The new product is a big success.

[Production completed, "Lucky Guarantee" effect activated! Quality +1! ]

[Production completed, "Lucky Guarantee" effect activated! Quality +1! ]

[Production completed, "Lucky Guarantee" effect activated! Quality +2! ]


[Production completed, "Lucky Guarantee" effect activated! Quality +3! ]

[Obtained: Mobile Phone (Excellent)]

At the 79th lucky guarantee, Lin Chen finally triggered +3!

[Mobile Phone: Excellent quality. Instant conversation regardless of distance can be achieved. ]

"It's done!"

The first phone in the ocean survival world was born!

As an instant messaging device, this thing comes in pairs as soon as it is produced.

Lin Chen picked up one of them.

"Isn't this a mobile phone?"

An early mobile phone, the size of which is like a shoe horn.

Lin Chen found a string of numbers on the back, and then found another string of different numbers on the back of another mobile phone.

"This should be the phone number."

Lin Chen tried to dial it.

The moment he pressed the dial button, the other mobile phone rang.

There was no delay of one second, which was faster than the modern mobile phone communication on the blue planet.

"Good stuff!"

Lin Chen sent one of the mobile phones to Su Yun and dialed the phone.



Su Yun's voice trembled a little because of excitement.

Voice is completely different from text.

The emotional expression of voice is more obvious and more passionate.

Lin Chen was very excited when he heard the clear and pleasant voice coming from the phone.

This was the first time he heard a human voice since he came to this world.

Lin Chen didn't know what to say for a while because he hadn't spoken to anyone for several days.

The next moment, with a beep, the mobile phone thoughtfully cut off the communication for him.

Lin Chen was stunned for a moment.

He looked down at the mobile phone in his hand, and the screen was black!

He pressed and held the phone to turn it on, and a reminder popped up saying that it needed to be charged.

"Damn it, couldn't it be fully charged when it left the factory!"

Lin Chen connected the charging cable to the generator. Because he was worried that the current would be too high and the mobile phone would explode, he first stepped on the pedal slowly until he saw the charging light on, and then he gradually maintained the speed.

This thing is a precious thing. Lin Chen spent a long time brushing it out, and he didn't want to break it.

After a while.

"Ding Di"

Su Yun: "Is your phone out of power?"

Lin Chen: "Yeah."

Su Yun: "My phone was out of power just now. But it charges pretty fast. I connected it to the Thunder Eel and it charged one bar in two minutes."

Lin Chen: "...Aren't you afraid that the current power is too high and it will explode?"

Su Yun: "Oh! I forgot!"

Su Yun: "But it seems to be okay. I just tried it and it works."

Lin Chen: "How many electric eels did you use?"

Su Yun: "Three... I just threw the charging cable into the fish tank."

Lin Chen: "Okay, I'll use the electric eel to charge it too."

Wrapping the mobile phone with waterproof material, Lin Chen jumped into the sea, got into the moon pool cabin, and built a small fish tank for the mobile phone to charge.

While waiting for charging, Lin Chen refreshed the public screen for a while.


Lin Chen found that everyone was actually discussing the problem of beast control.

He refreshed the message and checked the history, and finally found the source of the problem.

There were two pictures, one of which was Su Yun's pirate ship with the Su character flag, and the other was Su Yun, a sky archer holding a longbow.

The original text of the message: "[Picture][Picture] This woman is chasing us, she is in the same group with the beast! She also has a big ship with a Su character flag on it. Everyone, block her quickly, and don't be soft when you meet this woman."

The message was not long, and the text was very simple. It can be seen that the person who edited this message was in a hurry and did not have much time.

His name has turned gray.

"Is this the counterattack before death? I feel so powerless."

Lin Chen naturally knew where the message came from.

However, the offensive power of this person's text was too weak.

Most of the people below were discussing how to tame the beast, but rarely saw anyone denouncing Su Yun. As for blocking... I don't even know what the name is, how can I block it?

Although the impact of this incident is not very large, as a friend, Lin Chen naturally has to clear Su Yun's name.

Lin Chen: "[Picture] The person in the picture is my friend, and the person who sent this picture is a robber

The robbery gang, a total of eight people, wanted to rob her boat, but they were not strong enough and were killed. "

As soon as this news came out, the matter was completely determined.

Lin Chen said which side was the villain, then that side must be all villains.

As the most supreme prop supplier in the entire district, the right to interpret justice is in the hands of Lin Chen.

"One against eight was killed, and the opponent was a woman, and she bit back before dying. This group of trash is really, both green and bad."

"I said, how could such a beautiful sister be a bad person! Those guys are so hateful, they want to frame her when they are about to die!"

"Brother Lin's friend, that's my sister! My sister is so powerful, she can kill eight people!"

"The people upstairs have no sense at all. What sister, call sister-in-law!"

"Does anyone think that the sister-in-law's boat is similar to the big boat with vines that the brother took before. But the person was too far away when taking the photo before, so the photo is a bit blurry. ”

“I feel the same way. But the previous ship looked very strange. Even if the appearance of the ship is the same as my sister-in-law’s ship, the interior may not be the same. At least there are no such big vines on my sister-in-law’s ship.”

“Can my sister-in-law teach us how to tame animals?”

“I recognize this bird, the Tianqin bird! I have encountered it! It is a good quality beast!”

“My sister-in-law is awesome! She can tame good beasts! Can my sister-in-law give me a tame tutorial?”

“@林晨 Can Brother Lin share his experience in tame animals?”


Looking at the sensible comments of the majority of netizens, Lin Chen was quite satisfied.


The mobile phone rang, and Lin Chen answered it.

A crisp and pleasant voice came from the phone: “Thank you.”

“It’s a small matter. "Lin Chen said.

There was silence on the other end of the phone for two seconds.

Su Yun hesitated for two seconds and said, "They call me whatever they want, calling me...calling me 'sister-in-law', don't you care about this?"

"I can't control this. It's the 21st century, freedom of speech, I can't restrict others from speaking. But don't worry, I will definitely not call you sister-in-law!"

Su Yun's cheeks flushed: "If you don't care, then I won't care either. You caused this, you have to take responsibility."

"No problem, I'm responsible. I'm fully responsible!"


Su Yun snorted lightly, with a brisk upturned tone.

Lin Chen: "Everyone is asking about taming beasts, are you going to make a tutorial?"

"I'm confused myself, I can't make a tutorial, but I can share my experience. If everyone can tame beasts, it will also help with future survival. "

Lin Chen defines himself as a businessman, and he does not want too many people to die. Sustainable development is the only way.

Due to the sudden drop in the number of people, Lin Chen's product sales have declined significantly.

Seeing that Su Yun agreed, he immediately went to the public screen.

Lin Chen: "As for the question of how to tame animals that everyone is concerned about, there is no clear method at present. I am still trying, and I have not succeeded yet. The only known successful case is @苏芸, so I invited her to share her experience with everyone. Everyone is welcome. "

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