Raid Breaker

< [Chapter 60] Another Artifact (1) >

@ Another artifact.

Eliminate the Vampire Queen Bee and absorb 2,832,114 of its dimensional power. And the eight MPs that were mentally linked to him collapse, collapsing their entire dimensional core. with an additional 896,000 dimensions.

Soohyuk, who fell to the ground with the body of your dismembered queen bee, could hear a pleasant message. But at least now was not the time to feel good about seeing the maximum dimension increase.

‘Jan, if you fall like this, it'll be over, right? ’

- Yes, it is very dangerous to fall on Titan at this height without any precautions. If you're thinking of a reckless challenge, you probably shouldn't do it.

‘Of course not... I was just wondering. ’

Soohyuk smiles slightly and opens the cockpit of the Sun Blade first.

Pow, pow, pow!

Then he dares to blow himself out of the cockpit. Of course, the Sun Blade was taken back by summoning the tattoo.

The condition of the Sun Blade was the worst anyway, so I couldn't ride any more.

The Shadow Liquor technique still had more than 10 minutes of cooling time left because it used 'Lijajun once again’. It meant that in this situation, he should be able to handle the parachute energy by himself alone.

Soohyuk, who had fallen to the ground, looked down. Colony buildings with little dots.

Jan, how many feet above ground are we? ’

- About 700 meters.

"Can my body take it at this height?

- Maybe... you won't be fatally injured. But you can get hurt because it's going to be a big impact.

Suhyuk, who heard Yan's words, once more looks down and breathes slowly.

“Phew...... I'd like to land in a free fall, but I can't help but feel that shocked. ”


Soohyuk reaches out and pulls something out of the 4-dimensional bag. It was…… a parachute that anticipated and prepared for this.

Suhyuk quickly built a parachute and spread it with a slight look of regret. He thought that one day he would have an exhilarating experience of jumping from hundreds of meters to his bare body and landing on the ground.

When Soohyuk came down to the ground, Choi Hye-Ri and Park In-su were already coming and waiting.

“Wow, really...... What are you? ”

Choi Hye-Ri asked with a look of boredom, looking at Su-hyuk who landed on the ground while riding a parachute.

“What the hell? Hell's downfall. By the way, you recovered Queen Bee Manastone, right? ”

“I retrieved it and collected all the unusual bees' Mana Stones, which had fallen into a daze on the side of the road. And I got one hell of a hit. The details are quiet, but I'll tell you. ”

“Oh, I see there's an artifact. ”

“I know it's fast, though. Anyway, let's talk about the artifact later and get out of the colony first. I robbed the warehouse right here, and I feel heavy. ”

“The American kids will be frightened when they come to check it out later. ”

“It doesn't matter. I've already erased all traces of evidence of my acquisition. ”

“With the ability to detect, you can read the memories that remain in things. ”

“Of course you are. But...... that's also not versatile. ”

“What are you going to do? ”

“I'm going to blow up the whole colony. ”

After all, Detecting was supposed to have something to use, so Hye decided to blow up the entire colony and wipe out all the evidence neatly.

There was no one left inside the colony anyway.

“Wow, that's hot. ”

“I didn't mean for this to happen, but I was just thinking about it. What if they ask for help and they run away first? And it was ridiculous to call for help and set up a self-destruct system in the colony. Someone planted a nuke in Colony's basement and tried to detonate it. Crazy bastards...... You can't be merciful to things that don't really have the basics for asking the Knights for help and thinking about blowing themselves up. ”

Choi Hye-Ri hated not keeping the basics the most, but this time the United States did not keep the basics to a bit. Especially the fact that he had made a request for help and prepared the suicide bombing itself was an act of deception to the knights who had come to help.

“Wow, those bastards... they were real scum. ”

Suhyuk shakes his head, expressing his absurdity. Even if they were preparing for the end, it was such a waste that they had already gone out and begged the Knights for help and prepared for the suicide bombing.

“Come on, let's get out of here. ”

He has already rigged the U.S. military's self-destruct system so he can control it himself. She had the help of a silver letter in Korea on the phone, but she had nothing to do with being Hel's housekeeper.

The three who took everything quickly escaped the colony. Soon after they escaped the colony, two U.S. reconnaissance drones entered the colony overhead.

Now that there was no drone shooting, it was easy to get into Colony airspace.

“So far, so clean. There are no monsters, no people. ”

Commander Mitchell, who was constantly watching on the World War Vehicle, finally stood up and focused on the situation board as Colony appeared.

“A little deeper……. ”

The moment Commander Mitchell tries to give an order…… the whole slate suddenly whitens with a loud bang.

Guava, fruit, fruit, fruit.

A massive explosion that will blow the entire colony away. The United States' favorite nuclear bomb went off, and the colony was completely wiped out of the world.

“Who pushed the suicide switch? ”

Commander Mitchell stutters and says, "I'm so embarrassed. But even as he said that, he knew there was no way anyone could have pushed the suicide switch.

Because the self-destruct switch could only be used by entering the key on his neck and the key that could be used when the Secret Lock was released from his home country, as well as the password sent from his own iris and home country.

Of course, Commander Mitchell had no idea that someone had physically rigged the bomb in Colony.

“The battle colony in Cairo... is gone." ”

The situation panels show footage from one of the few drones that survived because they were so far away from the explosion.

You've made it clear what a remotely visible mushroom cloud of nuclear explosions is now. Of course, the U.S. military was the one who planted the bomb, but they were looking at the Colony flying in the same direction, making an unbelievable face.

“Ugh…. ”

The situation has left Commander Mitchell speechless. The responsibility for this nuclear explosion in the Battle of Cairo was almost inevitable.

After all, someone had to take responsibility, and given all the circumstances, he knew he was the most likely victim.

I expected it to be no worse than this when there was a Class 7 monster, a Group Vampire. A basement below the ground awaits Commander Mitchell.

While Commander Mitchell was desperate on the World War Vehicle, Soohyuk, Choi Hye-soo and Park In-su were staring at the huge mushroom cloud from the nuclear explosion from a distance.

“The American kids are going to be a little bitter about this. ”

Park In-soo muttered with a smile on her face.

“It's not bad enough. There are three big losses for the United States……… First, we lost control of the African continent and second, we lost a lot of loot piled up in the Battle of Cairo colonies. Last but not least... the United States has lost faith in many knights for this. If we're going to fix this, even in America, it's going to be a real pain in the ass. ”

The control over the African continent may be difficult, but if we keep trying, we will eventually find it again, and the loot that was stored up in the Colony, unfortunately, we just have to think of it as catching a grade 7 monster and paying the price.

But losing the faith of the Knights was not easy to recover.

“Self-interest. Ever since the world changed, I knew I wasn't a cop anymore, but I still tried to be a cop. Now I think the United States has to be more wobbly. ”

Suhyuk nodded his head and agreed with Hye Ri.

“Well, we've got everything we need anyway, so we don't have a big problem with this expedition. But going back home was a bit annoying, but joining a horde of knights from another country that escaped the colony won't be a big deal. ”

The small numbers of knights were moving away from the Battle Colony in Cairo and toward the Mediterranean Sea, so running hard and joining them, everything was perfect.

The United States would want to know what happened in the colony before the explosion, but there was virtually no information they could find.

“What's the artifact, by the way? Did you get that from the queen bee? ”

“Yes, he was with me getting the queen bee's Manathon out. That was amazing.”

Choi Hye-Ri took out a large golden sphere several times larger than a mid-level Manastone and basketball from his four-dimensional storage and showed it to Su-hyuk.

“Wow, I got something I never really thought about. ”

“Here, you can have the artifact and Manastone. I talked to the acquisition, and frankly, it doesn't make sense to classify the draft bees as team loot until you've caught them yourself. ”

Hyeryun and the acquisition handed over to Soohyuk two items of great value.

“Ugh, why would I...? ”

“Just take it. It's not what we've been through. It's what you've been through. ”

I heard a word next to the acquisition. However, no matter how much I thought about Suhyuk, I didn't really think that both of them were getting flogged.

“Then I'll just take the artifact. Manastone is a team loot. I'll take the" Giant Sword "from the battle. How about this? ”

Soohyuk proposed the most reasonable distribution. At that moment, Choi Hye-Ri reached out for the acquisition.

“Khh... Damn, I lost again. ”

“Hohohoho, you said you would never beat me. ”

Acquisition of several Lesser Mana Stones to Choi Hyuk. This resulted in him winning 10 battles with Choi Hye-in.

“I told you you'd pick one of the two and take the Giant Sword instead, and the acquisition said you'd take the two and give me the Giant Sword. I made a small wager with this... But I won, too. ”

“Ah……. ”

Suhyuk couldn't understand why the two of them exchanged Manathon after hearing Hye Ri's explanation.

“Whatever makes you feel better. Then Manastone is added to the team loot…… Wow, this is how much loot we get! It really is the power of God Su-hyuk. ”

“Admit it. I'm not saying this because I don't have a commander, but I think Soohyuk is at least as good as the commander." ”

Park In-su raised her thumb and acknowledged Soohyuk.

Hye-Ri and Park In-su were able to clearly understand how great Soohyuk was at this expedition. Rather, they thought it was more surprising that this night had never been known.

Of course, they had no idea that Soohyuk was not a knight. They just thought that Soohyuk was a knight who knew how to use a variety of abilities similar to the Triple Master.

Especially since Soohyuk always fought alone, Park In-soo and Choi Hye-in only predicted that Soohyuk had extremely strong abilities for a number of enemies, and they didn't know exactly what he had.

Suhyuk, who heard the praise of the two of them, took a large golden sphere that Choi Hye-Ri gave with a shy expression and put it in the secret bag of the four dimensions. It wasn't urgent to check the artifact, so I was going to do it later.

“Come on, let's go again. We have to work hard to catch up with the Knights who escaped the Colony first. ”

Su-hyuk, who heard Choi Hye-Ri's words, boarded the bike arrow that he had set up next to him. And Choi Hye-Ri and the acquisition boarded a sports car.

The three men who started running towards the Mediterranean.

This concluded Raid Team Hell's African expedition, in fact, with tremendous success, as if it had failed externally.

< [60: 1] Another Artifact (1) > End


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