After about two or three hours, the Tongmenghui's ship gradually became lively. Zhou Xiao and his brothers placed a row of smelting furnaces on the newly bought three-section sailboat and began to smelt steel. However, due to the lack of metal raw materials and to avoid waste, Zhou Xiao did not directly forge with metal blocks, but took out the metal weapons that were eliminated by each of them as raw materials. These people had studied with Liu Dajiang for two days and had a certain amount of knowledge, but lacked practical operation. Li Jianguo did not expect these people to become powerful forging masters in a short time, but only hoped that they could make some simple or rough props. Using these rough props, plus the special materials of this world, to create special effects. For example, things like thrusters and electric batons. A stick with exposed wires wrapped around it and a battery inside.

That's it.

This thing is the magic weapon that Li Jianguo plans to use to tame ferocious beasts in the future.

"Sir Li! It's done! It's done!"

"What's done?"

"The ferocious beasts we caught before! They have recognized their master!"

"Who did they recognize?"

"Liu Yuxin, the little Liu who was sent to look after the beasts. According to her, she fed a piece of meat this morning and it prompted her that she had tamed the beast successfully."

"So, is there no accurate way to recognize the master?"

"Yes. Just now, Brother Lin and sister-in-law also went there. Sister-in-law speculated that whoever wakes up and becomes the first to feed meat to the beast will be the owner of the beast. If not If it recognizes its master, then knock it out again and continue feeding it meat next time it wakes up. There are still two beasts in the cage that have not been fed. Sir Li, why don’t you try it? "

"I won’t try it. My personal combat power is enough and I don’t need the assistance of these beasts. You can take the remaining two."


Zhou Xiao happily responded: "I only need one, and the remaining one can be selected from other members of the Alliance."

"Well, that's fine."

Li Jianguo followed Zhou Xiao to the animal cage area.

There are a total of ten animal cages, two of which are in use, and one is hung in the sea.

The person in charge of this area is a woman named Xiao Liu, wearing a wide wooden armor and dragging a large basket of meat in her hand.

"Good morning, Officer Li."

"Xiao Liu, where's your pet?"

"It's underwater."

Liu Yuxin picked up a piece of meat and put it in the water, then lay down, lowered her face close to the water and shouted, "Bao Bao."

Soon, a fat seal emerged from the sea, twisted its fat body to Liu Yuxin's side, and lay down at her feet.

Liu Yuxin turned to Officer Li and said, "I fed it a piece of meat this morning and it recognized its master. Now its loyalty is only 40 and it often doesn't listen to me. But as long as I have a piece of meat in my hand, it will swim back quickly."

"What's its name?"

"Bao Bao, Bao for full belly. It eats a lot and will not stop until its belly is bulging."

"Nice name."

Li Jianguo wanted to reach out and touch Bao Bao's head, but was dissuaded by Bao Bao's ferocious look.

Liu Yuxin quickly hugged Bao Bao's head and closed its mouth to prevent it from baring its teeth.

"Officer Li, you can touch it now."

"Haha, no need, it's your pet, you will be responsible for feeding it in the future."

"Yeah. I will take good care of it!"

Liu Yuxin let go of her hand, Bao Bao regained his freedom, twisted his fat body, came to the raft, jumped back into the sea, and secretly took a fish from Liu Yuxin.

Officer Li and Zhou Xiao came to the other two beasts still trapped in the cage.

These two beasts were dying, but no one had fed them.

"Zhou Xiao, go and feed it. Let's step back a little and don't affect them."

Everyone stepped back, Zhou Xiao picked up a piece of meat, hung it on the Eight Spider Lance, and put it to the beast's mouth.

The beast moved its body with difficulty, ate the meat, and its life was restored a little.

Zhou Xiao showed a happy expression on his face.


"Then it seems that my guess is right."

Su Yun stood aside with Lin Chen's arm around her and smiled.

"In this way, the process of taming the beast can be basically determined. Catch it, knock it out, and feed it, and repeat this process."

"Popularize the method."

After Lin Chen and Su Yun agreed, Zhou Xiao immediately made the method public on the public screen.

Lin Chen threw out a large number of various types of traps from the dimensional ring: "These

I will give it to the Tongmenghui. I hope that everyone in the Tongmenghui will have a pet of their own in the future. "

Officer Li smiled and said, "Then we have to stop the boat every day to fish. These beasts have a big appetite."

Zhou Xiao released his pet from the cage. Although the two sides were not familiar with each other, it did not affect the pet's obedience to Zhou Xiao's orders with meat in his hand.

Zhou Xiao was obviously very satisfied with his pet. He turned his head and said to Li Jianguo, "Sir Li, let's set up a special logistics department in the future, let those who are not responsible for combat take on the logistics work, and leave the training of animals, fishing, and farming to the people in the logistics department."

"Indeed, there needs to be a clear division of responsibilities when there are more people."

Li Jianguo thought for a moment, then patted Zhou Xiao on the shoulder: "Then this task is handed over to you. Give me a clear department division this afternoon."

"Ah? Me again?"

"The organization values ​​you! Work hard! "

Li Jianguo patted Zhou Xiao on the shoulder and turned to look at Lin Chen and Su Yun.

"This kid is smart and needs to use his brain more."

"Officer Li will be in charge of the internal affairs of the Tongmenghui."

"What are your plans for the next step, Boss Lin?"

"Look around. This world is big and there are still many areas that have not been explored."

Li Jianguo was not surprised by this answer.

With Lin Chen's strength, he doesn't need to stick to a group at all. He can survive in this world alone.

And maybe he can survive better.

Li Jianguo smiled and said, "The position of leader of the Tongmenghui has always been vacant. If you get bored one day, you can come back and take over the Tongmenghui."

For now, Li Jianguo is the commander of the Tongmenghui, but everyone has always called him Officer Li or Lao Li.

Nominally, the Tongmenghui currently has no leader.

Lin Chen smiled politely and replied, "Maybe." ”

The future of the Alliance has been revealed. In the future, the Alliance will have at least one army of external prosthetics and a corps of ferocious beasts.

Perhaps it will be helpful for the attack on the ancient tomb.

However, in order to reach the strength of the attack on the ancient tomb, the Alliance needs to develop for a period of time. After all, when Xiao Zhengliang attacked the ancient tomb, hundreds of transformers and evolvers died.

The current Alliance is still like a hungry baby and needs Lin Chen's support.

"When do you plan to leave?"

"In the afternoon, or maybe tomorrow."

"Let's just leave tomorrow. The Alliance will have a military operation this afternoon, which is our first military operation. You can visit it."

"Oh? What operation?"

"To eliminate the pirates on the eastern front."

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