Rabbit sage and masked nobleman.
[Old Tales Soldier's Digging Hole - Truth Part 9 - Part II -]
- The next morning, early morning.
Compared to last night, the butler, who was mostly "better" and able to move his body, was up and doing his job.
Truth be told, I'm still a butler who's not in the book shape, but more than my body, I didn't feel comfortable if I didn't work, I was headed to the kitchen.
Martha is supposed to be here for breakfast.
I'm busy in the morning, so both Rock and Martha only have the minimal conversation they need, but I was really concerned about my contemporaneous friend if you're the butler who sidelined last night's backdrop.
The cook on the other hand, with the usual virtue of prestige, was now doing a fine job of cooking while giving clear instructions to the girl who became one of the kitchen apprentices.
"Martha, my husband says he can wake up late, so he says the breakfast schedule can be late"
'All right!, Mr. Rock, your breakfast is served, so if you seem to be awake, keep it out.'
I couldn't have a conversational conversation, but I felt that Martha was "normal" on the surface.
(For now, let me do my job)
Take the breakfast made by Martha into the trolley and head to the room.
If we arrived in front of the door, we could confirm that the guests in the room were awake with a device made of the spiritual stones of the wind that the sage had built on an experimental basis.
If I had to knock, I was suddenly reminded of yesterday and the butler blushes a little.
(Dear Anglecomb or Gloriosa, you don't know how I feel or how I cried!)
Shake your head gently, left and right, put a gnarly force in your hand holding onto the trolley, and put a "live" in yourself.
Good morning, "Dear Alsen," Dear Glow, "
I brought you breakfast. If you like. '
The number of female servants is reduced by a step from yesterday, and the Lordship's residence is a quiet one, but calls for it once and for all using a pseudonym.
In the room, I heard a slightly disputed voice, but since I've been watching some kind of fight from yesterday, I assume this is "normal".
When the butler felt the footsteps coming towards the door, he bowed his head respectfully and waited for the guest to reply.
'Thank you, there's something I'd like to talk to you about, please come in'
If the butler thinks it's something he opens his own door into, the door of the room opens first with a rattling noise.
"Thank you"
If you thank me with your head down and then give me your head, I can see the back of Anglecam going back to the room.
(Angletham may not be used to these kinds of hospitality)
Such places, because they were "once" the king's bastards, or Gloriosa, had only moved her mouth and, in a sense, had taken a familiar attitude to rock as a "servant".
"... excuse me"
With his head down, he pushes the trolley with breakfast through the door that Angletham opened for me and closes the entrance door.
Keep your gaze low, so only Anglecam's legs get into view.
Anglecomb's well-kept mouth moved as he gradually raised his gaze through the entrance leading to the room.
'Yesterday, have you been okay since then?. Looks like I can move my body today......'
After all, I was told to worry, and with all due respect, I bowed my head again, and Rock looked up to say thank you.
"Thank you for your concern..."
My thankful mouth stopped unexpectedly, and Rock stared at Anglecam.
"A, Dear Anglecomb!?. Dear Anglecam, are you okay?! Rather than... what the hell did you do to your face?!
'Oh, I didn't think you'd be surprised that much, but is it that bad?
In response to the butler who raised his voice of worry and surprise, the person concerned - Angletham was surprised that he was so surprised.
A blue mole was formed on the left side of the overly neat brown face and around the edge of the green eye.
"I also have skin color, so I thought it was inconspicuous, did you get it?"
'How could you get hurt like that more than that?.
Sure, haz you didn't get hurt like that until my husband and I left last night!?.
Your face. Excuse me. '
I accidentally removed the butler's white gloves and touched the face of a taller brown guest than myself.
'This is bruising, isn't it? Did you treat him?'
When the lords' children were still young, they looked after them, and if they were injured, deacons experienced in treatment immediately referred to their condition.
'I applied my own healing technique, so I don't have much pain anymore.
The mole was not able to be cured because the condition of the cure was different.
But don't worry. More than that, Rock, you didn't seem to have any power in your body at that time, but you were still conscious in that state. '
'More than that, how could something like a mole have happened after that!
Trying to finish the conversation in peace - one way or another "delude" the guest, the butler was starting to heal Anglecomb's face, speaking out as if he were even questioning him.
But Angletham, who noticed an overflow of "worrying" emotions in the questioning, stopped deluding and smiled troubled and honestly started talking.
"It's easy, Rock. After you and Lord Sage left, we just had a" pair of hands "with Gloriosa."
"That would be a combination, not a pair of hands, Angletham."
If there was a voice from the back of the room and Rock turned his gaze towards you while performing the healing technique, Gloriosa, a bumpy hair that you can clearly tell just woke up, is sitting on the chair.
But before that, the butler raised his voice of surprise.
"Oh, even Master Gloriosa!
This one had a big black mole on the right mouth end.
'Does Master Anglecomb and Master Gloriosa mean that you two had a fight after my husband and I had this room rude yesterday!?
I don't trust Angletham, but I can trust Gloriosa's words now.
Rock compares Angletham, who is healing, to Gloriosa, who is "Itete" like a child, touching the part of his mouth that is molested, and asks questions in a tone that still contains worry.
'No, it's been a long time since we've been two, so I thought we might be blunting each other's arms.
Rock, it's like you're worried... '
'... I will return your word, but I have been taught quite a bit of physical skill by wise men.
So even if you get hurt, you can tell the difference between a "hand set" or a "fight."
As the butler put it, Rock also understands how and how injuries are unique to the "handset", as he performs physical surgery-based handsets once every three days to avoid blunting his understanding in action with the Lord, Pean.
So if you saw how Angletham and Gloriosa's mole were doing, you'd rather have a pretty serious punch in - rather than a "combination" as Gloriosa put it, and I accidentally said it back.
Angletham stopped to delude himself into the figure of a butler who was worried about him while applying healing techniques to him.
'When I say a combination, don't worry so much because I just responded to a fight sold from Gloriosa.
Thank you, Mr. Rock. '
And when he had said that, he let go of the butler's hand, which handled the mole of his face, a successful grip that burned in the day.
"Dear Anglecomb, I haven't finished my treatment yet"
Angletham laughed furiously if the butler began to gather magic in his own hands to continue his treatment.
Then, with far more momentum than Rock, Anglecomb covered Rock's hand with his own magic.
It was like being covered, and now the butler could not perform the cure.
With his wrapped hands back, Angletham puts his hand on Rock's shoulder.
'You mustn't force it.
You're not in the mood, are you?
And when you use healing techniques all the time, it also weakens the regenerative power that your body has. '
The mole that was eventually made on Anglecomb's face, to the extent that it faded slightly, ended Rock's cure.
'And Gloriosa's to the extent that my kick has been plundered, so you won't need the cure.
Well, you hate magic in the first place.
You leave it to the healing power of nature, don't you?
Gloriosa nodded with a bossy, brunette head if Angletham put on words confirming that the healing was unnecessary.
'More than that, let's have breakfast.
Martha's Breakfast at the Corner...... '
Gloriosa pulled in the words she had smiled and spoken about breakfast all the way down the road.
'... it's just hard to eat when you have a mole'
Rewording it that way made it a largely invigorating statement for Gloriosa.
Rock can be inferred from hearing the names of his contemporaneous friends.
And I can think about the cause that probably became the "fight of the combination," as well as the butler unrelated to love.
(… until now, combined with the story of the "bud of love I've picked up", I turned "the story I was asking Trenia for" into Gloriosa yesterday, after Lord Sage and Rock you left the room)
Telepathic, pale and rocky, Angletham tells us about the cause of the mole.
(Mr. Trenia... What did Mr. Angletham "ask for"?)
I didn't manage to put it on my face, but I was asking back unexpectedly when I heard the name of someone I had yet to meet, who could be expected to be the cause of my synchronized heartbreak.
'Gloriosa is right, shall we just eat?
Whoever made it would be rude to chill a meal you cooked warmly.
Rock, if you've been served like you did yesterday, sit back and wait. "
There was no telepathic response, but Rock nodded small and silent with a nuance such as "even during meals" with his eyes.
And the voice in his mouth was calm and soft, speaking to the butler.
'Thank you for your attention.
Now, let me give you a hand. '
Until recently, the rooms at the Lords' Mansion were quite full of conversation, but silence occupied the space at once.
(Just because Gloriosa has a depressing atmosphere, the "air" is heavier, isn't it?)
Solemnly advancing his breakfast schedule, Rock once again feels like he has seen something called the influence of a person named Gloriosa.
(Well, it's not true that you have "influence" in vain)
To Rock's casual sentiment, Angletham replied as he took his seat yesterday.
(Gloriosa is accustomed to failing because failure itself is the number of stars in the sky.
Moreover, most of the contents of the failures are harmed only by myself, and do not bother people)
He had continued to tell Rock pale to that point, but accidentally it was free while he could feel it in Anglecomb's sigh as well.
(However, what I told Gloriosa this time is not the same as before, "if I brace my stomach alone," salt plum.
I'm depressed to notice that people hurt me, even when they say publicly that "Gloriosa is not bad" without knowing how they feel.
If you think about it carefully, it's not like a failure, but it seems like the only reason he couldn't even notice the feelings of those who favored him was because he was "failing")
If he spoke that far to Rock at once, Anglecomb closed his eyes firmly - back to his usual "caretaker" face.
"Gloriosa, you're smart. Come through your hair because it's ugly.
Then wash your face.
In the meantime, me and you, Rock, I'll do the meal support. '
When Angletham told his best friend that was still giving him a rare and dark atmosphere, Gloriosa obeyed as he leaned down.
"Oh, yeah, okay."
I get up from the chair I sat in a gutter and walk noronorously towards the washroom.
Angletham sighed really lightly this time, dropping him off behind.
"Oh man, they're going to say goodbye again today, but at that rate, I'm sorry for them"
(Gloriosa knows that even if she falls in love, love can sooner or later lead to what she calls "home," but she's an honest idiot.)
Tell Rock again on telepathy what you can't put into words.
(Based on Gloriosa's personality, if she made love, what would she do to marry the other person?)
(- To tell you the truth, I'm the one who created the cause of "getting married in perspective.")
Even though we were having a telepathic conversation taking care not to sound like Gloriosa, Rock reacted with a voice as he dined without thinking of Anglecam's words.
Angletham blew out at the way he continued to surprise himself while continuing to serve with the gesture that he could have had a butler shorter than himself.
"Rock, you've got a job staining your body."
He smiles with his eyebrows in the "C" lettering, and Angletham cleverly holds the salad on the plate as well.
"I'll tell you what, I fail this a lot too... I do things that I feel ashamed of myself, don't I?
"Is Master Anglecomb here?!
"Yeah, but I'm cunning, so if I'm going to fail, I have multiple precautions, so I'm often assumed from around here that I haven't failed."
(Now, if Gloriosa asks, it's a pain in the ass, so would you telepathize it?)
Angletham smiled beautifully, returning the brow that had been made into the letter (c) to its appearance as neat as ever.
(Oh, yes, I got it)
In a well-behaved reply, even on Rock's telepathy, the beautiful young man felt like he could see why the wise man adored this butler.
(Then all of a sudden, I am convinced that Gloriosa has a vessel to be king of the country)
It'll take a while, but I'm sure you can do it.
Believing what was said before the trip from the esteemed wise man, Angletham has done as much as he can as a staff officer to believe.
Along the way, I parted with my hard companions because of the "sweetness" of my judgment, but now the activities of the determinants have progressed to such an extent that it is already absurd to turn back.
And with that in mind, after there was no peace, Angletham told his best friend, "Gloriosa has a family. - The king has a family."
Where it was clogged, the beginning of the conversation that Gloriosa had caused Trenia to weep - was in Anglecomb.
Scratch and tell Zach Rock to go on.
(It's also embarrassing for me to talk about, but if Gloriosa had the closest feeling to being in love, I thought she was Trenia.
But I also knew it wasn't as passionate as it is commonly called "love")
I knew that in the words that came out of Gloriosa's mouth last night, even though Locke and his body didn't move.
[If you like it or not, I like it clearly.
... does this feel good to be called "love"?.
I just want to protect you, I want you to laugh, so whatever happens, you want to take care of it as "love"?
Although I still can't accept Gloriosa, Rock was terribly sympathetic when I heard the word.
In love, I felt like I couldn't even call it that if I didn't have something hot to float in "heat," as in passion and words.
However, if I try to lock it up, I know what it feels like to take care of it warmly, even though there is no heat.
The sight I saw in the courtyard of the Lords' Mansion seems close to it, though it's been a long time since Rock's known experience.
In the shade of the sunset trees in the courtyard, it even seems to me that the words spoken by Gloriosa apply to the scene as it is, to the figure of the Lord who reads with a knee-pillow on his wife, who has just been married, lit and soldered.
Even the lock I saw during the butler's job made me smile when I saw "a couple of friendly lords".
It was a sight I could cherish and want to protect, and it was "something I should do."
And I also thought that Gloriosa's desire to take care of a woman named Trenia was bound to lead to things like what her Lord and his wife, her partner, were doing.
I can't read my mind, but Angletham smiles gently, as he notices the feeling Rock has.
(Trenia and I are really allowed to associate as "friends" to such an extent that we can also shed light on differences in values, etc.
In a way, we are comfortable with each other because we were able to talk to each other without worrying about ideas or philosophies, and we recognize that it is a thankful relationship)
Slowly, I start talking to Rock about "Friend Trenia Bubaldia" from Anglecam as it flows.
(My girlfriend and I often befriended each other in negotiations for a pact of cooperation between the determinants, but one strange thing happened)
All of a sudden, the story of the "Determined Army" began, but the satirical butler knew it was the "Volatile Line of Gloriosa's Love", so he silently waited for it to continue.
The primary purpose of the negotiations is to reach a pact of help as the determinants move towards peace.
But as soon as the talks started, there was a covenant, but there was land, but there was land that wasn't.
The staff motto was a relatively modest way of entering into the covenant, so even if it was a small hour or so that it had nothing to do with the activities of the determinants, I would have gone out with them.
After hearing such a scratchy explanation again, Angletham begins to talk about how the sage, the Lord of Deacons, is likely to listen while "nibbling" in human observation.
(If you started a public discourse, politics, the way you do household chores, maybe any thing, but your flush - rather than the way you pushed the old ways, there were people in the Hill.
And in acting in the deciding army, in a land of cooperation, I was often pushed from man to man about politics, and Trenia was often pushed by women into this fashion by their families.
I will listen carefully to what is spoken, not to be disrespectful, because some things were certainly convincing to me and to Trenia.
At first, they talked to each other equally, but gradually the other side has a bad attitude, and the words are "big".
This one, of course, is a young man in a position of seeking cooperation, commonly known as the public, and not a "royal" like Gloriosa.
From here on out, it's even stranger to me, but from a standpoint, this is certainly the one who wants help and cooperation.
However, it was on this side that I was asked to help with the crisis of bad governance from the country, but sometime.
It's like, "Why don't you listen to the habits of young people and little girls?"
This one, the more politely you look for cooperation and enthusiastically engage in public discourse, the more you get along.
As for Trenia, she used to say, "Why are you in such a resistance without getting married?")
After a long explanation, it is rare for a person named Anglecomb to sit on his shoulder like a dogma and move on.
(Trenia originally asked me to follow her to see if there was any betrayal, but you were surprised that she unexpectedly gave a "sermon".
And I was laughing. "People are really selfish.")
- "Trenia was laughing," Angletham says telepathically, but it only conveys to Rock the feeling that "Trenia was angry".
Fill your face with that feeling and stare at Angletham as Rock lined up the finishing dishes, but the beauty of the gaze continues the conversation.
(When I was dating a "public story," when Gloriosa was around, it seemed like a different way, "momentum" could be gained.
So if you've sent a signal to Trenia, if you've had her weapon, the whip, "one wave," well, gentlemen, calm down.
"Determined army staff and one of the main forces"
but you remind me of how I came here to negotiate.
Then the wonder and negotiation went very smoothly when Trenia "preached" to me when I was supposed to be talking about the negotiation originally, who would be the representative of the land or laughing nicely at the lady)
(That's a slow restraint or a "threat", and Trenia said she laughed, but you're angry in your heart, right?)
When Locke told me to check, the breakfast was just in order.
'Well, that's what you were going to take, and if you move on to action, this "feeling" was going to be quick for you to understand.
By the way, Gloriosa is slow. '
Turning to the deacon's youth, Angletham smiled in words as she carried a darkness that was different from the color of brown skin in her beauty.
Then I'm surprised (a lot) to dive somewhat deliberately into a well-shaped brow because my friend just doesn't come back to finish the easy routine.
Angletham went on to talk telepathically to Rock again, staring at those towards whom Gloriosa was headed.
(Such a big favor and a word that seems "insensitive".
That didn't hurt her, but I guess it was enough to irritate her.
If our safety was guaranteed, we would immediately push our values and try to fit them into the mould.
"I don't mean to be kind, I mean no harm."
And I remember well that she, who could read her mind, was stupidly put out in her mouth)
He said, "You're selfish." If Gloriosa thinks about a kind woman who's afraid, then Locke opens his mouth naturally, too, and the words come out.
'Nor do I dislike what Master Angletham said in the courtyard: "If you enter the town, follow the town".
But if you were asked for help by a place you don't even think of as home, help, and you don't want it on top of that, but you were preached, you'd feel angry even if you were gentle and tolerant. '
"Rock, you say quite a bit too."
After Angletham raised the edge of his mouth to Nihil, he looked at the clock in the room and noticed that Gloriosa was still spending too much time on the fulcrum, changing his body direction.
'Right, especially since she was someone who liked babies and children more than anyone ".
If they told you anything to do with it, you might have been extra angry. "
"It was." - Is that it?
Rock accidentally asks back when Angletham's last words strike him visibly about past forms.
Without moving his expression, the guest was staring at the lock with the green eyes of the one with the mole remaining before walking out towards the place where his best friend would be.
"Gloriosa, what the hell is wrong with you?.
Did you even tangle your hair? "
Potun and his suddenly lonely butler think only a little bit about the word love, which comes up on the subject earlier.
but I immediately shake my head straight to the side and my head plays the conclusion "I don't know".
(Although my husband said he didn't know much about it, I'm sure if I did research, I would use the word "love" more than anyone else and use it -)
(Well, then how about this, Rock?.
"My heart gets hot, my body gets hot, I want to get close to the person, I want to lean on the side, I can be attracted" or something like that, you might want to put on the most plausible words)
Suddenly, the voice of the Lord broke into Rock's thought.
"Sir?! Are you nearby?!
Unexpectedly he shouted out loud and looked back towards the entrance, when Gloriosa, with her long dark hair down, came out of the lavatory with Anglecam grabbing her chest, dragging her.
"Mr. Rock, what's wrong?
Angletham called out to the butler who looked a little rushed, it's painful! And when I said Gloriosa, I heard a knock from the entrance to the room.
"Hey, let's go in."
I heard a voice that sounded like the Lord of this mansion had floated somewhere, and the guests looked at each other, and now the butler lurked their brows.
'Sir, you've been up all night again!
The deacon, who can hear the pean voice coming out the morning after spending all night, turns toward Tsukatsuka and the entrance to the room.
Pean and Locke reunited for the first time in hours as the butler opened the door and in the aisle connecting the rooms to the entrance.
"Hey, good morning, Rock. Looks like you can move your body now."
Continuing yesterday, the wise man stands wrapped around a red and black coat repaired by his wife and butler.
Sir, there's a light neighborhood under your eyes.
The butler glanced over the white gloves with his index finger around his tear bag to teach him where the neighborhood in the Lord's eye was formed.
(Both of you followed by your husband...)
If the guests have moles on their faces, the butler manages to laugh small at the mainly thin-eyed neighborhood and some weird "edge."
And to the sound of a more upbeat voice than Pean needed, and to the upward corner of his mouth, the butler was convinced that the Lord had done all night.
Lord Robrow holds a large plate, with a few slices of bread and a vial containing vegetables, ham and condiments.
(Boulder Martha, you're ready for me, right?)
My lord used to let Rock make sandwiches and finish his meals when he was busy or bothered to eat breakfast.
The cook is aware of that, and he gives me the support every day so that the butler can make it easy.
Even if the lord didn't eat sandwiches for breakfast, he was using ingredients for other dishes that he didn't devise and use well.
"Sir, I thought you said you'd wake up late today."
Rock receives a plate of ingredients for making the sandwich that the Lord holds while saying such things.
"Hey, it's been a long time since you've been traveling. If you took a bath since you got back to your room yesterday, you've got wonders and feelings on your mind.
Hahahahahahahahahahaha '
He even has a demonic laugh as he puts in a suspicious breath pass along the way.
"My husband stays up all night, even if he is calm in his heart, because suspicion adds to the expressions that are put on the table, and you are all drawn.
Especially if you have customers. '
Deacon, with a bitter laugh, "You're like a little child, sir," and a small, frightening thought in his heart about the Lord.
"No, I think I'm so excited because when I was a little kid, I couldn't get out of Robrow the other way, so now I am."
I meant to put my thoughts on the "table" for telepathy, but they weren't in the lock.
However, as he thought of it and took some of the things that came to his mind, the Lord answered, and the butler stopped moving while holding the plate and looked up at the Lord.
Pean smiles with a slightly rough neighborhood eye, yet seeping tenderness there.
"Suddenly, Pean Vinegar has also become high tension by remembering one dark spiritual art in a short time to a habit of incompatibility.
- Gloriosa, if the hair stopper string is broken, have Karin fix it.
And if it's "Trenia Bubaldia the Witch," there's no way I'm gonna feel bad about it. "
The man, wise and lord, approximated a butler holding a plate and round his eyes, went into the room refreshed.
"Pean, how do you know the string was broken?
"Are you sure you were Uzzy about that and didn't come out without tying your hair together!?
That's not what I said!... but if Pean says so, doesn't Trenia feel bad?
From behind the red and black coat that broke into the room, Gloriosa and Angletham's words came into Rock's ear as if they were a comedy multiplication.
The next word that came into my ear was the proclamation of my Lord's Room Tree Spirit.
"I have something to say to the Determined Army Staff, Angletham Padrick, before he joins the Determined Army as Pean Vinegar, the wise man.
I have a deadline of four years for my next journey, a journey that I could meet a deacon who would refrain from beside me like my shadow, until I grow up.
Therefore, four years from now, I pledge to help the peace of the country as a wise man '
- The next "four years," and that concludes the pacification.
To Anglecomb, it was the same as making such a dark affirmation.
"At the same time, I'm going to give back a little bit of the talent of the trapped dark spiritual art of a talented country called Rock."
"For the good of the country, the Wise One has a great name for freedom of movement."
"Instead of working together to put a man named Gloriosa on the throne, we will also incorporate into this king's reign a" law "that will change the situation of those who have been born into" vessels ".
As a wise man, that's the condition for me to enter. '
- Once, talent trapped in an ancient "box" should also be the key to the various futures of a man named Rock.
"I will not admit to imposing misfortune on a single person for the sake of much peace"
Based on that determination, Pean even moved out.
Last night, Anglecomb also asked me to enter, and the butler decided to join him, informing his wife of the decision.
Blunt the momentum of a rapidly moving stream.
The wise man, who washed his body quickly, wears the bedclothes that the butler had prepared and, about the picture books, stays wet with his bath hair, he first makes a brief inquiry.
However, if you start looking into the picture book, the information is "not connected" in the Pean handler's material.
I didn't think there was enough material either, but when I looked into it and tried to find some results, I made all the representations that made the information a more "definitive" statement.
Eventually, I realized that I was more of a "far-fetched" sage than a "discerning".
"The true meaning of the book and the" period "in which the sage Pean Vinegar is involved are not living."
(Perhaps this picture book has no "edge" on my "wise man".
The timing coincidence isn't the first time in my life)
- Above all, the "picture book" refuses Pean Vinegar.
(So even though I didn't need my magic, I tried to suck it)
If that's what you thought, an interesting "hypothesis" connected in the head of the wise man.
- Isn't that funny?
Anyone in a position that is respected for being clever and just relied upon as a lord should stroke a picture book that rejects himself in a bedroom where only dark lamps are lit for the first time in his life.
"Common sense of man and the formation of the world.
Even when people's common sense is overshadowed, the world is not in trouble.
That people are just on top of the earth called the world.
However, the "world" is gradually recognized and maintained because there are people called "talk," "remember," "tell," and exist.
And I wonder if that's how the world can scorn people for knowing "the joy of being recognized"?.
Especially since I am now associated with a man who could possibly be the "king" of this country.
I can also instigate a man who has the power to make you disappear from this world from the form of a picture book forever. "
- - In a way, I put a "kama" on the existence that is this picture book.
And brilliantly, "picture books" hook me up.
I didn't suck any power into the memory or magic of a man named Gloriosa because it was possible that a man named him "had the power to bury the existence of a picture book perfectly".
I have done some harm, Gloriosa offended my mood, and now only as an "old, fine picture book that sucks magic and memory," I have done the picture book so that I can't be interested or disgusted by a being that has the power to perfectly erase the world from being able to exist.
Fortunately, there was no fear in the picture books that the presence would be made crude by taking the position of "The Shapes of the Father's Family Who Joined Me".
But now that the sage had heard a statement trying to jeopardize his "whereabouts," the picture book "intimidated" the sage by overflowing with black.
But the wise man provokes and abets the picture book as it is.
"A world that" exists "by being recognized and remembered - no," God ".
I'll whisper to you the same information I left behind, just like the wise man who used to be the "traveler" I contracted.
It is still the Sage who holds the coincidence (chance) that you meet the Lord and Wife trapped in this world.
However, perhaps in order for the wise man to be born, the state of this "country" is sword swallowing.
For now, it will be a land of peace and tranquillity, and it will be much shorter for the Lord and his wife to see you until you give up your place. "
Remembering the stories of various "travellers", it would have been a comeback, but it would have worked.
(- Maximize, let me use it "King of heights")
The only "top priority" for Pean is to protect this territory and the people it seems to care about.
And there was added a charismatic "best friend" named Gloriosa.
However, he is no longer the "king of the land", but he has no place to be.
- Then let's have a place as a friend.
If you can get all kinds of useful information that this picture book holds by holding the qualification of "wise man," you can get it.
- My heart's hot. I want to protect my loved ones.
- I want my body to be hot and strong.
- I want to get close to my loved ones. I want to gain trust.
- I want to stop by and watch the same view together.
- Attracted and eventually also needed by loved ones if they are working hard.
This may be similar to the feeling of "love."
Just thinking "makes my chest hot," Pean began to taste the experience.
Sage wanted to see a reign where friends and their friends rebuild, making them feel that way.
And I wanted the minister of peace, whose friends make and rule, to have my daughters daughter-in-law, and my son welcome my daughter-in-law, to serve as a parent and as Lord Robrow.
After fulfilling my responsibilities, in the time and world left, I wanted to spend my days without worries, like when I met people I really cared about, and myself.
(Can't you accept a deal that places a man named Gloriosa in the king of this country and increases the odds that he can meet the "being" that the picture book (you) ask for?)
I try to talk about that content in a magical way that I know, but I don't answer picture books.
(Can't you go that far without being so hard-working that you're not related to a wise man like me?)
So once I sigh small, I pick Martha's cookies and throw them in my mouth.
'Oh, so to speak...'
Remembering that they also made me dinner at night, I headed to the trolley at the end of the room holding the picture book.
(Perhaps the picture books are tied with some sort of "indiscriminate discipline"?
Or are they restricting something?)
If I had removed the cover of the plate on which the meal was served while thinking about it, I would have been given a meal that I expected to eat even as I did my research.
The pean as lord's position was greatly appreciated for the rice grip and the labored meal that could be eaten with one hand.
There are things like this about my feelings, but I also want to be a lord of the days when residents like Martha can feel safe, who will support a meal that has been distracted in this way.
I realized once again that I considered the territory of Robrow quite "important" and held the picture book aside, cheeking on the spot with a mogmog as I thanked him for the labored dinner.
(Well, if they find me standing around like this, Rock's gonna be mad at me.)
If I think about it, I realize that the dark spirits, who hated me so much since that rock thing happened, are dropping by.
(What, did you just root for pulling it off the lock?)
But apparently the Spirit is trying to get closer to the picture book without worrying about the "human" thing.
But with what Pean has in his hands, the Spirit of Darkness can't be on the side of a picture book.
And the picture book, as always, threatens the wise man who tries to threaten his existence with a black shade, but he never talks to me.
However, I didn't see the picture book disgusting the spirits of darkness trying to stop by.
(No, how do you even consider the Spirit of the Darkness?)
The wise man, who knows the identity of the "being" of the picture book, naturally seemed to think that the Spirit of Darkness had no choice but to admire the picture book.
(- A position of "king" who is kind to what he admires, both in his present state and in his curved form?)
It just seemed that the king could not afford to be so compassionate towards the Spirit of Darkness before those who threatened his existence either.
(If I don't get in the way, if it's true, I'd like to call you one of the words. -)
When I think about it, it's terribly violent, and it's a slight but likely harmful way for me to do it, but Sage can think of a way that I might be able to communicate with a picture book.
(- Within the moment, do you want to try)
Fortunately, if something dangerous has happened to Pean Vinegar, the "two" who worry and feel harder than danger has happened to them are sleeping for me now.
(Maybe I won't get hurt, and the blood will flow just a little, but it will be deluded)
- But I found that I would surely mourn what was in me "now".
"But well, it's better than mourning everything even if you keep the time flowing."
The last grain of rice I got to my thumb licked perky, trying to reach for the picture book, and the spirits of darkness that were stopping by my side were grandly "angry".
Even though we are angry at the wise man who forced us to cut off our relationship with Locke, we are angry at one of our own "kings" for disrespect in trying to touch them with salivated fingers.
The Dark Spirit, who courageously tried to reach the foot of the wise man - the wise man now brought the lamp that was on the trolley closer to his hand, and kept the lights away.
Until now, it has been a far "gentle" behavior from the way I have been treated to tread on the soles of shoes.
Emotions are not the same way as "people," but "records" were also a source of hesitation to certain dark spirits about the sudden difference in sage response.
'Oh, I'm sorry. It's an important lord to you, sir.
- Sir.
- Lord.
Respect, one way or another you want to take care of it, Sage doesn't know.
But I know I shouldn't scorn people's feelings when they talk about their loved ones.
"First you put on" insurance. "
Shake in a bowl of water to fill the hand on the trolley with a bottle of salt from the "seasoning" found on the side.
Once the sound was shabby and small, the grain of salt dissolved into the water.
"I'm in the bath, and it's a simple" purge, "but this is good."
In it, he dipped the right hand of his opponent to his wrist.
"So, wait a minute..." The King. "
That said, put the picture book in the empty space of the trolley.
(May Karin not wake up)
That's what's on my mind, bread! and purge the place by ringing the "Kashiwaki hand" that trembles the air.
If he felt the place purified by his senses, Pean chewed off the tip of his index finger with a sturdy tooth that was always in his mouth spinning words that made fun of his wife and butler.
"Take my blood, and give me a covenant to protect the land of Robrow -"
The moment the red blood Shizukuishi dripped off his bitten index finger and appeared to form a sphere and fall on the floor of the lord's bedroom - the little red sphere extends into the universe.
Shizuku of stretched blood engraves the universe with various wording as if it were red ink.
- This is all I can remember trying to protect, no matter what I make enemies of.
The stretched red wording eventually stretches onto the floor to draw a loose curve while carving various "records" into the universe.
It was the exotic Yin Yang (Inyang) demon squares that its loosely curved curves drew on the floor.
"Our country's first yet to be written" blood contract "technique.
In the beginning, let's record my secret tricks here in the Blood.
Well, to "pull the strings out" of this "blood record," you have to be a selfish "bastard" like me. "
Laughs a little unfaithfully and unfaithfully, standing with his legs closed.
The white and black stretched circles of the exotic curse float at your feet - sage nestles in the middle of the iconic symbol (symbol) of exotic magic in the east.
Carve into the blood that flows to you the memories of the secret surgery of 'Lords Robrow', who continue the surgery and give way in the covenant of blood, while minimizing the whirlwind that tries to wind from the foot that closes and tramples.
"Years later, decades later, yet hundreds more?
Hopefully, in a world where rock is not a vessel, these secrets I've compiled and memorized in blood will be used. "
- Please, leave me, don't go, my Lord.
Even though I hadn't seen it, the face of a deacon wet in tears came to the head of the wise man.
(There's no blood connection, and he's not dead, but I think he's probably happy as a person.)
If you didn't have the heart disease of dependence on your inaccessible body, the edge you couldn't.
But if "he" had only slightly considered himself in life, Pean's heart would have cooled.
I'm sure Pean Vinegar had a reign known as "clever" in a territory called Robrow.
Though, I'm sure I always had a cold feeling somewhere, but I can think about it.
Without the "shadow" of him, he continues his journey as a wise man and eventually returns to his territory to receive a young wife who is not even an adult.
And I think I'm going to take care of her to be "Pean who never met Rock."
However, even as a "wise man," I could easily imagine Pean having "lived" with Rock that mere care full of reason had left her with a hard time in a position she had just come to a land she did not know.
I wouldn't have noticed if it hadn't been for him that I "loved him" about my wife.
I don't even want to think about it, but if it weren't for Rock, I wouldn't even say I was like some ancient ginseng in Robrow, but I think I would have even had a really miserable (muggy) feeling for her that she wouldn't have given birth to a boy inside.
"- The" key "of those who perform this technique.
Define me as someone with the same mistakes and regrets. "
Insurance for when a descendant carries a "load" that is too heavy to bear alone, drawing the blood of Peen Vinegar.
It overlapped my "selfish solitude" when I didn't meet the presence of "rock".
He seems to be opening his mind to someone, and he's not open to anyone.
"Even if I teach secrets, I don't teach them (just).
Should I include this in my "blood" memory? "
- Breathe through your nose and put your strength under your belly.
"Tanda, invest in the area under the umbilical cord to make your consciousness a forest universe - do it with the intention of overlapping your consciousness with all the countless things that exist between the universes"
Wise men continued their words and overlapped their palms, as if to coach those who would probably be their "juniors" ahead of a distant future that they would not see for themselves.
"Keep the importance of the Nine Letters a secret and order your liver to be difficult to speak to.
Clear your suspicions. For that reason, I'll preach.
The true words of the Nine Characters, the so-called, the Contingent Fighters are all in array in the previous Nine Characters.
At that time, when suddenly a decree and a curse are made, all the five shady ghosts, the troubled ghosts, the devil's outward spirits, to die where they stand, and to pour hot water on the frost if you like.
Indeed, the great sword (Tariken) that cuts the original ignorance can be likened to Moya as a sword.
Based on the meaning put into this word, "slash" the nine-letter mark.
If you don't use your heart, you will mourn your loved ones. "
Various other secrets and previous information gathered by Peen as a wise man, the results of research left to the "country", not the king.
And in exchange for that "information," I carve the "favor" into my own blood.
(Someone who can braid (arrange) a blood contract - "sage" would have gotten the hang of it if I had told him so far)
- Ning Lo, if you are a wise man with less power than you can even "read" so far, wish, but I don't want you involved.
After an aggressive grin, tighten your expression "if times forgive" and finally engrave it into your own blood with one wish.
- If the law of the land had allowed us to take over our own blood and unleash our Lord's existence from the curse of this land...
- Do not give 'names' when performing the technique -
- Because the curse called 'name' gives the 'earth' the opportunity to bind the earth and those with whom the blood of the Vinegar family flows -
Big layer, that's it, after serious...
'Well, in the end, good luck in the industry.
If the battle ensued later, it would end up being more of a mental problem than a 'strategy' '
After laughing unfaithfully again, I played my finger with a pussy.
In the next moment the whirlwind stopped, leaving the sound of the air trembling, and the sign of the yin and yang that was floating beneath the feet of the pean disappeared.
'- Well, thank you for waiting, King.
No matter how much you refuse, I'll make it a "situation you want to talk to me about."
Sage spoke to the picture book resting on the trolley, "pointing that way" at the person he didn't want to speak to, even while he was performing a special procedure.
'- I hope you don't hate me because I don't have that much to do with it.
I am in deep communication with your "family."
"The more you fight, the better you get along."
He flexes his tall back softly and stretches out the long five fingers of his right hand with index fingers, which he bit earlier into his shadow, which was made into a dim room.
I plunged my finger into the darkness that lurked in my shadow and grabbed it as good as I could.
The moment I grasp it to twist it, the dark spirits scream without sound, making it tangle in the long arms of the wise man and come up.
And the people of this country elephant the creature "snake", which they religiously abhor, opened their mouths wide, showed their fangs, and intimidated the wise, but the person who was made only laughed spirally.
"Oh my God, when I always interrupt Rock and you guys, you tell me to stay out of the way violently and aggressively, but that's about it."
If that's all I said, Pean crushed the part he was gripping with as much power as he could.
At the same time, the wound at the fingertips that was about to stop opened and blood flowed.
But without concern, Pean gripped with even greater force, and the Spirit of Darkness leaked from between his fingers so that he could be crushed, spreading the space of the Lord and his wife's bedroom with particle-like grains and misting.
"What's wrong? I can't believe you disappeared in about this?
Foggy and flying resentfully around me, even if scattered.
'Or what?. "For the first time," is it illuminating because I'm being aggressive like this?
The picture book on the trolley trembles slightly, and when he sees it, the sage laughs niggardly again.
'Still only the "king," don't you like the way your family admires themselves suffer?.
But don't worry - I'll be friends with your family now. '
Rise from the position you were bending, and call on the Spirit of Darkness, not forgetting the feeling of "grasping" with your hands.
"He is -" Rock "cannot be left without loving someone named me, so I will help him, no matter what, with whom you are dear.
If he admires me as his "husband," and needs someone named me, I'll protect him.
If Rock calls for me, I'll respond.
Be with him when he troubles, and let him save him, and let him create a shadow in the light that bears witness to his presence. "'
From the feeling of touching your fingertips, the word the Dark Spirit prefers and the name of the "person you love" - exposing Rock's name like bait to attract the Dark Spirit.
"I will do my best to keep Locke - your dear ones, in this world.
I swear by this life that his heart will not make him cry out of sorrow. "
Drops of blood dripping from your fingertips intersect with the dark spirits. Just now, Rock and Karin remind Pean of the coat that has been repaired.
"To the best of my ability, I will protect you all."
With that feeling on board, the spirits of darkness continue to speak the words they listen to.
Can I borrow your power from someone who hates you?
Besides, one of the most difficult things in the dark spiritual arts.
Let me slip into people's minds and let me use the art of absorbing that feeling.
That way, I won't dye your favorite "he" heart with sorrow. "
- I'm not going to entrust someone to the Spirit of Darkness who thinks like a dear "brother," not to Pean.
- And "someone like my brother," Rock himself is only going to turn his feelings to Pean Vinegar, who is also a dependent.
- Then entrust the feelings of the Dark Spirit to Pean Vinegar, who wants to help him admire a rock that will never be rewarded, and help him.
- Then let's help the spirits of darkness admire him with all the power that Pean Vinegar can have.
Pussy torn wound. Playing his fingertips again, a drop crossed by blood and darkness fell into the shadow of the pean.
While my brother-in-law was lined up in words by the Spirit of Darkness, my thoughts continued to negotiate with sincerity and facts in mind, and for a short time, there flowed a glimpse of each other.
Eventually the spirit of darkness, who secretly turned again into the figure of a serpent, appears this time so that the smoke slowly rises from the shadow behind the wise man.
I also knew to the Dark Spirit that this man was obstinately interrupting between the "Spirit and Rock".
Unlike normal people, he recognized that he was not a glimmer.
It was understandable to the Spirit, who was also responsible for the "dark" - negative emotions - part of "planning" of a person that it was best to move as this person suggested.
However, I also feel that it is difficult to follow as they say but as they say.
- Naraba, Semete, itide!
He made another noiseless voice and jumped to carve his fangs into the back of the pean he was turning his back on.
"- I'm asking for the Spirit's help, but I don't think it's a very clever M.O. to" give in "before then."
Without even looking back, turn only your left arm behind you.
Pean Vinegar jumps, trying to get the dark snake to eat his thumb down his throat while his black fangs are about to eat into his sleep-rolled shirt, and grabs it.
Now don't grip, turn your left arm to the front as you grabbed it, and the snake and pean, whose body and eyes were all but "dark", faced each other.
The dark snake shakes his head wide, tearing and opening wide enough to think it will crack.
It strips a sharp black fang out of its ripped open mouth and shows it in its gripped arms with such a fierce twist that it is no different from a biological serpent, but the hand of the wise man who grabs its long torso does not move even fine dust.
"If you don't like me so much, you can help me by making me give in as much as I want."
I slightly lowered the feeling that I was trying to "calm down" that I had.
"Give in," he puts in his mouth, and at the same time feeds his fingertips, which were in the snake's throat, all at once.
"When the Spirit embodies and shapes, does it feel as close to life as it is to pull?"
When traveling alone, "Everything is an experience," Pean reminds me, in a way, of when he peeled off the skin, scratching an edible snake like an experiment.
And just as then, all curiosity overflowed his mind, "guilt" and so on.
I was just trying to enjoy the feeling of the snake.
Of a dark snake, particles of the same color as your body scatter blood from the throat that devoured your parents.
Wise men mumble the ancient (if any) wording to "yield" the Spirit of Darkness while watching the scattered particles.
"He who is in darkness and deep darkness, he who is bound by suffering and candles.
You disobey the guidance of the goddess of the earth, and therefore do not even hear the word of the king of counsel in the high place.
A picture book on the trolley made me react to someone who had ever decided to ignore it, glowing brightly and tormenting the spirits who were also "family members".
While capturing it at the edge of his gaze, he continued the wording to make it more subdued.
"Keep grace away from the dark spirits.
And let the goddess of the earth do her bidding, and cast her head into the earth in a wide land, to show her subjugation.
That being said, stroking the head of a roaring dark snake with a dripping index finger of blood, the snake's movement hardens in a vicious way.
In the moment of solidification, the arm grabbing the sage's snake vibrates in a grim fashion.
Earlier, the head of the dark snake, which disappeared to scratch, now remains in shape, bottling brackets from where it devoured its thumb, falling into the shadow of a pean, "sinking".
I regret that I refused to ask for help, that I felt more humiliated than I was humiliated.
The head of a snake falling in the darkness of his own shadow melts and exchanges as he sinks.
Without hesitation or hesitation, the wise man hands and explores the mechanism of the "Spirit of Darkness" that fell within him.
The personality Pean Vinegar, like a lump of light, is eroded, instantly snatching the place of the shadow close to ravaging it, diving forcefully into the inner surface of the Spirit of Darkness.
Thus, in an effort to cuddle the existence of a stubborn attempt to reject, the wise man interacted with the Spirit of Darkness, and Pean met the advanced dark spiritual art of "peeking into the defenseless mind" among them.
Pean lurks his eyebrows just a little bit into the new sensation he has given birth to within.
"Oh man, what's really strong about it without their approval is that it doesn't suit my sexuality at all - ugh."
With stomach fluids in my throat, I had a light reflux of the dinner I had just had.
(Again, I am not compatible with the Spirit of Darkness)
Pean was made to double-check that as well.
- But everything's ready down there.
I'm ready for both "insurance" and "meeting," but I guess it's rude to see you as you look like you're overwrought for sleeping rolls.
I'll wear my jacket. "
Pean headed to the stripper to wrap his coat around the garment.
In the first place, I put my hands through my semi-dried hair and left the bathroom stripper.
- Well, let's talk, Prime Minister of Hell.
Pean, as a matter of course, created a harsh atmosphere on the side of the trolley and called out to the "alone" old man who was standing.
Suddenly he appeared, but the wise man looked at the old man with curious eyes at how he had said "gradually I could see him".
But there was no such thing as "curiosity" in the eyes of a wise man that made him feel dear.
- Buried in wrinkles but full of wisdom, he stores a white beard in his serene mouth, weaves a fur gown that only sees superior, hands on his cane, and stands in the thin light of his bedroom.
"The mighty" Traveler "in the middle.
I didn't know you were forced to build an "edge" with me. "
Laughing just a little happily, the old man, called "Prime Minister of Hell", took in his family, the Spirit of Darkness, like a hostage, stared at the wise man.
"I don't want anything to do with you.
I just wanted to have the art of protecting the "loved ones" in my hands.
Well, that's why I had to talk to you. '
(If it's true, I didn't even want to talk)
Even if his mind can't read it, he comes up with a look that conveys such feelings, and the wise look at what seems to be a "prime minister of hell" who manifests himself standing in front of a trolley in the dim darkness of his bedroom.
'That's, again, quite a word.
And you say, "Your eyes say things like your mouth."
That situation, Lord Sage, taught me how to stay in this world in order to get rid of the "time" tie and continue my journey.
- No, let me remind you of the Passenger Hall.
I meant to have quite a few words and attitudes, but the old man on the side of the trolley staring at Pean was just smiling calmly.
"If I may just say," Me too, "I'm just doing such a rough job to meet my loved ones again.
And Lord Sage said that you bothered to put in place the conditions under which you had to show up.
Therefore, if you don't mind the words of this labourer,
(Rather than calling me "Chancellor of Hell," it doesn't look like a "good butler", returning it with either ironic or intelligent answers -)
The word butler really reminded me of my brilliant butler youth.
And the moment I remember his face, the wise man's fierce eyes open wide.
(- Stupid)
With a large wrinkle engraved between his eyebrows, when he shows up, he sees the "Chancellor of Hell" and denies the thought that came to his mind.
However, he complained that the shape of a man named "Prime Minister of Hell" resentfully resembled that of a rock.
To be exact, now he's a young man. "If he's old, he'll look like this."
Such things made me feel so "similar" that I could think about them fully just because of the imagination in my head.
(It may not be a coincidence, but I can't care less about the present.
- Unexpectedly, I kept the "insurance" connected to the future in my own blood for "such a thing".
"- What, I'm a new sage, and there's nothing I can do to say something that suddenly touches the core, Prime Minister.
And all I want is to tell you a little bit about the "technique" that our predecessors entrusted to you. "
Return the eyes that were wide open to their original size to smoothly connect the conversation without including the upset that came to your mind in your voice.
Besides, after talking to the Chancellor, there's no guarantee that I'll remember him.
I can't tell if you're guessing Pean's feelings, but the old man who becomes "the prime minister of hell" would have noticed that the wise man opened his eyes, but he has no particular reaction.
And the air flowing into the dim bedroom was as mild as ever.
"Now, anything but for your loved ones is nothing but the end."
The lord and the old man have such an atmosphere that they fill the bedroom and the conversation proceeds.
"I wonder what kind of attitude should I take to the wise man who tries to talk to my family through such abusive techniques as ravaging them in order to get a way to have a conversation with them?
And the "technique" that Lord Sage wants - this method was in his hands once he redeemed his place.
And if you think you can tell me because you asked me, I'm in trouble. "
Placing one hand on top of the cane on the jaw where the white beard is stored, the old man says "no" loosely as he strokes it.
"But it was also a place where you couldn't help but be" alone, "right?
If that's what you think, didn't you just give people what they didn't need and give them a convenient "technique"?
People are just making "effective" use of the place.
I think that's all. '
Pean also carries his hand to his mouth and enjoys the slightly stretched beard feel at his fingertips.
Just as I copied it out in the mirror, two people were doing the same thing.
"The reason why the eagle became a medium of memory called a picture book in order to preserve its existence, to make it easier to maintain shapes using the thoughts and memories of people who are" in love "as food.
It also happened because of people in the first place. "
The Prime Minister of Hell stops at shoulder height by letting go of his hand, which was stroking his beard, and letting his thumb and middle finger touch each other.
'If you have learned to be angry, please, behave yourselves.
I am curious about the way you fight, the role of a wise man, "assigned" to me in this world. "
Pean also releases his fingertips stroking his jaw, letting his thumb and middle finger touch each other and clasp his hand at shoulder height.
"Which, let's just play a little bit," "Young Builder" "
"Come on, Jizzy."
The sound of playing a finger that sounded exactly the same as "Pattin '" echoed into the bedroom.
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