After Lin Chen issued a warning, he continued to deal with the transaction. He bought five construction hammers, which were specially used to store supplies. As the sky gradually darkened, Lin Chen had to stop trading temporarily. He couldn't spend the night on just a raft. Lin Chen picked up the excellent construction hammer and began to choose a ship. "It's decided to be you." "Pirate ship!" Galleons are finished ships of good quality and do not have the ability to strike. The pirate ship is a finished ship of excellent quality, and its hull is ten times larger than that of a galley. There are 16 gun ports reserved on the ship for installing cannons, and the hull is protected by iron plates on all four sides. Lin Chen is basically not short of iron block resources now, and can fully afford the expenses of making a pirate ship. "Build!"

Buildings made with a building hammer cannot trigger a lucky guarantee and can only be generated directly.

[The building has been completed. Please choose a landing point within ten minutes]

The next moment, a huge pirate ship landed in front of Lin Chen.

Just as Lin Chen was thinking about how to board the ship, a rope ladder suddenly fell in front of him.

Climbing up the ship along the rope ladder, the operation panel of the pirate ship appeared in the projection of Lin Chen's bracelet.

[Please draw your pirate flag]

"It's unique!"

Lin Chen drew a pair of crossed skulls on the panel, and then drew a skull on it, and finally added a straw hat.


Click to confirm, and a pirate flag instantly rose and fluttered in the sea breeze.

Lin Chen looked at the high-flying flag with satisfaction, and then walked inside.

The pirate ship has two decks.

The first floor is small, with only a captain's room and a kitchen.

The captain's room is usually used for rest. There is a soft big bed in it, and it also comes with a layer of bedding! Lin Chen no longer has to sleep on a bed with piles of fabric.

The kitchen is where fires are made, and it is thoughtfully equipped with a fuel storage space. Store the combustibles in it and ignite them outside when needed.

Lin Chen put a large piece of seabed combustible ice in it, and then closed the baffle of the storage space.

The second floor is wide. In addition to the 6 gun ports on the deck surface, the remaining 10 gun ports of the pirate ship are all in the second-floor cabin.

At the same time, the ammunition depot and storage room are also on this floor.

Lin Chen checked through the bracelet projection, and the current number of artillery is 0/16. If you need to launch an attack after installing artillery in the future, you can directly operate it through the bracelet, and the pirate ship will automatically load the shells and aim.

Very convenient.

Lin Chen is very satisfied with this new ship.

He rearranged the new boat: built a sunshade at the rudder position that controls the direction of travel; placed several excellent boxes in the storage room; piled all the newly made distillation tanks in the kitchen...

In order to have a foothold on the sea after getting off the boat, Lin Chen also built a small fishing boat, tied it to the pirate ship with a rope, and usually sailed with the pirate ship.

"Ding Di"

Zhang Qinwei: "Boss, the propeller is ready."

Lin Chen received the new propeller, but this propeller is no longer applicable at this time.

The paddle boat is small in size and can still be pushed by the propeller; and the pirate ship is so large that it can only sail by wind power.

As for the small fishing boat... the small fishing boat is used for landing.

Lin Chen handed the propeller to Su Yun.

Because there was no thunder eel, Su Yun could only leave the propeller idle temporarily after getting it.

Lin Chen stopped the pirate ship on the sea, and used the one-button net-casting function on the boat to spread the fishing net around the side of the boat.

Night has fallen, but the fire on the island is still fierce, lighting up half of the night sky.

Lin Chen put the production table on the deck and continued to produce and sell goods.

Lin Chen: "The big sale continues. If you don't know the products and prices, check my previous speech records."

Many high-demand props, such as underwear, fans, ordinary production tables, and long-range weapons such as bows and arrows, are monopolized by Lin Chen.

At present, the total number of people in the district is 13,912, which is a huge market. Lin Chen alone can never meet the market demand even if he keeps producing.

But these high-level props can only be made by Lin Chen.

Especially props that require cloth, such as underwear and menstrual cloth.

There is currently no stable way to obtain cloth. There are only two ways to obtain cloth: open the box, or buy underwear or menstrual cloth from Lin Chen and then recycle it.

When Lin Chen was mass-producing, he also triggered a lot of +2 and +3 lucky guarantees.

[+3! Get men's pure cotton underwear (excellent

)! ]

[+2! Get a senseless sanitary napkin (excellent)! ]

[+3! Get a spear (excellent)! ]

[+2! Get a crafting table (excellent)! ]


Of course, good things will not be sold. Lin Chen keeps all the props of excellent quality and above for himself.

As for some unused items, such as sanitary napkins and women's underwear, they are all given to Su Yun.

These things will only take up space in the box when placed next to Lin Chen.

Because he has been trading all the time, Lin Chen always pays attention to the news in the chat channel.

As night falls, dangerous creatures begin to attack survivors again.

"There are dangers on the island. Dangerous creatures will come out of the island at night! I was busy grilling fish just now, and a wolf suddenly swam onto my raft, scaring me. [Picture (wolf corpse)]"

"Before nightfall, there were more than 14,000 people, but now there are only 12,000 left. Be careful."

"There is no island here, but I was attacked by a school of piranhas. But fortunately, these small fish are inferior beasts of quality, and they are quite easy to deal with. If you dare to jump on them, you will die. I have cut down seven or eight piranhas now. It's a pity that my raft was bitten off three pieces."

"I also encountered piranhas. Although they are small, there are many of them! They bit my fishing net! I put down four The fishing net is so disappointed. "" I did n’t bite your rafts. This group of small fish is like the termites. My raft is bitten. We will bite the raft. You tie two wooden boards on your arms to seduce them to bite you, and then wait for them to jump and shoot. "..." "I have never encountered dangerous creatures? Gone? "Take a closer look, a group of small fish is active around the pirate ship. But the bottom of the pirate ship was wrapped in iron sheets, and the piranhas couldn't bite it at all, so Lin Chen hadn't received any news about the pirate ship's durability drop on the ship.

"A fishing boat is worth hundreds of supplies, and you just bit it away!"

"Damn it!"

Lin Chen took out his bow and arrow, aimed at the fish under the boat and shot randomly.

[Kill piranhas]

[Kill piranhas]

[Kill piranhas and get the rotten wood treasure chest]

There were many piranhas near the bottom of the ship, but they were not concentrated. Lin Chen shot more than a dozen arrows and only hit three.

As Lin Chen pulled the bow again, a sense of familiarity suddenly came from his hand.

"Proficiency has been upgraded!"

With the improvement of archery skills, Lin Chen's feel has improved. But in the dark, the light is dim, and it still depends on luck to hit the piranhas.

Lin Chen's bow is of excellent quality, and even with the worst arrows, he can kill piranhas with one arrow.

So Lin Chen didn't feel bad about the arrows.

With the 21st piranha being shot, there were 7 more rotten wood treasure chests on the sea.

The deck of the pirate ship was about ten meters away from the sea. When Lin Chen pulled the bow again, his vision seemed to be suddenly magnified by a magnifying glass.

Under the dim starlight and the firelight of the island in the distance, he could clearly see the jumping piranhas below.


An arrow was shot and hit accurately.

Lin Chen was surprised to see his archery skills improved: "Could it be that my archery proficiency has been upgraded again!"

With a few consecutive arrows, he solved the remaining piranhas.

[Eliminate the piranha group and get a black iron treasure chest as a reward]

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