The enemy was in a state of panic, and the enemy was in a state of panic.

When Song Jun walked out from behind the bunker, he looked up and saw ten arrows flying from the sky.


He cursed and quickly retreated behind the bunker.

"These crazy women! I shouted for unity, but they actually shot arrows directly! Aren't they afraid of revenge from the Alliance!"

"Grab your weapons! Kill these wild women!"

Song Jun picked up the bow and arrow, but was stopped by the younger brother around him.

"Boss Song! Stop it! These women just need to be disciplined. We need to be patient to deal with them."

"Patience?!" Song Jun asked with his eyes wide open: "Ten arrows will fly at me as soon as I show my head. How do you expect me to be patient?"

"Boss, there is no need for us to see blood! As long as we destroy their boats, the effect will be the same..."

Song Jun looked in the direction of his younger brother's finger and immediately understood what he meant.

Use a flint cannon to blow up the boats!

With the power of a flint cannon, it is a piece of cake to blow up two fishing boats.

The cannonball fired by a flint cannon is a solid projectile, which is simply an iron ball that specializes in attacking ships.

Using a flint cannon to blow up a boat can easily sink the opponent's fishing boat while minimizing the damage to the human body.

"Let's go! Get ready to aim and try the power of the flint cannon!"

Song Jun held up a shield and ran to the raft behind with a group of younger brothers.

Seeing this, the members of Xuanxuan Mutual Aid Society, who were a hundred meters away, were curious.

"What are these people doing behind?"

"Why don't they fight back?"

"Haha! These men are just a bunch of bullies! They were so scared when they saw us shooting arrows that they didn't even want the boat!"

"Sister Xuanxuan, what should we do? Should we continue shooting arrows?"

Xu Xuanxuan couldn't guess the other party's intention, but this didn't stop them from continuing to attack.

"Keep shooting arrows and sink their fishing boats!"

When the durability of the boat is zero, it will automatically lose buoyancy and sink to the bottom of the sea.

At this time, the situation was tense and the longbows were already drawn, and there was no room for both sides to maneuver.

Xu Xuanxuan drew the bow again, but soon, a black thing emerged from behind the fishing boat.

The pirates paddled the planks to move the raft towing the flint gun behind to a wider field of vision, and began to adjust the angle in front of the members of Xuanxuan Mutual Aid Society.

"They actually have artillery!"

"Shoot! Shoot!"

Xu Xuanxuan urged anxiously.

However, due to the range limit of the bow and the lack of archery skills of these women, they may not even be able to hit the fishing boat in front.

"Why are you standing there! Hurry up and chase them! The range of bows and arrows is definitely not as good as their artillery. Do you want to be beaten unilaterally by them?"

In the back, Li Lulu drove the fishing boat towards the pirates.

Seeing this, Xu Xuanxuan was about to go together, but suddenly found that Li Lulu was driving her own fishing boat!

"What does this woman want to do!"

Li Lulu shouted from the side: "Sister Xuanxuan, hurry up and drive that boat to catch up! Don't let them use you as a target!"

The front and rear structures of the fishing boat are the same, and the direction of sailing can be determined by the direction of the oars, without turning around.

Li Lulu drove the fishing boat and began to approach the pirate organization.

The pirates' fishing boats could not avoid it because they were carrying too many supplies and there were dense rafts behind them, so they could not turn around directly.

"Hurry up, hurry up!"

Song Jun urged the two younger brothers who were operating the flint cannon.

"Boss! Ready! Which one should we shoot first!"

"Nonsense! It must be the one with more people!"

"Understood! Fire!"


The flint cannon ignited, and the high-temperature and high-pressure gas produced by the burning of black gunpowder pushed the cannonball out of the barrel, shooting out the solid projectile with a "bang".

The projectile hit Xu Xuanxuan's fishing boat heavily, instantly emptying the durability of the fishing boat and smashing a hole in the fishing boat that was constantly leaking water.

"Repair the boat quickly!"

"It can't be repaired, the boat is scrapped!"

"Hurry up and jump onto the raft behind!"

The women were panicked.

"Li Lulu! Come pick us up!"

Xu Xuanxuan shouted anxiously, but Li Lulu's boat suddenly turned around, heading south and away from everyone.

"You idiots, if you want to play house with Xu Xuanxuan, go play by yourselves. I won't accompany you!"

Li Lulu opened Xu Xuanxuan's box and took out a bunch of buoys from it.

While rowing the boat with one hand, she took out a piece of grease and a bag of powder and sprinkled them on the buoys, all the way behind the fishing boat.

Soon, the sea behind the fishing boat was covered with sticky buoys.

The buoys formed a barrier line to prevent the ships behind from chasing.

Seeing this, the pirates looked at Song Jun.

"Boss, what should we do? This woman is out of range. Should we chase her?"

Song Jun looked at the slender figure of the woman on the fishing boat and felt itchy.

This woman was well maintained. Even after being in the hot sun for so long, her skin was still white. It was obviously the result of taking ice pills for a long time.

The white skin was very attractive under the sun.

"Fuck! This woman dared to shoot me, I must catch her! I want to shoot her!"

Song Jun cut off the connection between one of the fishing boats and the raft, and then jumped onto the fishing boat.

"One more person!" he shouted.

"Boss, don't be impulsive! There are eleven women here, and the six of us may not be able to take them down. After we take down these women, we will chase the one who escaped. It's safer for the eight of us to act together."

"What the hell are you talking about? Six grown men can't handle a group of women!"

"No, boss! With those three big tanks, the brothers may not be able to handle it! That size can kill me with one butt! Boss, after we capture these people, I will chase the one who escaped myself! I will never let her escape!"

Song Jun glanced at the group of women gathered on the raft two hundred meters away, especially the three...


As Song Jun spoke, he almost gritted his teeth and stared at Li Lulu who was getting farther and farther away on the sea.

"Boss, do you want to continue firing? Do you want to blow up their rafts as well?"

"Blow up your ass! Cannonballs are free! That bastard Wang Tai sold me ten pieces of iron for one cannonball! Just scare them. The deterrent effect is stronger than the actual firing. Do you understand?"

Song Jun stood at the bow again and shouted to the women in the distance: "Listen, people in front, we have no ill intentions! You were the first to shoot arrows at us! If you surrender, we will cease fire!"

The people of Xuanxuan Mutual Aid Association huddled on the raft, looking at the black muzzle of the cannon aimed at them, and they were extremely nervous.

"Sister Xuanxuan, they don't seem to be bad people."

"It's all Li Lulu's fault! If she hadn't shot the arrow without permission, the other side wouldn't have attacked at all! Now the boat is gone, and the supplies have been taken away by Li Lulu!"

"Why don't we surrender? We have more people, so they shouldn't dare to attack us rashly. Or we can exchange the supplies for a way out and beg them to let us go..."


There were more and more voices of surrender, Xu Xuanxuan stood up and shouted to Song Jun:

"I am Xu Xuanxuan! The person next to me is a member of the Xuanxuan Mutual Aid Association! I apologize to you for the previous offense, but you also saw that the person who attacked you is a traitor to our Xuanxuan Mutual Aid Association! If you can help me catch her, I am willing to give you all the supplies on the fishing boat!"

I actually caught a big star!

Song Jun was very surprised when he heard the other party reveal his identity.

The pirate brothers behind him also became restless.

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