The sea is full of life, but the sea is full of life.

【Welcome to the National Ocean Survival Game! 】

On the endless sea, a dilapidated raft floated alone.

Lin Chen woke up from his coma, and the scene in front of him stunned him instantly.

He rubbed his sleepy eyes, trying to find a trace of familiarity, but he could not see anything except the vast sea and the raft under his feet.

"Why am I in the sea?"

"Hiss! It hurts!"

There was a stinging pain in his wrist. Lin Chen looked at his wrist and saw a blue bracelet with a circle of fresh blood on the edge.

【It has been bound to the user and cannot be taken off. 】

Lin Chen looked at the watch carefully, and a projection screen suddenly popped up.

【Global Ocean Survival】

【1: Each player starts with a 2m*4m raft. 】

【2: Newbie supplies have been distributed: plastic rope hook, 1 bottle of 500ml drinking water, and a copy of "Basic Survival Manual". 】

【3: There are scattered resources floating on the sea surface, and there are barrel treasure chests in the sea. Players can explore on their own. 】

【4: The bracelet is the basis for players to survive in the ocean world. If the bracelet is lost, the player will die instantly. 】

【5: The quality levels are: inferior, ordinary, good, excellent, outstanding, perfect, and legendary (the peak of the world). Higher-level quality needs to be explored on your own. 】

【6: Life is only once. Cherish life, don't commit suicide. 】

【7: The first 3 days are the novice protection period, please cherish it. During the novice protection period, dangerous creatures will only approach at night. 】

【Currently, it is the novice protection period environment. Today's weather forecast: cloudy, temperature 20-25 degrees Celsius, no wind and no waves, half day and half night. 】

【Preview: Enter the sunny day in 3 days. 】


This is the game's novice guide page.

Lin Chen closed the page and came to the main interface, and quickly found an icon with a 999+ red dot.

【Chat interface】

【Number of people: 10,000, number of speeches: 10 times/day. 】

The people inside have already been chatting enthusiastically.

"Where is this? I just made an appointment with Momonogi to film a movie in Tokyo. How come I'm in this place? I'm having fun!!"

"How come I'm here when I'm in the middle of it? Fuck! I'm still hard! It's so fucking uncomfortable!"

"Do you have any food? I'm so hungry... I've been hungry all day for the buffet tonight, and I ended up in this place."

"Mom, I want to go home, wow..."

"Survival game? It's time for me to change my fate! Show up! My system!"

"Everyone, I'm Ji Taimei, the heir of Caixu Group. I'm offering 10 million to buy a way to leave here."

"Drinking water has been put on the trading market. Please change it for something to eat. I'm starving..."

"How do I hook this plastic hook? There's a plastic bottle next to my raft. I haven't hooked it for a long time."


The chat interface said all kinds of things. Lin Chen simply collected the information in it and got a general understanding of the situation.

It seems that everyone is in the same situation as himself. At the beginning, he only has a raft and all resources depend on the hook.

He opened another interface: the trading interface.

There are two trading modes: free trading and directional trading.

When there are goods to be sold, they can be put on the shelf by scanning with a wristband. The goods will enter the shelf space. When putting them on the shelf, you can choose to put them on the shelf anonymously.

The shelf space has 10 grids, which means that a maximum of 10 kinds of goods can be put on the shelf, and each kind of goods can be stacked up to 50 pieces.

After checking the screen, Lin Chen began to check his supplies.

[Raft: 2m*4m]

[Description: This is your only habitat here. ]

On this dilapidated raft, there is something that looks out of tune with the surrounding environment.

[Original crafting table: Basic materials (below ordinary level) can be made here. Each time you make, there is a 0.001% chance of triggering a lucky critical hit, and the quality of the item is +1. ]

[Description: Who is the only chosen one among thousands! 】

"Does this game also test manual skills?"

Lin Chen is clumsy and can only do primitive manual work.

He opened the operation guide of the crafting table and quickly put away his worries.

The surface of the crafting table is a delicate and smooth glass plate. Just put the materials on the glass plate, and the crafting table will read the materials and store them in the waiting raw material table. When all the raw materials are ready, the props will be automatically generated.

In the "Basic Survival Manual", there are some drawings for making basic props.

Take out the slot where the production drawing is placed on the production table, and the production table will swallow the drawing and generate a production diagram.

The basic prop production drawings include: 1㎡ raft expansion board, low-quality fishing rod, low-quality plastic hook, original distillation tank...


"Your gold finger has been received, and you have obtained the second system "Lucky Guarantee"!"

A crisp sound came from his ears, and Lin Chen was overjoyed.

[Lucky Guarantee]

[Effect: The tenth homogeneous action will definitely trigger the lucky guarantee effect, quality +1, small probability quality +2, and extremely small probability quality +3.]

"! ! "

Lin Chen looked at his workbench in surprise.

The lucky critical hit probability of one in ten thousand became one in ten in his hands!

This is too powerful!

However, although the system is powerful, the problem of raw materials still needs to be solved by oneself.

Lin Chen looked around the raft and found a floating piece of driftwood.

How to catch the driftwood?

Lin Chen checked the equipment on the raft and found a hook made of rope and plastic.

[Inferior plastic hook: 3m long, can be used to hook up floating debris on the sea surface.]

[Description: Throw it slowly, this piece of plastic and love It can't stand the test. 】

Lin Chen picked up the plastic hook, the surface of the plastic hook was bumpy and looked weathered.

There was a long rope under the hook. Just throw the hook and hook the object to pull it onto the raft.

Lin Chen threw the hook. The first time he threw it, the hook hit the driftwood and slipped off.

The second time, the hook was thrown far and fell into the sea, but the direction was right.

Lin Chen began to reel in the hook. Following the path of the hook, the driftwood was successfully hooked and dragged back to the raft.

[Wood detected, is it converted to standard wood resources? 】

"Yes. "

[Obtain: Wooden board*1]

A prompt appeared on the projection screen of the bracelet, and a wooden board about 1m long appeared on the raft.

Lin Chen used the wooden board as a paddle to push the raft towards another piece of driftwood on the calm sea.

With experience, the subsequent hooking became more and more smooth.

[Obtain: Wooden board*1]

[Obtain: Palm leaf*1]


"Palm leaves and plastic can be used to make primitive distillation tanks, which can ensure the acquisition of fresh water."

Lin Chen looked at the only bottle of water on the raft.

"Once the water in it is finished, the plastic bottle can be recycled. "

He continued to paddle the board to push the raft to move.

At the same time, he also paid attention to the movement of the system interface.

In the chat interface, many people still did not accept the fact of crossing and were still complaining, but under the limit of the number of speeches, the messages in the chat interface began to be less popular.

In the trading interface, many people have already put goods on the shelves.

Lin Chen glanced at it.

[Poor quality plastic hook*1⇄1 bottle of 500ml drinking water. Note: I am so thirsty, please give me some water.]

[Wooden board*1⇄Plastic*1. Note: Make a friend.]

[Bra with body temperature ( Self-named items) ⇄ 1 bottle of 500ml drinking water. Note: Attached with beautiful pictures. 】


There is a lot of trading information, very mixed, with all kinds of messy things.

If you want to buy the props you want, you can enter the prop name for a targeted search.

At the beginning of this ocean survival, the market has not yet been formed, and most transactions are not equivalent.

Lin Chen closed the trading interface after just a glance.

The most important thing at the moment is to collect supplies and make the necessary survival supplies for the initial stage of survival.

The manufacturing table has not started working yet, and Lin Chen's power period has not yet begun.

Tap the screen to use advanced tools Tip: You can use left and right keyboard keys to browse between chapters.

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