Bạn đang xem văn bản gốc chưa dịch, có thể kéo xuống cuối trang để chọn bản dịch.

"What? You said Brother Lin's sale is not limited to any category this time?!"

"What a benefit! A huge benefit! Brother Lin hasn't had a big sale for a few days!"

"Brother Lin hasn't had a sale for so long, it must be because My own inventory is not enough."

"That's right, there is no fixed way to obtain things like cloth in the whole area, and Brother Lin probably doesn't have much inventory."

"Sister-in-law, I want to ask, is this sale limited? "

Su Yun shook her head and said, "There is no limit. You can buy anything that has appeared before. In addition to the products that Lin Chen has sold before, Lin Chen will sell other things as long as they have appeared on the public screen, such as the good construction hammer. Excellent crafting station...even three-section sailboats and pirate ships can be purchased!"

"Fuck! Brother Lin is awesome!"

"Pirate ship! Pirate ship How much? I want to build a pirate ship too. "

"Go away, you're the only one who wants to build a pirate ship. The raw materials for such a large ship would probably cost tens of thousands. Even if I sell it to you at cost, you can't buy it. " "This... After all, Brother Lin gave me hope, I have to work hard in this direction. I have decided that my next goal is to build a pirate ship like Brother Lin's!" "Then what are you doing? Dreaming. I just heard the news from the boat next door. Do you know what quality those silvery things on the bottom of Brother Lin’s boat are? ”

“Ah? Isn’t it good? Is it excellent?”

“Excellent? Excellent things can be worthy of My brother Lin's status! It's legendary! Legendary material! "

"What the hell? ! ! ! ! "

The people in the Alliance felt that their worldview had been refreshed.

"In my opinion, Brother Lin developed the three-section sailboat and pirate ship not to sell to a certain person. He was going to sell it to the Tongmenghui!"

"Brother Lin has been investing unconditionally and has given so many things to the Tongmenghui. We should give some return. "

"What are you thinking? You call this a reward? This is clearly the blessing of the brothers! Without Brother Lin, where can you buy so many good things at such a cheap price! "

" Yes! Check the public screen, Zhou Xiao has posted the price list! "

"Internal sale of the Tongmenghui, only for internal purchases of the Tongmenghui! Damn, this will make those outsiders envious!"

"Look at them with envy and jealousy Hateful face! So cool! "

"Someone wants to buy on your behalf, what do you think, brothers?"

"I think it's feasible. Didn't Brother Lin say there's no limit on the quantity?"

"But wouldn't it be bad if the things we buy internally are resold? Selling it outside...would that be disrespectful to Brother Lin?"

"You are stupid! This must be something that Brother Lin acquiesced to! If it was only for internal sales, Zhou Xiao could just post a notice on the ship and then post it on the public screen after the sales event was over. He now directly sent the price list to The public screen tacitly approves the act of reselling. "

"Think about it carefully, if we buy at low prices and sell at high prices, the money we earn is the money of the Tongmenghui! Isn't the money of the Tongmenghui the money of Brother Lin! "

"Fuck ! That makes sense! "

"But we can't overdo it. Just write a little more when filling in the requirements. If there are too many, Brother Lin can't produce them all by himself."

"I understand. Eh? Where's Sister Su? She wasn't here just now. Still here? I haven't finished writing the requirements yet."

"Sister-in-law doesn't have time to wait for you alone. She went inside and collected the requirements list one by one."

"Then I'll send it over quickly."

".... ..”

This low-price promotion is only for offline members of the Alliance.

The internal purchase of the online organization is still under planning.

Su Yun sorted out the collected lists and handed them to Lin Chen.

Lin Chen glanced at the top two items on the total demand list.

Three-section sailboat*2, excellent construction hammer*1.

Adding these two items together, The price is as high as 20,000.

The person who wants it is Li Jianguo.

There are about 200 offline members of the Tongmenghui, and most of them live in the raft below.

Zhang Qinwei's boat is full of equipment, and at night, only Zhang Qinwei and Liu Dajiang are there. Stay behind.

A part of Li Jianguo's ship was occupied by the Y alien, and the available space was reduced, so it was impossible to accommodate so many people.

So he must have a new ship to accommodate the members and prepare for the subsequent increase in members.

Excellent construction hammer can make oars Small and medium-sized sailing boats such as sailboats are highly maneuverable and are great tools for daily outings.

From the excellent construction hammer down, most of them are things that Lin Chen has sold before.

Lin Chen first knocked down two three-section sailboats and handed them over. To Lee

Jianguo, then walked into the second-floor cabin and started mass production.

Although each person didn't want much, the demand for about two hundred people was huge.

What's more, behind these two hundred people there was the hidden demand of nearly two thousand people in the whole district.

This production lasted from noon to night before it was completed.

Lin Chen basically sold it at a price close to the original price, which was very low.

So many people suspected that Lin Chen was losing money making these things, and they were grateful to Lin Chen one by one.

"I need one piece of wood and one thread to make an ordinary bow, but Brother Lin only needs ten pieces of wood and ten threads to sell me an excellent bow. Brother Lin is making a loss! One piece of excellent wood is equivalent to one hundred ordinary wooden boards!"

"My armor is of excellent quality! It's all iron plates! Guess how much it costs. I bought it with forty iron plates! Hahahaha!!!"

"Will Brother Lin really not lose money by selling it this way?"

"I take back what I said before. Brother Lin is not here to collect returns, he is here to increase investment!"

"Brother Lin hasn't come out of the cabin for a day, and sister-in-law has been busy helping to deliver goods all day."

"Of course, with so many goods to produce, how can we not be busy?"

"I envy Brother Lin and sister-in-law's pets. Look at that big eagle. It's so handsome!"

"That's an excellent quality Fiery Beak Eagle, the kind that can poke our heads through with one beak."

"Sister-in-law's Sky-catching Bird is better. I just sneaked a peek , its fur is super soft! And it has a good personality, not as cold as the Fierce Beak Eagle. It must be that my sister-in-law educates it well! "

"Are you not curious about the big fish tank on Brother Lin's boat? Such a big fish tank, there must be something in it."

"It is probably Brother Lin's trump card. The boss's trump card is not easily exposed."

"Ah? You mean the big fish tank, I know it! There is an excellent fish in it."

"What? ! A fish of excellent quality? !"

"Yes, it just flew over from Zhang Gong's boat, and it scared me. The fish can fly in the sky. I specially scanned it with my bracelet. It's called Liuyan Flying Fish, excellent quality, and can spit fire."

"Oh my god, Brother Lin actually has a pet of excellent quality! It's so awesome!"

"It's worthy of being my Brother Lin!"

"The Alliance has such a backer! Why worry about not prospering!"


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