The more you look at the picture, the more you will be surprised.

"This woman... is she too excited..."

Lin Chen looked at the picture sent by Su Yun and wiped his nose.

Fortunately, there was no nosebleed.

Su Yun's living armor is actually only a thin layer. As the entry said, this is the second skin of the survivor.

This layer of skin is purple in general and completely adheres to the surface of Su Yun's skin.

So when Su Yun activated the living armor, it was like wearing a thin tights.

Her already plump figure was fully displayed.

This living armor can freely choose the covering part according to Su Yun's control.

In the first photo, Su Yun showed her fair collar and head; while in the second photo, she was completely covered.

The armor on the face of the living armor is more solid, unlike the thin layer on the body, but a full-range protective head armor.

"The blue one is mechanical ascension, and the green one is infinite evolution. These should be the two ways for survivors in this world to become stronger."

Lin Chen turned over the entry about the Walker.

Obviously, the Walker is a mechanical creature.

"I won't become a robot in the future!"

Lin Chen's heart suddenly trembled, he was still quite satisfied with his human body.

"How about I choose infinite evolution next time?"

"I've decided! I'll choose green next time! Compared to cyber humans, I still prefer myself with flesh."

Lin Chen made a decision, and the production table in front of him, where he was working, also reached the 10th lucky guarantee.

[Production completed, "Lucky guarantee" effect activated! Quality +2! ]

[Obtain: Smokeless Gunpowder (Excellent)]

Take the smokeless gunpowder and Lin Chen starts making Hellfire Bullets.

[Production: 9/10]

[Production completed, "Lucky Guarantee" effect activated! Quality +3! ]

[Obtain: Hellfire Scattering Bullets (Epic)]

"A realm above Legend!"

Lin Chen was pleasantly surprised.

[Congratulations to the survivor for opening the Epic realm. Legend is the peak of the world, and Epic is the peak legend recorded in history. ]

The next moment...

[Global Announcement: Survivor Lin Chen opens the Epic realm! Obtained the title: Epic. The way to obtain epic items is open: Tomb Secrets. ]


This announcement was broadcast continuously for a full ten minutes!

Global announcements are not limited to one area.

"Such a big show."

Lin Chen muttered, feeling secretly happy.

He immediately checked the effect of the title.

[Epic: Your name will be recorded in history. When wearing this title, you can equip five title abilities at the same time. 】

The epic title itself has no bonus, but it allows players to avoid changing titles according to usage scenarios.

Lin Chen now has two titles besides the epic: Crisis Pioneer and Treasure Hunting Pioneer.

They correspond to the crisis sensing ability and the treasure chest opening ability respectively.

Before, you had to change the title every time you opened a box, but now you don’t have to, just equip an epic title.

"Ding Di"

Su Yun: "Epic epic! Show me what epic is!!"

Lin Chen was about to reply, and Su Yun called directly.

"I sent it to you." Lin Chen said.

"Hellfire bullet?!" Su Yun was surprised, "Did you make it?"

"Yeah. It's all Xiaoying's credit! With Xiaoying here, I often make high-quality things!"

"I'm so envious!"

Su Yun suddenly said: "With this bullet, you can hunt legends!"

Lin Chen thought about this question carefully and gave a negative answer.

"Probably not. Can you see the definition of epic over there? Epic is actually a kind of legend, but it is the strongest among the legends. It is highly unlikely that a legend can be killed with epic bullets, but it should not be difficult to deal with perfect creatures."

Lin Chen did not want to face legendary creatures yet.

Creatures of this level are not included in the Advanced Survival Manual.

He glanced at Xiaoying who was eating watermelon in the sea.

This thing is a legend.

Although she looks weak, once her strange ability is fully exerted, Lin Chen may not even have the chance to draw his gun.

"Xiaoying is not big in size and will not attack actively. She should be considered a peaceful creature among the legends. I may not be able to deal with even peaceful creatures, let alone dangerous creatures."

But Lin Chen does not need to worry too much. As long as he does not commit suicide, he will basically not encounter legendary creatures.

Lin Chen loaded the bullet into the gun.

Holding the big killer,

Walking out of the cabin, it feels like the outside world has become brighter.

The sun is strong and the temperature is as high as 42 degrees.

However, Lin Chen does not feel the heat at all.

The perfect quality of Yu Qilin watermelon is enough for him to ignore the temperature below 55 degrees.

Lin Chen's Yu Qilin watermelon inventory is enough for him to use until the end of the hot sunny day.

"Grow some watermelons to sell, don't let my guests die of heat. By the way, replenish the supplies sent out before."

The heat-relieving effect of watermelon is better than many good heat-relieving medicines, and it is a great artifact for hot sunny days.

Many people have started selling watermelons in the market, causing the price of good quality watermelons to fall.

But Lin Chen does not care about this low-end market.

As a wall hanger, he has a large number of excellent and excellent watermelons.

Excellent watermelons can reduce the perceived temperature by 9 degrees, while excellent watermelons can reduce it by 15 degrees! The lower limit of perceived temperature is 10 degrees.

It can be predicted that when these two watermelons are put on the shelves, they will cause a buying boom again.

Lin Chen opened the chat interface.

The messages inside were flooding the screen like crazy.

"What is the quality of epic? I haven't even seen excellent, how come Brother Lin is already epic?"

"My highest-level prop is an excellent fishing rod, which is 4 levels lower than Brother Lin's."

"The above person is wrong, you and Brother Lin are almost 4 parallel universes apart."

"I thought Legend was invincible, but I didn't expect someone to be even more awesome! Oh, it turned out to be Brother Lin, that's fine."

"Ancient tomb secret treasure, this thing sounds a bit like the island secret treasure, probably to explore the ancient tomb to get. Damn, we don't even have the excellent treasure on the island now Even the lord can't be defeated, let alone the ancient tomb. This name sounds dangerous! "

"Brother Lin has really become a god now. The epic title sounds awesome. "

"When Brother Lin said the night before yesterday that there was an unlimited supply of excellent quality cationic water, I guessed that his strength must be above excellent. But I really didn't expect that he could break through the legend!"

"Legendary is introduced as the peak of the world, so what is Brother Lin? Invincible in the world, so did he ascend directly? "

"From now on, I will call him God Lin!"


A string of messages made Lin Chen happy.

Lin Chen: "Selling watermelons! Big, fragrant and sweet watermelons! Sweet and crispy! [Watermelon (Excellent)][Watermelon (Excellent)]"

"Brother Lin is really the savior! With excellent watermelons, what threat is there in this sunny day!"

"Boss, sell more high-quality watermelons. I will sell everything I have to buy them! It's a great deal."

"Is the person upstairs from Jinling? This is a familiar language structure."

"More than 50 high-quality watermelons were sold out in two seconds. Boss, do you have any high-quality watermelons left?"

"As soon as Brother Lin made his move, the market for cheap and good watermelons collapsed immediately. To put four or five hundred watermelons on the shelves at one time, Brother Lin must have been working under the sun to spread fertilizer and grow crops. It's so hard. "

"Didn't you read the entry for Yu Qilin Watermelon? Brother Lin is not afraid of the sun and high temperature at all."

"Brother Lin could have ignored us completely, but he was still willing to keep growing crops for us. Isn't this touching!"


"I sent out a lot of supplies before, and I'm a little short of money."

"Give me more high-level watermelons to make up the money."

Lin Chen took a full building hammer of fertilizer and farmed like crazy.


The sound of huge waves came from a distance.

Lin Chen stood up and looked, and a white moon whale appeared again.

"There are rare metals again."

Neutral creatures are huge in size, and every time they appear, they will bring a bunch of rare metals to the shallow ocean. Currently, all the metals on the market are found by eating the exhaust gas of neutral creatures.

"Xiaoying, get ready to work. See that big guy? Go over there and bring back everything that can reflect light."

Lin Chen directly gave Xiaoying this rough work that required long-term diving and no technical skills.

And he only had to pay for a grilled fish.


Xiaoying carried two fishing nets and headed towards the white moon whale excitedly.

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