Rabbit sage and masked nobleman.
[Structured Instructions]
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† † Orders † |
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| Robrow's Internal Investigative Aid |
| and Grandor the Great Farmer... |
| Assisting McGaffin |
♦ Sage the Rabbit |
| Orders. │
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| Selisanceum Country |
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| King Dagger Sunflower |
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♦ * It's a decision, so the changes are |
| Impossible. │
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| Head of Directives and Planning |
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| Lt. Gen. Alsen Padrick |
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└ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┘
"Lord Sage, you look so funny."
It was the royal escort cavalry, Liv Timpany, who said that with a smile.
Live Timpany and his partner Liquorice Label, a royal escort knight, visited the "Forest of Town Guards", where the magic mansion inhabited by rabbit sage, for the second day in a row, in secret, but because of the direct directive of His Majesty the King.
And the feeling of the rabbit's sage face at the moment he receives that directive and finishes reading it is Rye's word at the beginning.
"Sage, this is more effective than being pierced with a fine sword. Amazing."
Lily was seriously impressed and served tea to two knights who were visitors.
By the way, what a rabbit sage looks like.
With as many wrinkles as I can lean against the head of the rabbit's little nose, when it comes to humans, I can think of them, making them look bad and look like they're on the face.
But because it's a "rabbit" anyway, it makes me look so adorable. Lily, who loves rabbit sage, and so on, seemed to think secretly (sage, cute).
In the face of this rabbit sage, the only person who was "harrassed" was the escort knight, the honest Ars Trad (aged 17), who had been in office for a month.
"Nooo, it's been a while since Arsen did this to me"
Sage the rabbit said so, stroking again and again to stretch the wrinkles made around his nose with a fluffy hand with a special puni meatball.
When he sees the words and condition of such a wise man and finds out that he is "not even that angry," Ars finally relieves himself.
"Master Arsen sometimes writes directives like this."
Horribly, Ars then expressed his thoughts on the directive from Arsen.
Liquorice, a.k.a. Rico, responded with a good smile.
"If it's an intimate pattern, you often interact with letters that are quite unique.
It's just that Master Arsen educates you, Ars, and you may have refrained from doing that in front of him. "
To that Rye put his arms together in front of his relatively flat chest and nodded yeah yeah.
"When I write to Rico, I use cryptography."
"Wow, that's good!. That sounds like a lot of fun!"
I can see Lily is genuinely envious, the rabbit sage doesn't show it on his face, but it was just a little complicated feeling.
Ars also somehow perceives his colleagues' sincere envy.
Originally as an apprentice witch, it's not strange that Lily is having cute fun with kids her age in a church under the castle.
However, due to various circumstances, the rabbit sage has become the guardian, and the person is unconscious but 'hidden'.
But Lily still wants a friend.
He was a wise man who totally "drove him to the corner of the shelf" about the directive.
It was Lily, the worried opponent, who brought such a rabbit sage back to reality.
"So, Sage is going to the realm of Robrow with Grandor?
Using a slightly more difficult language, Lily's questions asked will face to face.
"Oh, Lord Sage, have you decided to be open about being a rabbit?"
Rye asked single-handedly.
"Uh-huh. Washi, I don't even have fine dust for that feeling."
Rico gives his opinion on this answer.
"Once on the back of the lobby side, the face is like Grandor.
You're going to have the rabbit sage auditing the back, so if the rabbit doesn't find out, isn't that a good thing?
"But as for looking into it. I mean, how did you find out not to find out what a rabbit looked like?"
When the rabbit sage responds that way, Ars, Lily, Rye and Rico
"That's hard."
"I don't know what to do"
"That's right."
"There's no way you can make a sage out of a ban."
And I groaned, trying to "circle" the table.
Ars asks the rabbit sage what he came up with unexpectedly.
"I don't like magic and I don't really know, but can't you go back to being a person or transform because of the magic of transformation or something?
It's not like you can't magically transform.
A rabbit sage glanced at the royal escort knight and Lily.
Rico and Rye smile face to face and Lily is Kyoton.
"The magical disguise." Someone who understands. "Especially if you're involved in magic, it's easy to see through.
You can magically disguise it.
"Oh, you're magically disguised today."
And I can see through it perfectly, and if you're a sharp person, some of you can see what it was. Even if Robrow is a closed territory, he's not cutting off magic. I'm sure you'll find out about the magical disguise. "
That's what the rabbit sage explains to Ars.
I put my hands together with my pussy as Rye just came up with a "name!".
"If you've physically disguised yourself, you can barely do it. If you let me disguise you with" as is, "it's fine!"
"The rabbit sage is disguised as he is..."
I smile at Rye after observing the rabbit sage who Rico is so grunting and somewhat deliberately hiking his nose and mustache, and then completing simulating the (...) weird (...) outfit (...) on the object (...) rational (...).
"Rye. Long ears make it impossible to disguise a rabbit as a sage."
So I stunned Ars and Lily.
Rye takes the shape of her mouth. That's what raised her mouth angle like a cat, and she laughs hoo-ha-hoo.
"Well, Rico is very serious."
Rye declared his index finger toward Piscilli, Ars and Lily.
If Rico held his mouth down with both hands at Rico, he turned his white skin bright red at once and gradually noticed his "natural" remarks.
"Uh, uh, uh,"
Look at the mundane Rico, the line of rabbit sage
She's cute.
(She's cute)
I felt that I was changing my impression of Rico from a warm smile "sensible beauty knight" to a "cute sister who also does natural messes".
"Already, Rye. Don't Ijwal!. Lord Sage, Ars, you and Lily will figure out how to keep Lord Sage from being called the" Rabbit Sage "and go to Robrow!
Rico was trying so hard to get the conversation back together that we all decided to follow through with honesty.
"- So, on the Robrow side, you're telling Grandor to go with 'Agricultural Training', right?
The rabbit sage asked to confirm, and Rico nodded with a slightly red face still, yes.
"You don't think it's just agricultural training over there, either, but we've received a response saying, 'I'll happily accept the big farmer, Grandor'"
"While Master Grandor is normally in agricultural training. It's Lord Arsen's orders that the rabbit sage investigate about the 'executed nobleman', isn't it?
When Ars asked the wise man, he nodded at the little nose of the rabbit, wrinkling again.
"Yeah, well, I don't know what that is. Alsen is still tough on me."
"Master Arsen trusts that if you are wise, you will be okay with some impotence."
It looked like Rye was laughing and having fun convincing the words and the rabbit sage of it too.
"Well, I don't hate being trusted by cute juniors.
Arsene first thinks for herself, and she knows she won't order anything she can't.
Sometimes, it's just an odd thought circuit to work out a hell of a lot of unexpected maneuvers. "
That said, I looked up at the "sky" just a little nostalgic, and then looked at my two men.
"Maybe this time, Ars, you and Lily should take him too."
To that word of the wise man, Lily sparkled her green eyes.
"Can I go too?!"
But it felt like I said I was very happy and my boss was looking back.
Compare Rabbit Sage to Lily as Rye punches his eyes like a cat.
"Nah, you mean maybe go with a" stuffed animal "?
Ars tasted the stunner for the second time today in Rye's words.
"You mean (...) to (...) Li (...) i (...) 's (...) no (...) i (...)?!"
"Excuse me for a moment, please"
That's what Rico says, he quickly sticks his hands beside both sides of the rabbit sage and lifts them gently.
"It's light for me, though... I wonder if Lily can even hold me"
"Uh-huh, it's a little complicated when they hold you besides Kings"
The rabbit sage gave the name of his favorite and friendly tailor, bent his long ears, narrowed his circular eyes and gave him a truly complex look.
"Nyah! Lord Kings is beautiful too, but Rico Nyah recommended me as a model for soldier recruitment posters is holding me, so I should feel thankful -"
When it comes to beauty, "Best Friend Guess" Rye makes a dissatisfied voice.
"The poster, I said no. Yes, Lily. Give me a hug, Sage."
Sarah flushes Rye's words, and Rico tries to give Lily the sage.
"Huh!, yeah!!"
Lily panicked and turned her gaze to seek salvation from her colleague Ars for once.
"No, because it's weirder how I hold a rabbit stuffed animal. Besides, Lord Sage seems to want to avoid being held by someone other than Lord Kings."
Ars has never met, but he hears his name more than once after his assignment, he shys away from giving out the name of a tailor who, like the wise man, is at the peak of the country and apparently has a very intimate pattern.
"And if you're Lily, you look great, and you're okay, you're so cute."
Ars was extremely serious and gave such a response to his colleagues.
"Well, that's not what I'm talking about!"
Lily says, watching Rico as Rye still holds the rabbit sage
"To Rico, the rabbit stuffed animal is totally good-looking," he says once again, burning his confrontation.
"Not cute or handsome, but (...) lost (...) thanks (...) to (...) ah (...) et al (...) (...) (...) I'm worried!"
As the girl fisted her hands and screamed, three knights there seemed to notice haphazardly, but did not change their attitude in particular.
"Yikes, Rico apologizes for saying 'excuse me' properly when holding Lord Sage, and Lord Sage was reluctant, but he wasn't even so rude because he didn't even refuse."
Rye said to Lily openly.
"Still, uh"
Rarely, if he was still looking down and deceiving, Rico would give a small, quick ear punch to the long rabbit sage's ear.
When the wise man called, he looked up gradually.
"This is going to be a" job, "so don't be shy. If you don't act like you're holding me, I can't move in public. Please, can you?
"Ok!. Excuse me."
Reach out in awe and get your hands on the part where Rico is holding a wise man.
"So, Lily, do you mind? I'll let go of my hand, so try to support Lord Sage on my own."
Rico spoke gently, but the girl could not afford to be nervous enough to flutter her cuckoo face vertically.
"Well, let's go."
That's what I said and pulled my hands out at once.
"Wow," he said, "hey!"
And, speaking out, the rabbit sage reached out, just in the shape of a hanging around Lily's neck.
With a gentle glance, then in a hurry Lily also reached out and "hugged" the rabbit sage.
"What do you say, Lily?
Ars speaks out worried about his colleague.
"Sage, too, is fuzzy and warm in Moffmoff!"
Ars laughed bitterly at the sentiment from the overly nervous girl about the "comfort of the rabbit sage," Rye said not a word with Nha, and Rico secretly regretted not embracing the rabbit sage.
"Uh-huh. It looks heavy for Lily to move around."
The rabbit sage himself being held, judging by himself so, plays his fingers patchy.
Lily gives a surprise this time.
"Hey, it's lighter."
To a question from the wise man, Lily fell head hard again.
"It's so lighter. It really looks like a cotton stuffed animal."
With the rabbit sage in his arms, Lily still seems to wonder if she jumps or turns.
"How does that work?
Rye sharpens his eyes slightly and asks the wise man.
"Technically, no, I changed the material in my body to something that looked like 'cotton' relatively lightly because it was like 'rubber'. My body will be lighter, but I've reduced the rubber material that acts as a muscle, so the 'instantaneous force' drops remarkably."
Rye heard an "answer" from the rabbit sage and came to Lily's side holding him.
"Hey, Lily, sage lord."
"I'd like to decline, except for Kings and Lily..."
The words of the rabbit sage were empty, and I held them up with leopards from Lily.
"Nha. ♪ Which one?"
That's what I say. I get the body of a rabbit sage.
"Choi and tickle!
He is rubbing his sides and toes, and the wise man is laughing at himself.
"Rye, stop it because it's rude"
"Okay, Nyer."
Rico told me. Rye stopped making it and sat with the rabbit sage on his lap.
"-But fingertips and toes still feel rubber."
When Rye rubbed to check the rabbit's sage fingertips and toes, he tickled and laughed again.
"Stop it, Mr. Rai!"
That being said, the rabbit sage jumped off Rye's knee and went to Ars in a less agile move than usual, jumping and "evacuating" him on that knee.
"Wow, you're really lightening up. I don't know how much my former rabbit sage weighs."
Unexpectedly Ars is also trying to hold up the rabbit sage.
"I'm left with enough power to throw daggers and knives for once. But you've lost a lot of power."
The wise man seemed to be disturbed by the fact that the "power" had fallen while giving up (...) Jian (...) to his best friend.
"I can't even say I don't have an imminent danger in Robrow. Ars, maybe because you act as Grandor's squire, it doesn't mean you can be on Lily's side from time to time."
After I heard about that kind of sage, and Lily was decent.
"I wonder, what kind of position am I supposed to take in this investigation?
Rico invented a shaped index finger on his chin.
"Maybe it's like a social studies tour of Master Grandor's young farmer apprentice, Lily," he said.
and say, somewhat clouding the words.
"Nyah, a position like 'Ars Trad's sister of a squire who's been following you, Wagamama,' might stick better."
To Rye's lucid words, obviously, the face of the girl, who is basically a "good boy", is reluctant.
"Lily, this is my job, too."
A rabbit sage said on Ars' lap, relaxed.
"This job is only to look into the back of 'The Execution of Nobles'.
If you want to focus on what you think, you can leave a message at Mr. Barrota's because Kings is on business this time. "
The way the rabbit sages say it is gentle, but powerful.
"Ru, are you leaving a message?
Ars noticed and panicked, even though Lily's eyes turned into a terribly frightening color.
Such a hasty arse. The rabbit sage observes as he nicks and tells his two frightened and panicked men.
"Ars, you and Lily will have a job as escorts and caregivers, but if the king ordered you to do these things as' work '.
If you are going to accompany us, you have to draw the will of those who act together quite well.
However, as the person responsible, I feel that this "unit" doesn't matter if my people accept or don't accept the intention.
So if you don't want to do Wagamama's sister, you really don't have to do it. "
Lily's frightening colour seemed a little diminished by the word, but it hasn't disappeared perfectly.
The rabbit sage on that look.
(Well, you're in trouble...)
He moved his ears pimply in such a condition that he hit Ars' jaw.
"Whoa, I'm sorry, Mr. Ars. Well, I don't know if it's hard to tell you any more in words."
Ars scratched the sage's ears, scratching the place a little.
"I'd also like to see Lily from" Wagamama's Daughter, "though.
If this doesn't happen, maybe you won't be wagging me. "
And I casually say.
In such a word, the colour of fright was gently dispelled from Lily.
"Don't you hate me when I say Wagamama or something?
Lily asked Ars, Rico and Rye, and the rabbit sage, seemingly truthful.
"Nyah, at least the people here and those who participate in the orders know that 'waggy little sister' is the job. Don't hate Lily."
Listening to the story, the girl made up her mind.
"Then I'll do 'Wagamama's sister'. I want to be with Sage and Ars."
He says so forcefully and snorts.
"Well, if Lily's convinced, that's fine."
The rabbit sage was also relieved that Lily was no longer lost.
"But there's always a mighty Lily hugging a rabbit stuffed animal.
"I don't want to leave your brother!"
Als, I think it's so cute that you're pulling the hem of your clothes with tears. "
Look at the sage line as Rico says that and shines his eyes.
"Nah. ♪ That's awesome. ♪"
Lily blushes even though the young female knights are "adorable".
"Please stop ~!"
Even though Lily said so, Rye started chasing him because she would deliberately try to pull Rico's clothes hem or something.
"Is this moe (...) eh (...) ru (...) hey"
I don't know how to use the word moe (...) eh (...) Ars looks at Lily and Rye who are kidding and says potpourri.
"There are times when I can't keep up with the words and feelings of a young man."
I'm watching almost as I ride on Ars' lap.
- Watching, the wise man noticed Rico staring at himself.
(some kids (...) to (...) to (...) to (...) to (...) hear (...) or (...) to (...) let (...) (...) to (...) talk (...) to (...)?)
When the rabbit sage inquired with his gaze, Rico slowly closed his lid and revealed the meaning of 'affirmation'.
"Well, I'm going to fine-tune my body a bit. I don't mind sneaking around, but don't get hurt."
That's what I said and jumped off Ars' knees.
"I have received an autograph from the Rabbit's Sage confirming the order. Ars, say hello to the two of you."
With that said, the rabbit sage and Rico disappeared into the enchanted mansion.
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