried, and he doesn't know what happened to Zhulong and Hexi. It's like this, although it's good here, but it's impossible for him to stay here all the time.

Finally have to leave...

At this moment, he looked at the halo not far away, which was the exit passage, and he stepped in at The next moment without hesitation.

After he entered the halo, the light flashed, and he appeared in a distorted space. In this space, there are gray whirlpools everywhere in all directions, empty and substantive, but ethereal and infinite

mysterious. In the center of the space, stands a stone platform, and on the stone platform is a green jade box.

This space is a circular space, very open. The space here is even more weird, and many spaces are folded.

Fang Han can only see things within three feet of the surrounding area, and Fang Han's current Mental Energy is still very tyrannical. If the average person is in this space, it is estimated that they can only see things within two meters.

But then Fang Han thought about it carefully, and seemed to have some clues. The 990 ninth-level steps in the previous area were just for training the Mental Energy of the people who came in, as if they were prepared for this .

Now he even suspects that his previous guess that this is a Jedi is wrong. Judging from the way he is traveling, this is actually not a Jedi, but a space for cultivation, and it is based on the ancient power in the ruins. Arrange to practice.

Fang Han thought, feeling that he was too cautious before.

Fang Han felt the space silently, and Mental Energy also began to radiate towards the surroundings.

But this space interferes with everything, and even Mental Energy can only vaguely feel something.

Fang Han felt that the closer to the center of this circular space, the higher the concentration of Spiritual Qi contained, and there was a very mysterious energy in the middle, which seemed to be spiritual energy. But Fang Han couldn't feel what it was exactly.

Moreover, he didn't realize what this space was used for. Now it seems that there must be something in the center of this space, which is the key to this place.

So at present, Fang Han's goal is to move forward in the middle.

He walked slowly towards the middle, but still remained cautious. After all, it is the space set up by the ancient Power, maybe Restrictions and killing formations will appear suddenly, although he is not afraid of this with his current strength, but whether it is true or not, it is better to be careful.

Fang Han didn't stop, but walked forward. Still walking in front, holding the sword and walking forward.

When he gradually stepped into the middle, he immediately felt so gloomy and cold. Although his divine sword was hot, he still felt the freezing cold around him. it's so spooky here

After a while, the road in front of him suddenly became narrow, and one side of the narrow road turned into a bottomless abyss. Fang Han could only walk along the cliff, and after a while, his figure disappeared into it.

Behind the vines lies a dark and deep stone crevice. The stone crevice is extremely narrow, allowing only one person to pass through. If you don't pay attention, you will bump into the wet stone wall. Occasionally, sharp protrusions on the stone wall scratch and grin, and the sudden wind blows It was like a sharp knife piercing my body, but Fang Han never frowned.

There are countless wind blades hidden in this yin wind. The yin wind is inherently bleak and cold, and when it blows on the body, it is instantly cold to the bone marrow, paralyzing the five senses of the body, and the wind blades hidden in the yin wind are capable of removing bones and scraping flesh.

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