The island beasts went out en masse and fled the island. This was soon confirmed. Many ships parked five or six kilometers away from the island were attacked by the beasts. People were talking about why the beasts left the island. A common guess was that something terrible was about to happen on the island. The beasts in this world had a certain ability to predict danger. They must have been forced to leave the island because something had happened or was about to happen on the island. Some people believed that the volcano hidden at the bottom of the island was about to erupt, and all the beasts had escaped. This guess had some basis. People believed that the time of the volcanic eruption was the moment when the ninth day ended. Because of this conjecture, some people who were far away from the island and had given up on the island rowed towards the island they had passed by before, planning to take advantage of the last day when the beasts on the island left to harvest resources on the island.

A few organizations that killed the lord were so excited that they set out overnight to the island to obtain the island's secret treasure.

After seeing the prediction that the island was about to collapse, the pirate organization far away on the western route immediately mobilized all members to divert water to cool down.

With the cooperation of hundreds of pirates, the high temperature on the island was almost completely solved before noon.

At least people can walk in.

Wang Tai took the anti-heat herbs, took the lord's biological gene sample, walked into the high-risk area alone, and received the island's secret treasure.

Ten minutes later, he rushed out of the island and quickly left the island with the help of the hammer octopus.

Magma erupted from the island, and the entire island fell apart in a sea of ​​magma and sank to the bottom of the sea.

On the east route, Li Lulu woke up from the coffin. After seeing the prediction of the island's collapse, she mustered up her courage and pushed open the coffin lid.

The outside world was sunny, the sea breeze was gentle, and the temperature was suitable.

If you forget that this is a survival world, you might mistake it for a beach vacation.

Li Lulu climbed out of the coffin, looked at the quiet beach, and next to the coffin, a corpse that was gnawed to the point that only bones and some flesh and blood hanging on the bones were left, and she felt sick.

The rafts and fishing boats parked on the sea were all bitten and the supplies were scattered all over the ground.

Fortunately, this is a shallow sea area, and most of the supplies are in boxes and sunk on the beach, so they can be picked up.

Li Lulu reorganized the supplies and then walked towards the dense forest.

During this time, she needs to collect as many herbs as possible on the island to replenish supplies.

By the way, she also wants to see what the island's secret treasure space looks like.

On the penultimate day of the sunny day, the weather returned to normal.

But people did not idle, but became busier.

Lin Chen and Su Yun were the exceptions.

The two of them rode on the pirate ship, basking in the sun, drinking tea and playing with pets, and were at ease.

At dawn, they found a small island about four kilometers away.

However, the two were not very interested in the island, because the most important lord beast on the island must have been gone.

The beasts that besieged Li Meifang yesterday were all ordinary beasts, and it was unknown who the lord ran to harm.

That person probably wouldn't live to this day.

In this world, people die every day.

Death is already a common thing for everyone.

Maybe you were still chatting hotly on the system the day before, and when you wake up the next day, you will find that the other party has become a gray name.

People have become accustomed to death happening around them.

Su Yun sat on the deck, next to Xiao Bai, with a pile of wooden boards and ropes next to her.

She was preparing to build a flying seat for herself again.

Lin Chen was at the helm, but his attention was always on Su Yun.

The sun shines on Su Yun's body, and the white T-shirt reflects bright light. Su Yun's skin is so white that it glows under the sun, as if the world has become brighter because of her.

Everything is quiet and beautiful.

In fact, Lin Chen does not need to stand here to steer the ship. The sea is wide and he can go straight all the way. He does not need to worry about ship collisions.

Even if there is a collision, it is just a drop in the bucket for the pirate ship's million durability.

It's just that this position is just right to appreciate Su Yun's beauty perfectly.

Soon, Su Yun waved to Lin Chen and said, "Come here, I made a new flying seat for Xiao Lie."

Lin Chen came to Su Yun, and a faint fragrance came.

Su Yun picked up the flying seat in front of her and said, "Xiao Lie is different from Xiao Bai. It is bigger than Xiao Bai, and the battle

It has stronger fighting power and better flying ability than Xiaobai. "

While Su Yun was talking, Xiaobai jumped and cried beside her. Su Yun had to hug Xiaobai and comfort him for a while before continuing:

"The flying seat on Xiaobai is a hanging basket under the claws, but Xiaolie's claws are the main means of attack, so I want to release its claws and make a new one for it."

"I made this seat after measuring Xiaolie's body size. Xiaolie is big and can fully support you sitting on its back. You can fly on Xiaolie's back in the future."

Lin Chen called Xiaolie over, and with the cooperation of Su Yun, installed the seat on Xiaolie.

Xiaolie was a little uncomfortable at first, but after flapping his wings twice and being sprayed with a stream of water by Xiaoying, he got used to it.

"Go up and try it?"

"Okay! "

Lin Chen turned over and sat on Xiao Lie's back.

He suddenly noticed that the flying seat on Xiao Lie's back was very wide, and it seemed that two people could sit on it.

Lin Chen stepped back, then looked at Su Yun, stretched out his hand and asked: "Together?"

"Okay, since you invited me..."

Su Yun took the hand handed over by Lin Chen and sat on the front half of the seat.

Xiao Bai's flying seat has also been improved. When not in use, it can be folded into the abdomen without affecting Xiao Bai's daily activities.

Seeing the owner sitting on Xiao Lie, Xiao Bai started jumping and shouting again, and then was sprayed with a stream of water by Xiao Ying, and then he became quiet.

The Fiery Eagle spread its wings, carrying the two people, and rose straight into the sky.

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