The boat was swaying, and the weather was very good.

Su Yun drove the fishing boat, which moved ten times faster than the raft in a favorable wind, and quickly headed for the island yesterday.

This island was surrounded by cliffs on three sides, and only one side was a beach, where landing was possible.

Su Yun parked the fishing boat in the shallows, swam a short distance into the beach, and then tied the fishing boat to the reef with a rope.

She glanced at the beach, and there were several more seabird corpses on the beach.

Su Yun remembered that she had clearly picked up all the seabird corpses yesterday.

"It seems that coyotes are not the real danger of this island."

Like yesterday, Su Yun first picked up seabird corpses on the periphery and gave them to Lin Chen, asking him to make bone arrows.

She held a tortoise-shell shield in one hand, a good spear in the other, and a construction hammer hanging on her waist, and slowly walked into the dense forest.

The shade of the trees in the forest was dense, and the temperature was slightly lower than outside.

Every step Su Yun took, she looked around carefully and lowered her footsteps.


The wind blew through the forest, and occasionally made a noise, which would make Su Yun stop and be alert.

She moved a little bit, following the path of yesterday, and she saw the fishing net abandoned on the island yesterday.

The fishing net was stepped into the mud by the foot of a large creature, and the flowers and plants in the fishing net were all crushed.

"This foot print... Why does it look so much like a human foot?"

Su Yun's palms began to sweat unconsciously.

Although she had advanced weapons and equipment, she was just a girl who grew up in a modern civilized society after all.

"No, I can't be afraid! There are many dangers in this world. I can't stay in my comfort zone all the time! I must overcome my fear."

Su Yun continued to go deeper into the island.

Soon, the woods gradually thinned out, and an open space appeared in front of Su Yun.

In the middle of the space, there was a fire made of firewood!

"Is there anyone here?!"

"Could there be aboriginals in this world?"

Su Yun hid in the woods and did not show up rashly.

Because she found that there were large footprints everywhere next to the fire, exactly the same as she had seen in the dense forest before.

Su Yun huddled in a bush and observed secretly. Soon, she knew the owner of these footprints.


The creature in front of her was a "human" creature, but his body was much larger than that of a normal human, almost three times that of a normal adult male, and about 5 meters tall!

This savage was covered with yellow-black hair. Except for his limbs and face, other parts were covered with yellow-black hair.

"This camp should be a savage camp."

The savages have returned to the camp. Su Yun huddled in the bushes, not daring to move, for fear of being discovered by the huge savages.

She tried to open the bracelet and scan from a distance.

[Beastmen: dangerous creatures. They seem to have become more and more manic because of long-term consumption of raw meat of dangerous creatures. Compared to humans, they are more like beasts. ]

[Hint: Beastmen can use tools. ]

Su Yun was shocked.

Since the system has marked this as a dangerous creature, it means that this humanoid thing in front of him is highly dangerous!

The beastman carried a coyote corpse on his shoulder and a hide bag in his hand.

When it put down the bag, Su Yun realized that it was filled with all kinds of flowers and plants, as well as some small hide bags filled with powder and seabird corpses.

The beastman used his stone dagger to cut open the coyote's belly, poured all the flower and grass powder into the coyote's belly, then picked up a wooden spear, pierced the coyote's body from the base of the tail to the neck, and hung the whole body over the flames to roast.

The flames directly ignited the coyote's hair, and the hair burned and emitted a foul smell, but the beastman didn't care.

Seeing the fire, he immediately lifted the wolf carcass from the fire, and then bit off the charred hair and the meat that was not roasted at all.

Blood, mixed with the charred hair, stained the beastman's mouth.

It looked disgusting.

But the beastman seemed to enjoy it very much, eating raw meat while shaking his feet.

Su Yun suppressed her nausea, secretly took off the bow on her back, and slowly retreated.

The beastman seemed to be immersed in the joy of eating and did not notice the movement in the woods.

When Su Yun retreated to about 100 meters away from the beastman, she pulled the bowstring.

100 meters away is within the effective range of the bow.

But Su Yun might not be able to hit the target.

Although the beastman was very big, Su Yun was not sure about her archery skills.

She took a deep breath and then

Hold your breath and aim.

A mysterious feeling instantly filled her body.

At this moment, the bow in her hand seemed to be an extension of her limbs, and she felt no unfamiliarity in operating it.

"What is going on?"

Su Yun was stunned for a moment.

"Is there a hidden proficiency system in this game?! I shot five wolves yesterday, so my archery proficiency has increased?!"

Su Yun was secretly happy. This time, she was sure to hit the beastman.

As long as she hit the beastman, she could see its health bar and then judge whether she could match it.

Su Yun released the bowstring, and the bone arrow shot out with a "whoosh", drawing an arc in the air, and finally landed on the beastman's thigh.

The blood bar on the beastman's head flashed, and this arrow only knocked off one-tenth of its blood!

Su Yun immediately put away the bow, turned around and ran.

This thing is definitely not on the same level as the coyote, it can't hit it at all!

She ran at full speed towards the beach.

Behind him, the beastman was shot in the thigh by a hidden arrow and immediately let out an angry roar.

It grabbed the tool bag next to the fire, scanned the area, quickly found the direction of Su Yun, and then ran after her.

Fortunately, Su Yun had opened up a distance of 100 meters in advance and ran away first. When the beastman reacted, Su Yun had already run 200 meters away.

She rushed out of the dense forest and ran straight to her fishing boat.

She got on the fishing boat, cut the rope with a shot, and quickly moved away from the shallows.

On the beach, the beastman chased all the way to the shallows, and it stopped chasing until the sea water covered its lower body.

Su Yun saw that the beastman stopped chasing, picked up the bow and arrow, turned around and pulled the string: "It's my turn!"

But the next moment, the beastman pulled out a weapon from the leather bag he carried with him.


Su Yun suddenly felt bad, and after shooting the bone arrow in her hand, she immediately dodged and hid behind the mast of the sail.

The beastman also launched an attack at this time, and a fist-sized stone hit the hull of the fishing boat with a "bang".

Fishing Boat [Durability: 290/300]

Not bad, can withstand it!

Su Yun immediately made a judgment, using the mast as a cover, and pulled the bow again.

The two sides launched a long-range shooting.

The beastman's attack frequency was much higher than Su Yun's, but his accuracy was slightly worse; although Su Yun needed to aim, he was almost 100% accurate.

Unlike ordinary dangerous creatures, this beastman seemed to be completely unaware of the danger.

After Su Yun shot nine arrows in a row, the beastman's health was only 1/10, but it continued to shoot at the fishing boat.

Just as Su Yun pulled the bow to shoot the tenth arrow, a fist-sized stone suddenly came to his face.


The strong impact hit Su Yun's side face, almost breaking his bones.

Su Yun's face immediately swelled up, and her left eye could no longer be opened, but she still stubbornly pulled the bowstring again.

The tenth arrow missed.

The eleventh arrow hit!

[Congratulations on killing the dangerous creature: Beastman. Obtained the bronze treasure chest. ]

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