The light was weak, and the devil anglerfish formed a circle around him, and the arcs kept exploding.

The red arcs were like a net of death that was approaching, gradually approaching Li Jianguo's body.

A green light appeared in Li Jianguo's eyes.

His face was distorted first, and his painful expression became more hideous under the pressure of the sea water. Then, the red arc light penetrated from under his skin, reflecting the surrounding sea water, forming a strange light and shadow.

The moment the arc touched his body, Li Jianguo's bones creaked and continued to stretch and thicken. The originally loose clothes were instantly torn, and the broken fabric floated in the sea water.

His body grew rapidly, and each growth stirred the surrounding water, forming a turbulent vortex. The huge power made the sea water around him seem to solidify, and the pressure seemed to have no effect in front of him.

When the transformation was completed, a huge body stood in the sea.

His green eyes were like two bright lights, emitting angry and wild light. His roar stirred in the sea water, raising layers of huge waves, shaking the entire underwater world.

The red arc net completely wrapped Li Jianguo's body.

Li Jianguo stretched out his arms and slapped the beasts randomly.

The red arc exploded instantly, and a current drilled into Li Jianguo's body along his arm.

The huge current made Li Jianguo's body quickly become stiff.

As more and more red arcs came into contact with Li Jianguo's body, his ability to move became more and more limited.

But the red bud on his head swayed in the sea water, and a strong energy vortex formed above Li Jianguo's head.

The electric arc stimulated Li Jianguo's body, but the power of the Son of the Forest was constantly grabbing the energy in the sea water to resist this external energy.

Li Jianguo's body slowly recovered from the initial paralysis.

First the fingers, then the forearm, and the whole arm. Finally, Li Jianguo's entire body completely recovered the ability to move.

The electric arc wrapped around the surface of his body, but it could not cause effective substantial damage to Li Jianguo.

The devil anglerfish seemed to have discovered this as well.

The red electric arc surged, and at the same time, a group of devil anglerfish attacked from the dark, biting Li Jianguo's body and limbs with devil-like sharp teeth.

Although Li Jianguo's body swelled a lot and his skin was strengthened, he could not withstand the bites of so many devil anglerfish.

The devil anglerfish bit hard, and although they could not bite off Li Jianguo's flesh and blood, they still left deep wounds on Li Jianguo's body.

The blood was constantly flowing out.

Li Jianguo's forest son physique resisted the energy of the arc while repairing the wounds on his body, so he was a little too busy.

But Li Jianguo was not a target. He grabbed a devil anglerfish with one hand and angrily crushed it with his bare hands.

At the same time, his swollen arm waved in the sea water, punched into the red arc net, and knocked four or five devil anglers out.

The arc network was disturbed, and the power was obviously reduced a lot. Li Jianguo's actions were no longer restricted. He swung his fist and punched all the devil anglers at close range.

But strangely, most of these devil anglers that were knocked away did not return, and Li Jianguo did not receive any killing prompts about them.

But Li Jianguo would not think about these at all at the moment.

There was no rational light in his green eyes.

Li Jianguo rushed through the school of devil anglerfish like a wild bull, and soon killed all the outstanding fish.

When the last devil anglerfish in sight was crushed by Li Jianguo, Li Jianguo, who had lost his target, was stunned for a moment.

The next moment, he opened his mouth, grabbed a devil anglerfish and put it into his mouth.

The green eyes showed the enjoyment of eating.

One, two, three...

Just as Li Jianguo was immersed in the pleasure of eating, a melodious sound came from a distance.


The huge sound attracted Li Jianguo's attention.

Under the violent gene, the hunting instinct urged him to move closer to the source of the sound.

The green body shuttled through the seabed.

The seabed was pitch black, and the naked eye could hardly see anything.

Li Jianguo was swimming towards the source of the sound, and suddenly felt a huge obstacle in front of him.

He raised his arm and punched again.

A bloody line that could not be seen at a glance suddenly appeared in front of Li Jianguo.

The smell of blood came from his fist.

The traces of the hit came, stimulating Li Jianguo's nerves.

There was a crazy look in the green eyes.


An excited roar sounded.

At the same time, there was the melodious "hum" sound from before.

The powerful water column instantly rushed Li Jianguo's body dozens of meters away, but by tracking the bloody smell in the sea water, Li Jianguo immediately determined the source of the bloody smell that excited him.

He rushed towards the huge creature again.


A huge splash of water exploded in the deep sea, and the strong pressure squeezed towards Li Jianguo's body, making him unable to move.

The green body that swept through the devil anglerfish school before became powerless in an instant.

Li Jianguo's eyes were wide open, and the power of the Titan's energy was also fully activated at this moment, and the meridians on the surface of his body bulged.

The limbs moved in the sea water, stirring up the sea water that wrapped him, giving the body room to move.

But in the distance, in the endless darkness, sharp water knives have condensed and are attacking Li Jianguo.

The water knives are like autumn leaves. Before they arrive, there is no sound, but once they touch the body, they instantly burst out with unparalleled power.

Countless water knives swept around Li Jianguo's body. Even in a completely violent state, he could feel the strong sense of death.

The water knives kept cutting Li Jianguo's body, and his recovery speed was far behind the speed of the water knives.

In the deep sea, the energy source is limited, and the energy grabbing of the son of the forest cannot keep up with the energy consumption of complete violence and complete Titan energy.

The power of the violent gene can no longer be maintained.

The green in Li Jianguo's eyes gradually faded.

His sanity recovered, and looking at the blood bar in front of him that could not be seen at a glance, he stretched out his arm with a bracelet.


[Cang Jiao: Perfect quality, neutral creature. A deep-sea stalker, good at using water flow to send prey to his mouth, with extremely strong bite force. 】

"What did I just do!"

Li Jianguo's face turned pale.

His energy was recovering quickly, but before the energy recovered, he needed to solve the current problem.

How to escape from the attack of a perfect neutral creature.

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