The moon was built on the bottom of the ship, and the sun was shining.

Lin Chen suddenly had an idea: hang the moon pool cabin on the bottom of the ship and move with the ship.

In the future, all valuable things will be placed in the moon pool cabin. Once the cabin door is closed, no one can enter except himself.

Moreover, as an excellent-level building, the moon pool cabin has a higher durability than the pirate ship before it was transformed by Y-type plants, and is not afraid of being attacked.

Lin Chen can also build a layer of iron sheet on the outside to enhance defense and protect privacy.

There is Xiaoying watching on the seabed, so there is no need to worry that the moon pool cabin below will be stolen while he is driving the boat on it.


Lin Chen immediately started to implement it.

He came to the production table, while purchasing a large amount of sand from the market, he also produced a large amount of high-strength glass.

After the high-strength glass reserve was finally sufficient, Lin Chen picked up the construction hammer, went to the bottom of the sea, set up a superior fishing net below in advance, strung it with several ropes, and tied it to the pirate ship.


With a light tap of the superior construction hammer, a large 6*6*4 glass cover appeared on the bottom of the sea and was caught by the superior fishing net.

The hull shook and sank slightly.

At this time, the deck was only about nine meters away from the sea surface, and sank a full meter deep.

[Moon Pool Cabin: Insufficient Power. ]

Lin Chen returned to the ship and carried the fish tank containing the thunder electric eel to the bottom of the sea.

Fortunately, his body had been strengthened by the violent type III, otherwise Lin Chen might not be able to carry such a large fish tank.

He stuffed an electric eel into the hatch, and the light at the hatch was on.

[Identity verification was successful, and the hatch was opened. ]

The hatch was opened, but the seawater did not immediately rush in, but was blocked outside the cabin.

[Please enter the moon pool cabin within 60 seconds to avoid seawater rushing in. 】

Lin Chen walked into the cabin, and the hatch closed instantly.

In order to avoid the embarrassing situation of being locked in the cabin due to power outage outside, Lin Chen immediately put down the fish tank containing the thunder electric eel and connected the internal power cord to the fish tank.

Under the power supply of a group of thunder electric eels, the power supply of the moon pool cabin was temporarily stable, and the oxygen device began to operate.

[The oxygen in the moon pool cabin is being supplied, and the current oxygen content in the cabin is 21.0%]

Lin Chen walked around the moon pool cabin and was very satisfied with this underwater closed cabin.

He returned to the deck and moved the remaining thunder electric eel fry over.

Although the small fry generate less electricity, there are many of them. Lin Chen also added these small fry to the power supply system to share some pressure for the big fish.

But as all the thunder electric eels moved into the moon pool cabin, the oxygen content in the cabin stopped increasing.

"The efficiency of this oxygen supply is a bit low."

Lin Chen moved some boxes into the moon pool cabin one after another, and finally left the cabin and closed the hatch.

The oxygen content in the Moon Pool continued to rise until it reached 23.2%.

"Xiaoying, this place is under your charge from now on. You are the security guard here. Do you see the lightning eel inside? That's your salary. During your security period, you will get an extra excellent fish every day."


As long as there is food, Xiaoying is happy to do anything.

Lin Chen built a circle of iron railings outside the Moon Pool, and then swam back to the sea.


Su Yun: "My equipment is ready! [Picture]"

In the picture, the rope and wooden board under the claws of the Sky Bird are spliced ​​to make a chair like a roller coaster seat.

Su Yun: "Sky Shooter Su Yun is ready to attack! [Picture]"

In the second picture, Su Yun is sitting on a chair with a longbow in her hand, and she looks eager to try.

Su Yun's handcraft skills are much better than Lin Chen's. She can always come up with some strange but useful things.

Lin Chen: "Wait for your good news."


On the pirate ship with the "Su" flag.

Su Yun checked the safety of the seat, then took out a good fish from her arms and fed it to the Tianqin bird.

"Xiaobai, let's go!"

The Tianqin bird swallowed the good fish in one gulp, whistled happily, then flapped its wings and rose into the air.

The loud whistling sound passed through the sea and reached the rafts three kilometers away.

The people who were resting on the rafts and preparing for night operations heard the cry and looked at the big ship.

"What's wrong? What happened?"

"The sound seems to be a bird's cry. Is there another vicious bird attacking?"

"The sound seems to come from the direction of the ship. Even if there is a vicious bird, it will definitely attack the woman first. It's just right for her to sweat. If

It would be even better if we could hurt her. "

"Speaking of which, we are sleeping here, will she see us?"

"From such a distance, she can't see a thing. Hey, sentry, how are you?"

"Everything is normal. Well, if you ask me, we should just get closer. What can we see from such a distance?"

"You don't understand. If we get closer, the woman will immediately drive the boat away."

"Did you see the public screen? Someone took a picture of a big boat. The shape is similar to the one we saw. But there seems to be a dangerous plant on the big boat he took a picture of."

"What's there to be afraid of about a plant? I really don't understand him. After getting on the boat, he just cut the vines. I guess this woman got the boat this way. The boat was originally floating on the sea, and this woman got there first and occupied the boat."

"Qi! The guy in the public screen is timid and ran away directly, wasting the good luck given to him by God. ”

“Some people can’t even seize the opportunities God has given them. They are useless! If we had such a good opportunity, we would have been very successful. Even Lin Chen can’t compare to us.”

“That’s right! If I hadn’t been unlucky a few days ago, I would have at least a fishing boat now.”

“Don’t be discouraged, as long as we get through tonight and take down that boat, we will be the richest group of people in the whole district!”


After being awakened by the shouting, everyone looked at the pirate ship with undisguised greed.

“Okay, okay, don’t gather here, everyone continue to rest, it’s time for the sentry to change people.”

“Let me do it, this damn sun is too poisonous, it’s so hot, I can’t sleep at all.”

“Friend, bear with it. A large ship of this level must have a deck, and then we can sleep inside the ship and never have to bask in the sun again.”

“Eh? What do you see? It seems that something is flying on the ship. "

Everyone quickly stood up, gathered together, and looked in the direction of the big ship.

Above the big ship, a black dot rose into the air and was approaching the raft.

"Fuck, that woman won't be killed by the ferocious bird so soon? !"

"Don't worry about that woman, this bird is obviously coming for us! Get your weapons!"

Everyone was in a mess, some took out wooden spears, some took out slingshots, and only the man with the hooked nose had a bow of ordinary quality in his hand.

He glanced at the weapons of others, and a flash of contempt flashed in his eyes.

"There is only one, and there are so many of us, it's easy to deal with!"

Eight people gathered together, picked up their weapons, and waited for battle.

But when the figure in the sky became clear, everyone was stunned.

It was a big white bird.

Under the big bird, there was a beautiful woman holding a longbow.

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