On the third day, there were more supplies on the sea.

Lin Chen was awakened by the sound of "嘤嘤嘤" early in the morning.

He opened his hazy eyes and walked out of the tent. At first glance, he saw Xiaoying, who was secretly opening the box to find fish on the raft.

"Why are you on the raft..."

Xiaoying has no legs and her lower body is a fish tail, so she can only use her hands to support her body to move.

Seeing Lin Chen, Xiaoying immediately excitedly swung her fish tail and danced with joy while pointing at the fish in the box.

"嘤嘤嘤! (Go grill the fish!)"

Looking at the fish in Xiaoying's hand, Lin Chen immediately understood what she meant.

"This greedy girl..."

Lin Chen helplessly watched Xiaoying fluttering on the raft. The big evil jumping up and down made Lin Chen, who had just woken up in the morning and was still in an abnormal state, even more abnormal.

He bent over and came to the stove, woke up the flames, and started to grill the fish.

"Ding Di"

Su Yun: "Good morning^o^"

Su Yun: "Today is also a day full of hope!"

Lin Chen: "Good morning."

[Lin Chen: Directed transaction application]

[Buoy (ordinary)*500⇄None, Remarks: For exploration]

Su Yun: "No, no, I collected all the buoys I scattered when I returned yesterday."

Lin Chen: "I will use it in the future. It doesn't matter if I have more of this thing. By the way, if you see seabirds, please keep an eye out for me. I need feathers."

Su Yun: "^_~ No problem"

After a few simple chats, both parties started today's exploration.

Lin Chen retrieved the fishing net he had cast last night and harvested a large number of good and excellent fish. After grilling them, he came to Xiaoying.

"I got up early to help you grill fish, shouldn't you give me something in return?"

Xiaoying: "Yingyingying?"

"If you encounter shallower waters or find seaweed clusters in the future, you can help me collect some seaweed and mud. Every time you collect, I will give you an extra grilled fish as a snack!"


Under Lin Chen's guidance, Xiaoying finally nodded blankly.

Then he stepped onto the raft and took Xiaoying out to sea.

"Xiaoying! There's a wooden barrel over there!"


"There's a wooden barrel over there too!"


With Xiaoying around, Lin Chen didn't have to row one or two kilometers just for a wooden barrel treasure chest.

As the voyage got farther and farther, Lin Chen guessed that he might be approaching land.

Because the depth of the sea below is shrinking.

Now Lin Chen can vaguely see the seabed, which means that he is only about 100m away from the seabed.

"Ding Di"

Su Yun: "I saw the land! There are many seabirds near the coast! [Picture]"

Lin Chen once again envied Su Yun's luck.

Lin Chen: "The supplies on the island must be richer than the sea. Remember to turn on the scanning function of the bracelet. Some flowers, plants and trees may have special functions. You can collect some and take them with you."

Su Yun: "Well, I'm going to the island. I'll send you some good things when I see them later."

Five minutes later.

[Su Yun: Directed Transaction Application]


Lin Chen was surprised.

Birds are flying creatures after all, and it is not easy to kill seabirds.

Lin Chen: "How did you kill the seabird?"

Su Yun: "I didn't kill it. I found the body on the beach where I landed. There were bite marks on it. I suspect there are other dangerous creatures on the island."

Lin Chen suddenly became nervous for Su Yun.

"Don't let anything happen to you. I'm still waiting for you to help me collect supplies."

Lin Chen gave Su Yun the good-quality spear that Xiao Ying had placed on the raft.

Lin Chen: "Keep it safe."

Su Yun was stunned when she saw the transaction information.

Because this was the first time she saw a good-quality item, and it was a very powerful weapon.

She knew that Lin Chen had the blueprint of an ordinary spear, but she didn't expect that the one she made was a good-quality spear!

"Is Lin Chen's luck so good? The one in ten thousand chance of the crafting table was triggered just when he was making a weapon!"

"This weapon may be the only good-quality weapon in the entire area! Lin Chen gave it to me with confidence!"

"He must have trusted me very much to do this!"

Su Yun's mouth corners rose unconsciously.

She picked up the spear and became more confident in the upcoming island expedition.

Xiao Ying didn't care too much about the spear being taken away, because in her opinion, fighting should be left to humans, this

Things are a burden to Xiaoying, so she usually puts the spear on the raft.

But after a while, Lin Chen left another high-quality spear where she put the spear.

"Xiaoying, we are going back."

Lin Chen paddled the raft in another direction.

He got the feathers and prepared to return to the crafting table to make bone arrows.

"Make a set of bows and arrows for Su Yun to increase safety. By the way, let her get more feathers back."

Lin Chen paddled the raft back quickly.


Su Yun tied the raft to a reef with a rope, and then walked into the island alone with a good spear.

There are still many seabirds circling near the beach, but one kilometer into the island, you can hardly see any seabirds.

These seabirds seem to be afraid of the existence of the island and dare not approach.

Su Yun noticed this and held the spear in her hand tighter.

She shared the situation here with Lin Chen.

Lin Chen: "Don't go any deeper. Wait until I get back and give you a bow. It's safer."

Lin Chen paddled the raft quickly and sailed back to the base.

Su Yun also stopped moving forward obediently and retreated all the way to the wide beach. She scanned the bird corpses on the beach and sent them to Lin Chen.

The bird meat was of low quality and had no value, so Su Yun did not take it away and left it all on the beach.

About half an hour later, Lin Chen's transaction application came.

[Bow (good), bone arrow (ordinary) * 30, bandage (ordinary) * 10 ⇄ None]

Su Yun's eyes widened immediately.

"Good quality bow! Did Lin Chen trigger the one in ten thousand probability again?!"

Su Yun couldn't help but envy Lin Chen's luck.

Ordinary quality bone arrows only have 12 points of damage, but when combined with a good quality bow, the total attack power is as high as 90, which is amazing and far exceeds the ordinary quality bayonet.

Lin Chen was very considerate and tied the bone arrow with a rope for easy carrying.

In addition, there are bandages.

[Bandage (ordinary): can quickly stop bleeding within five seconds and make the wound scab. It cannot stop bleeding from large arteries, such as the carotid artery. ]

[Description: Don't spray, there will be no drop left if you spray again. ]

Stop bleeding in five seconds, this effect is already amazing.

With a good bow and bandage, Su Yun is fully confident about the next exploration.

Su Yun: "Thank you, wait for my good news^_~"

Lin Chen: "Be careful."

Lin Chen is also very curious about the things on the island, but he is more worried about Su Yun's safety.

"My treasure girl can't get into trouble. Without you, who will send me advanced materials, who will send me new drawings..."

On the island, Su Yun carried the bow and arrow behind her back, holding a spear in her right hand, dragging a low-quality fishing net on the ground as a bag in her left hand, and tied the bayonet and bandage on the left waist.

After making sure everything was safe, she strode towards the depths of the island.

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