Raid Breaker

< [Chapter 65] The New Titan (1) >

@ New Titan.

All of Hel's members reach down to the ground and remain silent for a while. This one was a really tough one for everyone. In fact, waking up was a miracle, even though it was a difficult one.

“Captain, humanly, let's make the next grade 8 dungeon a little stronger. I feel like I'm on a bus that Su-hyuk is driving. Catching HYDRA feels good, but not like this. ”

Park In-soo looks down at the three broken swords and says bitterly. And the other members of Hell were definitely thinking the same thing.

This was not the feeling of envy of Suhyuk.

Purely feeling their lack and ashamed of it.

“Hey, I'm the best seller. His name is Hel's leader, and he only threw a door at me and helped me pick one... Honestly, I can't even tell you that I've caught a Grade 8 monster somewhere. ”

This was the truth of the ancient mountains.

Zhao Taisan didn't want to seriously reveal this raid. Of course, the ROK government was already aware of their challenges and could not hide Raid's success.

“It's not because of me that my brothers... If you're not good enough, you better grow it! Isn't that right?”

Suhyuk smiled and said with a cheerful smile.

“Son of a bitch. Even if it's because of him, I have to do one for the next raid. ”

“That's why I need you to be strong. ”

Park In-su and Je Gal-hoon also replied with a smile to Su-hyuk's jokes.

Obviously, this raid was a huge stimulus for Hel's members. It was also a very positive stimulus...... This stimulus could really help growth.

“Come on, let's wrap this up. And as everyone said, we all need time to grow up. So I'm not planning on attacking a Grade 8 dungeon for a while until we all do our part, like the acquisition said. ”

If it were a challenge, it meant that he was really lacking to say that the ancient mountain that was rising up in the middle of the night was enough.

“I'll take care of HYDRA's corpse with Hun, who's still got the energy. ”

Choi Hye-Ri once again climbed onto his Titan, Flame Eagle, and looked at Jaegal-hoon. Then Jae Gal-hoon boarded his Titan without a word.

If Suhyuk had cleaned up the dungeon and told me to clean up after him, I'd be done with HYDRA's body. In fact, it meant that this decommissioning operation was the last cleaning up.

Hell's Grade 8 Dungeon Attack.

The result was a ‘big success’.

* * * *

Suhyuk returned to Ilsan after finishing all of Hel's official schedules, naturally standing quietly looking at the silver letter. At this point, I knew it was best to just shut up and keep quiet.).

“Phew... I'm tired of nagging. Actually, it's not that much of a shock since you entered a grade 8 dungeon. ”

“Him, right? ”

Soohyuk opened his mouth a little softer than he thought.

“But! What is this, anyway? You can't recycle a single one of these. It's all rubbish. Even the sturdy adamantium shocked me, and I couldn't use it. You're a true Titan destroyer, no matter what. ”

“That title is secretly cool……. ”

“Not cool! ”

Eunuch frowned and hung up on Soohyuk.

“Anyway! I've been thinking, and I think you need a whole new Titan. ”

“A brand new Titan? ”

“Yes, I've analyzed all of Titan's battle logs that you've made of scrap metal…… You're clearly using Titan's powers more than when I first made you a Sun Blade. That's why even Sun Blade can't hold out much longer. So I've decided that you need a new Titan. ”

“With the new Titan...... are you talking about 3rd Generation Titan? Well, the third generation of Titan should be enough to survive this dungeon siege, so that shouldn't be too bad. ”

“No, not third-generation Titans. ”

“No? Then what is it? ”

“I'm going to make myself a 4.5th generation Titan. ”

“Huh... is that possible? ”

Suhyuk asked with a surprised expression.

“In fact, theoretically, we've already completed the Titan 4.5 generations ago. I didn't try to build it myself for a number of reasons... … but now I've changed my mind a lot and I think you can definitely control the 4.5th generation Titan I designed. ”

“Does that mean you can't control knights other than me? ”

“Probably not. No, we can make it as maneuverable as possible, and then we actually have to downgrade it to 4th generation Titan, not 4.5th generation Titan. ”

“Four-and-a-half generations... I can't thank you enough for that. By the way, it doesn't look like a common ingredient in your face. ”

“Yes, in fact, the biggest reason I haven't been able to make this Titan is because of the huge amount of materials that go into it to make this Titan Mana engine. ”

“Hey, I'm scared because you use the word 'massive’. ”

“But honestly, other than one, there's plenty you can do right now. ”

“Okay, well, let's start with the other one. ”

“Two intermediate Manatones, four intermediate Manatones, and ten intermediate Manatones. ”

“Ugh... I'm sure I can get it ready, but if I do, my secret storage will be looted." ”

“But if you hear the other one, you'll feel that these were nothing. ”

“No way…. ”

“That's what you'd expect." Greater Manathon "earned by our team in attacking this Grade 8 Dungeon. That's exactly what I need. ”

“Ugh… hey, that……. ”

The distribution of the dungeon attack has not yet been completed, but there is almost a 100% chance that it will not be as distributed as the 'Greater Manastone’ and remain Hel's asset.

But silver said that's exactly what it needed.

“I know how greedy it is to bring it. But it has to be there to make the 4.5th generation Titan that I designed. To be precise, you'll need a higher level of Manathon to make a Dual Core ManaEngine. In fact, I've been saying that Titan is the 4.5th generation, but there's no particular criterion over Titan in the 4th generation anyway, so you could just call it Titan the 5th generation. What's important here is that you need a dual-core Mana Engine to complete your own private gas. ”

“Hmm...... Are you sure you want to make it? ”

“Yourself? Of course I do! I am not confident in everything else, but I am confident in crafting Mado Engineered Goods no matter what. I told you that's my Night Soul. ”

Eunuch replied with a confident expression.

“Senior Manathon.... ”

After the silver letter appeared so confident, Soohyuk also seriously thought about making a new Titan. It was clear from the silver that standing on a sun-blade felt like I'd hit my limit.

So in fact, Suhyuk tried to get a decent Titan from the 3rd generation and ask the Silver Book to convert it again.

However, after hearing the letter's suggestion, all the thoughts about Titan, the third generation, were gone.

Instead, Suhyuk's mind was filled with thoughts about a new Titan, which could be the 4.5th or 5th generation.

‘Yes, let's talk about it. Even if it's hard, I don't have to lose anything, right? ’

Suhyuk thought that after thinking about it, he should talk to ancient mountains and Hyeri about Senior Manastone.

To be honest, it may have seemed like an excessive greed, but at least now it was too much to give up without saying anything about it.

“Hold on. I'll talk to him first. ”

“Yes, talk to me. In the meantime, I'll check the rest of the loot to get a quote. ”

“Got it.”

Suhyuk nodded and called Hye Ri directly first. Perhaps it was best to talk to Hyeri first.

Suhyuk was somewhat surprised that this decision had been made in just a few hours. To be honest, I expected a little, but I thought it would take at least a few days for the final decision to be made.

However, Soohyuk's predictions were well missed.

‘I ignored the indifference beyond the coolness of my team members. ’

Hye Ri immediately contacted the Mountain of the Ancients after hearing about Suhyuk's need for Senior Manastone, and he replied without a second's thought.

‘Take it and use it if you need to. Oh, but ask the other kids. ’

It was insensitive beyond coolness, but what was even more amusing was that the rest of Hell's members answered almost the same question, not just like this.

The only person who said something different was Jung Min-wook, but he only said that he wanted to buy me a drink later. After all, this series was completed in just two hours and Hye Ri brought Senior Manathon to Soohyuk as if she was waiting.

“This is exactly what you want to make Titan out of, right? ”

Hye gave Senior Manastone to Soohyuk and asked him with a knowledgeable look.

“Did the Eunuch say? ”

“No, I didn't. You don't have to listen to this much, but you can almost see it. ”

“Looks like the Sun Blade is at its limit. As long as the Eunuch is able to create a new Titan, I want to make one right this time. ”

“Yes, that's good thinking. Nothing is more important to Knight than Titan. Critically, Blade wasn't too violent for you. ”

Hye nodded and praised Soohyuk's decision.

“I might be in touch if I need anything else. ”

“Hehe, call all you want. I'm gonna help my team Ace build a dedicated gas station. ”

In Suhyuk's words, Hye Ri smiled and replied. She truly intended to support Suhyuk's creation of a new Titan.

“Thank you so much for saying that. And I'll be the first to contact you when we have a new Titan. ”

Soohyuk thanked her again and returned directly to Eun-suh.

Soon after Soohyuk returned, Eunhyuk immediately showed the quote he had organized. The quote contained an enormous amount of loot that was enough to make a gasp sound.

“Silver Book... I don't think it's enough to steal everything I have..." ”

“I'll fill you up with a little less. ”

Although the Silver Book sounds like a big box, Su-hyuk honestly wondered if it was right to build a new Titan even after investing so much.

By combining all the loot presented by the Silver Book now, I could make about 40 generations of Titan, famously expensive.

“Trust me, as always. Then you won't regret it. ”

Eunhyuk once again spoke very confidently, and Suhyuk eventually had to trust her again.

Yeah, well, I guess we'll just have to collect the loot, won't we? ’

Soohyuk nodded strongly with a face that he would no longer consider the decision.

Dedicated gas.

To do this, I could do a little too much investment.

< [Chapter 65] The New Titan (1) > Ends


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