Raid Breaker

< [Chapter 79] High Speed Growth (2) >

Over two months, Suhyuk had successfully rescued four Grade 7 Dungeons purchased by Yeon Kyu and two Grade 8 Dungeons from Thailand and Vietnam.

As a result, Suhyuk gained approximately 220 million dimensional power. You can now level up another dimension by going through the challenge once more in the tower of Awakening.

With enough Mana Stones, you can challenge the Awakening Tower more than once and twice.

When he was ready, Soohyuk entered the Awakening Tower without hesitation.

hesitation did not match Soohyuk in the first place. Suhyuk strikes fiercely towards his own level 51. He runs hard as if the brakes had failed.


Soohyuk entered the Awakening Tower and felt something strange. The energy was so intense that it could not be compared to the energy I felt when I was on the wall and Umbra.

At the same time, the rain of red flames was falling from the sky.

“What is this……. ”

Soohyuk quickly boarded the Crow and prepared for battle.

Kuku ku Kung.

This is where volcanoes erupt and lava spills out...

The one who was waiting for Suhyuk here was a big red dragon that was burning hot.

- One of the great Fire Spirits of the 4th Spirit, Fire Dragon.

“Dragon? Dragon? ”

- It's a little mixed with dragon blood, but it's not very meaningful. The mysterious creature formerly created by the Ancient Red Dragon and Fire Spirit King while enjoying the joys has become a kind of Supreme Spirit over the years, and that is how it was born.

“So you're not a dragon? ”

- Not exactly a mercenary.

“Isn't that a relief? You said the Dragon Warriors were a people who would be transcendent if they just breathed and lived long enough. ”

When Soohyuk reached level 45, Yan told Soohyuk about the transcendent.

At that time, Jan was the one who transcended the truth of the world to Suhyuk..... That is, to distinguish the transcendents from the truth of the world, Jan was the one who transcended the truth of the world by being enlightened through the ‘transcendent of the pure blood' and the effort to cut the bones. ’And finally, it takes a little time, but when the time comes, it is divided into' Transcenders of Sexual Blood, 'which will naturally transcend the truth of the world.

Then the dragons explained, for example.

The dragons were the typical "transvestites" in the great dimension. Suhyuk was clearly aware that the dragons were scary because he was so impressed by what he had heard.

- He's not a mercenary, but he's never an easy opponent. I just don't quite understand why it appeared on the first floor of the Awakening Tower. Fire Dragons are actually powerful enough to be transcendent.

“What? To be a transcendent? Does that mean it's huge? ”

- No matter how much I think about it, there's something. This is just an expectation, but... maybe it's not a normal Flame Dragon. If they were normal, they would meet on the second floor, not on the first floor.

Jan expects the Flame Dragon to be abnormal. But even so, the Flame Dragon was a Flame Dragon.

“Okay, assuming there's a problem... Can you defeat him?" ”

- Once your main attack is complete, it will hardly work this time. Fireflies are more powerful than Umbras…… so if you want to hit them properly, you need to attack them with a polar attribute or a very powerful zero-type attack.

“Damn…… I've got a lot of attacks close to the Flame attributes to my ability, Valence……. ”

- That's why it's going to be more difficult.

The user hits the target with a second strike, and the target doesn't seem to like it very much. At this rate, no matter what the problem was with the Fire Dragon, it was difficult to deal with.

“Since when have you only dealt with easy opponents...? You have to beat this! ”

Recently, Suhyuk looked at the dimensional force so easily, and I thought that something was a little loose. Therefore, a powerful opponent in the Awakening Tower could be fortunate for this timing. If this situation had happened in the dungeon, it could have been very challenging for Soohyuk.

“Even if we don't have good common sense, we can learn his skill patterns... Let's deal with him from a distance. ”

Huff, puff.

Crowe holds two hyperflames in both hands.

Fighting Fireworks is not easy.... But Soohyuk was still going to beat it.

* * * *

The Awakening Tower bounces out 24 hours after its entry. That's why time was so important in the Awakening Tower.

Soohyuk spent 16 hours before searching for this important time. Soohyuk was able to figure out two very important facts: shooting demons at them from a distance and constantly looking at them.

First and foremost, it was why the Fire Dragon appeared on the first floor, not on the second floor of the Awakening Tower. The reason was simpler than I thought.

Yan's expectations were that the Flame Dragon was not normal. Huanglongs were supremely intelligent and highly prestigious like the Supreme Spirit. However, the flamethrowers here were very excited as if they were possessed by something.

Jan said that the Fire Dragon was under some powerful "curse" or was mentally "forbidden."

However, for this reason, Huanglongs only acted on instinct, not rational judgment. Flitting according to instinct also meant that it was easier to read the pattern.

After 16 hours of effort, Suhyuk read his pattern. And the second important thing we learned in the process was this:

In fact, all of Suhyuk's ranged attacks are completely blocked because the immense heat radiated from his body was powerful enough to instantly melt the demons Suhyuk shot.

Even Crowe couldn't get close because the heat was so hot. In this way, Suhyuk couldn't even attack the Fire Dragon properly. In addition, Suhyuk was distracted because he constantly summoned the lower flame spirit Lizard and sent it to Suhyuk.

Since the Fire Dragon didn't make the right decision and only faced an attack, he was able to withstand this much. If the Fire Dragon fought hard enough, he would not have lasted more than 16 hours, but an hour.

“Not enough... I can never beat him now. ”

Soohyuk recognized the reality correctly. As Yan said, the Flame Dragon was strong. It wasn't just strong, it was really, really strong.

- Once we keep expanding like this and bounce off the tower, why don't we get ready outside and try again?

Jan proposed the most realistic response.

“That would be best. By the way... If we prepare enough, can we defeat that monster? All I can think of now is finding an attack skill that has a polarity with him...... I don't think that's enough. ”

As the dimensional level rose, Suhyuk had his own senses, but now he was saying that he lacked them.

- So what should we do?

“Well, for now, we have to hold out and get all the information we can. But to be honest, it's not easy to hold on. ”

While Soohyuk was grumbling, he swung his sword at the fire lizard that was constantly rising from the ground.


The three lizards that the daemon slayer searched through explode simultaneously. The lizard was roughly a grade 4 monster compared to the dimensional monster.

Of course, they were no threat to Suhyuk. It was just hard to get rid of them because there were so many simultaneous numbers and they kept sticking together.

‘The first thing to solve to defeat the Fire Dragon is how to withstand the massive Heat Qi. And number two, these guys are constantly being created. ’

Soohyuk began to check his mind one by one for the needs of the Fire Dragon Raid. It was only until I knew exactly what I needed to prepare for it.

‘The third will be a means to do proper damage to the Fire Dragon……. ’

- The fourth one seems to have maximized heat resistance. Even if you don't do much damage, it's a shame to give up your main skill, Ranged Attack, completely.

‘Yes, you're right. ’

Suhyuk nodded and agreed with Yan.

It was also very important to find a way to use it, as both ranged and ranged attacks were not inevitably ineffective.


Suhyuk continued to move Crow to prevent the fire. The flamethrowers continue to unleash mad attacks, burning everything to the ground.

‘And the fifth thing we need to do is figure out how to break the pattern of that crazy one-sided attack. ’

Usually, an enemy that pours out this kind of attack can be dealt with moderately, dragging time and eventually exhausting the attack before taking it down lightly.

However, the 24-hour time limit on the Awakening Tower has made this most common and definite tactic unavailable.

The tower builder didn't mean for this to happen, but his biggest weakness disappeared while he was dozing off. We haven't confirmed the accuracy yet, but it looks like the Fire Dragon will be able to continue its attack for about 24 hours.

Now, I have about eight more hours to figure out if he can keep launching attacks for the real 24 hours. If only he could keep pouring attacks like this for 24 hours…… it would be even more unstoppable to defeat the real one.


Suhyuk quickly swung the daemon slayer on both sides and turned five lizards into a handful of spark dust in the air.

“First... let's hold out for 24 hours. ”

Eventually, he had to wait another eight hours to find out the most important information.

Soohyuk lasted eight hours.

And thanks to that, I was able to find out one very important fact.

The time limit for a Fireworks frenzy.

I figured it out.

‘23 hours 30 minutes……. Shit, so I only have the last 30 minutes to fight the Dragon Warrior? ’

Soohyuk bounces out of the Awakening Tower, shaking his head with a bitter smile.

The problem was that even though the rampage was over and the crazy-ass attack was escalating, Firedragons were still strong. Especially since Suhyuk had no choice but to stay for 23 hours and 30 minutes, it was hard to do something for the last 30 minutes.

Suhyuk was prepared to use the ‘power of Azura’, as he always was in the last moments...... Even if he used the power of Azura, he couldn't defeat them, so he had to give up.

“Will I see the battle through the crazy-ass attack...... or will I see the battle in the last 30 minutes after I've endured it all... Phew, it won't be easy choosing either way." ”

- I think it's best to prepare in both cases.

“Of course. First of all... we'll have to fix Crowe's heat-resistant capabilities and ask him to make more heat resistant tants, too, right?" And I need to find a skill to get eaten by him... Wow, there's so much work to do. ”

- I don't think we can try again for a while.

“The first opponent and the second opponent were much easier to see than I thought. They were too soft on the Awakening Tower. ”

-High clear difficulty of the original Awakening Tower is also known in the Great World. This is perfectly normal.

“Rather, I was lucky in the beginning. ”

The bomber stops.

It was also forced by external factors... ….

And it seemed like the Server Lin train would need no less time to run again.

< [Chapter 79] High Speed Growth (2) > Ends


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