The two of them were so busy that they had to work together.

"I want the black gunpowder blueprint, and a slice of watermelon."

"Boss Lin, this is gunpowder..."

"Then add 20 more Bingji Pills and Luanyin Powder. I know gunpowder is crucial, but gunpowder alone is useless. You also need weapons and bullet blueprints. Moreover, at the speed at which everyone opens treasure chests now, how long do you think your black gunpowder 'patent' can last?"

"Okay! Deal!"


"I'll take the paralysis poison prescription, and a slice of watermelon."

"Thank you, Brother Lin, you're generous."


"I'll take the smelting furnace blueprint, and a slice of watermelon . "

"Thank you. May the Buddha bless you."


"The trap is good. Do you have the blueprint? If you have the blueprint, I can make a slice of watermelon."

"Boss, I have put this on the crafting table and read the pattern."

"You can pass the crafting table to me, I will transfer the pattern and return it to you."

"Boss, is this a bit..."

"Transactions are based on trust. Do you think I will occupy your crafting table?"

"Boss, you are right, I am too narrow-minded. With your wealth, you will not be interested in my broken crafting table, so I sent it to you. Thank you, boss."

".... ..”

“Two slices of watermelon for one ruby.”

“Boss, that’s a little too little. My ruby ​​is also of perfect quality. I think it should be equivalent to a whole watermelon.”

“Is your ruby ​​useful? The entry says that it is a crafting material. Do you think you can use it until the end of Jiaoyangtian? Yu Qilin watermelon is Jiaoyangtian’s artifact.”

“Boss, how about three slices of watermelon? After all, mine is also a perfect quality thing.”

“Well... okay, it’s not easy to get a perfect quality thing. Where did you see this thing?”

"At that time, a super big fish passed by my raft. I didn't have time to scan it. Later, I saw a lot of different stones floating in the sea after that thing passed, so I went to pick them up."

"Got it. Are there any other stones?"

"Yes! There are aluminum ore, copper ore... They are all good quality ores, a total of 17. Do you want to take these things, big brother?"

"These things are useless to you. Let's do this. Add them together with the rubies before, and I will take the whole Jade Unicorn Watermelon."

"Thank you, big brother!"


Lin Chen quickly opened the blueprint of black powder.

[Black powder: an epoch-making invention. It is an important raw material for making weapons, ammunition and driving certain mechanical devices. ]

[Production requirements: saltpeter*1, sulfur*2, charcoal*3]

"Charcoal is a lot, but saltpeter... sulfur..."

"Sulfur is OK!"

Lin Chen looked in the direction where the island disappeared.

There is a high probability that there will be sulfur nearby when the volcano erupts.

However, Lin Chen did not dare to approach for the time being. The volcano had just finished erupting, and the temperature of the seabed there would not be too low.

He wrote this down and checked the props behind.

[Paralysis poison: good quality, injection-type drug. When used, the paralysis poison must be in contact with the target's blood, which can slow the target's movements. A sufficient dose can make the target fall into a coma. ]

[Production requirements: primary toxin*1, any negative herb*1]

[Small animal trap: good quality. Can capture small creatures. ]

[Production requirements: iron block*2, palm leaf*3, rope*1]

[Smelting furnace: good quality. Can smelt ore and obtain special metals. Tip: The smelting furnace must be placed in an environment that can withstand high temperatures. ]

[Production requirements: soil*50]

The appearance of the smelting furnace is an earthen blast furnace, and the internal structure is not complicated.

Lin Chen had seen such an earthen blast furnace in history textbooks.

He came to the production table and started to make it.

[Production: 9/10]

[Production completed, "Lucky Guarantee" effect activated! Quality +1! ]

[Obtained: Smelting Furnace (Excellent)]

The overall structure of an excellent quality smelting furnace is not much different from that of an earthen blast furnace, but it has an outer support to lift it up into the air, allowing air to circulate underneath, so there is no need to worry about the bottom igniting during smelting.

Lin Chen built a new iron floating plate outside the pirate ship, placed the smelting furnace on it, and then put in wooden boards as fuel to start burning metal.

Copper ore, zinc ore...all thrown in.

[Expected remaining time for output: 18:00:0


Eighteen hours, the production will probably be completed at night when Lin Chen is asleep.

There are not many valuable things in the public screen.

To be precise, there are not many valuable things for Lin Chen.

Lin Chen still has two Yu Qilin watermelons left.

"Save them, they won't rot anyway."

After putting the two watermelons into the construction hammer, Lin Chen saw the good watermelons covering the iron raft.



After a while, a beautiful figure emerged from the water, holding the Yu Qilin watermelon in her arms.

"These watermelons are all yours."


Xiaoying's face was filled with a happy smile.

She happily put all the watermelons on the iron raft into her own box, and then happily circled around Lin Chen.

"Do you want me to help you store some on the ship? You put everything together, what if the box is broken."

"Yingyingying! (I will protect my box!)"

Looking at Xiaoying holding her head high and looking confident, Lin Chen did not ask any more questions.

He opened the private message and found that Su Yun had not accepted his trade application.

Lin Chen: "What's wrong? Remember to collect the watermelon."

Su Yun: "There are people outside the pirate ship, I am confronting them."

Lin Chen: "How many people?"

Su Yun: "Eight."

Lin Chen: "We can't let them get on the ship."

Su Yun: "I understand. Don't worry, I can deal with them."

On the boundless sea, a black flag fluttered in the wind, and on the flag was a big word - Su.

Su Yun stood on the edge of the deck and pulled the longbow in her hand.

"Stop ahead, I will attack if you go forward."

The arrowhead of the excellent arrow is a special metal, reflecting a dazzling cold light in the sun.

Su Yun stood on the high deck, overlooking the raft below.

The people on the raft shouted: "We have no ill intentions. We are just curious. How is such a big boat built?"

Su Yun shouted: "Back off! I have no obligation to tell you."

"Madam, we just want to visit your boat and learn how to make it."

Su Yun's eyebrows flashed with displeasure.

These people are not honest, and they are getting closer while talking.

She lowered the arrow, aimed at the raft in front, and released her fingers.

The arrow broke through the air, and a piece of raft board was smashed with one blow.

"Back off three kilometers away!" Su Yun shouted angrily.

The crowd below was frightened by the power of the arrow, and finally stopped moving forward and began to retreat.

After watching the group leave, Su Yun replied to Lin Chen: "They left. But they took a lot of photos. I don't know if they took photos of the boat or me. These people are very rude."

Lin Chen: "Did they stop in the distance?"

Su Yun: "Yes."

Lin Chen: "It's daytime now, it's time to explore. If they give up the idea of ​​boarding the ship, they won't stop on the sea. And your ship didn't appear on the public screen."

Su Yun: "What does it mean that it didn't appear on the public screen?"

Lin Chen: "From the perspective of malicious intent, there are two possibilities.

First, these people have been blocked by me, and the messages they sent First, I can't see the information; second, only people who want to do bad things will sneak around and don't want to be discovered. They probably want to seize the ship and take it for themselves, but don't want to be discovered by others.

In this world, for your own safety, it is best to speculate on the intentions of others from a malicious perspective. It is better to kill someone by mistake than to let them go. "

Su Yun: "I understand. If they get closer, I will take action. They can't beat me."

Lin Chen: "There are eight of them, are you sure?"

Su Yun: "Hehe~~ I have this [Entry: Tianqi Bird]"

Lin Chen clicked on the entry with doubts and was immediately shocked.

"Good quality... fierce beast..."


"Is this a pet? !"

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