Raid Breaker

< [Chapter 75] Soderby Underground Auction (2) >

Soohyuk felt better because it seemed like he had obtained the internal seafood dimensional artifact cheaper than I thought. Others, of course, said, "What could a low-efficiency, in-water dimensional artifact be so expensive? ’But this was only a natural difference because they were different from each other.

After obtaining a medium-sized artifact, Soohyuk was able to keep studying the auction calmly.

After the internal aquatic dimensional artifact, for another time, there were no items that could interest Suhyuk. As the auctions passed, the 74th item came up.

[This is something that was talked about among some collectors. The starting price for this dimensional artifact, known to experts as the 'Dimension Book', is $10 million.]

An unknown book...... The reason it was called this was because the memorandum clearly could not decipher the letters written in the memorandum.

Over the years, many linguists have analyzed this book, but it was so new that not a single letter could be interpreted.

It was true that many people expected the energy felt so great in the ancient books. In fact, some even said that humanity would be able to escape the current crisis if we could find out what was in this book.

But no one has read this old book.

Linguists and numerous dimensional artifacts experts tried to stick together, but they couldn't decipher a single word. Even Knight, who had the ability to decipher language, had no results.

The situation seemed to be getting further and further away from people's attention, and eventually it came to Soderby's underground auction.

Is it because it's so popular?

The Dimensional Book was the least popular item in the auction today. A few people just bid on curiosity.

- Sir, I suggest you bid on that.

What is that? ’

- This is a dimensional artifact containing the skill core, which is easy for the owner to understand.

"Huh, did something like that happen? ’

- Yes, once you've placed your bid, I'll explain more.

‘Okay, got it. ’

Soohyuk nodded and quickly bid the top bidder.

As Suhyuk bids, the first two bidders abandoned their bids without any higher bidding. In the end, Suhyuk was able to get the dimensional manuscript at a very cheap price of $13 million.

- A Dimensional Scroll is an object called a Skill Book in the Great World. This is as rare as an Endurance Dimensional Artifact... … but I have to read the contents of the book once to use it.

I can't do that, can I? ’

- No, you can do it. I have a grade 8 multidimensional language ability, so you can read as much as you want through me.

Jan, a transcendental self, has gained tremendously through several upgrades and increased her language proficiency. With her grade 8 multidimensional language proficiency, she was virtually free to speak almost any level of language. With the exception of a few very special languages commonly called transcendence, all dimensions of language were within Yann's jurisdiction.

‘Oh, good. Good.'

At Yan's words, Suhyuk nods and laughs in a cheerful manner.

However, when the 75th auction item came up, Soohyuk felt even better. Because... … the dimensional manuscript that was uploaded to the auction today was not one, but two.

Suhyuk bought the second volume for 16 million dollars. The world's top players participating in the underground auction are cheap (?) Based on 41 (auction number of Suhyuk) buying only goods, it was expected to be a shortage of bullets.

However, Soohyuk was very satisfied with the three items he bought, no matter what others said.

In the meantime, the auction continued. Now, three generations of Titans, mainly made for personal use, are coming up, and the prices of Titans are enormous.

Auction prices starting at least $200 million continue to exceed $500 million. Titans traded between approximately $500 million and $800 million.

Suhyuk could see what a great gas he had and what a great mado engineer it was.

As the Titans continue, the real highlights of the auction begin to rise today, finally entering 90th place.

Ninety-one through ninety-five were all senior Manathons.

Of course, Suhyuk was not interested at all because he already had two senior Manathons.

Greater Manastone traded at a $1 billion level that was slightly more expensive than third-generation Titans. Seeing the extremely small quantity, I had to sell it at a higher price.

Manathon could have been slightly different in size and purity, with Manathon's most expensive auction winning bid at US $1.9 billion.

So far all auctions have been completed up to 95 times.

This VVIP underground auction was exactly the fifth VVIP underground auction, but it was larger than any other auction so far.

The winning price of auctions sold so far has more than doubled that of last year's VVIP underground auction.

However, the biggest reason this underground auction has focused so much attention is not the 95 items sold so far.

Last six auctions.

Three objects rated as non-priceable by DM.

Of course, it was not rated because it was just an expensive item.

Once published at the same time up to 96-98, they were all Titans.

Three centuries of Titan! It's not just Titan, it's fourth generation Titan! It was the perfect fourth generation Titan, after all the bellancing.

In fact, it's been about two years since the fourth generation of Titan was created, but it's hard to use it in practice because it hasn't been properly bellows.

However, these fourth-generation Titans, which were unveiled in the underground auction, could be put into action at any moment, because everything was perfect.

Of course, when three 4th generation Titans were released to the auction house at the same time, the numbers started blazing.

The underground auction house really burned down, and eventually, the third generation of Titan was sold for a tremendous price of $79 billion.

At this rate, it seemed to be a minimum Knight or Country bid, rather than an individual bid.

Of course, Suhyuk just watched. Instead, Suhyuk stares at the price of going up, and he says, "How much is Crow?" ’I thought.

‘Really... I should be good at silver. ’

Suhyuk once again desperately felt the gratitude of the silver letter.

I was sure I wouldn't have been so confident without her, so it was right for the other person to be unconditionally good at silver.

After three centuries of Titans have won and disappeared, only the last three waters remain.

‘From now on, it's real. ’

Soohyuk smiled and focused on the monitor.

The last three items, or whatever else, were previously disclosed to all VVIPs, so everyone here knew exactly what was coming.

Soohyuk was targeting one of them.

In fact, the main reason Suhyuk came here was to get it.

The 99th published auction item was a very large shield-shaped dimensional artifact. This shield looked too big for anyone to lift, but it seemed suitable for Titan. It was a dimensional artifact called aegis.

This was more powerful than any shield dimensional artifact known to date, and the artifact grade was' S ’.

Ordinarily, the dimensional artifacts of class S were essentially rarely traded. If I had to put a price on it, I would have to pay at least 10 billion dollars to talk about it.

However, Suhyuk was not interested in this.

Suhyuk was running low on ammo to buy this, which I'm sure will go up in price to the government, and the shield was not Suhyuk's preferred weapon anyway.

Aegis eventually won an enormous bid of 25 billion dollars for an unidentified figure, or power, after an enormous competition.

The auction, which was tied with Aegis, then reached its peak in the published 'Shin Sword'.

The mythical woman, like Aegis, was a Class S dimensional artifact. However, the reason it attracted more attention than Aegis was that its power was enormous, but it was resized by itself, so it could be made into a small sword of about 20cm (Less) and then up to 5m (Large) Dagger. Titan and Knight could have used it on their own, given the scale.

The popularity of the 'Shin Sword Woman’ was beyond imagining, because the power it had, of course, was also powerful.

After being more stringy than when Aegis won a somewhat crazy bid of 57 billion dollars.

Suhyuk, who was watching the auction, could feel that the value of the dimensional artifacts was much greater than he thought.

Of course, Suhyuk was also interested in the same case as the female Shin Sword. However, Suhyuk, who possessed a fraudulent technique called miniaturization, did not need a sword that much.

Especially not enough to pay 57 billion dollars in bulk.

‘The next item shouldn't compete like this.... ’

Suhyuk thought that there would be no great competition due to the nature of the following items, but it seemed like this atmosphere would become embarrassing if the competition continued.

After all, 100 new swords have ended the auction.

When the 100 auctions were over, the auctioneer cleared the atmosphere by saying a few light jokes and lowering the overheated heat.

[Now there is only the last 101 auctions left in the grand auction. In fact, there were only 100 auctions that we had originally planned. The damage was the end of a new sword woman who had just won an enormous price. But...... we just received a very interesting request from you. So we ended up with 101 items in the auction.]

After the atmosphere had subsided, the facilitator calmly began to talk about the final auction item.

[This has long been known to many people. In fact, for those of you who are here, you might have been interested in this for once. But... you know how exhausting it is with him.]

With the facilitator's words, the actual auction item begins to appear in the middle of the auction house.

[The last 101 auctions are…… one of humanity's long-standing homework, the Eternal Cube.]

The Eternal Cube.

It was humanity's first dimensional artifact when it opened its doors in the United States.

Precisely when the 'Dimensional Gate Project’ of the United States coincidentally opened a large, seven-dimensional door with an accidental success.

At least not this Eternal Cube, no object has ever protruded from the dimensional door before.

The only dimensional artifact obtained from a non-dimensional monster.

So it had to be more special. It was a black mass that was only the head of an adult shaped like a cube.

[Humanity's first dimensional artifact. However, unlike other dimensional artifacts, the object could never be unsealed. Things that not only feel no energy, but also absorb Mana indefinitely. There's been a lot of research so far, but it's not as secret as fingernails.]

As the facilitator said, the Eternal Cube was humanity's first dimensional artifact, but at the same time, it was the only dimensional artifact that mankind could not unseal.

The two skill books that Soohyuk bought were sealed, but if he didn't use them because he didn't know how to use them, he couldn't even unseal them.

That's why it was also a dimensional artifact that was treated more specifically.

This was rated ‘0 (Zero)’. It literally meant I didn't know anything.

[There may be no value at all in some ways, but in some ways, it may be worth a lot of money. So let's start the auction. The initial auction price is 0 won.]

The auctioneer started with the facilitator's words. Of course, everyone here knew how useless the Eternal Cube was.

This was not a "unscratched lottery." It was an unscratchable lottery. The best Mado Engineering researchers in the world have been trying for 20 years and have found nothing.

It was more than 99% likely that nothing would be found in the future.

Nevertheless, people participated in the auction once.

I knew it was useless, but it was symbolic, so I wanted to buy it at a reasonable price.

I didn't know how it got here to the Underground Auction House, but it was a good thing to buy it for a really cool decoration at the right price.

But Soohyuk was different.

He was the only one who thought about using it when others were accessing it with symbols and ornaments.

Jan, right? ’

- Yeah, I'm sure.

Yan said he couldn't be sure with images alone. But now I was 100% sure of what I saw. Jan discovered the true identity of the Eternal Cube using a lot of dimensional power.

As soon as Suhyuk heard the information from Yan, he realized that it must be taken.

The price of the auction, which started at 0 won, had just become $100 million. The price had gone up too much just to think of it as an ornament, but it was still going up.

Of course, Suhyuk also tendered. However, every time Suhyuk placed the top bid, an auction number followed.

‘No. 1’ Continuously Flaming.

Eventually, the price of the Eternal Cube went up to $500 million.

‘It's following me like crazy. ’

Suhyuk filled in $700 million in one punch with an annoying expression.

Seven hundred million dollars was the limit that Soohyuk could currently use. Of course, if I could keep up with this, I would definitely bid on the top of all the Manatones I have in my hand.

Soohyuk is anxiously waiting for results.

You think raising 200 million dollars at a time worked? This time, ‘No. 1’ did not follow.

In the end, Suhyuk got the Eternal Cube.

No, the Eternal Cube was just a pseudonym given by the researchers, and its real name was different.

That is…….

< [Chapter 75] Soderby Underground Auction (2) > End


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