On Lin Chen's sailboat, a blueprint was being read by a good crafting table.


[Crafting completed, "Lucky Guarantee" effect activated! Quality +3! ]

[Grinding table upgraded to: Alchemy table]

[Alchemy table (perfect): The essence of alchemy is equivalent exchange, processing basic alchemy materials, and making advanced alchemy props. ]

[Description: Shake~shake~shake~shake. ]

"When can the +3 chance be used on the blade! What's the use of this thing +3!"

Lin Chen briefly understood the use of the alchemy table.

Put the basic materials into a round bowl, and you can make them into powder or extract juice.

The processed materials are placed in the pipe entrance on the side, and can be mixed inside the pipe, and the generated items flow out from the pipe outlet.

The alchemy table is different from the production table. You don't need a blueprint to use the alchemy table, and you don't even need a prescription.

The survivors can freely match various raw materials, but whether the final medicine is effective or has side effects cannot be guaranteed.

So the safest plan is to make it according to the prescription.

Lin Chen doesn't want to mix it randomly and then poison himself to death.

However, some things do not require a recipe and can be used alone.

For example, jade mint powder can be directly brewed into tea, and Qinggui juice can also be drunk directly... These are all heat-clearing and thirst-quenching effects.

However, the effect is definitely not as good as the finished medicine made according to the prescription.

Lin Chen only has one prescription: the male yang prescription.

He just happens to have both male yang grass and golden tuna powder.


[Get: Male Yang Powder (Ordinary)]

[Pharmaceuticals: 1/10]

[Male Yang Powder: Recast the unshakable glory of men, please dilute with water half an hour in advance. Note: After diluting with water, it must be taken immediately, and it is easy to evaporate. ]

Lin Chen: "..."

"Unfortunately, only finished medicines can be considered as pharmaceuticals."

He went to the trading market to search for prescriptions.

There are many prescriptions on the market, but many of them have strange effects, and few are really useful.

Lin Chen screened for several minutes and locked on three of them.

[Luan Yin San] [Bing Ji Wan] [Da Li Spinach Sauce]

The first two are for clearing heat and relieving summer heat, and the last one is for enhancing combat power.

Prescriptions are different from production drawings. They are not unique and can be copied infinitely, so the price is not expensive, only five wooden boards or palm leaves.

After Lin Chen bought it, he tried it immediately.

[Luan Yin San: Ordinary quality. After taking it, the body temperature drops by 5 degrees, but it will reduce the will to act. Duration is 2 hours. ]

[Ice muscle pill: ordinary quality. After taking it, the skin surface is shielded from sunlight and will not be damaged by the sun. The duration is 2 hours. ]

[Dali spinach sauce: good quality. After taking it, it greatly enhances strength and lasts for 5 minutes. After the effect of the drug ends, it enters a weak period. ]

Lin Chen made three copies respectively, and the last lucky guarantee was left to Dali spinach sauce.

[Dali vegetable pill: excellent quality. After taking it, it greatly enhances strength and lasts for 20 minutes. After the effect of the drug ends, it enters a weak period. ]

Except for the ice muscle pill, the other two have side effects.

In the room, the thunder electric eel began to become weak, and the air conditioner was insufficiently powered and stopped delivering cold air.

Lin Chen walked outside, took a dose of Luan Yin San, and then took another ice muscle pill.

In an instant, the sun seemed less glaring, and the body felt much cooler.

"Ah~~Comfortable~~I suddenly want to go back and take a nap~~"

The sudden cool feeling made Lin Chen want to rest, but when he walked into the room, the low temperature in the room combined with the drop in body temperature caused by the Luan Yin Powder made Lin Chen suddenly feel the coolness.

"Didn't I just take a nap!"

Lin Chen, who had reacted, was shocked: "The side effects of this Luan Yin Powder are a bit strong!"

"This thing directly affects the mind, so I have to eat less in the future."

Lin Chen closed the door and poured the half-dead thunder eel in the box into the fire.

"Let the fish meat burn, I'm too lazy to grill it, at most I can throw away the burnt layer outside and only eat the inside."

He strolled around the boat and then sat in the driver's seat.

"So many people on the public screen have discovered the island, I also want to go out and explore the island!"

Lin Chen set himself a goal for today's action.

But the next moment...

Looking at the oars in front of him, Lin Chen frowned: "Why do I have to push the oars myself... Is there any device that can row the boat automatically?"

Lin Chen didn't want to row the boat by himself.

He suddenly thought of the electric fan.

"Why don't I use a motor to row a boat!"

Replace the blades of the electric fan with the blades of a propeller, isn't that a propeller!

Lin Chen thought of it and took action immediately, but he did not act by himself, but sorted out his ideas and went to the public screen to find someone who knew motors and could make propellers.

Among the nearly 20,000 people, there happened to be a man who claimed to be an engineer, named Zhang Qinwei, who said that he could make wooden propeller blades by hand, but he needed to see the size of the motor first.

Lin Chen generously gave him an electric fan and asked him to dismantle it and study it himself.

But the reply he got was that the motor power of this electric fan was too small and it was not sure whether it could drive the propeller blades.

So Lin Chen threw him an air conditioner.

Use the high-power motor of the air conditioner compressor and fan.

Zhang Qinwei replied that he could try it, and he would send the things when it was built, and the work could be delivered tonight at the latest.

Lin Chen agreed very readily.

Then he took a fishing rod, sat by the boat, and started fishing.

Two hours later, the effect of Luan Yin San disappeared...

"Fuck! What did I do just now!"

"I actually fished here for two hours!"

"I also gave away an electric fan and an air conditioner!"

The effect of Luan Yin San faded, and Lin Chen suddenly woke up.

He recalled the experience of the past two hours, from when he made plans to set out to find the island, to when he didn't want to row because he was lazy...

The brain unknowingly forgot the original action plan.

"The side effects are too terrible! I will never take Luan Yin San again!"

This thing should not be called Luan Yin San, it should be called waste powder. One mouthful will turn you into a little waste in seconds.

"Ding Di"

Zhang Qinwei: "Boss, the thing is made, please see if it can be used. I don't have a power supply device here, so I can't test it. The propeller is made of wood, and the strength may not be enough. I bought [prescription: curing glue] from the market to reinforce it.

I have disassembled the motors of the electric fan and air conditioner. I am afraid that one is not enough, so I connected them together. If the power of the power supply device is large enough, it should be put into use."

[Zhang Qinwei: Directed Trading Application]

[Propeller (self-named prop), waste of air conditioner electric fan (self-named prop) ⇄ None]

Lin Chen looked at the propeller connected by two motors in his hand, and was stunned.

"It seems that laziness has its benefits. If I am not lazy, I may never think of using motors and propellers to propel ships."

Luan Yin San will make people lazy, but it will not make people stupid.

Because of laziness, people will try every means to make more advanced tools to help themselves be lazy. Only with advanced tools can there be higher efficiency.

So the conclusion is: the lazier, the more efficient.

When Zhang Qinwei was making the propeller, he seemed to have considered the convenience of installation, and he also thoughtfully prepared a hook for Lin Chen to install quickly and easily.

After installing the propeller, Lin Chen recovered all the fishing nets he had cast before, and harvested a total of 8 thunder eels.

After the power was turned on, the propeller began to rotate.

The paddle boat had already folded up the sails and was slowly moving with only the propeller's push.

"It's done!"

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