Raid Breaker

< [Chapter 53] Storm Growth (2) >

* * * *

“Perforated multi-target targeting mode engaged! ”

- Engages multi-target targeting mode.

Tiric, Tiri, Tiri...

- A total of 467 targets have been assigned.

Sun Blade stands firm with two mini Vulcan arms in each hand. Mini Vulcan wraps around its arms as if it had always been attached to the arms of a Sun Blade. A large magazine mounted underneath Vulcan contains 1,000 rounds of ammunition.

Vulcan's weight was substantial because of these large magazines. In fact, it was a great thing to shoot it with both hands, but what was even more amazing was that I could hold it like this and pour it into exactly where I wanted.

“Skill Amplification, Ghost Gun in Carlos Diago! ”

Tsu tsu tsu tsu.

Soohyuk stretched his arms forward and even used the Ghost Gun. Then, there were two more Vulcan cones, one by each side of Suhyuk's arms.

“Multi-target simultaneous fire! ”

Glug, glug, glug, glug, glug!

Four Vulcans fired simultaneously toward 467 targets with the cry of succession.

Guaguava, fruit and fruits.

A storm of Satan sweeping through the front.

Suhyuk called this intense shooting ‘Flame Storm’.

All targets were grade 1 to 3 monsters or horsepowers, so we couldn't withstand this flame storm made by the demons pouring out of Vulcan.

Usually, when 467 monsters or beasts came, it was best to think of retreat first. However, Suhyuk stood firm and focused all his firepower and blew out 467 monsters and horses in one blow.

Tofu, tofu, tofu! Yippee!

After several minutes of continuous unleashing, Vulcan gunfire stops after consuming all of the ammunition in the magazine.

“Automatic magazine exchange. ”

Boom, boom, boom! Heave-ho!

Suhyuk pulled out two of the mini Vulcan magazines that Sun Blade was holding while exchanging large mini Vulcan magazines for new ones through an automatic spear exchange, an additional skill of Gun Master skills.

“Jan, report the results. ”

Of the -467 targets, there are no live targets.

“How long do you have left, Martan? ”

-There are exactly 4 large Vulcan ammunition magazines left, 10 standard Inferno ammunition and 16 small flame ammunition remaining.

“Hmm, maybe one more hunt. ”

-Matan is relaxed, but the Sun Blade is a little unsettling. I suggest you replenish and hunt again.

“Really? Hmm... Let's do that, then. ”

Suhyuk nodded and accepted Yan's opinion. He embraced Jan's opinions at least this much. Even today, Suhyuk was filled with up to 700,000 dimensional forces.

A month has passed since the birth of the first second wave, but the monster wave has still swept the world. Especially since North Korea has become a land of monsters with almost the same level as the African continent, the wave of monsters descending towards Paju has grown even more than a month ago.

Suhyuk stands alone for more than a month to stop this monstrous wave. To be honest, it was very difficult, but Soohyuk never asked for support.

The reason was simple. It was because there was so much to gain. Currently, Suhyuk gained an average maximum power of about 700,000 dimensions per day.

As a result of catching monsters without rest for a month, Soohyuk was able to grow tremendously. He had already leveled up two times and reached 39 and his maximum dimensional power was over 30 million.

Soohyuk averages two Grade 5 monsters a day. The average grade 4 monster was eliminated by close to 10 animals, with 70-90,000 dimensions of power on this one.

Now, with just 21 million more dimensional forces, I was able to finally take a picture of the level 40 I had dreamed of.

The Second Wave has now become more and more authentic, but hopeful (? Unlike the rest of the country, there are still monsters in North Korea.

Suhyuk thought that if the monster waves descending from the waves start to calm down, he would eventually move to North Korea and find and remove numerous monster waves in North Korea.

If it had been before, or if the second wave hadn't happened, the 21 million dimensional forces would have been the amount of force that had to be collected for a very long time.

But at least things are different now.

It was not impossible to raise the power of 700,000 or 1.5 million dimensions a day if you hang on to monster hunting like crazy, even if it was a bit difficult.

That's why Suhyuk didn't want to rest until at least this second wave was completely calm.

* * * *

[One of the three emerging Korean heroes, 'Knight of the White House’, is he still hunting hard today?]

“Oh, Sis…… I told you to stop talking about that. ”

Choi Hye-Ri started mocking Soo-hyuk as soon as the call was connected.

[I really want to stop, but how can you be the one to hear it every day? Mysterious Knight! Knight of the Pure White! Knight of the Defender of South Korea! Nowadays, the Internet is full of speculative articles that reveal who you are. The ‘Knights of Flame’ Kim, who has defended many colonies in the Gyeongsan Region, including Commander Jang Mun-ho, the 'Knights of Iron Blood’ who were the only members of the ROK colony, has all been identified, but the only true white knight seems to have more interest in the veil. And frankly, everyone knows that, but you're building an overwhelming specialty out of three.]

“I'm just barely holding back. In that way, the majors you and your brothers have built are not that great. I just couldn't accept the issue as if it were hell.... ”

[If you're unfair, make sure you're part of Hell.]

“I... I don't want to. ”

Suhyuk decided to just keep the concept of mysticism because he knew more attention would be given to him the moment he publicly declared himself a member of Hell.

[Yes, the second wave is calming down anyway, so hang in there a little longer. Korea is recognized as the most efficient country in the world for coping with the Second Wave, despite the enormous negative element of North Korea, thanks to your reliability there.]

“To be honest, I think it's even weirder for my country to be judged by ten small-scale colonies in the province. ”

It's already been two months since the chaos called the Second Wave or the second Big Bang. Humanity has suffered a great deal in the meantime.

China was especially affected. China's land mass was so vast that it was connected to North Korea and the continent where the next most dimensional gates were generated after Africa, and the damage had to be greater.

South Korea, with the same conditions as China, had the least damage in the world. One of the crucial reasons for this result was the action of Soohyuk.

[China destroyed three large colonies of similar size to the Seoul Colony. Dozens of small-scale colonies have been destroyed...... and we're just finding peace now. In that situation, it was almost the same condition that we had to deal with this, and of course, the attention of the world would have to be drawn. Of course, there are three of our heroes in the midst of that delight... ….]

“Sis, stop it now. ”

[Heh heh, okay. But next time I see you, please tell me how the hell you got in there.]

“Okay, I will, so please stop talking about it. ”

Soohyuk felt like a chicken in his whole body, even if only a pure child could hear it. I didn't kill a monster like crazy to be a hero. For now, I've been up to the Yellow Sea and searching for the Beast Wave.

In fact, people only knew that Suhyuk had survived the Paju area and stopped the monster waves, but in fact, they had already crossed the truce line a month ago and hunted in North Korea.

Like Suhyuk said, the best defense is an attack, so Suhyuk crossed over before the monster waves even made it to the waves and wiped them out.

In fact, since it entered within 100 km of Goyang to Yellow Sea, it was possible to use the Door and Door capability to return through the Master Door and repair it quickly and repeat to the Yellow Sea within one hour.

In this way, Suhyuk eliminated the monster waves, not only in the personality public sector, but all the way to the Yellow Sea and North Sea.

And the only people who knew about it were the tune and the silver letter.

Even the SEALs guarding the truce line were completely unaware of Suhyuk's attack.

Soohyuk slaughtered more monsters and horseshoes than anyone else knew. Choi Hye-Ri caught several times more than she knew, but it was hard to calculate how many monsters and horseshoes she caught.

Soohyuk caught an unimaginable monster by himself. Of course, what Soohyuk got out of this process was really great.

Of course, they were all monsters under Grade 5, so I couldn't get the higher-grade Manathon, but I was able to get a lot of low-grade Manathon and low-grade Manathon instead.

In the case of the lowest Manathon, Soohyuk himself used it like crazy, but he was still stockpiling enough to fill the warehouse. The Adamantium was picked up there like a scrap every day, so there was not enough space to store it, so it was dug up and buried in the right place.

The amount of loot that Suhyuk, Seongjeon and Eunuch collected during the two months was greater than the amount of loot that the large knights collected over the years. Of course, it was a little less qualitative, but there were a lot of sheep. But the real gains Su-hyuk had were not these loots.

Maximum dimension... … Soohyuk was able to achieve the maximum dimension that he would have been able to achieve if it had been the way it was and worked like crazy for at least 5 years.

His current dimensional power was recorded as' [50,477,419/50,907,244] '. With 300,000 more dimensions, I was able to capture the level 40 I had always dreamed of.

Yan said that as soon as you take a picture of the dimensional level of 40, all the Samran statues are opened and the limits are lifted. That meant you could get heroic, legendary, and mythical skills.

Even though the second wave is almost over and the monster's wave drops rapidly, the 300,000 dimensional power should be available in a few days.

Dimension level 40.

Soohyuk searched North Korea for prey more madly than he had ever dreamed.

* * * *

The total dimension is over 51,200,000.

Congratulations, you have reached level 40.

Tyring, an additional skill slot has been created.

Tyrrick, level up and level up security from 88 to 87

The Tiering and Dimensional Level basic effects, 'Intermediate Enhanced Body’, were promoted to 'Fine Enhanced Body’ and all physical abilities were significantly enhanced.

Tiyiyiyi! The Transcendent Shop is all open.

Tiric, you are able to distribute the realization on your own by pushing beyond human limits. ‘Chaos Cube’ will change to ‘Karma Cube’.

The moment I defeated another Grade 5 evolutionary monster…… I finally reached the level 40 I've been waiting for.

This allowed Suhyuk to experience a third dimensional level up since the beginning of the second wave.

37 to 38 and 38 to 39 and finally 39 to 40……… I had to gather incredible dimensional power, but I did it eventually.

In the process, Suhyuk gained two additional skill slots, and his reinforced body rose to the next level, and now he is able to fight dizzying reinforced knights and just pure physical abilities.

And most importantly…… all openness.

This was the best for Suhyuk.

< [Chapter 53] Storm Growth (2) > End


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