The weather forecast for the 4th day of the hot sun day is very good.

[Weather forecast for the 4th day of the hot sun day]

[Sunny, temperature 40-42 degrees Celsius, light breeze of level 2, long days and short nights. ]

Lin Chen woke up and looked at the time.

It was only three o'clock.

But the sky outside was already bright.

The severity of the hot sun day's environment is getting worse day by day.

"Today's temperature has exceeded 40 degrees, and those ordinary people are getting more and more difficult to endure."

When on Blue Star, many management regulations would state that when the outside temperature exceeds 40 degrees, all outdoor labor work needs to be prohibited.

Many times, the highest temperature in summer in the weather forecast is always shown as 40 degrees.

But the weather forecast of the survival game will not be false.

Lin Chen looked at the number of survivors.


There are fewer and fewer people.

I wonder how many people will survive when the scorching sun ends.

Lin Chen packed up his equipment and started his morning routine: feeding Xiaoying.

While cooking fish soup, Lin Chen sent a message to Su Yun.

Lin Chen: "Good morning."

After a while.

Su Yun: "Good morning! This ergonomic bed is amazing. It's the first time I woke up so early, and I didn't feel like I didn't get enough sleep."

Su Yun: "By the way, I plan to go to the island today. With Xiaobai here, I can fly to the sky to avoid danger even if I encounter danger."

Lin Chen: "Here you go."

[Lin Chen: Directed Transaction Application]

[Rattan Armor, Knight Heavy Shield⇄None]

Su Yun: "This shield is too heavy. Xiaobai can't fly with it."

Lin Chen: "Put it in the construction hammer. It only takes up one grid."

Su Yun: "Okay. I'm leaving~~"

After a brief chat with Su Yun, Lin Chen came to the sea. Xiaoying was already lying on the side of the raft waiting.

She looked at Lin Chen with an extremely hot look. It seemed that Lin Chen was like an angel who brought warmth to the world in her eyes.

Lin Chen put down the fish soup and took a few raw fish to the Moon Pool Cabin to visit the thunder eels.

Three more died.

One of them seemed to have just died and was being eaten by several other electric eels.

"It will mature tonight. Let's see how many survive."

More than a dozen good fish were thrown in, and they were instantly eaten by the thunder eels. A few hid in the corner and avoided the thunder eels' breakfast, but their fate was already determined in the fish tank.

Back on the iron raft, Lin Chen squatted and came to check the status of the Liuyan Flying Fish.

The fish had woken up, but it seemed to have been beaten by Xiaoying again.

Because Xiaoying's spear was placed on the side.

Lin Chen fed the Liuyan Flying Fish a piece of excellent meat and saw that its blood bar recovered a little.

This time, the Liuyan Flying Fish recovered quickly, and its body was bright red again.


Without giving the Liuyan Flying Fish a chance to resist, Lin Chen turned on the rage and hammered it.

So the Liuyan Flying Fish was knocked unconscious again.

"Why bother? Why don't you just surrender? Why do you have to suffer this?"

"Xiaobai is still the best. He remembers to be beaten."

The road to taming animals is long.

Lin Chen waited for the next awakening of the Liuyan Flying Fish.

He put on his diving suit and called Xiaoying, who was eating breakfast seriously.

"Xiaoying, come with me to the underwater crater later."

Xiaoying did not refuse.

Not only did she not refuse, but she was very active. She immediately stuffed all the remaining fish meat into her mouth, and then came to Lin Chen and prepared to set off.

"The Liuyan Flying Fish was not tamed, but Xiaoying became more and more obedient."

Lin Chen was very satisfied with Xiaoying's performance, so he gave her another excellent grilled fish.

After tidying up the equipment, he set off to the crater.

Under Xiaoying's leadership, Lin Chen didn't even need to row the boat, and he shuttled directly underwater.

The upper limit of Xiaoying's swimming speed is still a mystery.

Whenever Lin Chen saw Xiaoying swimming fast and thought it was her full speed, the next time, Xiaoying would burst out faster.

It was as if she was growing up every day.

Lin Chen was held in Xiaoying's arms and felt the squeeze from his back.

Em... it seems to be bigger.

He quickly shifted his attention and dispelled the random thoughts in his mind.

"Work, don't think about it..."

The volcano is undoubtedly a very dangerous existence. Lin Chen watched from a distance for a while, and then slowly approached.

When he was about to arrive, he floated to the surface to take a breath, and then dived again.

There were traces of volcanic eruptions on the seabed, and the ground was covered with black volcanic rocks.

But Lin Chen did not find magma.

If it was on the blue planet, the sea

The location of the bottom magma is generally at the junction of the upper mantle and the crust, at least tens of kilometers deep.

The seabed where Lin Chen is now is less than 200 meters deep.

"It seems that the volcanic eruption is to destroy the island. When the island is destroyed, the vent will be blocked by the cooled magma."

Lin Chen turned on the bracelet to scan and looked for valuable things nearby.

Soon, a yellow stone appeared in his field of vision.


Lin Chen took out the construction hammer and quickly put the big stone into the hammer. When it was brought back to the ship, the system would decompose it into standard sulfur.

This area not only has the remnants of the volcanic eruption, but also a large area of ​​island debris.

Lin Chen wondered if the special stones and blue light patterns in the island secret treasure space could be recovered, and planned to dig some and bring them back, but after searching around, he didn't see them.

A guess was generated in Lin Chen's mind.

"Could it be that the main purpose of this volcanic eruption is to completely destroy the island secret treasure space, rather than destroy the island?"

Lin Chen felt it was very likely.

He took a breath and continued to swim around with doubts.

In addition to sulfur, there is another common resource here.

[Metallic aggregate: rich in various metals, needs to be decomposed and refined in a smelting furnace. ]

Lin Chen filled all five construction hammers and was about to return when he suddenly saw a faint blue light in the distance.

"Oh, there is a fish that slipped through the net!"

He approached quickly and pulled the facility with blue light out of the sand on the seabed with force.

The thing in front of him was not the fragment of the island secret treasure space that Lin Chen expected, but a complete ocean store!

Lin Chen looked at the big guy in front of him and chose to take it back to his pirate ship without hesitation.

"Can't put it in?"

This thing can't be put into the construction hammer, so it can only be moved back.

Dragging this thing, Xiaoying obviously had some difficulty swimming.

She clenched her teeth, and the scales on her neck stood up.

Lin Chen observed Xiaoying's movements.

"It seems that strength is not Xiaoying's strong point. Her main ability should be the power of sound."

One person and one fish dragged the ocean store hard and brought the big guy back to the raft.

Since the pirate ship could not fit this thing, Lin Chen built a raft specifically for the ocean store.

Lin Chen checked the functions of the ocean store and found that it could be used normally.

"You can shop at home anytime in the future."

Most of the props in the ocean store are very common and can be bought on the market, but some props are scarce in the market, such as the "Survival Manual", navigation maps and other special props.

In addition, Lin Chen is most concerned about the tips at the bottom row of the ocean store's product list.

[Products will be updated as the game progresses]

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