The two sides of the fishing boat are still in the same boat.

[Lin Chen refuses the transaction application]

[Lin Chen: Directed transaction application]

[Sunscreen fishing boat (self-named prop) ⇄ wood * 300, iron block * 10. Transaction note: The transaction can only be initiated by me, unless you don’t want the sunscreen shed I gave you. ]

Xu Xuanxuan accepted the transaction, came to the raft, and put down the fishing boat.

Seeing the fishing boat, she deeply felt the gap in technological level between herself and Lin Chen.

"How can this Lin Chen have so many good things! What is his basis!"

The sunshade business that had just emerged in the mutual aid association had not yet been fully launched, and it was snatched away by Lin Chen.

Many people who paid the deposit for the awnings are still waiting in line for production, and now they all want to refund the deposit.

There is also a group of people who have completed the transaction, and they also came over and clamored for a refund.

In order to maintain the stability within the mutual aid association, Xu Xuanxuan had to grit her teeth and return the deposit that had already been received in her pocket to these people. But those who have completed the transaction naturally cannot refund.

Because of this incident, many people began to clamor to withdraw from the mutual aid association.

Many voices that are unfavorable to the mutual aid association appeared on the public screen.

"It's all Lin Chen's fault!"

"No, Lin Chen must be pulled into the mutual aid association. This guy is too popular!"

Taking advantage of the opportunity to trade with Lin Chen, Xu Xuanxuan sent a private message: "Hello Lin Chen, I am Xu Xuanxuan, I would like to invite you to join our mutual aid association. You can serve as vice president... (200 words omitted here)"

Then after the message was sent, Xu Xuanxuan waited for more than ten minutes, but did not wait for Lin Chen's reply.

Lin Chen didn't want to pay attention to her at all!

Because the awning business was taken away, Xu Xuanxuan was already resentful of Lin Chen, and now she was even more angry.

But she had no way to deal with Lin Chen.

Lin Chen was the one she had to win over.

Since Lin Chen initiated a transaction application, it was counted as a reply, so Xu Xuanxuan sent a message to Lin Chen again, trying to invite him to join the mutual aid association.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, there was still no reply.

"How dare you pretend to be dead with me! Lin Chen! You wait for me!"


Lin Chen's stranger private message list was very messy.

After the merger, more than 10,000 people suddenly poured in, and many of them sent private messages to Lin Chen, causing Lin Chen's stranger private message list to instantly exceed 999.

Some requested transactions, some sent erotic pictures, some were flirtatious, some were paying respects, and some called Lin Chen "Dad" right away...

Too many messages, and a lot of messy ones.

Helpless, Lin Chen had to go to the public screen and repost a message: "There are too many messy messages in the private messages. Everyone should @ me in the public screen."

"Hahaha! I guessed it. I posted the picture of killing the white shark before, and a bunch of sluts sent me slutty pictures in private messages. Now my stranger private message list is unbearable, it's all spam. I guess the spam Brother Lin receives will be more flooded than mine."

"Brother above, you are awesome without pictures. How can we tell if you just say you have slutty pictures but don't post them? Now that you know whether it is true or not, you can post it to make everyone happy. ”

“My intuition tells me that Brother Lin is an upright person. Brother Lin would never be the same as you bunch of stinky men.”

“Food and sex are human nature. Lust is human nature. What does it have to do with being upright or not?”

“I second the motion! By the way, is there anyone selling iron blocks? I will buy iron blocks for twenty planks or palm leaves.”

“Brothers, the weather is so hot, you should watch less unhealthy things. Too much internal heat is not good for survival.”

“It’s all over this shit.” 's world, live one day at a time, enjoy one day at a time. "

"I believe my goddess will never use her beauty to exchange for supplies!"

"Brother, who is your goddess? Let me find out for you."

"It's so hot, it's only the first day of the sunny day and it's so hot. In two days, it will definitely not be enough to just rely on sunshade. I miss my air-conditioned room so much."

"I'm almost dying. I can still bear the heat, but it's really unbearable to be hot and humid. I sat on a wooden board to fish, and after half an hour, there was already a butt mark on the board."

"We have been living on the sea, will we get rheumatism? Has anyone picked up a tool to remove moisture?"

"I think it's highly unlikely that you will get sick in this world. Haven't you eaten fish of ordinary quality? If you eat it, you will find that the fish in this world can help us improve our physical fitness."

"White shark meat for sale, 20 wooden boards or palm leaves a piece!"

"I saw that it was only 13 wooden boards or palm leaves this morning! Why is the price still rising?

? ! "

"Scarcity makes things valuable. In the morning, what you saw was the price of white shark meat in our area. We have killed too many white sharks in our area, and many people have ordinary fishing nets, so ordinary quality fish meat is not valuable here. But you... hehe, I won't say much. "

"Indeed. Since the merger, some people have bought ordinary quality fish meat. We are a free market and will adjust the price in time according to the supply and demand relationship. The effect of ordinary quality fish meat is definitely worthy of this price, please rest assured. "

"I heard that ordinary fishing nets in your area have always been only 39 planks. I wonder if they are still on sale now?"

"You have to ask Brother Lin about this. 39 planks is the price set by Brother Lin. It is the preferential price Brother Lin gave us yesterday. The current price of ordinary fishing nets is based on your market price, 50 planks or palm leaves per piece. "

"Then how much is the ordinary crafting table? Why can't I find an ordinary crafting table in the market? "

"Ask Brother Lin. At present, it seems that only Big Brother Lin can build an ordinary production table. "

"Lin Chen is so amazing? How come he has everything? I heard that he also sells clothes, and the clothes are all made of cloth. Has he found a stable way to obtain cloth?"

"No, ask Brother Lin."


The people who survived the first three days have adapted to primitive life. The chat channel is the only place for everyone to communicate and have fun. People regard this place as a place to watch fun.

In this world, boring life needs some waves.

"Bang! "

A loud noise suddenly came from the sea.

A huge wave splashed up and hit the deck of Lin Chen's paddle boat.

Lin Chen hurried out of the room. The deck outside was soaked by the waves, and the stove was also soaked.

Lin Chen ran to the side of the boat and searched for the culprit.

I saw a huge whale almost brushing past his boat and swimming away.

[White Moon Whale: Neutral Creature.]

The size of this whale is comparable to fifty adult white sharks!

"Fortunately, it is not a dangerous creature."

Lin Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

If a dangerous creature of this size attacked humans, no one would survive.


Little Ying emerged from the sea with a shiny object in his hand.

Lin Chen was delighted: "Could it be that my little foodie finally knows to help me collect supplies!"

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