Raid Breaker

< [Chapter 72] Enlightenment (2) >

* * * *

“Kang Soohyuk!”

It was also Soohyuk who blew up the Silver Book, which was obsessed with recording blades and didn't show any interest in the world.

Crowe's a mess.

What was important was that it hadn't been an hour since the Eunuch handed over its newly renovated Crow to Suhyuk.

Eunuch did not understand this situation.

I was so curious about how Soohyuk had ruined Crow so badly in less than an hour.

“Weren't you in the lab? When did you... go to the dungeon? No, I've been to some dungeon. Did this happen? ”

Since the Eunuch knew that Suhyuk had the ability to move from door to door, going to the dungeon in a short time did not seem very strange to him.

The problem was that they nearly destroyed Crowe for this short time.

“It was... it was the only way. I'm sorry... Did the Mana engine go off? Even in difficult situations, I tried to save Mana engine.... ”

Suhyuk continued to say he was sorry because he didn't have ten mouths to say anything, and carefully asked about ManaEngine.

“Haah, I really can't talk anymore. ”

The silver letter shakes its head and takes a closer look at Crowe's condition.

“…… I can barely save ManaEngine. If there was any more damage here, the core would have blown off. I switched everything to Managa, not Managa Circuit, so I stayed this long. Otherwise, I'd be looking at another chunk of scrap metal. ”

“Phew, that's a relief. ”

Suhyuk let out a sigh of relief only after hearing the words of silver.

“Good? Whoo-hoo! Only one Mana Engine, and that only saved Mana Engine so badly that it could be repaired. Everything else was smashed to pieces without just looking. And the golden goliath became a perfect lump of iron after two cavities…… Is this good? ”

“I just felt lucky that I was unhappy.... ”

In this situation, I looked at Eun-suhyuk with an expressionless apology because I was always right to bow my head.

“Grrrgh, how did I get involved with a Titan Destroyer like you...? I really resent him for this moment. ”

The silver letter felt like my head was tingling.

Soohyuk destroyed Crow, which had been completely renovated in an hour or almost 40 minutes.

If there was such a thing as the Titan Wrecking Competition, Soohyuk would definitely be the world champion, not the space champion.

“Eunuch. Is there anything you need? I'll get it right away. ”

“... Phew, I'll die before I get sick. ”

The letter shakes its head, looking at Soohyuk, who is constantly looking at him with an apologetic expression. Honestly, I was very angry this time, but when I saw Soohyuk who was truly sorry, I had no choice but to think that all this was his karma again.

“Perhaps I should set a clear goal. ”

“Huh? Goal? What goal?"

Suhyuk asked me with a curious look when Eun-suk told me that he would set a goal.

“Titan can overcome your destructive instincts! Creating it is my first goal from now on. ”

Eunuch spoke sincerely, not jokingly.

“I don't think it will be easy.... ”

Soohyuk knew his abilities better than anyone else. Especially ‘Asura's power’, such as Suhyuk's coverage, was a terrifying ability that no Titan could withstand.

“It's not easy, so I want to try it. Anyway, I've confirmed that fifth generation Titans can't stand it, so I'm going to have to make something bigger to live with. ”

The Silver Book's spirit of challenge has been properly lit.

“Yes, yes... I'd be grateful if I could make something for you. ”

Suhyuk had no reason to hesitate when the Eunuch said so.

“Crowe... I think we should wait at least a month. ”

The Mana Engine was miraculously guarded, but everything but it was a perfectly broken Crowe, so it took a long time to repair it.

“Okay, I'll wait. ”

Suhyuk nods quietly, who is guilty of sin. He should have thanked me just for fixing the silver letter.

While the Eunuch was repairing Crow, Soohyuk sat quietly in the room and cleared up the realization he had gained from the Awakening Tower.

The maximum power gained from the Awakening Tower was more than 200 million dimensions, not just mere power, but because they were part of a genuine upheaval (Karma) that had been piled up for a long time, the more delicious it was, the more I could remember.

His experience and feelings on the wall and the depth of his work... … various things passed through the mind of Soohyuk.

Of course, I couldn't get anything great because most of them were things that were swiftly passing by like a split second, but I liked to try to clear up the realization once like this.

Suhyuk sat meditating with his eyes closed for almost 10 hours. After 10 hours, Suhyuk slowly opened his eyes. He was able to meditate in a joyful way while meditating moderately on the realization.

“Damcheon...... I want to see you again next time I get a chance. ”

Not all of them, but did they receive a part of the enlightenment from the Great Wall? In Suhyuk's head, the various memories of Damcheon, who drank heavily, faded into his mind.

“Oh, by the way, I forgot about that whitewash... ”

Soohyuk, who was thinking about the top of the wall, remembered the gift he left him, Whitechoon. First, Suhyuk took out the White Cedar, which was in the Secret Bag of the Shrine, to find out what White Cedar is.

The whitewash was a bracelet, just like its name.

Just a white bracelet that looked ordinary...... But I also knew that it wasn't just a bracelet.

[Dimensional artifact]

"Duplicated gallstone white 37351;"

: A gift summoned to the Awakening Tower from the soul of a cloned gallstone left to Kang Hyung-hyuk, the opponent in a magnificent battle with himself. This is a cloned dimensional artifact, forcibly dropping one rank, but it is still a Hero grade dimensional artifact. It was less difficult to use than the original White Dragon Soul, because it did not contain the true power of White Dragon. Of course, the ‘power’ itself was difficult to compare with the original. It was basically a harmonic device, so the owner can change it to whatever shape he wants. However, it cannot be transformed into a form that surpasses the civilization level held by Whitechapen.

(Note: Because it cannot exist in the same dimension as the reconstructed Whitewater, the moment it enters the same dimension, the duplicated Whitewater vanishes.)

(Imprinting Skill: None.)

(Wearing Conditions: Precipitation Only)

“This is a shame. ”

Suhyuk, who had read all the explanations about the Hundred Thousand, felt sorry for him and applied some dimensional force to the Hundred Thousand.

Boom, Chae-yeon!

At that moment, Hundred Thousands turned into a single sword and were seized by Soohyuk. Suhyuk then applied dimensional force again to transform the White Cedar into another weapon.

Since there were so many uses of whitewash in the faint memory of the wall ceiling, Soohyuk transformed it more skillfully than he thought.

‘Obviously there is no White Dragon soul, so you can use it much more comfortably than the real White Dragon. ’

The reconstructed whitewash had to be precisely 5: 5 to awaken the soul of the White Dragon and express it willingly, but the reconstructed whitewash could be used as much as it wanted just by injecting energy.

Even though it was easy to use, it was copied, not the original, and it took me a while to realize that the power was lower than the original. But it was so much better than nothing.

“You can't transform it with a rifle anyway, so you can use it lightly in melee combat. ”

Soohyuk nodded lightly while making the white cloth back into a bracelet. Soohyuk, who organized all these dimensional artifacts, checked his dimensional power.

‘[341,099,004/638,647,116]... If I get one more realization in the Awakening Tower, I can level up. ’

Suhyuk desperately understood how difficult the Awakening Tower was by fighting against the Great Wall. Nevertheless, he thought about challenging the Awakening Tower again.

I had to... I didn't have a problem losing, but the reward for winning was too great.

Maximum dimensional force of over 200 million.

This was a tremendous amount you could only get by clearing a Grade 7 dungeon without rest for a year.

I was able to get it from one position, so I had no choice but to lean toward the Awakening Tower rather than the dungeon.

“Let's wait quietly until the silver letter fixes Crowe. ”

One month until Crowe's repairs are done.

During that month, Suhyuk was going to prepare to enter the next Awakening Tower by clearing a grade 6-7 dungeon.

* * * *

“Wouldn't it be dangerous? ”

He once again asked as if one of China's representative knights, one of the Chillions of the Black Gorge, was the leader of the Black Gorge and the real Black Gorge.

“Where's a harmless dungeon attack? Of course it's dangerous…… but it's always a challenge to be the best in the world. To be honest, we were recently ignored by the trivial Korean Knights because we haven't been doing too well. ”

“Mmmm... ”

The man's words make a slight frown. Korean Knights. When Raid Team Hell ignored their warnings and cheered them on, I really wanted to send elite knights to Korea right away to overthrow them.

But I couldn't do it for a number of reasons, and it soon came to me with tremendous stress.

“You have to achieve that if you want to capture and press those puppies. In that sense, this ninth grade dungeon challenge is going to be a huge opportunity. Now that the Grade 9 Dimensional Gate has been discovered in the Four Thousand region...... If you hesitate, you will be taken back to the top of the world by other Knights. ”

“The best in the world……. ”

Jinjiak has worked very hard to make the Black Gorge the best knights in the world. But the best seats in the world were not as easy to get as I thought.

“The one who rests can't grasp the world. All right, let's get to work on that plan. However, increase the preparation time. Even if we have the best explorers, three months is too short. Extend your preparation time to 6 months, or even 9 months, and be thorough in your search and preparation. And spare the 4th generation Titan we've been talking about and pay off all the elite knights. ”

Jingim nods and gives the order.

The challenge of attacking a grade 9 dungeon, which I thought was a little early.... However, the situation has changed so quickly these days, so if I hesitated here, I could easily fall behind.

So he chose the challenge, knowing it was dangerous.

The bold choice of euphemism seems to be known only until we see more of the consequences of this.

< [72] Enlightenment (2) > End


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