After a brief chat with Su Yun, the two sides finally met.

Lin Chen chatted with Su Yun briefly, and then began to check the content of the private chat.

Last night, he released the news of the acquisition of drawings, and many people should contact him.

Messages from strangers will be collected in the "strangers' private message list", and only one private message can be sent. Unless the other party replies, you can't continue to send private messages to the other party.

Lin Chen glanced at his strangers' private message list, and his face suddenly darkened.

There are thousands of private messages, about 99.9% of which are beggars, and 0.1% of people sent information about drawings.

Lin Chen randomly opened the contents of several drawings.

Good guy, these guys are worse than beggars.

A production drawing of a low-quality Fujijin fake device was priced at a piece of white shark meat or dozens of wooden palm leaves.

Why would a grown man like me want that thing! Anal sex? !

Lin Chen read more than 30 trading applications in a row and gradually lost his patience.

"It's better to look at beautiful female Bodhisattvas than to look at these. At least it can make people's breasts... no, prostate glands are unobstructed."

Lin Chen clicked on several private messages that sent pictures directly and appreciated them one by one.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, you can't stop once you start.

The content inside simply opened the door to Lin Chen's new world.

Cool photos, red-eyed rabbits, Q coin pictures... everything you can think of!

"No, I can't look at it anymore! I have to go out and explore during the day, I can't waste time here!"

With strong willpower, Lin Chen closed the stranger private message list.

Then, he opened the public screen chat interface.

Public screen chat is currently a channel for people to communicate with each other and obtain information.

From the chat content, it is known that the white shark did not attack the raft all night last night.

After midnight, the white shark will not appear again.

The white shark launched a total of 7 waves of attacks, biting off a piece of raft board each time.

Some people's rafts under the crafting table were bitten and the crafting table fell into the deep sea. Although they escaped the attack of the white shark, their future prospects are bleak.

It has been proven in actual combat that the inferior wooden spears sold by Lin Chen need to hit the white shark 28 times in total to repel it. If it hits weak parts such as the eyes, the damage will be higher, and the number of wooden spears required will be reduced.

But when the wooden spears were put on the shelves last night, the whole area was rushing to buy them. At present, only 5 people are known to have grabbed more than 28 wooden spears and successfully repelled the white shark.

When Lin Chen started selling wooden spears, the white shark had already started the fourth wave of attacks. Even if the white shark was allowed to bite the raft board, only 3-4 raft boards would be lost.

So whether the counterattack is successful or not, these people who bought wooden spears will lose money.

It seems that because of this incident, many people criticized Lin Chen in the public screen, and some even asked Lin Chen to refund.

However, Lin Chen just glanced at these messages and ignored them.

He glanced at the number of chats displayed above the public screen.


More than 5,000 people died in one night? ! !

This number shocked Lin Chen.

Lin Chen thought that some people would die in the attack of white sharks, but he didn't expect so many.

Each time the white shark attacks, it will only bite off one raft board, and the interval between two attacks will be at least half an hour.

As long as you wait for the white shark to leave and immediately make up, you can basically ensure that you will not be attacked by the white shark and spend the night safely.

A normal person, if you can make full use of time to collect supplies during the day, even if you exclude the consumption of making other survival props such as rectifiers, you can probably afford to build 3 raft expansion boards.

3 raft boards are enough to separate a safe area from the white shark!

"Why did so many people die in one night?"

Lin Chen was puzzled for a moment.

Soon, he figured out the reason.

"Generally speaking, the amount of supplies that people collect for a day can ensure that they can survive the attack of the white shark... unless they use the supplies to buy other things, such as... white shark meat, wooden spears..."

White shark meat took away a lot of wealth, and wooden spears completely drained people's remaining supplies.

In the case of uncertainty about how many times the white shark will attack, people generally tend to repel the white shark rather than let it bite the raft.

Lin Chen's words "Kill the white shark after eating ordinary quality fish" and "The wooden spear brings a sense of security" during the promotion undoubtedly hit people's pain points and caused people to rush to buy.

Lin Chen suddenly felt that his hands were covered with blood.

This is the capitalist.

Killing invisibly.

After realizing this, Lin Chen understood why people on the public screen had such a bad attitude towards him.

It was not only because the attack effect of the wooden spear was very poor, but also because Lin Chen really killed many people.

But now that things have come to this, Lin Chen can't change anything.

People are gone. Should Lin Chen pay the death compensation? To whom? Other people who survived?

Or should Lin Chen distribute supplies to the survivors to get everyone's forgiveness?


Lin Chen took a deep breath and his eyes became sharp.

"I'm sorry for killing you."

"But you choose your own path. If you die, you die, just don't turn into a ghost to ask for your life."

"This is a world where everyone survives. The only truth is to keep yourself alive!"

Lin Chen closed the chat interface, feeling a little heavy.

He could feel that his mind was gradually changing.

"Ding Di"

Su Yun: "I saw a special barrel! It seems to be black! [Picture]"

Su Yun: "I'm going to chase the treasure chest~~ I'll share the good stuff with you, wait for me for five minutes!"

Su Yun: "(≧∀≦)ゞ"

Looking at the message sent by Su Yun, Lin Chen's mouth corners subconsciously rose.

Although Su Yun also participated in the sale of white shark meat, she sold it anonymously, so no one scolded her.

"I hope Su Yun will never realize this."

Lin Chen replied to Su Yun's message: "Wish you good luck in advance."

After sending the message, Lin Chen stepped onto the raft.

Before the official journey, he anonymously put all the ordinary fishing nets on the raft on the shelves, priced at: 40 palm leaves or 8 plastics.

This price is not expensive compared to the value of the fishing net itself, but now, after the first night of white shark attacks, probably no one can afford this price.

Lin Chen did not plan to sell it immediately.

But what surprised him was that he had just stepped on the raft and paddled less than 50 meters away when he received a system notification that the fishing net was sold.

"To be able to afford this price, it seems that there are still rich people in my area..."

"No, these fishing nets were bought at the same second, most likely by the same person! Who is so rich?"

Anonymous listing, the buyer cannot see the seller's name, and the seller cannot see the buyer's name.

But soon, Lin Chen knew who bought it.

Su Yun: "Just now I saw someone selling ordinary fishing nets, I bought them all! Give you 4!"

[Su Yun: Directed Transaction Application]

[Fishing Net (Ordinary)*4⇄None]


Lin Chen was speechless.

He replied: "Don't buy it next time. I put the fishing net on the shelf."

Su Yun: "..."

Lin Chen: "I got a blueprint for an ordinary fishing net, which can be made directly. Just ask me for it when you use it up. Anyway, I have too many palm leaves to use up."

Su Yun: "..."

Su Yun's face was flushed with shame.

So embarrassing! !

I thought I could provide some help to Lin Chen, but I didn't expect to make a mistake.

Su Yun quickly changed the subject: "Guess what level the wooden barrel treasure chest I just caught is!"

Before Lin Chen could reply, Su Yun's next message had already been sent.

Su Yun: "Black Iron Level!"

Lin Chen was surprised.

I have to say that this girl is really lucky, and her own strength is also very strong.

If it weren't for Lin Chen's lucky guarantee, I'm afraid Su Yun would be in the first echelon now.

After a while, Su Yun sent a message again.

Su Yun: "I have issued a good quality blueprint! [Production blueprint: Fishing rod (ordinary)]"

[Fishing rod (ordinary): Made of animal bones, woven together by strong seaweed, it has both elasticity and hardness, and is light and practical. ]

[Production requirements: animal bones*150, seaweed*30, rope*10, iron block*1]

Lin Chen's eyes lit up and he sent a message immediately.

"I'll buy this, please quote the price."

Su Yun: "No need, you have already given me a lot of things, this is my return gift."

[Su Yun: Directed transaction application]

[Fishing rod (ordinary) production blueprint ⇄ None]

Su Yun: "Gifts between friends also need to be returned, you are not allowed to refuse me! Otherwise, I will not accept anything you give me next time!"

Su Yun: "¬_¬"

Lin Chen had no choice but to accept it.

Lin Chen: "Thank you. Have you seen seaweed?"

Su Yun: "I saw a few seaweed beds when I was diving yesterday. There should be seaweed there. I'll go in the water later and pick some for you if there is any."

Lin Chen: "Thank you. Be careful. You may get entangled in seaweed when picking seaweed."

Su Yun: "Well, don't worry, I have a knife [picture (a bayonet tied to the thigh with a rope)]"

After sending the message, Su Yun opened her photo.

The subject of the photo is the bayonet, but the content of the photo is

But it's not exactly the spurs, but also her legs.

Two long, slender, fair legs that looked like they came out of a comic book.

Su Yun's face was hot.

This photo was taken from an angle.

In order to make her legs look better, Su Yun tried more than a dozen angles.

Lin Chen: "Would it be better to tie the military thorn around the waist? It seems not convenient to tie it around the leg."

Su Yun was stunned for a moment.

What happened to this man! He didn't even praise his legs! Don’t my legs look good?

"My military thorn was originally tied around my waist..." Su Yun muttered with her little mouth pouted.

She sent another private message.

Su Yun: "I'm going to the sea. No more chatting."

Lin Chen: "Pay attention to safety."

After the message was sent, Lin Chen did not receive any reply from Su Yun. She must have gone diving.

"When Su Yun gets the seaweed, I can make an excellent or even excellent fishing rod! Coupled with the lucky guarantee of fishing, I can even catch legendary fish!"

Thinking of this, Lin Chen began to look forward to it.

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