The two of them were so close, and they were so close.

"Lin Chen, love me."

Lin Chen opened his eyes and saw a beautiful face in front of him.

He was stunned for a moment, and a gentle hand suddenly pressed his body down.

The woman in front of him sat on his chest, her slender thighs passed in front of him, and the scenery under her skirt was looming.

Lin Chen rubbed his eyes and looked carefully.

"Are you... Su Yun?"

"No! Am I having an erotic dream?!"

The woman in front of him looked exactly like Su Yun, with a beautiful face and a stiff smile, exactly the same as in the photo!

Even the women's underwear she was wearing was made by Lin Chen himself and given to Su Yun!

But Su Yun was clearly more than 2,000 kilometers away from him! How could she suddenly come to me!

"These days, Xiaoying is around me, and I have seen so many private photos of female Bodhisattvas. It is understandable that I have some desires to vent."

"If this is a wet dream, let her continue!"

Lin Chen lay obediently on the bed, showing a comfortable and enjoyable expression.

I saw the woman's palm stretched behind him and gently pushed.

The clothes fell off.

Lin Chen stared at the red-eyed rabbit who broke free from the restraints with wide eyes.

When he turned his eyes back to the woman's face, the woman in front of him suddenly became a little strange.

Lin Chen recalled carefully.

He felt a little familiar, but he couldn't remember who it was.

The woman now looked very much like a female Bodhisattva who had sent him nude photos before.

The woman leaned over, and the soft and smooth touch made Lin Chen instantly forget what he was thinking.

At this moment, his face was surrounded by tenderness, and he just wanted to close his eyes and enjoy this warmth.

But the next moment, a hard touch came.

Lin Chen opened his eyes in confusion, only to see two shells suddenly appear in front of him! Blocking his intimate contact with the softness!

Wait! Shells!

The woman suddenly sat up, and a layer of light golden scales appeared on both sides of her neck.


Lin Chen looked at the mermaid in front of him in surprise.

No, the current Xiaoying has legs and...

"If it has legs, it's not impossible..."

Lin Chen licked his lips excitedly.

The next moment, the woman who looked like Xiaoying suddenly opened her mouth: "Ying!!!"

The harsh sound almost broke Lin Chen's eardrum!



Lin Chen sat up suddenly from the bed.

He was already sweating from fear.

"I... had a nightmare?"

Lin Chen touched his ears and checked his body again, and there was nothing abnormal.

At this time, he heard singing coming from outside.


Lin Chen came to the side of the boat. When Xiaoying saw him, she stopped singing immediately and circled on the sea, her beautiful tail splashing water.

"Bing-bing-bing! (Give me food!)"

"Bing-bing-bing! (I'm starving!)"

Lin Chen remembered his "erotic dream".

"Were you disturbing my dream just now?"

"Bing! (Yes!)" Xiaoying nodded honestly.

She tried to open her cherry mouth wide, holding the fish bone in one hand and pointing at her mouth with the other: "Bing, ing. (Hungry, eat)"

Lin Chen had a dark face.

"Feed her first, and talk to her after she's full."

He stared at Xiaoying for a moment, then walked to the kitchen, turned on the fire, and cooked the fish.

The kitchen was equipped with an iron pot.

Lin Chen picked three excellent quality stock fish and threw them in, then added some spiritual salt powder.

After a light taste, the taste was better than that of the directly grilled ones.

If the previous meat was a combination of fragrance and tenderness, the fish meat now has a richer taste and a sense of hierarchy.

Lin Chen turned on another fire source on the stove and put a small piece of fat.

After a while, hot oil separated from the fat block.

Add the fat to the fish soup, and the full aroma floated out, filling the whole kitchen.

When Lin Chen walked out of the kitchen with the pot, the aroma also floated out, and Xiaoying under the pirate ship couldn't wait to shake his tail.

Carry the pot in one hand and grab the rope ladder with the other hand to go down to the bottom.

Then build a raft for standing.

Lin Chen placed the fish soup in front of Xiaoying.

"Is it delicious?"


Xiaoying nodded very hard.

Then Lin Chen pulled the fish soup pot back to himself.

"Yingyingying!" Xiaoying reached out to grab it anxiously.

"Why are you interfering with my dream? You can continue eating after answering the question.

. "


Xiaoying's body emerged from the water, patted her white and smooth belly, and then pointed to her mouth: "Yingyingying. (I'm hungry)"

"When did you start interfering? No, let me change the question. Did you cause my dream?"

Xiaoying shook her head.

"Then when did you start interfering? When I opened my eyes in my dream?"

Xiaoying shook her head again.

Lin Chen split the time nodes of the dream and asked until the moment when Xiaoying appeared, and Xiaoying finally nodded.

Lin Chen had a black line on his face: "Don't allow this in the future! Otherwise, I won't let you eat fish!"


Xiaoying was obviously dissatisfied.

She puffed out her chest, one hand on her waist, and the other finger pointed at her mouth: "Yingying! (I'm hungry!)"

"You can..."

Lin Chen was about to say that he could wake him up in another way, but now he was sleeping on the deck ten meters high, and Xiaoying seemed to have no other way to wake herself up.

Suddenly, Lin Chen had an idea.

"I will leave a raft here, put a grill on it, and prepare all the seasonings for you. I will collect fish once before going to bed every day, and all the fish I collect will be left on the raft at the bottom of the boat, and then you can grill them yourself!"

"Yingyingying! (I can't!)"

"Okay! Then it's decided happily!"

"Yingyingying! (I can't grill fish!)"

Xiaoying excitedly swung his tail and splashed the water, his chest shaking up and down, dazzling and compelling.

Lin Chen noticed Xiaoying's emotions and immediately changed his words: "Then let's do this, I will grill ten fish every night before going to bed and put them on the raft below. If it gets cold when you eat, just heat it up yourself. Just do it this way first, put the grilled fish on it for a few seconds, is that okay? "

"I will be very angry if you disturb my dream like this. If I am angry, you will not have grilled fish to eat." Lin Chen added.

This time Xiaoying was quiet.

She looked at Lin Chen with clear and innocent eyes, then pouted her little mouth, nodded slowly with a wronged look.

"Then it is decided happily!"

Lin Chen quickly built a stove on the raft, and left a plastic bottle of spiritual salt crumbs.

Looking at Xiaoying who was enjoying the delicious fish soup happily, Lin Chen smiled in his heart.

Every time dangerous creatures came to attack, Xiaoying hid far away, and dangerous creatures would not actively chase her.

This time her midnight snack and breakfast are all on the raft, let's see if she will hide!

Food and safety, choose one.

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