Rabbit sage and masked nobleman.

[The end of redemption, carry-over, first part]

"Oh, you hired Rock and Apricot's" friend, "Eliphas's introduction, the butler apprentice... what's your name..."

A few days after I was hired, I actually met less than a finger count.

This is how we were supposed to face each other for the first time.

(... Something's making me so nervous)

Even if the Lady and Apricot in front of you now are said to be mothers and children, it may be difficult to believe them at all from the outside.

Compared to dark dark dark hair with short apricots, it ties up thin brown long hair neatly.

The outfit, too, cannot be associated with Cinellaria's plain eyed dress because Apricot has a trouser style that is out of place as a "noble woman".

Above all, if the overall atmosphere was the wind that Apricot was "floating," she was an old lady who made rocks feel like "hard bones".

"... besides me, my mother is someone who can speak kindly, so don't worry about her."

If I remembered a voice that seemed to drip just a little of such a "previous employer," then the uncut appeared on Schutt's chest.

Stu told himself to "calm down" when the disconnect seemed to cross the tension.

Then head to Cinellaria, bow your head exactly as the senior butler taught you, and introduce yourself if the other person "can't remember his name and wants it".

"It's Stu, my lady."

"Yeah, well, that was sht.

I couldn't remember because my jacket had changed from a butler's to a very old coat.

Speaking of which, I'm surprised that Mr. Apricot has recently become more admired by customers and deacon apprenticeships, even though it's rare to have friends. "

The Lady of the Prior Lords came into a quietly muddy lounge with a smile that only looked good.

She is not quite surprised by the muddy room.

In one way or another, the surprise was that Stu was "awake" in the VIP room.

It's just that Schutt was told that Cinellaria came to this room.

[That Pean Vinegar's magic rests on the Mansion]

temporarily forgotten.

"But Stu, you sure... are a helpful apprentice, of your brother Ato and the escort knight of the Duke of McGaffin, my sister Lily"

That being said, Cinellaria continues her words, staring at those who have the former Lords' residence.

"I wonder if it would have been my duty to evacuate and escort those two men to the former Lords' residence because they should not be caught up in the" ritual "that Mr. Apricot conducts."

"- Uh, right."

(How can I mislead you... not convince you?)

If you think about it, the van has clearance, but Schutt's perception of "behavior" is overwhelmingly unknown in Loblau territory.

Van has admitted it to me, but if I haven't even officially announced it, it's "unsolicited solo behavior" no matter what.

Eighty-nine, I'm sure you have a prediction of Stu's behavior. Netsurk is the conductor of the "ritual," so there's no way he can come and explain it to me.

(Damn, if you could have predicted and instigated this, assume these things too, that evil person!!)

If you did evil with all your might in your heart,

"If you can lower the escort price, I'll explain it using the back moves ~"

I felt like such a joke the voice of a wise man struck my head in real life, but just beat it off and focus on setting up his own excuses.

"- The Lords contacted me quickly because the guests who are resting in this VIP room are not excellent.

My brother and his family are safe, so I came to see how things were going. "

"Oh, Mr. Apricot's carelessness.

I'm sorry, and I even activated the magic of the Mansion. "

That way, the apprentice butler received the feeling that Cinellaria's tone, which speaks of his daughter's apricot, was really "lowering" her.

If it's true, I guess I shouldn't quietly disturb my expression, but even if I came up with what seems to be a complicated look, Cinellaria wasn't even looking.

"Deacon has no choice but to apologize to you as an apprentice.

Guests don't seem to be here, so it's hard to walk, so let's just help clean up a little bit. "

Schutt is again bewildered by the gentle Cinellarian words of Russia and still a gentle smile.

The smile also complicates him by making him feel "Eliphas" everywhere.

The previous lady gradually looked around the muddy room, then slapped her hands with bread.

In the VIP room, the ripples of sound echo from Madame's hand and are purified.

The "atmosphere" of the VIP room, which was only slightly bitter and thought to be due to the mud scattered throughout the room, had been wiped by the Cinerarian "Kashiwaki".

"I don't know why, but you seemed to be filled with the power of the Dark Spirit with less than pleasant emotions.

Mr. Apricot sent guests to this room...

I wonder if the magic of the mansion was activated because your guests were offended. "

Stu, who lacked much witchcraft, was surprised that what Cinellaria had said had also been caused by the vibrations and forces of the sounds emanating from her hands.

This lady is quite good at witchcraft and seems to have the skills to handle it.

Speaking from a gun on his hips, Cinellaria quietly picked up a white "bill" from his chest when Stu couldn't respond.

"It's been a while, so I hope it works out"

I pinched the bill between my index finger and middle finger of a white hand that made me feel like a noble lady, with wrinkles engraved for the year.

Shut can only watch him breathe a little.

From the purified air, it gathers together so that light, like white little particles, is sucked into the bills held by Cinellaria.

"Dauntless, dauntless, the day after, the Mizugami family in the Hideyoshi master, Woman Yoshi of the Back Palace," Tenko.

Goddess of sailing safety, you are here to keep this place safe, like a sea full of sludge and rough!

With the exception of his daughter Apricot, Stutt breathed unexpectedly into the voice of the Rin atmosphere, far from the serene Cinellarian atmosphere.

I was also surprised by its Rin voice, but the next moment when the bills Cinellaria had closed her eyes with a dazzling glow of light, I experience the wind and the pressure that I hear buzzing with my ears.



Speaking out of surprise, I don't know what happened right away and the question comes to my mind.

Once the glare was also in place, he tried to shelter his face with his arms, but still the strong wind was relentless and blowing towards the apprentice servant.

The wrapped red and black coat begins to make noise as well.

From the old lord's mansion, the wind pressure was enough for the forehead, which was moving around scattered and down in front, to be flushed back again.

When the wind stopped pitting, he slowly lowered his arm, which was sheltering in front of him.

There is a white glowing sphere above the head between Cinellaria and Stu that naturally feels "divine".

"You can keep doing this, but if you think about the rest, you should give it shape."

As if choosing even the type of tea leaf for tea, after a short thought, Cinellaria threw the bill, which was pinched in her finger, towards the light.

I can see how that throw is "accustomed" to anything, even Schutt, who has no connection to magic.

I learned from Eliphas, who was also a scattered master, and practiced repeatedly, there was a "movement".

Even if the behavior and pattern are different, there is something that goes by, and I can see that this Cinellaria vinegar also made these "exercises" the same every day.

And it also conveyed that I "liked" the practice.

From the light of the white sphere, some form begins to flourish.

Looking up at it unexpectedly, looking at it, Cinellaria opens her mouth with a potpout.

"... Mr. Apricot called for the life of Iberibi (Igarihimenomycotto) before, so it looks like the passages of the gods of the eastern countries are being made.

For the first time in a long time, it's easier for me to exchange shapes even when I use magic from that country.

That would help. "

Words short but hearing Cinellaria praise her daughter, Stu sees the face of the Lady of the Prior Lords thinking it was really surprising.

Why is that face?

There was a mother's smile from the bottom of her heart who was delighted and proud of her daughter's work.

Don't you hate Mr. Apricot?

Once upon a time, the same questions that came from Cerisanseum felt at supper, even in Shut's mind, come to mind.

"Long time no see, but the Goddess of the Eastern Country looks really nice with a sharp face"

Schutt's confusion, etc. was expressed elsewhere, and Cinellaria's thoughts were expressed.

If Stu also looked up in those words, the sphere of white light between the Lady and the Apprenticeship Deacon is in the form of a person.

In the world of the VIP room, as Cinellaria said, there was a goddess in the face of an "exotic" person.

Except for Iberibi's life (Igarihimenomikoto) and facial fabrication, the atmosphere is different overall.

Face - I guess the skeleton has something similar, but unlike the "chilli" atmosphere of the hunting goddess, this "heavenly posterior" still has softness.

Shaking his long dark hair like a white decorative knot from his shoulder, his clothes also contained wind on his long sleeves and hem, and he shut up and his eyes closed his red-drawn lips and floated in space.

"Come on," Heavenly Queen. "

hands off the bills, now if Cinellaria panned on her chest, then the goddess floating in the universe, her eyes lay down, flipping a long hemmed coat on her right.

The flipped clothes, like gentle waves, spreads as the white light that follows from the cuffs ripples into the ceiling at the northwest corner of the room to stain it into the mud all over the room, starting there.

"Is it softening because of the color of the mud?"

The more Schutt accidentally puts it in his mouth, I can see from the way Schutt looks that the mud that inhales the light changes.

The appearance was first of all the color of mud that received a "black" feeling, but the color fell out.

Earlier, experiencing the mud on his feet and the persistently sticky appearance that he had dropped into the mud, the apprentice butler could see that the mud with the light in it had become light, soft and bright.

"Oh, sht. You didn't get up in a mansion in this state because of your witchcraft skills."

Cinellaria says strangely in words, but the voice is flat and has no emotions caged.

If Cinellaria let her hands pan again and the sounds of the Kashiwaki hand echo into the VIP room, the goddess will now flip her left sleeve.

"The mud is in the corner of the room." Flush it. "Let's collect it.

Because it's already normal mud, it'll be easier to clean some of it. "

From the left cuff, just like the right cuff, the goddess - the formula God called "Heavenly Queen" - overflowed the light like a wave from the cuff, this time beginning to fill with "unusual" mud.

Quietly pushed towards the corner of the room so that the mud is pushed away by the water currents.

Normally, it is pulled by gravity, something that seems to drip like a raindrop, but it never drips strangely.

The mud was pushed and wrapped in the waves of light, gathered in the four corners of the ceiling to be shed.

Luxurious, room-furnished ceilings, side furniture, conditioning, etc. are brilliantly wiping and flushing mud stains from the surface.


Stutt watched the flush "as it was cleansed" with his mouth open unexpectedly.

"It's very hard to physically remove objects that contain" magic. "

Even if we remove it artificially, if we don't remove the "demons" that have been included, there will be a "negative" in the room. "

Slowly, as if to teach, Cinellaria speaks to St, using the ceremonial God of the Goddess to remove mud from the VIP room.

And the mud in the "open closet in the VIP room", where the door on Shut's side was opened, also came to my mind that there was an apprentice butler when he began to be flushed down.

Cinellaria came naturally into the VIP room without any noise, but if you reconsider what you're doing, you're opening a closet in the VIP room, though muddy.

And even if they look like they're looking for luggage (* there's a reason they got in, but they actually do), there's no choice.

(... Which and - and maybe the current situation is worse, I...)

Schutt noticed that he had no choice but to jump over "solo action" and be considered a current burglar.

For once, the Lady of the Prior Lords has shown me the elemental (so-called) gestures that have convinced me in the earlier explanation, but the fact that it was full of mud may be something that I just don't care about because I was distracted by you.

(… and let's just settle down again!)

"I'll keep an eye on what happens. Don't you think it's okay if I threaten you with the sound of a shooting?

Stu stares at his "buddy," who says whatever he wants, thinking he doesn't sound like a "big wife."

Without worrying about Schutt's feelings like that, Cinellaria narrowed her eyes to the place where the mud had been flushed and purified - switching her "sight" to check if there were any areas left to be purged and cleansed.

"If we were just going to do the mud in the corner, but we did it this far anyway, shall we keep it together?

Stu, Deacon... where did Rock teach you to keep trash when cleaning the floors "

"Oh, uh, so, solid debris like dust was taught to be at the interstitial part of the corner of the room.

Even after the dust is removed, the housemaids end up cleaning up nicely. "

Answer honestly what Rock taught you.

(In the meantime, stop being suspicious any more)

- As long as you don't know the "gun" on your hips belt is a weapon and you don't even have a bad attitude.

"Okay. And you don't have to be so sht.

I'm certainly good at witchcraft, but I'm not going to fight someone who can handle a horrible weapon called a gun. "

Oh, Cinellaria remembered me.

If the gun responded with a small surprise, Stu was desperate to keep the louder wolf from appearing.

"You must know your wife."

I didn't manage to put my surprise on the table, but I open my mouth down and try to leak my voice into the gun and talk.

"No, not me." My first owner. "- Haven't you met Julian Zaheto?

He was a caravan escort and a "guardian of Eliphas" visiting the land. "

My partner's description was the best of things, but Stu is small and surprised.

(In the meantime, I need to talk to Dao now to make sure it doesn't make an extra fuss)

Even though he has already decided to quit, as a servant, he spoke to Cinellaria with courtesy.

"Does the Grand Mistress know the power of a gun as a weapon?.

And, uh, do you know someone named Julian Zaheto, maybe?

Stroking the gun on his waist belt, Cinellaria replied only briefly, yes, if Stu asked, while giving instructions to the ceremonial god for the "final finish".

In response, the apprentice butler shut up, surprised and silent.

The Cinellaria on the other hand begins to sum up the universe of the VIP chamber, as the heavenly queen in service finally dances, using the force of the waves of white light trembling with the air that made the waves of long and white light, to the place between the plates.

"In the meantime, let's get rid of this nasty mud before we talk. I don't feel comfortable."

"Oh, I get it"

The gentle narrative of the Lady of the Prior Lords calms the mind of the apprentice butler with a sound that makes him want to follow.

When Apricot spoke, the analogy just sounded like a really bad but "unpleasant emotion" pushed in.

I don't know what you're talking about.

Cinellaria hates Apricot because he was directed by his relatives to hate his daughter with the face of [Karin Vinegar], who came as his daughter-in-law and became the culprit of annoying days for Cinellaria.

(Well, I don't know...)

But Stu even felt that someone who could make a calm voice like earlier would be like that.

Even as we think about it that way, the mud cleanup is going to finish.

The mud being gathered moves over carpets and fabric products that are likely to be stained, so that it is pressed and flowing by a wave of white light.

The sleeping area with a heavenly life, its futon, top of the cushion, etc. is also being moved to a place where it can be washed away and gathered, but there is no fine dust on the marks that have passed through the street.

It's been so hard for me to take it with Wes.

I'm thinking about that. To the hit, the wave of white light had also come to Schutt's feet, and the mud he wore snagged on the hem of his shoes and trousers, as well as the mud from the wes he used to examine the closet, had been flushing away.

It's really just mud.

"… so much so that" vegetable "is to say that this mud is not" natural ", sht.

But because of that, we can clean with these sorceries. "

Cinellaria answers me with that calm voice again, as I perceived Shto's question.

"If it were natural mud, even if you could push it away, the dirt that stains the" mud "garment would remain.

When the thought just embodies so much as mud, there must be something big about it.

More than a decade after the war of aggression and the natural disasters that followed settled, I thought the Spirit had settled down. "

"Oh, yeah. Something like that. Not, you are, Grand Ma'am."

Unlike what I said about Apricot, Stu accidentally got a "ground" tone in the truly gentle Cinellarian "mother" tone.

Shit, to the apprentice butler holding her mouth to the feeling, Cinellaria grinned with a gentle wrinkle in her mouth, and the mud was beautifully, wrapped up by her ceremonial god.

A pile of mud can be made in the place where Stu said it was slightly lower than Stu's and taller.

However, for the mud that was found throughout the large room, it was a mountain, but I felt like there was a small amount of excitement this way.

"The" negative "mass of the mud has been reduced within the purifying and flushing with the power of" Heavenly Aftermath ", so this is how half of it remains.

Still, it will be hard to bring it out, but good luck. "

If I said so, the ceremonial God's "Heavenly Aftermath" came down to the Cinerarian side with the cool wind.

"So long, Stu. I hope you were concerned about your condition, but it looks like you have to go and do something with your gun and coat.

Why are you even opening your closet? "

The moment Cinellaria put her last words out in her mouth, the "heavenly rear" that was on her side curls up with cold wind as her eyes cut and opened, which had been closed until now.

The cuffs that were emitting waves of white light, now from their fuzzy cuffs, along with the cold wind, pointed the elongated sharp edge of the sword at Shut.

Stu narrowed his eyes a little and became immovable and stood on the spot.

Tall, he pinches between nature and the ceremonial God who points his sword at himself, in a form that overlooks Cinellaria.

"Why don't you point the" gun "at it?.

You can still use that gun to kill me without giving me time to order after heaven.

... No, it's still possible to get out of this place without killing it.

He said the same thing about me.

"... right"

Stu was responding to the call from the gun, feeling enough to care if he was suspicious or suspected anymore.

"Dear Dao, didn't you say you weren't going to fight someone with a gun?

Stu exhales gently, then asks Cinellaria back that way, in somewhat unscrupulous words, with his hands stuck in his red and black coat, even though he knows he's not being polite.

Honestly, if I didn't keep my hands on my coat as well, with the pressing atmosphere and tension, I don't have the hairy intention of shooting, but I wasn't likely to be deterred from feeling like I was about to jam a gun.

Even in front of someone who doesn't know the horror of a gun, touching it in front of someone who "knows" its power can only be a vain threat.

If you handled it in front of the "know the power" cineralia, you'd give this lady more nervousness than you're experiencing right now.

(In the meantime, I don't know if it's magic or not, but I need to be able to get some exotic pretenders to pull in...)

- As someone who deals with "guns," let's not let this place get any easier.

Cinellaria answers Schutt's question when she braces her stomach.

"Yeah, I'm not going to fight you now.

However, as the wife of an earlier lord, it is swordswallowing to overlook where a "servant may be unfailing".

But before that, the rooms of the guests were too harsh, so I was allowed to clean them.

For guests with water shapes, this room can also place a heavy burden on their minds. "

For the final answer, the butler apprentice was surprised with an unexpected raised eyebrow.

Does "…" water mould "affect you better?

[Alsen-like blood type "water type", so rough rainy weather may not be a good influence]

When Cinellaria told me to look around again at the rooms cleaned using the ceremonial god "Heavenly Aftermath," Shut said "Water Shape", which reminds me of what Sage said.

"Well, isn't it just the weather like heavy rain or something that's adversely affected?.

It's not, isn't it?

Also to the apprentice butler who rushes to correct the words, Cinellaria leaked a crunch and, one way or another, a favorable laugh.

"You're really low on magic, and you're not here to learn in the first place.

Shall I briefly explain then? Just in case, is it okay to keep "Heaven behind" like this? "

- Is that okay?

There are so many things that make me feel "Eliphas" that I still say this in the way I get Cinellaria's permission.

It's all memorable that Apricot resembles a great first generation, but in the first place, she's the daughter of this lady.

And Eliphas was conceived by combining the existence that she could not have had as her sister with the "ban" she used to protect Apricot's heart.

(If you had a sister who had a twin split with Master Apricot, or something unfortunate, does that mean that the character of "the person" resembled that of Dao?)

To a narrative that I was too used to hearing, I almost remembered someone who had called me "master," but suppressed it diligently, and Stu nodded without a voice in the words of Cinellaria.

"Well, let's keep talking. The type of water blood is more susceptible to the weather.

Of course, there are some things that people seem to feel comfortable with and some of the things that force them to do, and even though their bodies are healthy themselves, they can block their feelings. "

To this too, if Stu honestly nodded, Cinellaria goes on.

"And what I felt while purifying this room in the ceremonial God's" Heavenly Aftermath "was that there was so much" regret "and" penance "in the mud."

Only slightly cut, the Lady of the Prior Lords conveyed to Stu the emotions that were contained in the mud.

"Regret and confess"

Stu takes his hand out of his coat and puts it on his chin to think which one applies to the nobility that should remain in this room.

But so, if it is "penance" and "regret" that was in this room, the apprentice butler comes to think that nothing is just that beautiful feeling of nobility.

(Master Arsen wasn't the only one who used this room.

The last thing that should be left is Master Arsen)

The boy remembers the three adults again, who were staying in this room.

Grandor, Arsen, and Netuark.

I guess Netuark will be in the form of an intrusion later, but those two and the length of their stay will only change for a few hours.

(In other words, all three of them are Osama and I think they came with quite a few different things.

Sure, Grandor and Arsen were heroes, weren't they?)

Not long after Shto was born, four figures, heroes representing the country, were active in protecting the peace of this country from other countries that tried not to invade it.

And two of those four heroes, it seems, are Grandor and Arsen, but clearly, they don't come to Stu with pins.

The other two heroes sometimes have their own intentions and are ostensibly lay low in this country, their presence, their names, and their realities are somehow not felt by the boy.

In this world of paper and hearsay, stories more than a decade later even felt like "gaga".

I know you're strong.

Early in the morning, Netsuark accidentally whistled a small whistle when he saw that "twisting the baby's hand" would stop the "death fight" named Ars and Louis "breathing."

Soon afterwards he was called back to Apricot, and I don't know what happened later.

But if Netsuerk could do that, if he was a "hero" close to his age, Grandor and Arsen could do more than that.

(Twelve years ago, the Pope who ruled a natural disaster still seems more "heroic" from me.

Even without the brackets, Grandor and Arsen are respectable people who understand Ato.

... if you say so)

One of the most respected figures that Stu has come from the Wang capital so far is Grandor.

Before going to the ritual from that Grandor, I was briefly told how the wife named "Maple" was in Netuark.

She didn't tell me the exact reason, but she died immediately after her marriage to Netsuruk.

Earlier, in Arsen's military uniform in the closet, I was also finding a case of leather sewing that would have stuck her - presumably saving Arsen's life.

The sewing case with the year in red leaf patterned leather, which took the bullet, is probably something that has an edge with her.

Grandor said that Maple, of course, loved children, but was particularly involved in the work of thinking about caring for and treating people with disabilities, like his own brother Ato, in general.

And now Stu realizes that he was close to Grandor, Arsen, and even Eliphas because of the extension, and that they have an understanding of someone like his brother.

- I owe it to one woman who has never even seen me, now, to just one brother of my own dear in Lobrow, and many adults who have shown understanding if you try to be my brother.

Let go of the hand that was on his jaw, and now Stu stares at the closet where the sewing case rests, the mud has fallen and it has become clean.

Although it does not reach Maple, Netuark's appearance is overwhelmed by the fact that he was his "husband" in gratitude.

(Perhaps it's undeniable that Mr. Netsuerk saw Ato and Maple... remembered his wife...)

The sarcastic boy knows that when he is put first by a loved one, he carries punishment even though he is not guilty and wants to regret it.

ban on yourself, whether you look like an adorable, infidel rabbit,

Even if you have evil faces in your hair and eyes similar to the one that dances freely through the sky,

Perhaps that wise man named Netuark, carrying a great "regret" and "confession" for losing someone named Maple, is alive.

Cinellaria watched gently as Stu took it seriously and shut up.

And to some extent I could see a verse that wrapped up what Stu was thinking, so I open my mouth.

"As for the type of water, although the weather is susceptible to weather effects, it is as susceptible to staining and moisturizing as it is to water - it is also susceptible to" crossing ".

Understand a person's pain and smudge the wound.

So a lot of people have water shaped blood if you're good at healing. "

If he had heard Cinellaria's explanation, Shut up again and nod, remembering the information Ato had told me.

"It was Mr. Rico, Ars, Ars Sense -, blood, water! We're friends!"

Stu didn't know what he was talking about at first.

But go on, Ato.

"Lou is on fire, Gran Sama and Lili are dirt!"

And if I spoke of names, I could connect to Stu that my brother was talking about the blood type.

My brother, who memorizes it all if he was interested, also told me the shape of the other line of blood, but especially now, if he heard about Cinellaria, he remembers impressively about water.

(That silver-haired glasses beauty sister and Master Arsen would know somehow, but Ars doesn't feel like "water")

As I recall earlier, in his battle with Ars and Louis, he was watching an unrelenting "friend" fierce attack.

Normal Ars wouldn't be ridiculous to be judged a water mould, but if I had seen that way of fighting and the look on his face, I wouldn't have thought of it as a "water" mould, which tends to symbolize kindness very much.

The fierce sword strike against Louis even seemed to remind me of the flames in one way or another.

Well, the blood type stands for "nature," not "character."

It doesn't matter if you remember that things that have water properties are easy to take in things that have momentum and flow.

With that conclusion in mind, Stu once again concentrates on Cinellaria's words.

Hear Cinellaria continue with the words, "The owner of the water mould is also easy to interact with, understands the pain of people, and obscures them."

"When the mud stains in this room were being swept away using the power of heaven.

Rather than mud, the "water" stained in the soil, with the "penance" and "regret" as I said earlier, lurks in the soil, mixed, melted and muddy.

I also felt the desire to receive my regrets and penance by impregnating it into the earth.

This time, I think it was relatively easy to clean and flush even with my technique, which I have used for a long time, because there is no one who made that confession or regret.

Quite simply, there may be times when "water" wasn't sticking to the "dirt" on which the mud came from this room. "

Cinellaria's gaze, "So far, you know what I mean?" is the gentle look and weight (dub) of Eliphas when he says, "Okay?" again.

Stu stopped along the way from trying to come up with a denial that "Cinellaria and Eliphas are not alike, different" as he summarized the story of his predecessor with his head.

(… something else is good, something similar.

Because the person who was really supposed to be my daughter might have been my master)

However, if Eliphas had been born as a twin sister or as a sister to this lady a few years later, Stu must not be "Stu now".

As a family, I know a little about Ato, but I'm sure I neglected my brother.

I've thought about this many times since Eliphas took it from the church, which is an orphanage.

If the Lady in front of you loses my son in the womb twice, and her certainty with her real daughter makes her mourn her grandfather, who was called a wise man, and hands on the forbidden technique and "Eliphas" does not exist, she cannot be a "sht now".

(Well, on top of the misfortune of Dao Cinellaria, I don't mean our brother's "happiness," but I don't think there's peace...)

It was also "pardon Mahei" to think that there was a happiness of my own on top of someone's sacrifice.

(I'll never talk to you, but it's funny how you talk about where we came from and appreciate it.

If, "My heart has been sacrificed, but it would have been good if you brothers could understand each other," I'm sorry for the heavy weight)

It's the same story about a hero if you sht it, even if they postpone the story before you're born, "I don't know this one".

I appreciate you for giving me a time of peace, and I know that those who live "now" have to make an effort to keep it going.

But all the misfortunes that have happened to keep the peace, the Cinellaria, the unnecessary prying around, the feeling of sadness and regret that I was unable to deliver the child I wanted to have safely.

The feeling comes best that if you try sht, you can always tie yourself to the "edge" of such sorrow and remorse.

Even if I can't help being held captive, it's really silly to narrow my future and hopes with it.

If the path you want to take is forcibly closed, until you make a new path without complaining.

- Hey, Stu, maybe you and I can think of something around here.

If you thought about it, you seemed impressed, and I felt like I heard the little fool's voice again in my head, so I said, "Shut up" in my head as well.

"Water", which contains a lot of "penance" and "regret," intersects in the mud that the Grand Mistress put together here, "because of the nature of the water," right?

- The person you're telling me about now is Cinellaria Vinegar.

- It is only natural that the make-up of tricks and expressions is similar, because this Lady of the Prior Lords is someone who, if ever, might have also been the parent of her master.

Line up the "current" thing, and Stu calms down his feelings and confirms what she explained to me as she puts it in her mouth.

Cinellaria nodded as the Lady of the Prior Lords used the ceremonial god to gather mud and clean it up, pointing to the place she had placed it for me and confirming what she had told me.

Stu opens his mouth as he sees his wife nodding and then points to the mud that continues to be wrapped up.

"But" water, "including" confession "and" regret, "was soil there, or there was no strong feeling in what was stained and muddy.

So you call it a shikigami floating next to your big wife?.

If that's the white glowing wave coming from the cuff, and it flushes "penance" or "regret," is it okay for the guy in the mud to be flushed easily?

To Schutt's confirmation, Cinellaria applauded me small by creating a laughing wrinkle that was gentle on my eyes.

He seemed to acknowledge and praise the apprentice butler's understanding of what he had explained in words, even though he saw no magical qualities.

Whilst exhaling, I thought there was nothing to make me feel Eliphas anymore because my face was made differently, but Stu was still aware that it was the same for a woman to be tall.

(… is that me?)

"... if what I'm saying is correct, it's time for you to lower that shikigami's blade?.

After all, it doesn't feel very good.

Besides, I can't go without looking for guests who are ill, who get some rest in the corner-cleaned room.

Also, if you've fallen in a territory called Robrow like McGaffin, the big farmer, I think it involves the Binegar family selling tickets. "

If we were talking this way, I would be reminded of Cinellaria and Eliphas intermingled indefinitely.

After all, whatever form Eliphas' "origins" are involved in the cineralia.

I feel more reckless to think away from it, and Stu "gives up trying not to think" about Eliphas in Cinellaria.

If I told Cinellaria what I was supposed to do while I was thinking about it, Strangely, Stu was surprised at me talking to the last of the conversations as if I were a deacon.

That's the same for Cinellaria, who was surprised to raise both eyebrows, but immediately puts them back in "Your Lady" 's face.

"So is that. Well, maybe after you take my advice on this mud one last time.

I didn't originally think you'd run away.

However, I really wanted it to be in my ear as I cleaned it.

I could see you in a hurry, so I've got words lined up. "

What, there was a reason for that?

When he hears the words, Stu exhales small and bows his head to the Lady of the Prior Lords with respect.

"You don't have to do that. If it's your wife's favor, I'd love to hear it, ma'am."

I noticed myself saying quite a bit of "kizzy" rhetoric after I said it and Stu blushes slightly, but Cinellaria smiled at this.

And that, on the contrary, is embarrassing. Stu panics and adds to his excuse for becoming a "kizza".

"Ah - but that's it.

Run away. In terms of not running away, if

"Pay for this concierge!"

Or if they even told you one thing, I'm confident that my brother was pulling and in some different country, stealing out stables horses and running away with his hip.

So take me, not me, okay?

You should stop buying my stuff! "

To the apprentice butler in a hurry, the Lady of the Prior Lords now laughed out loud.

"Hehe, I get it.

After all, you must be a "kind person" to handle guns. "

With his eyes staring somewhere nostalgic at the facial apprentice butler, Cinellaria looks forward.

Then Cinellaria opened her lips with her eyebrows and her mouth tightened and the reddish lips applied for her tenderness.

"Well, let's talk about what I wanted to tell you."

The Lady of the Prior Lords quietly clap their hands together.

Then beside her, she slowly and quietly closes the wide open eyes of the ceremonial God, the "Heavenly Queen", which was floating to protect her.

The narrow eyes, suited to a sharp face that also felt sharp, which was intimidating and staring at Shut standing in front of him, stare at Shut at the end and close him perfectly.

And if he returned to the same soft impression he had in the beginning and swayed loosely to dance the cuffs that had a thin, sharp, thin sword, the weapon would soon be swooning thinner.

The next moment when the fine sword disappeared perfectly.

Formula God, who would have pictured an exotic woman, whitens her whole body from a point in her chest so that it spreads from a drop of ripples on the surface of the water.

If its whiteness had crossed the corner, it would have become a white mass drifting into the universe after heaven.

"Thank you, Heaven, for calling upon me, even though the passage of time has nothing to do with you. Thank you for coming promptly."

Moreover, rather than the Lady of the Lords, Cinellaria uttered a voice reminiscent of the wizard who was living his life, as if it were a magical "skill".

She thanked her serving ceremonial god and breaded several times.

The ceremonial god, which had become a white mass floating in the universe, signaled the cedar hand of Cinellaria and slowly went up to the ceiling of the VIP room, stopping in between.

Then it sprays away from the edge of the mass and dissolves into the air thinly.

Oh, it's "clear".

She disappears and melts, and Schutt, who is not good at magic, can see that the room is being cleaned up even more.

(What's that?)

In a clear space, a long piece of paper floated white and thin as I thought all the white lumps disappeared when it all melted into the sky and disappeared.

(Oh, the bills the Big Mistress used)

At first, when I called upon the heavenly rear,

"You can keep doing this, but if you think about the rest, you should give it shape."

Stu remembers using it as a

The bill slowly descends, as the leaves of the tree spin in circles.

Cinellaria saw that her ceremonial God "cleansed" this VIP room, exhaling her breath small to appease her.

"I cleaned this room perfectly.

Now you can rest safely even in the blood type of susceptible water. "

Stu stares at the side of Lady Lordship, who makes an even more ridiculous impression by watching the bills slowly descend into the VIP room.

"However, those who were" vegetarian "and blended into the mud as" penance "and" regret "- they would still hold that feeling in their hands."

That's what I'm talking about. The look on the face of the previous lord's wife included the obvious "worry" in Rin's face.

"Does that mean that if that" vegan "person came back to this room, and this room, regardless of the mud thing, has to be cleaned this way?. Oops."

Stu also knows that Cinellaria is saying something different than the worries she has.

But when I asked unexpectedly about a glitch that would happen in this realistic room, a billboard dancing with a leech was coming in front of me and I was grabbing it unexpectedly.

It was a paper bill with exotic letters, unfamiliar to Stu.

"... Stu, isn't that what the Grand Mistress is saying?

He talks to Shut up for a while, like a gun hasn't been around in a long time.

"So, what's the deal?

Regret or penance, if you normally live with good sense, you have a couple.

So, I don't know how you got muddy in this room.

As a servant, I just thought it would be troublesome if I had to perform a purification ritual, like the old lady was doing, in order for the water mould to rest more slowly like this. "

"If someone with" Vegan "continued to do what it is now.

Hey, you know, not everyone switches as fast as Stu does, right?

If Stu gets blocked, he'll look for a new way to go again.

Some of them can only go that way.

I don't know what I care about when I have the toughest ato to find my way... "

I guess what my partner is saying is the right thing to do, but the way he says it is turning back, and Shut says "kachin" too.

"Oh? 'Cause you can't move on, but what am I gonna do with you staying in that place?

Hmm, why does Ato come out of this stream?.

What? "


That's it. Stu saw terribly how the “ Grand Ma'am ” reacted to what he normally said to the gun.

Earlier, though only in form, they were pointing their weapons at us.

So even if I had an abusive attitude, the feeling of "okay with it" was working in the sht, but now that it's even calmed down, I want to do it over.

However, since I was talking and having conversations normally toward my thoughtful gun, the delusion doesn't even work now.

Taking a gaze from the apprentice butler of "Fear," Cinellaria of the day stares gently at Stu and the gun on his waist, smiling at him.

"Uh, Grand Mistress.

Don't you think I'm acting suspicious, crazy, or something weird on my own?

Yes, if Stu still spoke "terribly", now Cinellaria would have a "sensible" look in her gentle smile.

"Well, if you were talking to yourself alone, you might think so.

But if you observe it carefully, you can see that there is a "while" while you are talking, and that you are having a "conversation" with something. "

"Well, ma'am, do you know what I'm talking about?"

With dismay, Stutt looked down on someone who was the Lady of the Prior Lords and thought she was Apricot's mother and just a "noble" woman.

The apprentice butler felt surprised, Cinellaria turns a gentle smile into something sensible and rude and opens her mouth towards Schutt.

"Once again, my husband... before I married Master Van Vinegar, I also had my magician's license.

My uncle and sage Pean Vinegar liked it and told me about it.

If you disagree with the research, the first generation will like it, even if it's on parity. "

"Oh, yeah, I don't know"

Cinellaria "laughed" with pleasure as Schutt increased the number of blinks to further surprise.

"One way or another, I was more dominant in research, so it's not like I could use magic that far.

So, if I saw how you were talking and how you were doing, I'd say you're having a conversation with the gun on that hip. "

"He" laughed funny, too, if Schutt accidentally gazed at the gun on his hips at Cinellaria's exact discerning words.

"Cheng Cheng, Mr. Cinellaria was originally a professional woman."

"... how am I supposed to sum up the story in my head?

It's the blood of the water, it's the purification of the room, it's the vegetables... "

Just a little bit, I mean, I can't keep up with Cinellaria and the gun pace - "the youngest sht".

The fact that "guns" speak in the first place is also a startling event if you try to sht it.

The unique atmosphere of that superb underground prison called the "secret base".

And a girl named Lily was an "accepted" event because she spoke to me.

(Because Osama on the bad side showed me all the "disgusting aspects of people," I don't know if you believe that little girl, but I have a straight feeling that it's not dirty...)

'That's right, then, I knew you were a mourner with! Awesome, me, admire it'

I couldn't sht deny that feeling because I was "admired" with my eyes sparkling, which also looked mighty.

But if it wasn't for Lily, I wouldn't believe it at all, even if I could hear the guns, even if I thought it was "lost my mind," and I'd never be in this place.

I may be rude to a willing "gun," but Schutt would never have accepted the existence of "he" if it hadn't been for a girl named Lily.

To the extent that they say things like "I don't understand" about the family to the existence that they accepted in their accomplishment, it also comes to my head lightly, and in a sense, I want to be poked at "pain" and sighed.

In addition, Cinellaria also felt that she was really "clapped out" of the way that Lily had first told me and managed to accept the fact that "guns" spoke.

The "continuum of surprises" is exhausting to Stu's mind.

"... does it mean that people who are involved in magic and sorcery can be accepting that they are not creatures to speak up?

What are you talking about, Stu?

The throwing sht thing, as the gun said, even sounded like "stubborn" all the time.

"Shut up, you've crossed my tolerances, so work a little"

Abandoning the deacon's behavior, he talks in a way that makes him a "gun brother" sht and bluff.

"- It's only been more than two decades since Julian Zaheto, but apparently something is working.

I wonder if it's like a mourning god in the eastern country.

But I don't think I can hear you, and there must have been no limit to who the Mourning God is. "

It sounded so gentle, it was the voice of Cinellaria.

But in that gentle, teachy mouthful of hers, Shto realized himself to be slightly irritated.

(Why are you acting so rational and kind to me?

Why does it feel so low only to Master Apricot?)

If you think about it, I can't help but take care of it here and deal with Cinellaria via Apricot because the sun is shallow.

On several occasions, the van asked me to help organize the books, but Cinellaria may also be a "lady", but I don't have a chance to talk to her.

"Apart from Apricot, Cinellaria can behave gently."

It puzzles me that, even temporarily, I can no longer understand the true meaning of the words spoken by those who have become my "Lord", speaking in such a way as to cut that explanation, at the same time as Stoic frustration.

This is how he tells me that he was a magician, and he apparently knows and understands about the mourning God, who would normally be laughed at with his nose.

Above all, he was chosen by Pean Vinegar, who is also a wise man, and welcomed him as the daughter-in-law of his favorite "candidate", his heir son.

(In the first place, a lord who says that everyone is "fine" to your superiors and chosen by the "wise man", is it someone who gets cold to her real daughter because of the women's harshness or something?)

Isn't that what "Mother's Love" does to get me over it, even if I'm stubborn?

Or was the pussy of factional strife and pussies so gloomy that "Mother's Love" was crushed?

But the person in front of me is very Rin, and I can't feel Stu losing something like that.

If you think about it again, Apricot didn't say a word about his mother as a "bad guy".

You just don't be nice to my daughter.

(I'm "Apricot-sama", so I can't be nice to Apricot-sama, you mean I was unconsciously unconscious about this person...)

Even if it is such a matter of narrow horizons of his own, in his mind, Stu disproves himself (by arguing back against hang-ups, claims and criticisms).

"... In the meantime, if you've got a lot of questions, one thing at a time, it seems easy to clean up, so why don't you clean up as much as time permits?"

Maybe I don't have time if I'm being honest with you.

Guests in this room, who should be gone, have not lost their lives with bullets, but have clearly left this room with an unwell body.

If you've heard the story, you're also vulnerable to unlimited "bad influences".

Anyone who has such a sht of internal affection in front of him will draw it from just looking at it.

"You may not have much time, but what you're going to do now is leave your heart alone and you won't" regret "it?

It's as if it's a kind verbal guide that will point you to stray, but Shut's heart is cold.

I'm sure this guy doesn't have any love.

Aren't you overflowing with kindness?


"... then why can't the Grand Mistress be nice to Master Apricot Vinegar is my heart now"

Feeling like freezing his cold heart with the momentum it remained, Schutt vomited words to Lady Cinellaria, rounding up "kindness," which is most needed as the qualities of those who deal with guns.

Cinellaria looks sad, carving vertical wrinkles between her eyebrows.

It was predictable that this story would be a word that would surely chop the heart of a man named Cinellaria.

"Stu, that's what you say..."

At the moment he said so, Stu slapped his buddy on his hip.

"Shut up."

"... I thought you told me not to ask about Julian Zahetto's gun."

Cinellaria asks, diluting the wrinkles between her eyebrows.

But Stu stared straight back at Apricot's mother without answering that question.

The wit of seeing words, expressions and behaviors, even if you don't listen to words, and the precise and calm circumstances are capable of judging.

Even though she has that wit, even if her daughter is so much as crushed in the face and with a keloid, I still can't understand her heart that she couldn't stop the urge to spew derogatory words.

Stu stared "worried" at Cinellaria.

And that look reminds me of my "stepfather" as soon as the red and black coat he was wearing and the height of his tall.

- What I do may create all sorts of distortions, but for now, we'll each be able to reduce the "heartache" -

Apricot, before my daughter put on the silver mask.

Just wrapped around a coat like this apprentice butler wore, he was declared about his "daughter" by the esteemed sage.

"... well, for over two decades now, my father-in-law and I locked up the time to think, and Julian also gave me an answer, so I have to..." reply. "

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