Raid Breaker

< [Chapter 55] Africa (2) >

“I think they're the 'Musashi’ Knights of Japan. ”

Choi Hye-Ri recognized many knights because he was an informant in Korea.

“Is that the German chariot squad? ”

While Hye-Ri turned her head and looked at the other knights, Soohyuk stood quietly and activated the perforated mode.

Suhyuk used perforated mode to get a rough idea of the situation around the Cairo battle colony. Of course, the United States was on a plane to Cairo, discussing the current situation and fine-tuning what to do next. However, Suhyuk wanted to check the situation himself, apart from that.

The situation seemed a little different, similar to what the United States had told us. There were more monsters, especially if they were to leave the battle colony in Cairo and head to the African continent just a little further.

Even at this moment, the U.S. military stationed at the Battle Colony was constantly flying and stopping monsters from advancing, but this was literally just a matter of time.

‘For some reason, the Americans went out of their way and the fire on their feet was about to burn their feet to the ground…… They were overwhelmed by their power, so they decided to use the influence they had to build to restore control of the continent by gathering the night with the magnificent excellence of world peace? ’

Suhyuk could understand why the United States was in such a hurry to see the exact situation of the Cairo Battle Colony.

“I've cleared the briefing room in the combat room. Please go there and listen to the exact battle plan! ”

The United States had already made plans to explain to them how to utilize more than 100 knights that had arrived in Cairo.

The atmosphere of the briefing room, which was guided by the U.S. military, calmed down. The knights thought differently and came here, but they were sitting quietly listening to the explanation because they were basically here to help the Americans defend this place.

It was foolish of the United States to expect cooperation from other Knights and different nationalities. Is that so? They have every intention of ensuring freedom for all the knights and improving their hunting skills through it.

“As I've said so far, you are free to hunt here as a base camp. For your information, the more monsters you get inside Africa, the less likely you are to overdo it. Our goal is to reclaim the African suppression boundaries that were maintained before the Second Wave. ”

Taking back the African deterrent boundary meant recovering two easily lost colony realms and making Africa a stable hunting ground as before.

“Of course, we will provide all the support you need in the process. We will take care of the corpses of the monsters, especially so that the Knights here can focus on hunting. Hunt monsters, contact them, and a dedicated team of corpses will rush to deal with them quickly and accurately, so all you need to do is focus on hunting. ”

The United States seemed to want to provide proper support instead of getting help. But this was not all that America prepared. They sparked the night's competition and prepared one great thing for them to do more than they wanted.

“Finally, here's one reward we have prepared for the Knights who have come all this way to keep the world at peace. ”

Colonel Palmer of the Egyptian Defence Force during the briefing pressed the switch in his hand. Then, the wall behind Colonel Palmer's back split to the left and to the right, revealing the 'it’ prepared by the United States.

Heave-ho! Heave-ho!

A large sword planted on the ground.

It was not just an ordinary sword, but a very large sword about 7 meters long. It looked like a typical two-handed sword, but it wasn't a weapon for humans to use.

“As some of you may know, this is something special called an Ooparts or Artifact. It was recently discovered, and we named it" The Giant Sword. "The Artifact grade is' A ’. As you all know, an artifact of Class A is worth more than two billion dollars. It's actually not a deal, so if it's more expensive, it's not going to be cheap. ”

The only thing the United States prepared was this "artifact."

“I'll give this artifact to the people who made the biggest contribution to the 'African Punitive Force’. This whole process has already been guaranteed by the World Nights Association, so it shouldn't be a lie. ”

The value of a Class A artifact was meaningless with money. It was a very precious item that was not available and could not be used.

Is that why? The moment the Giant Sword is revealed, the eyes of the Knights widen.

They all said at the same time, "I have to have that. ’I was looking at the Giant Sword with my eyes.

‘Jan, that sword... Can you feel it now? ’

- Yes, we can. But you have to consume about 50,000 dimensions.

‘50,000... but let's try to feel it first. ’

- Yes, sir.

Through the transcendence system, Suhyuk felt the exact identity of the artifact in front of his eyes.

[Dimensional artifact]

"The Demonslayer of Odran."

: The Great Sword of the Giants used by Odran the Great. It was originally an ordinary dagger, but after slashing a million daemons in the Great War, the blood of the daemons permeated the entire blade and became indestructible. In addition, the souls of the fragmented daemons clumped strangely, creating a faint ego (EGO) so that they could clearly recognize the owner who uses them.

(Unusual: A skill with a light attribute cannot be used as this sword because Magi has daemon blood all over it. The Dark Attribute skill is enhanced instead.)

(Imprinting Skill: Recovery [Visible daemonslayer can be recovered just by thinking about it.])

(Wearing conditions: For Giants only)

Giant only? So we can't use humans? ’

- Yes, a human sword cannot be used. But you can use it.

"I can"? ’

- Yes, sir. You can use the Sun Blade. The golem, which is the source of Titan, was originally made from the soul of giants. Of course, Titan, who imitated the golem, still had very little trace of the giant. It's a very small trail, but I think if I maximize it, I can barely satisfy the condition of wearing that Dagger.

‘Cause it sounds like somebody other than me can't use that sword, right? ’

- Yes, perhaps no one else can use that sword.

Even if we get on board Titan? ’

- Yes, it's normal that you can't use it either. but because I can maximize the traces of the giant that remain in Titan, I can barely make it fit. Without me, you wouldn't be able to use that sword.

What do you mean, you can't use a sword? It's a sword, isn't it? You just have to swing it. Can't you just use an imprinted skill? ’

- No, if the conditions are not met, you cannot raise the sword at all. If you look closely, you'll notice that they've pulled out the entire floor of the blade. I couldn't pull out my sword, so I pulled out the whole floor with my sword in it. The United States probably did everything they could to try to use that sword. But even if they didn't know the conditions to wear, or even if they did, they would never be able to use the sword, and as a result, I think that's how they use the sword.

You mean the American kids are fishing right now? ’

- Yes, we use the emotion of the artifact to fish properly.

Suhyuk, who heard Yan's words, seemed to understand why the United States gave away such an easily priced A-grade artifact with 2 billion dollars or money.

They intend to use this sword, which they can't even pull out, to make the most of the knights.

‘Bastards……. ’

Soohyuk, who correctly understood the intentions of the United States, frowned and looked at Daemonslayer again.

‘Even if I want to fuck those bastards up, I have to take that. ’

Soohyuk thought he should take Daemonslayer in a different way than the other knights. While Soohyuk was thinking that, the briefing was over.

The United States has led to the blatant competition of knights through Class A artifacts. In fact, until the artifact was released, the knights didn't seem very active.

They came here for a number of reasons, but at least they didn't intend to hunt hard for America. But things are a little different now.

We had to work hard to get the artifact, not for the United States. Most of the Knights were talking to someone and explaining what had changed.

Most of them belonged to certain knights, so it seemed necessary to consult with colleagues in their home country.

“Strange... No matter how much I think about it, the Americans didn't give me such a great product... ”

Choi Hye-Ri, who left the situation room with Su-hyuk, doubted the US's intentions by tilting his elongated head.

“Unless they're going to deliver something great, they've delivered something not great. ”

Suhyuk looked at that favor and replied with a small voice.

“Huh? What do you mean? ”

“Literally. That artifact... I think it's Class A, but something must be wrong. You're absolutely not the kind of people America would give away something like that. But it turns out it's not a great thing after all. ”

“Th-that makes sense. ”

Lee Hye-hee nodded, hearing Su-hyuk's words.

“If what you say is true, then every Knight who's come here has been deceived. ”

The applause I was listening to muttered, nodding.

“Of course. But... for someone, garbage can be a treasure, so I guess we'll have to see the end of it." ”

“What does that even mean? You're all good, but sometimes you say things you don't understand. ”

“Oh, I'm sorry. Sis, I was just talking to myself. Anyway, we do it our way. We can do whatever we want, regardless of the artifact. ”

“Of course. I'm greedy, but that doesn't change my original plan. ”

Suhyuk also nodded and replied.

“So we're going to go to the separate factions like we planned? ”

Park In-soo pulled out five swords from the load one by one and asked for Choi Hye-Ri.

“Two different people, to be exact, and I'm going to be supportive. Even if I leave it to the American kids, at least I'll take care of Manastone. ”

“Okay, so Su-hyuk and I can just kill monsters whenever we shut up, right? ”

“Yeah, you can go crazy all you want. ”

Park In-soo, who heard Choi Hye-in's answer, nodded with a satisfactory expression.

“I'll make the backup perfect, so you two just hunt hard. I'll take care of all the Titan maintenance, supplies and loot cleaning. You know what I'm saying? ”

Choi Hye Ri was going to support both of them perfectly by saving her expertise. She fought in combat, but it wasn't really a job to support both of them because it was knights that were really specialized in this support.

“I trust you. ”

“Okay, I'll trust you. ”

Soohyuk and Park In-soo nodded and replied.

“Bro, why don't we make our own bet? ”

“Never mind. Unless I get shot in the head, I'm not betting on something like a monster hunt with a white knight called a monster slayer.“ ”

Park In-su knew what style of night Soohyuk was. Knights with swords like Park In-soo's skill set have never been able to hunt fast.

On the contrary, projectiles such as Suhyuk, especially the Knights handling firearms, were forced to hunt fast.

“Enough nonsense and make sure everyone gets their location trackers working. In case it breaks down, use the emergency pager immediately and leave a marker on the location tracker for any monstrous corpses. ”

Soohyuk and Park In-su checked that the position tracker that Choi Hye-soo had on his wrist was working properly.

“No problem.”

“I don't have a problem either. ”

“Fine, then we'll start hunting right away. ”

Most of the other knights were busy trying to get back to the situation that had changed, but Soohyuk, Park In-soo and Choi Hye-Ri didn't care about the situation that had changed and started hunting just as they had planned.

‘I act first and think later. ’

‘We must move forward. ’

I'm the best! ’

These three were the words that Ancient Mountain cried out together every day. And even the ancient mountains lived a life consistent with these three words. But the interesting thing was that Hel's members, who did not understand such ancient mountains at first, were already thinking similar to the ancient mountains and behaving similar.

Shut up and move!

Soohyuk, Park In-soo and Choi Hye-Ri set out for a continent filled with monsters first.

< [Chapter 55] Africa (2) > End


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