Under the night sky, on the dark sea.

Song Jun's hand holding the monocular was shaking a little.

There were two brightly lit ships on the sea ahead.

They were particularly conspicuous in this dark sea.

Song Jun put down the monocular and took two deep breaths, barely suppressing the shock in his heart.

"Boss! When are we going to bomb them!"

"After we finish this job, we will be completely rich!"

"Look at how excited you are, your hands are shaking!"

Song Jun looked at his excited subordinates, gritted his teeth, and waved his hand, saying, "Retreat!"

"Ah? Boss! Stop! Why are you retreating all of a sudden!"

"Yes, we are here! If we go three or four kilometers further, we will reach the Tongmenghui."

Song Jun snorted, "If we go any further, we will die!"


The younger brothers looked at each other.

"Does the Tongmenghui also have artillery?"

"I saw the photos taken by the Tongmenghui people before, and they didn't have artillery or other weapons on their ship. The most powerful one should be the Desert Eagle in Li Jianguo's hand. Didn't those people take all the photos?"

The younger brothers speculated.

Song Jun handed the monocular telescope to the younger brother beside him and said, "It's true that they don't have artillery on their ship, but Li Jianguo alone can kill us several times. Li Jianguo is not a fucking human!"

The younger brother who picked up the monocular telescope happened to see the scene of Li Jianguo jumping from one three-section sailing ship to another three-section sailing ship.

He also saw the ferocious eight-spider spear behind Li Jianguo.

"Hiss... Is this still a human!"

"What's wrong?" The other younger brothers who didn't take the telescope asked anxiously.

The younger brother holding the telescope looked at Song Jun and returned the telescope.

"I support the boss's decision! The advantage of the attack distance of 160 meters can be made up by Li Jianguo's two steps. Moreover, with his speed, our flint cannon can't hit him at all."

Song Jun's face was gloomy. Although he saw the people of the Tongmenghui boasting about Li Jianguo's strength and knew that he was very strong, he didn't expect him to be so strong.

This is simply not something that humans can do!

Song Jun suddenly remembered the legendary island secret treasure.

Currently, only Lin Chen and Li Jianguo have opened the island secret treasure!

"It must be the island secret treasure!"

"As long as I open the island secret treasure, I can also become a superman like Li Jianguo!"

Song Jun made up his mind and decided to take down an island secret treasure first, and then attack the Tongmenghui.

The time came to 00:00

A new day has arrived.

[Sunny Day Day 7 Weather Forecast]

[Sunny, temperature 50-52 degrees Celsius, no wind, long days and no nights. ]

As soon as the weather forecast message popped up, a fish belly white appeared in the distant sky.

Song Jun's body trembled violently.

"Quickly row the boat! Retreat!"

"It's dawn, we can't let the Tongmenghui find us!"

The sky was slightly bright.

On the three-section sailboat five kilometers away, a member of the Tongmenghui on duty saw the fleet fleeing the Tongmenghui area in the distance and immediately reported the news.

"Five kilometers, too far, can't catch up."

Zhou Xiao waved his hand and asked the patrol members to return to the deck to continue patrolling.

He came to Li Jianguo's room and was about to knock on the door, but the door suddenly opened from the inside.

"Mr. Li."

"I just happened to find you for something."

Li Jianguo said while pulling Zhou Xiao out.

"What's the matter? Sir Li."

"Do you want this?"

The Eight Spider Lance shook slightly, attracting Zhou Xiao's attention.

Zhou Xiao's eyes widened immediately: "Really?!"

"Nonsense! Can I still lie to you! Do you want it?"

"Yes! Yes, yes, yes!"

Zhou Xiao nodded like pounding garlic.

Li Jianguo pulled him to the deck, jumped onto the next ship, and found Zhang Qinwei walking around on the deck.

"Xiao Zhang, take down my Eight Spider Lance and install it on this guy."


Zhang Qinwei nodded.

Anyway, the Eight Spider Lance has been given to the Alliance, so Li Jianguo can give it to anyone he wants.

Zhang Qinwei asked curiously: "Is there any defect in this Eight Spider Lance?"

Li Jianguo said a little embarrassedly: "I think Lin Chen is right, this thing... is indeed not very convenient for sleeping. After I lie down, it keeps poking me. And I think about it, I already have the island secret treasure, this thing is not very helpful to me, it will be more helpful to others."

"Oh~~ I see! Lack of comfort...

.I will take this into consideration when I design next time."

Zhang Qinwei nodded to show his understanding, then waved to Zhou Xiao and said, "Come here, young man, sit here."

"Hello, Engineer Zhang, my name is Zhou Xiao, you can call me Hound."

"Hound? Weird name, sit here, wait for me to dismantle it and then install it for you. ”

Zhang Qinwei had already reserved a disassembly switch. By pressing the off button, the mechanical embrace between the Eight Spider Lance and the human body can be released. The Eight Spider Lance can be removed by pulling hard.

The process of disassembling the Eight Spider Lance is not complicated, but it requires Li Jianguo's cooperation.

Because in addition to the mechanical embrace, there are giant beast nerves inside the Eight Spider Lance that are connected to Li Jianguo's own nerves.

Li Jianguo must subjectively ignore the existence of the Eight Spider Lance and disconnect himself from the Eight Spider Lance on his own. This step is very mysterious. Li Jianguo spent more than ten minutes to completely disconnect himself from the Eight Spider Lance.

The eight giant beast nerves slowly contracted and returned to the Eight Spider Lance.

The Eight Spider Lance also returned to its original appearance.

After carefully disinfecting and cleaning with cationic water, Zhang Qinwei installed the Eight Spider Lance on Zhou Xiao according to the old method.

"Hound, now start, imagine that there are eight spider spears behind you, according to the position where my fingers press..."

Soon, the Eight Spider Lance was installed on Zhou Xiao.

"It's troublesome to wear it, so try not to take it off after installing it. "

"Understood! I will never take it off in my life!"

Zhou Xiao's heart was already very excited.

Li Jianguo on the side added: "It will be very inconvenient to sleep wearing this thing."

"It's all a small matter!" Zhou Xiao said excitedly: "Gaining power always comes at a price! I understand! Isn't it just inconvenient to sleep! What's that!"

"Being young is good..." Li Jianguo laughed.

Zhou Xiao, who was gradually familiar with the Eight Spider Lance, began to jump around on the deck.

"Mr. Li, look, I'm Dr. Octopus!"

He quickly became proficient in the operation of the Eight Spider Lance, controlling the Eight Spider Lance to insert into the mast and crawl towards the top of the mast.

Zhang Qinwei's face suddenly changed: "Hurry up and put away your Eight Spider Lance! Don't break my mast! The durability of my ship is decreasing!"

"Oh oh oh! Sorry, Mr. Zhang! How much supplies are needed for the repair, I will compensate you now! "

Zhou Xiao immediately jumped down and apologized to Zhang Qinwei.

Zhou Xiao respected the engineer who designed the Eight Spider Lance very much, fearing that if he angered him, he would not be able to use the good things in the future.

"You don't have to pay for this little bit of supplies, pay attention next time."


Zhou Xiao accepted the teacher's lesson like a student who made a mistake.

Li Jianguo laughed and patted Zhou Xiao on the shoulder: "Go back, don't mess with Zhang Gong's ship here."

"Yes! Sir Li!"

Zhou Xiao fell back and used the power of the Eight Spider Lance to launch himself into the air, preparing to do a 270-degree turn in the air and land beautifully on the deck of the three-section sailboat of the Tongmenghui.

But he didn't control the force of the launch well.

Zhou Xiao's body drew an arc between the two three-section sailboats and landed accurately in the sea.

"This guy really makes me worry. "

Li Jianguo held his forehead with his hands, showing a helpless expression.

Zhou Xiao stabbed the Eight Spider Spear into the hull and dragged his body to the deck of the three-section sailboat.

Soon, Li Jianguo's expression also changed.

"Fuck, why did this bastard go back and destroy my ship! "

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