Rabbit sage and masked nobleman.
[Breakfast for all]
Time goes back, before the rabbit sage flies the golden frog, the demon, to Rico and the others.
In an early morning getaway lodging, the rabbit sage woke up from some breathlessness.
"Lily's sleeping with her mother."
If I open my circular eyes, Lily is holding me tight to Gyu-gyu.
(At night, when I fell asleep, I should have just lined up my pillows.)
"- Lord Sage. - Are you all right?
Apparently, Ars woke up, too, and he whispers from the next bed to avoid waking up Lily, talking to her boss who is being tightened up.
"Honestly, is it a little painful?
The rabbit sage shrugs as he takes Lily's healthy sleep named Swooth at Moffmoff's forehead.
That's how the sage and the escort boy wake up quietly, completely awake, and look at the clock next to the bed.
"It's a lot quicker than usual to get up."
On his knees, he slowly came to the bed where Lily and the rabbit sage slept.
"Lily's tired from her first trip, so you're still sleeping well"
Feeling like looking at her young sister, Ars smiles calmly.
"I don't want to wake you up if I can ~"
That's what the rabbit sage said, it seemed like the silence had returned to the dorm bedroom.
The grand "snoring" that I said is for two people, from the room of Grandor and Louis next door.
The rabbit sage and Ars, gradually, noticed the sound.
"With that said, you said you were both snoring awesome or something. But if you haven't listened carefully to the information room separately, you won't even notice the spectacular snoring."
With a voice the size of which Ars did not differ from the sound of snoring in the neighbouring room, he groaned in the wind where he said the scales had fallen from his eyes.
"Because humans have the ability to choose the sounds they need. Hmm? What!
The rabbit sage suddenly groaned because, of course, the sleeping lily hugged him with "ghoulish" force.
Rather than hugging, there may be a situation where you describe it as (...) or (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...)) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...)) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...)
By the way, Ars retreated quickly and quietly, sitting back in his own bed, watching out for a once (from the safety of his boss) so that he could not find out he was staring at Lily's sleeping face.
"Mm-hmm, Moffmoff?
That's what Lily, who fell asleep, opened her eyes and confirmed the rabbit sage she was hugging.
"Lily, hi. Lord Sage is going to suffer, so you might want to let him go."
To his painful boss, Ars puts out a help boat.
"That?. Ars kun?. Why? Where are we?
The girl, who was only half the inhabitant of her dream country, had blinked violently for a while.
But when the rabbit sage moved his ear piquely and it touched Lily's face, he opened his eyes of great strength, patchy and her trademark.
"Wow, Sage, I'm sorry!
The bed duvet bounced up Gabarily, and Lily got up.
The rabbit sage on the other hand looks like he's falling down lying on his bed.
"Damn, wise man?!
When Lily hurried up and held up the plush sage, her circular eyes just marked "X" and seemed to have stars spinning around her long curved ear head.
"Looks like your eyes are turning."
Ars said calmly as he sat back on the bed.
"Duh, what should I do? Sage!"
The rabbit sage woke up mucky when Lily raised her voice like that, who was half-crying.
"A little apologetic was too loud in my ear, I guess."
Saying so, I take the little round glasses dedicated to the sage out of the green coat my best friend tailored for me, take them out, put them on my little nose and look up at Lily.
Then I heard footsteps for two people and...
"Hey!! What's up!!
"Lily! Something's wrong!
Together with the sound of Gatilya and the door opening, Grandor and Louis, who even held the weapon, came in asleep (underwear naked at the top and only worn below).
"Good morning, Master Grandor, Louis."
Ars normally greeted those two and the bedroom in the deepest part of the room was filled with indescribable air.
Then Lily blushed at Grandor and Louis naked in her upper body, screaming, and the door was rushed again.
And about an hour later...
Ars and Lilli had come to the morning market in Inn Street with a rabbit sage dressed as a stuffed animal.
"Master Grandor and Mr. Louis, you seemed lightly shocked."
In the hustle and bustle of the city, Ars spoke to Lily, who would have felt calm.
"'Cause I've never seen a guy dressed like that before"
The little colleague looked like a bum and walked side by side grabbing the hem of Ars' clothes.
Although the rabbit sage is held by Lily dressed as a stuffed animal to the point of moving his ears pickly
Nothing to worry about ~)
As I said, Ars can feel it.
"Oh, 'brother' is wearing sleeping pants on his shirt when he goes to bed, so why is Grandor and Louis dressed like that?"
Since Lily is still saying Mogomogo, Ars stroked her head so she could pound and gently slap her.
"Right, something I think even a man would be shocked enough to scream if he was an 11-year-old boy and a 14-year-old and an elderly woman accidentally witnessed her upper body naked. That's why Lily screamed."
In a refreshing morning market, what a comfort, Ars said, if he was smiling bitterly in his heart, Lily would stop walking, tie his little lips cuddly, and look up at the new soldier.
Ars also stopped on his feet, facing Lily, slowly placing his hands on both shoulders and speaking to him to teach.
"'If something awkward has happened because of neither of the bad things, let's apologize first'.
That's how I taught the priest I was raised. "
"If I apologize, will it not be awkward anymore?
For Lily, who knows only the narrow public, both Louis and Grandor are 'loved ones'.
Lily was guilty of being disrespectful and shocked that she screamed at those people, even if not deliberately.
It's just that Lily herself, for the first time, saw a man (naked upper body), and she was upset, and her embarrassing and weird anger creaked in her chest, and she wasn't going to stay calm, so the rabbit sage was offering Ars, "Shall we go to the morning market for a change of mood?" and she was taking him out of the inn.
"It's okay, Master Grandor and Louis were both shocked because they felt 'I did something bad to Lily'.
I'm sure you don't have to apologize, but if Lily goes back to normal, we'll be fine. "
Still, Lily was still maggots.
I wonder if there's anything that might inspire you.
When Ars had just a little trouble and looked at the rabbit sage dressed as a stuffed animal, he unnaturally bent in a direction with long ears.
If you look at the curved ears, there's a fragrant scent of meat cooking coming from inside the morning market.
(I see)
"Lily, let's buy a souvenir and go home. I'll be happy to buy your favorite meat skewer for breakfast, Louis, and I'm sure you'll soon forget what happened."
Lily gave a bright face to the suggestion that meat lover Louis would certainly be happy with.
"Oh, right!, I will!. Then let's go, brother!
Pah and Lily grab Ars' wrist and run out.
"Wow, wait, wait, Lily!
In the form of Lily grabbing my hand and pulling it, Ars slipped through the morning market to the stall where the meat was sold.
There are quite a few rows of meat stalls that two and one of them have reached through the crowd. Lined up were still many successful men.
"We can all eat meat a lot in the morning ~. Oh, or is this the normal guy thing?
Ask Ars as Lily lines up behind the line.
"I don't know, if you're a man with a strong stomach or a woman, you've already said you're okay with meat in the morning"
Als thought, answered, and then also decided to think and choose words when talking to Lily.
Lily says it worse than Ars thought, but "unknown to the world".
That's probably something you can't help but say, given your life with a rabbit sage who lived like a lair in the "Town Hall Forest".
Ars felt just a little bit of "fear," that "children" should not be given bad preconceptions that honestly absorb too much of any influence.
"You're in quite a line. Oh, but it's going fast."
Lily has no dew about Ars' determination, and enjoys lining up in the meat stall queues.
"Eh, there seem to be two different flavors with salt and sauce with meat flavoring, but what do we do?
Besides not seeing it at the girl's tall height but seeing the street menu from Ars and the menu and flavoring, I also read up on the type of meat and taught Lily.
"Brother, if you can afford the money, won't you buy both kinds of seasoning?
When Lily says so, the ears of the rabbit sage dressed as a stuffed animal also move picturesque.
Apparently it means "agree with Lily".
"Well, shall we?"
When Ars laughed and took his wallet out of his chest,
"Lili!, good morning, Lili"
and suddenly a voice from the straight side, surprised Ars nearly dropped his wallet at risk.
Ars managed not to drop his wallet, but caught it in the air.
"Good morning, Lili!"
With his wallet in his hand, Ars unexpectedly looks at Lily as serious as he is, repeating his greetings to someone who is not that old or tall.
The person who called Lili "Lili" continued to greet only his young colleagues with an unusual but serious look.
"A, Mr. Ato. Good morning."
When Lily returned her greetings in surprise, the person called "Ato" rejoiced as she patted her hands with a smile that was just a ripple.
"Good morning, Lili"
Ato began to greet him again after a delight, so Lily and Ars round their eyes.
"What, good morning?
In the meantime, Nico and Ato smiled again as Lily returned her greetings.
A few people lined up in meat stalls, too, when they began to wonderfully view the interaction between the girl and the boy as interesting.
"Hey! Ato!, where!!
Lily's familiar voice echoed from all over the morning market.
"Ah! Mr. Stu! It's this way!
Lily shouted out loud and waved loudly at those not holding a rabbit sage dressed as a stuffed animal.
Stu was called his own name, and surprised, he discovered Lily, who spoke out, and also found his own brother, who was right on his side, and rushed over.
"Good morning, Lili"
Ato was still saying hello again to Lily, without a problem.
"Ato, 'Good Morning' is over"
When Stu rushed over to Ato and said so, Ato looked sad while watching
"Good morning, no more"
I stopped to say hello to Lily.
"Little one... not Lily. I'm really sorry, and I'm glad. If Lily hadn't stopped Ato, I'd have looked around for more."
As Stu grins bitterly, he bows his head to Lily and then looks at Ars.
"Yeah, Lily's brother?
I can't say that Ars and Lily's faces are similar in construction, but the atmosphere is similar to two, so Stu asked if it was a relationship between his brother and sister, even though it was doubtful.
"Ah, yes. He's my brother. He's called Ars."
Lily answered slushly on the stand with water guidelines and introduced "brother" to Shut.
"Yesterday, near the washing of your hands, once I met Mr. Stu and Mr. Ato, your brother met him."
He looked surprised when Lily told him that, and Stu looked at the faces of Majesty and Ars.
Sorry, I don't remember.
That said, Ars is surprised this time when Stu bows his head.
"No, I was just really wrong myself. If Lily hadn't told you, I wouldn't have known it was Mr. Stu."
Ars' words have "lies".
The truth is that at the moment of his encounter, in the belt in front of Ato's waist, he was able to grasp only who he was right away in the presence of a gun.
But so far, one way or another, the wild looking yet oddly polite St was more impressive than the "gun" for Ars.
"Ato, I want some meat."
When Ato inadvertently says looking at the meat stall sign, Shut also looks at the sign.
"Ah, that sounds like it. All right, then, Ato, we'll line up. 'In order'."
When Ato tells Shut to bite and include, Ato nods cocklessly.
"We have to keep the order, Ato, line up. Bye, Lili!
That said, Ato tries to get behind a row of meat stalls and snaps Stu's clothes hem. Stu's trying to leave with his hands up in the air.
"Oh, wait a minute!
and Lily called it off.
"If it's good, why don't we put it together and buy some meat?. Our turn, right away."
When Lily suggests it, Stu is surprised with his eyes round.
"Are you sure?. Oh, but it's bad for the people behind Lily and the others, so we'll line up."
Behind Lily and the others, there was a slight but lined up.
Then the people just behind Lily, from what I can tell, these people are also travelers using the Inn Town,
"Fine, don't buy it all together. More for two won't change you that much."
And he spoke to me.
"Oh, okay?
Shto asks the folks behind him as his arms are pulled by Ato trying to line up.
The people who line up right after Lily become like representatives and call on the people behind them.
"You look like a bad guy, but you can give your big brother Aniki a little time!
When I called out loud, I could see a favorable laugh and a way to raise one hand, meaning I understood it happily from behind.
"That's good!
If Ato could only listen to the word butt, he would parrot back while jumping only there.
The trick was the very way young children enjoyed imitating adults, so they didn't soothe around them, but there was no denying the strange feeling of Ato being sixteen.
"Oh, thank you!
It was in the order of Lily and the others when Schutt bowed his head to the face where he carefully gave way to the order.
"Then go ahead to the accommodation we are staying in.
It might take a little while for the meat to cook, so the place at the inn is... "
While Ars explained the location of the inn to Shut, Lily ordered meat and Ato looked intrigued, looking at the girl to order.
"Lili, Ato give me a wiener, please"
"Yes, then three extra wieners too"
As Ato said watching the meat cook, Lily calmly laughed and answered.
As Shto seems sorry, take the gold out of the skin bag provided behind his hips and give it to Ars.
"Sung Masen with gold that remains peeled out. Well, I'll take Ato to the inn first. Ato, 'Thank you'"
"Thank you, thank you"
Ato remained Shto's parrot return, but he thanked Ars and Lily, the people who accommodated the order, by carefully offering their heads.
"Lili, badass"
And Ato waved and went ahead as Stu pulled his hand.
I ordered a large quantity, so it takes a little while for the meat to cook up, so Ars and Lily move to the side of the stall when they finish ordering.
The travellers, who gave the order to Stu and Ato earlier, baked it up because it was a small amount and left the stall.
When you go away, you have a strange sense of union about why you gave the order to Stu and Ato, and you have nature and your gaze, you smile at each other, you have a meeting, you wield your hands.
"Hope to see you again."
and some left me with those words.
Watching people "travel" again.
"Brother. Sometimes the journey is fun and joyful, and the goodbyes are dreary."
Lily mouths her words as she honestly feels.
Just a little, I was moisturizing my eyes, but Ars replied briefly, pretending not to notice, right?
Eventually, the meat the Ars and the others asked for is baked up, and the stalls lend me a larger plate because it's massive.
"You can return it before you travel through the lodging district," the brothers and sisters loaned pleasantly, bowing their heads to the in-depth meat stall owner.
Gradually, by the time we returned to the inn holding a large plate, it was always time to wake up and both Ars and Lily noticed that we were up earlier than we thought.
When I entered the room, I smelled soup coming from the kitchen.
A small sprinkled easel was placed at the reception counter and a breakfast guide was set up.
Ars reads it and then laughs bitterly at the large plate he holds.
"Though I hear there will be easy bread and soup out of the inn for once, Louis, I'm sure it's not enough for you, so I'm glad you bought some meat"
Then two and one go back to their room.
When Lily knocked on the door on behalf of Ars, whose hands were blocked, Louis, dressed with a kitten, made a noise of unlocking from inside.
"Ah, welcome back"
"I'm home, Louis. I bought a lot of meat, let's have it together for breakfast."
Still in shock of being screamed at by "The Girl I Like," Lily makes a loud, bright voice, delightful report with a small voice Louis.
After Louis, who was taken aback, Lily shut the door tightly and locked it, the rabbit sage stopped dressed as a stuffed animal and jumped off the girl's arm.
"Grandor and Louis, I have a report for you, and today's breakfast is with the Gun Brothers."
"Is that it? Or did your brothers, Mr. Stu and Mr. Ato, not come here?
A large plate with an aromatic smell of Ars was carefully placed on a table in the middle of the room.
Grandor and Louis look at each other in the words and then shake each other's necks sideways.
"I did have you going first. Is something wrong?
Ask the rabbit sage to put him in a resting place, worried as Ars takes his sword off.
The rabbit sage stood with his hands behind him with his nose hiked.
"Ato's boy. Maybe he's obsessed with something and stops by.
That brother broke his promise, but he won't be able to.
Lily, as you prepare your meal, tell Grandor and Louis about that brother gently. "
Upon instruction from the rabbit sage, Lilli began explaining to Grandor and Louis the 'gun brothers', Stu and Ato, as they supported breakfast.
I couldn't tell you the details last night, but there were Ars and rabbit sages in contact with Ato today, so Lily can feel like explaining it without precipitation.
Louis listens to the occasional gavel describing the dishes that are placed as room furnishings given to him by Lily, looking overwhelmingly strange, heh.
Grandor was silent all the time, but he seemed to listen closely to Lily's explanation.
"I'm 16 years old, and they say I'm about 5 years old, but I can't really pin it on you."
Having heard Lily's explanation in its entirety, Louis expressed his thoughts on the explanation, which he said was incredible to Russia.
"Hmm, sure, it might be hard to tell if I don't see Mr. Ato straight away"
Lily also seemed to find it hard to believe while explaining herself.
"If you meet and talk, you'll be convinced that Lily's explanation wasn't wrong soon enough."
The rabbit sage jumped on the couch in the corner of the room with a "pimp". If you're on the couch, it's not that unnatural to have a "rabbit stuffed animal" that the girl cares about, even if she can open the room with a sudden visitor.
"Ah!, if you say so, wise man. How do you serve breakfast?
Lily asks, feeling like she had completely forgotten.
"Bring your breakfast today to gather information. So let's see the whole thing from this couch. Lily, if you could make me a sandwich with bread and extra meat, I'd eat it in the carriage. So, Grandor, Ars, you and Louis, I'm gonna ask you to let the conversation swell."
To this word of the rabbit sage, the three swordsmen face to face.
It seemed easier for the three of us to kill ten night thieves than to inflate the conversation.
As Patali and the rabbit sage lost their power then, the next moment that it was brought to the couch, the sound of the entrance door being knocked sounds in the room.
"Dear McGaffin, I have brought you a brief breakfast and a guest"
Grandor and Louis had the appearance of Stu and Ato, the first 'gun brothers' to meet each other, behind a trolley pushing her with breakfast on when Louis opened the door when she heard the loud voices of the innkeeper.
"Oh, madam. Excuse me, would you mind adding soup and bread for two?
When Grandor says so, the general grins and holds a pan of bread and soup from the trolley and places it on the table.
"Yeah, they rang the bell just before we carried it, so I've already brought extra."
When the general answered that, Ato headed for the couch where the rabbit sage dressed as a stuffed animal for a small run.
"Sofa, Ato, I want to sit down"
Ato looks back with his eyes shining and asks Shut for "permission" to sit on the couch.
"Ato. No. Because, go home and have dinner. Oh, thank you very much for guiding me, General. And I'm sorry to bother you all. Because as soon as you get the meat you bought with me, I'll pull it up. And if this is good."
Shut sat down and thanked everyone and put a drink in a bottle at the table.
"Yes! Are you leaving?
It was Louis who said this, except for Stu and Ato, who felt the same way.
First, the general held Shut back as she handily poured the soup on the plate with balls.
"" Customer "corner, please eat. I'm still confident in soup."
Stu is still hesitant.
"Brother Stu, Ato, I'm hungry"
Though Ato still looks remorsefully at the couch, he honestly states his demands just like a young child.
"Did you say sht or something?. Haven't you heard the name Grandor from your brother's master?"
Stu opened his eyes wide.
Having confirmed that reaction, Grandor stared at Ato the next time, pulling one of the chairs at the table and pounding the part of the seat, Ato gave a bright look and sat behaving in the chair.
Stu saw Ato sitting in a chair, dropping his shoulder like he'd given up
"Okay, I'm sorry to bother you"
and dripping his head deep again. Ars whispers to Louis as he helps with the meals together.
(Dear Grandor, I'm kind of used to dealing with types like Ato, and you seem familiar with them.)
I think so, too.
To Ars' words, Louis shook his head hard and vertically, endorsing.
Stu also has a more tense look than he had earlier, knowing that the way he treated Ato was clever and that the person was once a "friend" from "Master".
"Well, Mr. Grandor knows what 'he' means, doesn't he?
Stu turned the muzzle upward from his waist belt and pulled out the 'gun'.
The place is nervous, except for the innkeeper.
"Oh, it's a noisy substitute. Well, why don't you rest next to that rabbit stuffed animal?"
When Grandor saw the rabbit sage sitting on the couch dressed as a stuffed animal, Stu laughed niggardly at it.
"For him, the first resting place is on a soft, superior sofa."
Stu turns the gun cleverly and walks to the side of the grasping couch.
"I never thought the day would come when I would put my gun on the side of such a cute stuffed animal"
That being said, when Stu carefully placed the gun on the couch, and then gently stroked the head of the rabbit stuffed animal and looked back, three young people (Ars, Lily and Louis) stared, so I was surprised.
Was the gun that rare?
And I was heartily surprised, it wasn't until a while later that Stu realized the truth about the stare from the three younger people -.
"Brother Stu, I also want to put 'guns' down Ato. Can I put the ato down, too?
watching Shut put his gun down. When Ato said so, Shut nodded and
"Oh, fine. You have to get dirty with rice, so take off your jacket with you."
So I approached Ato's side sitting in the chair.
"It's dinner, I'll take off my jacket"
Ato put the next move to his mouth in his mouth and began to unbutton his jacket to make sure. Quite slower than normal people, when Ato, who was able to unbutton gradually, took off his jacket.
Beautiful guns of small silver, fitted in skincare holsters with beautiful decorations on the chest of the ato, represent the figure.
"I knew you were letting my brother have this' gun 'over here?
Ask Shto as Grandor looks at Ato, who tries so hard to remove the holster himself.
"Yeah, it's like an amulet."
Ato seems to have difficulty removing the holster, and he's taking the time to say, uh-huh. I saw Lily like that, and I called out to Stu.
"Um, aren't you helping?
"Because if you can't" stand on your own, "it's not for Ato. Yeah, but if your meal's cold, you're rude."
Stu says so and helps Ato just a little.
Lily saw Ars, not knowing what the word "Shinpei Jiritsu" meant.
Ars tries to think and teach Lily from the meaning of the word, and Grandor opens his mouth first as he summarizes his thoughts.
"'Neighborhood independence' is simply about being able to do your thing on your own. Washers, it may be normal for" healthy people "who have no disabilities anywhere in their healthy bodies, but it is a big deal for people who suffer from ato, illness, and their physical freedom doesn't work. I don't know when I'm going to be alone, so if I can't do what I can, I'll be annoyed by other people."
Ars, Lily and Louis were impressed with Grandor's explanation, and after listening to it, there are no words for a while.
Ato manages to remove the holster and smiles and gives it to Shut.
Receive a holster and add words as Stu adds as he strokes Ato's head and carries it to the couch.
"If you don't have good physical independence, you're estimated to have low comprehension and judgment, and some" healthy people "use it for crime."
Only the rabbit sage sitting on the couch could see the bitter face that Schutt had at that time.
"-Come on, if you like, eat the soup before it cools down."
The innkeeper's general gives me a bright voice to change my mind.
"Ato, I'm hungry! I'll take it! I'll take it!
From the face of Stu, who looked back from the position of the couch with such an ato voice, the bitter expression disappeared and now he was smiling bitterly.
"Ato, we'll all be with you. Later. Besides, you're not ready."
Stu was used to the trick, and when he removed the large cloth towel from the bag he was wearing on his hips and gave it to Ato, Ato wrapped it around his neck himself.
"Will you take your seats, too? We should all sit down properly."
Grandor speaks up, each appropriately seated.
"Brother, is it okay to serve your brother's soup normally?"
As the general holds the last soup dish, she asks quietly.
Stu looked hazy and once he bowed his head to the general and ordered.
"I'd appreciate it if you excepted leafy vegetables, green stuff if you could"
"Yes, I accept"
As she nicks, the general pours the soup dish, cleverly excluding leafy vegetables, and puts them in front of Ato.
"Soup, thanks!"
"Yes, you're welcome. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll serve breakfast to the other guests."
Hearing Ato's thanks, the general smiled gently and pushed the trolley out of the room.
"I'll have it!... would you like it?
Ato starts greeting the meal well, but just repeat the meal and I will ask about the reaction around him.
Not knowing how to handle it, Grandor's line was sitting on a chair looking at each other.
Shut sits next to Ato and greets himself with his hands together before the meal.
"I'll have it, 'Yes, please'"
'Yes, please,' said Stu towards Ato only the part of, Ato finally took the spoon and started drinking the soup.
"Then I'll have some of them too. - I'll have it."
That's what Grandor said, and the Ars and the others gradually started eating.
I'm worried about nature and how Ato eats, and Lily looks at Ato.
But I showed it to Choi Choi and Ars sitting next to her, poking her shoulder small at her fingertips and shaking her head small to the side to Lily, who turned around.
"Mr. Ars, that's okay. Around that year, I can't help but wonder. Look, Ato, if you're not careful, I'm gonna run out of soup."
Stu tells Ars and Lily as he cooks his own meal cleverly while taking care of Ato.
"Lily's observation is too frank and good without a pair of yammies.
It's not like Ato's doing anything wrong. Rather, although it is unusual not to take an interest in fine dust "
And, this is heartless eating the meat I've bought, Stu said, laughing at Louis.
"Huh? Huh? Huh?
Louis raised his face to Ars and St as he mogged his mouth and pinched new meat in the bread. Probably said, 'To? Did I say something?' Grandor slaps Pasilli lightly on Louis' head, he said.
"Keep food in your mouth, don't talk!
Louis laughs a lot as he swallows the contents of his mouth like a squirrel.
"Brother Stu, give me a wiener!
Seeing Louis pinch the meat, he said it like Ato remembered and it was not to Stu.
"After swallowing soup." After the Soup Dead, "Wiener."
"Soup, shut up, shut up!. Wiener, please! Please!"
I say and twist the wiener as I keep the soup dish away from myself, where Ato still has about 30% left.
"No. 'Tap all the soup'"
Lily stops her hand whenever she hears a polite and gentle way of saying things that really don't look like Shto from the outside. Stu noticed that, too, and laughed bitterly.
"It's not like this when I'm alone. I don't know when to imitate, so I can't use the word" bad "in front of Ato."
"Brother, you're thinking"
It seemed surprising to say so, and Stu stared at Ars and Lily's "siblings".
"If it's from me, it's my sister's brother.
I'm like this, so I went to the bathroom to look for her, but if she's as solid as Lily, I'll leave her alone, okay?
There is a sense of over-protection in Stu's words. Ars has been thinking about it for a long time, and he describes Sarali as a good excuse for his body.
"Lily is a girl, she's been tangled up in a drunk once, so worry about it"
"Oh, I see. Sure, Lily's cute."
Lily blushes at Russia and eats meals in the light.
While "The Two Brothers" were laughing and saying that, Ato was lifting a soup dish and managing to drink up the contents.
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